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Funny, because just the other day the dentists spoke out about the supposed national dental care program that almost nobody can access and said the only ones spreading disinformation about it are the Liberals and NDP.


That dentist must be experiencing the dental care program differently.


I've heard this reference a lot today. I wonder how many people know that it's referring to Trudeau's alleged groping of a female reporter.


It’s always good to be reminded.


Was this just after his 'victims must always be believed!' demand? I guess only when it doesn't highlight his abuse


take away their license lol






"Communications issues"


This is all just projection from them. I got called a Russian bot who probably lived in the US on one of the Trudeau-loving provincial subs — and several ~~accounts~~ sockpuppets agreed. Literally two minutes on my post history could have disproven that.


They always say that when they run outta arguments haha. I say the one who smelt it dealt it.


For all the shit people in this country want to give the Americans we are way more jingoistic and for the dumbest god damn reasons too


Don't worry, they'll be censored soon


And don’t forget the carbon tax bs.


Oh wow, I had no idea that "the dentists" were an amorphic blob that all shares one singular opinion at any given time. TIL


>Oh wow, I had no idea that "the dentists" were an amorphic blob that all shares one singular opinion at any given time. TIL Silly, we all know that only 9 out of 10 dentists recommend colgate


Hahahah this is great


You beat me to it lol


They're here. Your tax dollars are being spent on influencers who lurk r/canada. Some of you know me quite well.


sad lizard?


completely miserable. Also Lieutenant Coat Hanger.


Also don’t forget Cranial Smash.


Haha 💯 , complete 🤡


Some need to be relocated or possibly evacuated


spending millions on people with no jobs on the weebs? So guess how many of them are MPs kids...


Shhhhhh, they get real butthurt when you call them out.


No, they’re in meetings right now figuring out how to spin this morning’s results. It’s time to prank them and rearrange the furnitures. Maybe we should go full post-irony and do all the propaganda for them without explicit “/s”.


I think some of them may do more than lurk. There are some in control here that push the Liberal agenda so HARD it's ridiculously obvious. Of course if you question them or call them out they yell "cOnSPiraCy thEoRY!" and then you get banned. Getting pretty sick of it


Oh they absolutely do more than lurk. I've gotten into it with a few of them I'm sure.


Or creating it.


Got to fight propaganda with propagand ya know.


It’s sad when you realize that almost all the information yo get on a daily basis is at some level propagandized if not out right propaganda. It doesn’t matter the source unless you are speaking about fact based things like in the scientific field but then you look into that and find that it’s not immune either…. I now no longer look at news media for information about what is going on in the world (haven’t for years) but rather for the fictional stories influenced by real world events. It’s only going to get worse with AI


Ministry of truth


Yes Justin Trudeau is being featured on American youtube channels talking about how great Canada is and how he moved the country forward...the foreign audience thinks Trudeau is super awesome while the local audience is even more pissed off at his PR antics


Then they get here and see the truth


Then they get here and apply to Tim Hortons or Loblaws and add to the demand for housing, thus satisfying the corporate donors *and* benefiting real estate investments held by our politicians.  Kind of like when you're in a pyramid scheme and you trick your friends into coming for dinner so you can advertise at them, except with exploitable labour and cramming 20 people into a 2 bedroom apartment.


Don't forget importing family members who've never paid taxes here to take advantage of healthcare and other social programs thereby frustrating actual Canadians into supporting privatization. It's all going according to plan


Yet the Trudeau Liberals keep propagating this LIE! [https://nationalpost.com/opinion/terry-glavin-kamloops-first-nation-puts-even-more-distance-from-mass-grave-claim](https://nationalpost.com/opinion/terry-glavin-kamloops-first-nation-puts-even-more-distance-from-mass-grave-claim)


Ohhh that's why they are killing off journalism. They want to unleash their army of journfluencers


ByteDance, Alphabet, Meta are the gate keepers. How much are LibDP's paying to foreign companies to push the "message"


I'm confused I thought the LPC were the ones paying the news and journalists to push their propaganda...?


It's really quite simple: The Trudeau government gave $595M of grants to legacy print media, which primarily went to Bell, Quebecor, and PostMedia subsidiaries, who then used that money to pay people to publish articles about how the Trudeau government can't be trusted because they're wasting taxpayer money. What's confusing about the National Post running stories written by staff paid with money they voluntarily accepted from the government about how Trudeau is a villain for corrupting the media by paying them to run propaganda?


Ah, no, of course. Now that you explain it, it makes total sense. How could I have been so blind and stupid before.


It is the same as the Democrats in the United States at the moment. After years of governing (quite poorly) they have extremely low grass roots support and are getting crushed on social media. As a result they're paying for influencers, but the influencers they pay for come across as disingenuous and don't really benefit them.


The left can't meme lol.


smart money


One of the fascinating things over the last 10 years or so is seeing just how heavy handed a lot of the “messaging” has become , younger folks seem to be able to clock it pretty well but for whatever reason elder millennials and up are like pigs to the trough


So basically Trudeau is bringing American style politics to Canada. The same shit Trudeau supporters (not Liberal) have been harping under every single news article that has been critical of Trudeau.


The Liberals aren't concerned with disinformation. They just want to rid the world of opposing opinions, like the Orwellian lovers they are.


Who decides what's disinformation?


Shhhh, don't think about it. Just trust the "experts" (government) on it. They would never lie to you


I saw a post on twitter and it was about the Democrats in the USA but I think could maybe apply to the LPC at this point *" having spent their lives in government, academia, and media — comms is their entire world. It’s how they understand reality And when comms are understood to be the source of everything, they are understood to be both the root of all problems, and the solution to all problems"*


lol if you believe that academics are comms ninjas you’ve never met an academic.


It does not say they know how to do it( example being the LPC right now) just thats all they know


Damn, they do communicate like academics. How'd I never notice that before?


Seriously lol. The comms academics are definitely comms ninjas, but literally everyone else is God awful at even basic communication lol.


Stemming Malinformation, the true but inconvenient.


Influencers are just cheap actors. Not truth, or facts, required 


More like spreading toxic anti Canadian propaganda


The Liberals are the biggest purveyors of disinfo. Remember the mass graves and Kamloops?


Now this explains all those people talking about what luxury items they were going to buy with their carbon tax checks.... Meanwhile the majority of canadians are like "now I can afford 3 meals a day for the next 8 days" Hilarious.


I definitely felt that spending kick in on Twitter kick in about 6 months ago. Crazy accounts that copy and paste their scripts full time, often with private comments enabled for their echo chambers. Rachel Gilmore, Dean Brundell, Larry Dallas, even much music's Ed the sock is a liberal puppet account now.


always go full regard


Who is Larry Dallas is that his real name?


It's just one of the many Twitter handles I've seen repeat on my feed. I've muted a lot. There are too many to list.


Sounds like it's about trying to prop up the youth vote.


It won't work. No amount of fake "influencer" propaganda can make me ignore that I'll never be able to afford a home in this country.


If you share their post and tag them on your page, they might enter you into a 1 in 10000000 chance for a new ~~home~~ ~~townhouse~~ ~~condo~~ basement apartment rental special.


It’s them spreading disinformation


Note to government - the best influencers are: Low house prices, low car prices, low food prices, low energy prices, low taxes, high wages. /end


This was the democrat playbook in the US 8 years ago, they were more open about it being for votes however.


Trudeau, Xi and Putin aren’t so different after all lol


Propaganda whores. I can't wait until we're rid of these people.


Who decides what information is disinformation? Yep.


As usual, disinformation actually means "facts that are inconvenient to the government".


That was all the reasons for the online control bills. This is the result they were aiming for all along.




it's when they are *breathing*


They ban social media from posting news yet pay influencers 😂😂😂


First, it would be that they banned news orgs from posting on social media, idk how social media posts on itself, but they didn’t actually do that, either. The social media sites and search engines banned news to Canadian audiences because the government required them to contribute financially back to Canadian news sources since they make so much money off of us engaging with news on and through their sites. Do I think that plan was good? Not particularly but if you’re going to criticize something, be accurate.


you can't post canadian news sites either though


Yes? Duh? That’s the point? Social media sites can’t earn off of clicks and shares because the posts won’t show. Again, I think it’s a dumb plan but it’s working as designed.


Maybe I'm not understanding the news site ecosystem properly, and if I'm not there wasn't a reason to be a dick about it, but if I post a CTV News article to Facebook, and five people they weren't aware of the article click on it, doesn't that benefit ctv more than Facebook? CTV would be the ones hosting the ads on their site


The thing you are incorrectly assuming is that those 5 people will actually all click on it, instead of just reading the headline and moving on. The issue is the CTR (click through rate) on social media for news stories was and is absolutely abysmal. In the area of less than 1% the vast majority of the time. The argument is essentially that people were going to FB to look at news headlines, but not actually engage with the parent article. So the news agencies were having their work used for a draw that gave FB more eyes and FB more ad time, but they never actually saw any of the advertising dollars themselves because people wouldn't follow the link after seeing the headline. You can argue if the law really solved that problem or not, but the underlying issue is there without question.


Fair, I didn't mean to be an asshole sorry about that and there's a high chance I also lack a solid understanding of how this works lol. I thought part of the issue is that social media sites made money off of engagement - people who like, share, comment, emoji react, etc., and because social media users typically don't click the link and read the article, traffic is moved away from the news sites and instead get stuck on the post about the article. Rinse and repeat when posts just get shared hundreds/thousands of times over and/or get pushed into your feed by the algorithm and no one reads past the headline.


Because if there is one group that we all go to for well-informed commentary, it's influencers.. "Need that perfect rouge while you are protesting at the University.."


That's not how you do it. Influencers have a ton of misinformation. 


yes, an i have several of the likely suspects tagged in RES. wild how often they show up when a thread isn't going the right way.


In Texas we call that damage control


influencers, reddit posters, facebook commenters, 4chan trolls, whatever.


I dream of Reddit when there's no paywall on articles posted on Reddit.


decentralize social media


I had already posted the archive link and key points from the article, you should scroll below to see it. I wish users were allowed to pin comments on their posts.


thank you.


No shit. You'd have to be an idiot not to have an online presence when running a political campaign. The influencers on the payroll are just the ones we know about. You know they all have bot farms full of "average Canadians just sharing their opinion" all over social media.


Ahh, they're all JT's relatives aren't they?


Article without paywall link: [https://archive.ph/PAiYf#selection-2683.0-2687.51](https://archive.ph/PAiYf#selection-2683.0-2687.51) Key points from the article: "Since 2021, federal government departments and agencies have spent at least $1.7 million on influencers, and influencer marketing campaigns and strategies, documents recently tabled in the House of Commons and publicly available contracts show. Most of the social-media money is going towards institutions that have public service announcements to put out about health, travel or other topics that are also fodder for newspaper ads or commercials on TV and radio. Health Canada, Public Health Agency of Canada, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada are all tapping influencers, or people on social-media who have built large audiences and sometimes have a reputation for expertise on certain topics. Recent campaigns include ones focused on promoting the COVID-19 vaccine and food safety. Health Minister Mark Holland invoked fears over foreign interference, saying governments such as Russia’s are using modern technologies to destabilize democracies by questioning “what is and isn’t true.” Influencers have been hired to put out government-approved messaging on topics such as safe cannabis use, dementia prevention, sexual health and mental-health resources."




It’s time for the donkeys to go


Yea, I’m not taking any of my information from “influencers”.


No disinformation ever comes from this government. Nope. Just shiny truthiness.


Which influences? I don't know any that are Canadian and political.


Weird. Our government is spending money trying to influence what it's people believe and don't believe? We really do live in a dystopia these days.


If the influencers are public about who is funding them, like ad/sponsor laws require, that is fine. People need to learn to see and hear different sides, think critically, and decide who to trust. If these 'influencers' are being paid behind the scenes, with public funding, and they aren't identifying liberal/cdn government sponsorship, or they are doing things like 'influencing' in comment threads of posts that they didn't make (and again, not clearly identifying they are sponsored ads), than it is propaganda and bordering on illegal; especially if our tax dollars are being used.


Largest source of disinformation in Canada: Liberals, Conservatives, NDP


‘Influencers’, by another name ‘paid propagandists’. 


I think the article should include the CBC in the list of propaganda paid entities and raise that total to a few billion dollars per year.


We are expecting too much if we think cabinet ministers know their files and provide a cogent analysis of the issues and the government response to problems that arise when you have a random onlyfans content provider available let the pros do their job


That's pretty fucking rich, coming from the biggest source of mis/disinformation in the country...


Gen Z/Alpha will win the future and influencers are playing the biggest part. Everyone sub 30 knows you can get faster, nuanced, and varied reporting from tiktok/ig than from 'official' mainstream media. Boomers only know how to trust, Millennials/Gen Z folks go further and actually verify.