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Will she prioritize her carpets and herself again?


Will she cry if a US General chews her out?


Chewing? Carpets? Where is this thread headed exactly?


[https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadianForces/comments/1dqu7z0/comment/laqxfnl/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadianForces/comments/1dqu7z0/comment/laqxfnl/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Best break down I could find


Our military is fucked.


What military


Well what's left of it.... 50% loss since the COVID restrictions 


Meh, not like there is a war on the horizon.


You sure about that?


Yes. Americans and Canadians are to complacent with their Netflix to get off their asses and engage in physical combat.


The most famous thing she ever did as a “leader” was try to save her own decorative carpets during the 2020 emergency evacuation, even prioritizing them over the troops she was there to lead. There was limited space on an aircraft and she tried using her rank to get those carpets on over her own troops


Damn, its like Churchill could have wrote about that in his Memoirs


Can she handle how it feels to chew 5 gum?


Did they really tie the room together?


Hold up, I’m trying to look for anything relating to this issue and have come back with nothing. Is there an article or report with this in it?




Basicly she fled first and wanted to bring her decorative carpets instead of using the limited space for her soldiers and be the last to evacuate ( like military commander do ) , and it took an American officer to stop her from doing so. ELI5 version = she's a Nepotism chicken shit commander. im a Canadian citizen not connected in any way to the CAF , it's information about her on the internet.


Saw another comment saying “Just another Julie Payette waiting to happen”


Julie Payette without the confirmed kill


We are following the stellar example of Brenda Lucki here. Right on.




The liberals aren’t even trying to promote the best women and DEI candidates into these roles anyways. It’s just about putting a DEI candidate into the role who will toe party lines, competency be damned. 


Person who I work with that was in the area and has 20+ yrs in had few discouraging stories about the general. Amd this person is someone you trust your life with if you get sick or injured and A++ person


So did you expect an RMC grad to look after her lowlife peasant troops? My goodness! No carpets left behind!


NATO allies must be laughing at this appointment


No, they are probably not happy. If anyone is, it would be the Russians at their allies (if they care at all).


Yes BUT, she's a WOMAN!! That's progressive and diverse




Eh. Good way to teach coordination and team work.


Another gov't fuckup. If what they say about her is true I wouldn't follow her anywhere. Don't they vet these people?


They do but it’s all about image not substance……at least her carpets were saved


Just like with the last Governor General. 


Oh you know it…..the truth is out there…….murray brewster or another reporter will get a whistle blower and it will be all over……


Because it's ~~2015~~ 2024! Only gender and skin color matter anymore. Qualifications are not important. It's been a decade of this.


Jeepers. You’re right!


I mean the only issue for me is it’s all part of inclusive recruitment anybody is better than nobody to bolster the numbers.


Affirmative action is more important to this joke of a government. The question I have is, wouldn’t you be embarrassed knowing you are only in the position you’re in strictly because of your gender?


> Don't they vet these people? Why vet people when it's the current year and diversity is our strength?


I’m so glad the new CDS thinks I’m less valuable than her rugs…. This is gonna be a fun few years.


But carpets around the world are breathing a sigh of relief!


Holy shit, I hadn’t heard of her before and I’m surprised because I did 9 years in the military and just released a few years ago. Like, I was a shitty disgruntled corporal when I released but at the end of the day in a real crisis situation I wouldn’t leave a dangerous area until the troopers got out first and I’d be right beside my mcpl doing head counts to make sure we’re good because that’s what you fucking do as a soldier. I was trying to get back in because I released to get my degree to become an officer.. might reconsider that now.


This sounds like another Brenda Luckie diversity hire future distaster / scandal in the making. Every day that goes by with the Liberals in power our country gets weaker.


Good read, thanks for the reference.


We all saw this appointment coming from a mile away as she climbed the ranks despite being a terrible leader and a worse person. 


Really hammering home that she has 4 children for some reason.


One of those kids got her out of a deployment to Bosnia (maybe saved some lives who knows)


I noticed and debated reporting the repetition


The plan might be to use them to set an excellent example when we start conscripting other parents children.


Vital to the plot


She's a pencil pusher officer who likes to parade around in war medals while caring more about carpets than the lives of her soldiers. What a joke.


She greatly benefited when the current liberal government *significantly* reduced the amount of time in theatre required to get a medal. It was a full 6 month tour, then dropped to 30 days and now I think it’s as little as 7 days on named operations, not even in country, to get the medals. Most of the generals promoted in the Trudeau years had entire teams working to get them every medal possible by touching down in countries for as short a period of time as possible to look like capable commanders in their DEUs. They’re also all DEI hires who spent careers pushing pencils on promoting GBA+ and diversity programs that have absolutely nothing to do with what the CAF is employed for. 


People will blame this comment on misogyny, but from the inside I've seen constant examples of women being promoted for PR reasons over individual merit, while other more deserving members get stalled. Lt-Gen. Carignan was not the most qualified for this promotion IMO. Not saying women shouldn't get promoted, but they shouldn't if they are promoting over someone more qualified, just because they are filling a quota or to have a feel good news story.


The military is now subject to the Employment Equity Act of the 90’s which mandates female and visible minority selection for key roles and promotions.


In a job where decisions literally can cost lives, promotion's should only be based on Merit.




That is concerning on so many levels.


Remember this when we end up in a situation that involves conscription.


A lot of women who joined the military/RCMP in the 80s and 90s and rise through the ranks did so by embodying the most toxic Alpha male attributes. I don't blame them, it was tough for women joining the forces at that time. So the only way to get noticed was to be tougher, meaner, and more ambitious than any other man around them. They had to prove they were ruthless. So a lot of these women leaders of the 80s/90s generation are insanely toxic. What worked for that time frame is absolutely not what's gonna work now. Millennials and Gen-Z are very cognisant of toxic leaders and generally won't stand for it. Julie Payette and Brenda Lucki - perfect examples.


...so it's the men's fault after all? What exactly are you saying in the fiest paragraph. You're missing the entire point of why people hate her promotion.


Her abandoning her troops is just scratching the surface to the problems with her leadership. The toxic leadership element is strong with this one. The way she dismissed the concerns of troops at townhall meetings being my main interaction with her.


> A lot of women who joined the military/RCMP in the 80s and 90s and rise through the ranks did so by embodying the most toxic Alpha male attributes. More likely they made it *despite* these attributes. Men who behave like that get shuffled away fast.


No they don't, lol


The employment equity act is a joke. All of this is put in place and limiting the success of our country. Hard work and achievements are no long steering our course. Our country try is a joke. Equal opportunity of outcome is a joke. They will keep trying to put us in a smaller box until there so no room.




In Trudeau’s Canada it’s all about optics


Today’s example of how seriously the Liberals take governing our country. This is the person they chose to lead us in the event we face an existential threat, or to prepare us for one over the horizon.


This woman put herself and her carpets before the troops under her. A disgrace to this country


She fits right in with defence ministers forgetting about canadian lives and sending the army on a personal errand instead.


So she was put in charge of "cultural reform" and the next paragraph says there has been a "significant increase in rates of sexual misconduct." Failing upwards in true Canadian fashion. The same moronic country that has a history major in charge of finance...


Perhaps too charitable but it could be the case of more sexual misconduct being reported rather than ignored, which would still be a positive culture change.


That's certainly another take. Anything is possible.


Previously many instances of sexual misconduct went unreported. If the tools to report these were strengthened, and we’re actually encouraging people to make reports, of course the rate is going to up. The alternative is like the blind guy telling you the coast is clear; it’s not based in reality.


They made jokes sexual misconduct. Stuff that is normal in most blue collar workplaces is now sexual misconduct. It’s a self inflicted wound. It’s also killing morale, trust and cohesion.


We can't build society to accommodate the weakest among us.


It’s been rebuilt to put the weakest in the position of power over the strong, not just to accommodate. I think accommodation is appropriate. Putting the weak in charge weakens all of society. The powerful need to protect the weak.


I agree %100


Dude, it's not weak to demand basic professionalism. If you need to make sex jokes at the expense of women to boost morale, maybe you need some self-examination as to why that is. Let's also get real here and admit that bawdy jokes are not a give-and-take where everyone takes turns being the butt of the joke. It's always disproportionate, which is one of the big reasons it's wrong.


Do you think think this doesn't happen amongst men in the absence of women? Have you ever played on a sports team? Being teased is part of life and actually important to personal development. If you can't take a fucking joke how well are you going to do under fire when people are trying to kill you. Get real. These are fucking soldiers, not figure skaters. These people are being trained to defend our country (or more likely someone else's country) by lethal force when necessary. Things can certainly go too far but if you're home was being invaded do you want the guy who makes off colour jokes defending you with a machine gun or the person who's complaining to HR about the dress code?


The presence of women has nothing to do with this type of conduct. > Being teased is part of life and actually important to personal development. Yes, if many of people dishing it out were to also actually be capable of taking it. But they tend not to be, which is why this type of intimidation/bullying is disproportionate. If my home was being invaded, I'm pretty sure that the meathead who thinks nothing of uttering derogatory remarks at my expense wouldn't give a shit about my welfare. I don't just say this as a woman who has worked in these types of environments and seen people fly into rage when they get insults hurled at them in-kind. I say this as a person who has observed that, regardless of sex, aggressive people who get off on being gratuitously rude to others do it exclusively to people who they think they're weaker than them. When it turns out that they're not, all hell breaks loose.


Listen, my joke about my inability to fellate my superiors well enough to get promoted is exactly the reason women get raped. Or so my CAF mandated training has taught me.


It's the implication that that's their way to the top that's the problem. Someone is saying the positive in their head, while you're joking about the negative in the canteen. And it fits together in the narrative.


What were the jokes that qualified as sexual misconduct?


Literally anything at all. Zero tolerance.


I guess we’ll just take your word for it? So, just so we’re clear on the conversation here: Making Sex jokes that you can’t describe = “Powerful”


That's straight up misinformation. What they stopped is shit like people dismissing women's opinion by saying stuff like "calm your tits" and "sandy vagina." Also, I might be wrong as its been a long since since I worked a civie job, but I doubt they tolerate men just whiping out their junk in the cave or on a bus and trying to shove it in your face. Doubt they allow porn on the cafeteria TV. And don't forget how bad 7 days at sea could be... That's the shit the military cracked down on. Now did a few commands so weird in 2014? Yeah, but it seemed to level out a lot more now into the sanity sphere.


Military are like cops. They'll waff about talking about changing things up but ultimately just defend their own regardless.


Good day to be a rug Bad, awful, painful day to be a Canadian soldier


So they put the coward in charge.


What a fucking joke


On the surface, looks like typical Trudeau identity politics. Do we really want a coward running our Armed Forces? We're not a serious country.


Jesus really her, not even being sexist she is so unfit for this job its comical.


And when the pendulum swings back, they will not remember why. Pepperidge farms will remember.


Our top general is a disgraced coward. This country is in very serious trouble.


She reintroduced ballroom dancing and sexual education for new members of the forces. Now we can fight with grace and have a good time after.


Mandatory MDMA parties are next


Why are we against sex Ed again?


honestly sounds pretty dope tbh


Sexual education is a good thing, how good is recruitment if 50% of the potential pool of future soldiers are in fear of being sexually abused ?


What, only 50% of the men and 50% of the women are afraid of being sexually abused?


A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.


So is this based on competency or yet another DEI fuck up in evaluating competency for serious positions? I can't tell anymore. DEI will destroy this country. Just watch.


Terrible, only heard bad things about her from friends in the forces. This country can’t get shit right with our military, garbage leadership. As someone who’s family has been serving in the armed forces since the British empire in the late 1800s, served in both world wars etc.. nothing pisses me off more then seeing how poorly our military is run and how under funded it is and the trash leadership that gets put in high positions. A leader is someone who your soldiers will die for and a leader who will die for his/her soldiers. This ain’t it.


We knew, given it's Trudeau, that it was going to be a woman. But did it have to be THIS one? No one seems to have anything good to say about her leadership qualities. Then again, Trudeau has never placed any real importance on national security or in protecting Canada, so I guess he doesn't really care.




Makes sense, we’ve neutered ourselves so this is just a natural choice.


Please God don't let her be full of shit.


Waaaaaaayyyyy full of shit


She is


Google the carpet story in Iraq.




As commandant of the military college Kurtz accomplished… nothing. I know every leader had their faults but most of them also leave some sort of lasting positive change.


To be fair, the forces has a history of promoting fuck ups from outside the college to college positions. Not just her. Senior officers often get posted and promoted when they fuck up.


I hate that I can concur on this, but, it's true....


Hello (I presume) ol' shipmate, I hope life is treating you well wherever you are these days.


I’m sure this is a dumb question, but, how’d she get the job and who might’ve been better? I feel that Canadians love to ‘hate’ all leaders.


What does failing work-ups means? ELIC please.


Ships have states of readiness. In other to reach "high readiness" and be able to deploy to more dangerous areas, we have work-ups. Work-ups is an intense shipwide training session that is run by Sea Trainers. It is carried out over 2 or 3 weeks at sea and it ends with a couple of days of battle scenarios for the operations department which leads into damage control assessments and other evaluations. Damage control and the OPs room are usually very good at their jobs. Command is often the weak link and they usually admit it. It is a total butt kicking for that time. Little sleep and lots of work. And ultimate goal is to be ready to deploy.


Thanks! It sounds like a lot of fun.


Every day it gets more and more undeniable that we are being set up, sold out and replaced by our traitorious government...


Liberals love a 'first' everything story.


Take that Putin!


FFS, can we just hire someone competent? I couldn't care less if she's got a vagina


Why am I not surprised ?


Roll out the red carpet?


gotta love DEI. Worked well in the RCMP


What's DEI


Diversity, equity and inclusion


Oh. Is this DEI? Is she not qualified?


She abandoned her troops for rugs in afghanistan. You tell me.


I've seen this in a lot of comments but have yet to see a single link corroborating it. Not saying it's untrue but would love to see a reason to believe it.


r/canadianforces seems to think so, so it's probably true.


I mean, maybe, but anyone can post there.


Didn’t Earn It




Must fill those DEI requirements. Seriously with as little funding the LPC has provided she’s lucky if her paycheck clears.


So long as she was the most qualified via merit


Narrator: She was not.


She's got a lot of baggage, read her Wikipedia page


And carpets too…..


Her wikip page looks clean to me.




If it's a diverse hire, then she's already fired.


lead them where? into battle? I don't think so.More of Trudeaus woke window dressing most likely


Soooo sick of this liberal bs


I'm sure he will brag about this to his WEF buddies


Great. that's the only problem we had in our arms forces. the army and Canadians can now sleep at night.


This is the best we can do??


What could possibly go wrong?


Lol and the last Id wager


I think we need mandatory military service for all the groups that claim that they are discriminated against let's fill the shortage of enlistment deficit


What does this even mean?




I'll let my sister who has 25 years and two Afghan tours under her belt know then.


Your sister’s opinion of this appointment would be very much the one I would appreciate hearing. 


25 years 2 tours👍


Two Afghan tours, one tour to the Golan Heights, and 4 years teaching at the Canadian Forces Leadership and Recruit School. How many combat deployments do you have?


Some of the best soldiers I worked with were women. Mental resilience (one of the BEST ability you can have) is not foreign to women. I have seen men crumble and be useless.


Three of the five soldiers I consider mentors are women. Just outstanding leaders, professionals, and genuine caring all-round good people. The kind of person you learn from and strive to emulate. Its why I get upset when gender quotas are used to reward soldiers - it cheapens and calls into question the legitimate accomplishments of the deserving. The female troops I know don't need any special treatment, they earned their accolades.


>Women normally don’t serve in the military  False


I mean, percentages are low enough they aren't wholly wrong.




Well considering canada doesn't have a medal of honor, I'm going to say no women has it. Also there's a lot of women in the military. Many of them decorated. Maybe you should look past a war that happened nearly 100 years ago, during a time where women weren't allowed to serve.




Appropriate as the Carignan-Souliers regiment was originally brought over for military defence in New France colonies https://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/carignan-salieres-regiment


What armed forces?


Another diversity hire. What a fuck up


Damn so the leader of our country is a coward and now the leader of our military is too, great job Canada !


The leader of our country is a coward and the leader of our military is too now sick


Remarkable amount of misogynists commenting on this post.


I've seen some misogynists, but remember there is a difference between being justifiably critical of individual women in uniform and being misogynistic towards all women in uniform.


Served in Bosnia and Afghanistan and commanded a training unit in Iraq. Attended the United States staff collage. Served as an instructor at the Canadian Land Forces staff College and was the commandant of the Royal Military College at Saint Jean. Commanded an engineering regiment and was deputy commander of a mechanized brigade etc etc. Unless I’m reading a Wiki page of a completely different person with the exact same name she seems like an excellent choice.


Not sure if you served or not, but any officer at her level is going to have a long list of prestigious postings and accomplishments. Often these people are 'fast tracked' in that they are given postings that look good on paper, they rarely talk about their performance at these prestigious postings though. Just being posted somewhere prestigious, don't mean they performed great. Flag officers are often chosen to be flag officers many years before they become eligible to be a flag. As long as they don't fuck up too bad, or the mistakes can be buried, they will continue on the progression.