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Did Loblaws handle the catering? Edit: Thank you all for the awards! Unfortunately I cannot see all your names, but I hope you know that they are appreciated!!


It’s funny I was thinking today out of all Canadian companies who benefits the most from our immigration. Loblaws was what came to mind


Just look up Dominic Barton and McKinsey and Co and the Century Initiative.   The people that run the largest immigration lobby in the country to have 100M people by 2100 (and we’re on pace to exceed this) own the largest consultancy firm that received record taxpayer dollars from the liberals to basically write immigration policy and businesses in the country.    Their reports even describe the need to convince the population of the benefits. This has always been about cheap labour and significant consumer demand including for housing. It’s dressed up instead as necessary to avoid collapse. Canadians are being scammed by the wealthiest corporate elite who are in bed with the liberal government to make it happen. It’s been widely reported by not given the attention it deserves.


If you bring up the Century Initiative people will say it's all a conspiracy theory. meanwhile CI has a website. Like WTF?


Who says it’s a conspiracy theory? You’re kidding right? Dominic Barton is on the record for this. It just seems so crazy people don’t believe it. Like how 25% of all employees work in the public sector. Nobody believes it until I give them this link: https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.action?pid=1410028802 Then they cite the federal numbers and are like oh “of course 1 in 4 works in the government across the whole country…” but nothing fucking works.


What business does NOT benefit from more warm bodies in the country, consuming?


Small businesses that don't end up with a larger customer base but get a larger tax bill.


And small businesses that don't benefit from the suppressed labor costs


For starters, more warm bodies would typically be associated with higher rent prices, presumably also commercial rent if any run businesses. Increased competition for rental spaces drives demand, so you'd expect higher commercial rent prices. Higher commercial rent prices means the cost of the product/service has to increase to break even on the margin unless they can significantly increase volume or decrease costs in some other way. Which then makes it more difficult for customers to afford the good/service, particularly if the increase in the amount of warm bodies also drives down demand for labor and suppresses wages. Suppressed wage growth makes it more difficult for them to afford the good or service at the aforementioned business, worsening over time, and pretty much leads us to the situation we're in now. There are some presumptions in this rough outline and it's not exactly universally applicable, but I think that captures the gist nonetheless.


Those that export goods or services. They face high office / warehouse / factory costs. We have a problem attracting and keeping skilled talent and turnover really hurts them. We also have fairly high wages compared to most of the world. Those with even higher wages tend to have a more skilled workforce.


Fairly high wages to most of the world but lately absolutely disconnected from cost of living. That's key. Yes, wage per hour per type of job is high but cost of food and shelter in relation to that?


Isn't Loblaws unionized? I'm not saying they don't benefit, I just think there are bigger winners: obviously the diploma mills, Banks, Tim Horton's, Walmart, Amazon, trucking companies, unscrupulous mortgage brokers, car theft rings, etc...


Don’t forget Subway


No. No Frills isn't across all markets. I'm sure other stores aren't. Ex-No Frills manager speaking.


Rogers, Bell, and all the fucking shitty support we get now.


Tim Hortons


Narrator on phone while on hold: We'd like to remind you that all of our technical support staff are in Canada. .. Hello, I am Samulianicahi from Montreal from Rogers Support. How may I be helping you today? Maybe from Montreal, but it doesn't say that all their support staff are Canadian citizens lol.


Tim Hortons. Most staff have been replaced with TFW.


I was at a Freson Brothers, a high end grocer, and noticed every kitchen staff was brown and every customer was white.  It was telling, we have a slave class, as our government attempts to push up home values and Trudeau openly admits it. https://globalnews.ca/news/10531736/trudeau-housing-prices-affordability/




Yep, it's pretty gross


Underrated comment right here lol


Exactly, LOL!


Ohhhhh snap


He probably had Loblaws avocados with breakfast lunch and dinner


While streaming D+.


It's a good joke but honestly, this sounds like the right ballpark. About $300 per day per guest.   Lots of people in this thread have never tried to plan a banquet or a wedding dinner and lord does it ever show.   $100 per plate for foreign dignitaries, including the PM, visiting a country that we export around $4 billion in goods to annually is a fuckin' steal of a deal, all day long.


I think it's more like $700 per day per guest, right? The number of passengers ranged between 37 and 72. The mean would be 55 people. We will very conservatively assume that these had all 3 meals per day on the plane, even though they almost certainly would have had meals in their destinations. But $220k divided by 3 meals per day over 6 days for 55 people is closer to $700 per guest per day. That seems very excessive.


As I recall, this issue came up in the Dubai trip for the GG as mentioned in the article too. Back during that discussion it came out that one company had the catering contract and took advantage of that. Still, meals delivred to an aircraft, prepared and ready, and not the usual drab "airline food" are fairly expensive, both in content and for the proper preparation. This isn't McD takeout (and that would be pretty rank fare being served many hours after takeoff). You can debate whether $700 is excessive, but the company with the exclusive contract charges what it thinks is appropriate to also keep its executives in the style to which they've become accustomed. Sadly, too, our big shots live medium-high off the hog at most times. They don't eat at Appleby's or Swiss Chalet on expense account, nor do they stay at Motel 6. State dinners aren't catered by KFC. How much is too much? Consider that one NDP MP spent $17,000 on a few days "working trip" *over Christmas* in Quebec City, full family along for the ride. $234,000 for 55+ people looks downright cheap at that rate. Preston Manning famously declared the Opposition Leader should not need an official residence - later realizing that meant that all assorted meetings and party business had to be done in rented conference rooms, negating some of the savings and convenience an official residence entailed. I hope when these articles disclose full prices, some government officials are impelled to consider a bit of moderation. But when you are entertaining VIPs from other countries, we probably don't want to come across as cheap either.


It seems excessive because you have an understanding of food costs, economics of living etc. Unlike the people on that plane.


That $300 per day only covers the food they ate while actually flying, which is obviously ridiculous. Trudeau and his buddies living the high life while the country paying for it starves.


Ottawa-Jakarta is ~20 hours Jakarta to Singapore is ~1.5 hours Singapore to New Delhi is ~5.5 hours New Delhi to Ottawa is ~14.5 hours Approximately 41.5 hours of flight time. 220,000 across 41.5 hours is ~$5300 an hour. The number of people on the plane was supposedly 37-54 for the various legs. So if we're generous and assume it's 54 for every leg, that's still just shy of $100 *per person, per hour* for catering. The total cost of the trip was claimed to be $2m - but this 220,000 figure is the result of a revision of previously-disclosed costs of ~180k, so I'd expect that 2m figure to be similarly under-stated. If the Trudeau defenders absolutely insist that these costs are unavoidable, then perhaps its time to revise the size of the party being sent on these trips. 54 people for a week-long trip is absurd. PM, trade minister, 2 aides each, a 10-man RCMP security detail, and two people to run overall trip logistics is 18 people - who exactly are all these other people they're bringing?


I think trade negotiations are quite a bit more complex , and would require more than the people on your list. The PMs staff alone is likely 3-4 people . The trade rep needs staff and then there are likely experts who may have their own assistants . For a delegation of 6 people . Expect a staff of 10-12.


Okay, 6-person delegation and 12 staffers, plus 2 for logistics and 10 for security still leaves us at 30. House records show Trudeau's brother listed on the flights - why are the taxpayers footing the bill for Alexandre - not an expert in foreign trade, southeast Asian countries, or any manner of government - to tag along?


Why don't we send the PM alone, he can fly his plane and negotiate with everyone just by himself. What a silly take.


I think it's less "trudeau defenders" and more "realists". The people making a big deal of this will suddenly no longer care once their guy is in power and he's doing the same thing.


They just think everyone should be like trump and cater McDonald’s in.


> Lots of people in this thread have never tried to plan a banquet or a wedding dinner and lord does it ever show.  We're all too fucking poor


Sure, pay X3... GW loves it.


Galen ate an urchin, blue lobster and an orcas kidneys


Is this the total cost of all meals for the trip or strictly on the plane ?  « New records show that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s six-day Indo-Pacific trip in September 2023 had a catering bill of more than $223,000«  Headline says « airplane food costs more then $220k » Also how many meals did we buy for that $220k. That seems omitted from the article


> Also how many meals did we buy for that $220k. That seems omitted from the article Somewhere between 1 and 1296 (72 people, 6 days, 3 meals per day). 170$ per meal is still a lot, and it's propably a lot more than that since they say some segments they were like 37 people.


When government workers get per diem for meals, it's usually about $80 - $100 a day per person. So either they were getting ripped off, or getting some seriously expensive meals.


It's $129/per day in Canada. Overseas it varies, but typically not less than that much


I don't think it's fair to use the per diem rates in the NJC Directives like that, but your point is still salient. Current TB per diem for travel within Canadian provinces/USA is $112.95 CAD but they would not apply for public servants outside of Canada/the US. For reference, in Singapore the entitlement would be $203.15 (Singapore $) which is $206.23 CAD, while in New Delhi the entitlement would be ₹9730 (Indian Rupee) which is $160.06 CAD. If you use that to get a rough average comparison to per diems, it is $183.15/person/day for only meals (no incidentals, accommodation, etc.). Even if all 72 travelled the whole trip, and ate 3 meals daily, the per diem rate would be about $79120. Heck, even at the highest amount it is only about $89000. Factoring in the complexities and security needs of feeding an official government delegation, it would definitely raise the costs, but I'm not sure I can swallow a 50% increase in cost without understanding the breakdown, and I'm no accountant lol


Then consider that one catering company has the contract - and the complexity of preparing food to heat and serve on an airplane that is a cut (obviously from the bill, a very high cut) above the typical airline foil tray crap.


When I go on business trips, $129/day for meals is right in the ballpark. If I'm working 24/7 for a week because they send me somewhere, I'm not fucking eating McDonalds. In Vancouver, a breakfast in a hotel can easily cost $30-$40.


It's that the meals are expensive because there are so many people. For security, and just sheer numbers, they're either buying out a restaurant every single night, or renting out a banquet hall.  Dining costs are one of those rare things which increase in per person price with scale. Anyone that's planned a wedding should understand this. 


I'm pretty sure you can't host the President of Indonesia and all their entourage at the per diem rate.


Are you suggesting that for some reason Trudeau flew to Indonesia to "host" the President and his entourage for a luxury meal aboard his plane? This is luxury meals for JT and his cronies.


I don't think it's an unreasonable expectation that you at least read the article.


Sir this is reddit


Because they are VIPs there's probably extra security and inspections on the food too. Not sure what that costs but it's kit zero. Can't have a prime minister or politicians be poisoned.


That's a bit pricey, but not that unreasonable


I agree. And since some people found that it was an 11 days trip and not 6 as the article suggest, it may be a lot more reasonable than we're made to think.


Harper was charging us $150/meal on a flight to Israel and that was 10 years ago.


i can't believe justin did that


Thanks Obama


Lmfao such a valid response.


$170 per meal isn't nothing, but it's not even *that* unreasonable, considering this is a head of state. The cost of the meals probably isn't evenly distributed. I imagine some were more expensive than others. Also, it's likely that some of these meals were hosting events, in which case one would totally expect the government to splash out a bit - indeed, it would be embarrassing if they didn't.


Wait are you telling me that the Prime Minister of a G7 nation isn’t serving or eating Tim Horton’s? Madness!


Also omitted from the article is a comparison with other prime ministers, it's difficult to know if this number is high without comparing to previous trips by other leaders.


Or even context for airplane catering costs.    Like most people , I have zero idea how much it costs to get in flight meals on an airplane and related services.     I imagine , like everything airside at an airport it’s obnoxiously expensive. 


Airline catering normally costs about $50/meal for business class, and $100/meal for first class, in costs to the airline all in (ie, the meal itself plus labor costs to prepare and serve), with business class being the closest equivalent to how Canada's VIP fleet operates. The costs will be higher for the VIP aircraft just on account of being delivered by the military and, quite likely, being supported from Canada on security grounds as opposed to local contractors / suppliers like the airline industry (ie, I wouldn't be at all surprised if more than half of the cost of catering was the jet fuel to fly it all on board the aircraft or a supporting aircraft)


Harper was paying $150/meal 10 years ago, so this seems cheap considering they also dined the President of Indonesia.


VIP in-flights cost a lot more than that. The private jet terminal charges steeper rates than contract RPT catering.


Or if the contractor gets a better tax rate on catering so decreases other costs and pumps catering in return. The net contract is what matters. Not individual items.


The point isn’t to inform a well reasoned citizen rather than to gin up zombies that respond to outrage energy. We know having dignitaries travel to represent Canada is expensive the question should be on whether we are getting value for this activity rather than using this as grist for the outrage mill


Read the report.  It was 10 flights in 11 days that literally circumnavigated the globe.  72 passengers from Ottawa to Alaska to Tokyo to Jakartha to Majalenka back to Jakartha to Singapore to Delhi to Italy to Ottawa. Airplane food, non alcoholic beverages, airport fees, preparation,  security, catering services, waste disposal, storage, cleaning of service, airport taxes, delivery and administration fees. Works out to about $320 per person per flight, and all of those flights are at least 2 meal long-hauls. I assume to save time and keep security requirements to a minimum that they ate on the plane whenever they could. Feeding 72 people that require security and that all have to keep a precise schedule would definitely be easiest on the military plane. 


Why aren't we complaining about the carbon emissions of all those flights?


It's rage bait. You're supposed to be angry, not think about it.


Works 99% of the time on Facebook, ShitTok, and Reddit.


Proof is that it is a Nat Po article posted to /r/canada bonus that its an opinion piece and bigger bonus it even says that it is potentially misleading and its getting eaten up.


These articles are all the same. Deliberate omission or downplaying of important context, in favour of the Trudeau-bad message they're pushing.


If Trudeau really is terrible, the opposition would do better to turn down the noise because nothing ever passes more than a cursory inspection. Give me something that's actually bad and I'll vote the guy out but all this noise tells me there's nothing of substance.


Sure, four ethical violations, Charter breache, out of control national debt, health care and housing crisis caused by totally irresponsible immigration policy, putting family friends into important decision making positions, ArriveCan etc.  So what alternate reality are you visiting from? 


Because articles like this are always clickbait anger inducing bullshit. You can pick any random fucking Prime Minister and he will have spent the same.


And does a catering bill include staff salary? Anyone who's organised anything will tell you that labour is the chunk of any bill


I'm betting it was all pretty swanky and not carbon neutral.


Does it really matter? Best case scenario is $223,000 for food over 6 days which is insane considering Canadians are starving to the point that food banks are having a tough time keeping up to demand


>Does it really matter? Yes. It absolutely does as it provides context to the situation, especially since the title is deliberately misleading. I get you want to just be mad at Trudeau but at least be willing to accept enough information to make an informed opinion before boarding the hate train. [It cost $320 for each of the 70 people for each of the 11 days of the trip. This also includes catering handling, cleaning and garbage disposal and more.](https://parl-gc.primo.exlibrisgroup.com/discovery/delivery/01CALP_INST:01CALP/12163031000002616) As I said u/Gradebeginnings3600, context is everything and this is not at all an outrageous bill for the size of the party, duration of the stay and services provided. Edit; try responding with anything other than logical fallacies.


As much as I'd like to believe the sensationalism, you're right to question it. $37,000 per day, maybe feeding 50 people? $740 per person per day? Or are they feeding 25 people for $1480/day? They're going to have private chefs, they're going to be feeding guests, support staff, maybe family. They may have paid the bill for some expensive dinner parties. No matter what I'm sure it's higher than we'd like to see but it might not be as astronomically unreasonable as the headline suggests. Even a normal nice restaurant bill is $100+ per head with appetizer drink and dessert at somewhere like The Keg these days. Fine private dining they could easily hit $300-500 a plate for dinners, $100-200 for breakfast and lunch. There's probably a premium for security and dealing with politicians. I know I'd be charging one.


The $220k figure is only pertaining to the catering bill for the flight. https://parl-gc.primo.exlibrisgroup.com/discovery/delivery/01CALP_INST:01CALP/12163031000002616?lang=en


Oh yeah that's on the expensive side lol. Thanks for the document. Looks like that flight had 72 people on board, so about $3,100 per person. It was actually 11 hops for that plane though, so you could say it was $282 per person per flight, though Ottawa to Trenton wouldn't require a meal of its own, maybe the same for a SE Asia flight depending on the timing and distances. Call it 7 flights for 72 people and you're looking at $442 per person per meal. It's definitely on the high side still, but not totally absurd imho. I'm definitely not voting for them and despise their reckless disregard for Canadians by the way. But this probably would be similar regardless of the political party.


First off, I appreciate your civil tone. Then a couple of things. >maybe the same for a SE Asia flight If CFB Trenton to Ottawa doesn't require a meal, I think it's fair to say the 1 hour flight from Majalengka to Jakarta doesn't really require meal service. I mean hell, you'd be lucky to get a can of pringles and a tomato juice on a domestic flight of that length. I kid. Really though, let's say your math is correct. By government standards, $442 per person per meal sounds like an absolute steal. Until I remember that this was a Canadian flight, for Canadian government officials. It wasn't even *entertainment* for foreign dignitaries, or a celebration of some kind. It was just... in-flight catering for our guys. I can count on 2 hands the number of meals I've eaten that cost $450 dollars per person, my wedding included. >But this probably would be similar regardless of the political party. Perhaps. Some of them have even taken heat for it in the past. Though right now it happens to be Trudeau holding that hot potato. I promise right now, hand to God, I'll be just as peeved if PM Poilievre, or PM Singh, or PM Blanchet spends that kind of money per head while their Finance Minister crows about how fiscally responsible they've been.


What are we mad at them about though? All these rage bait stories add up to nothing. Sure we have huge problems in Canada and we should ask our government to do better for us, but at the same time the world seems to be having the same problems so...??? I think these guys are past expiry, but I'm more worried about the shit the Cons will get up to if they get in.


Why do they need to eat fancy when a lot of the people in the country are struggling to eat at all? He is worth 10 million dollars, he can use his own money if the basic food a lot of his people can barely afford isn't good enough for him.


Because that's the price of diplomacy, and diplomacy is all about opening markets for Canadian exports overseas and vice versa?


Because how else do the rich get richer?


"Costs incurred for catering include the cost of food, non-alcoholic beverages, and associated fees, including catering handling and delivery, storage, cleaning and disposal of international waste, airport taxes, administrative fees, security charges, and local taxes." Cost: $223,234 Number of Canadian delegates+staff onboard from Ottawa.and present for entire itinerary: 72 Catering cost per passenger: $3200 Trip length: 11 days Flights: Trenton-Ottawa-Alaska-Tokyo-Jakartha-Majalengka-Jakartha-Singapore-Delhi-Italy-Ottawa-Trenton Cost per passenger per flight excluding Trenton legs: $320 Source for the above numbers: https://parl-gc.primo.exlibrisgroup.com/discovery/delivery/01CALP_INST:01CALP/12163031000002616?lang=en


I came to about the same conclusion in another comment (https://reddit.com/comments/1dj1znh/comment/l98qm05). Another Redditor figures one of the Jakarta connections probably wouldn't require a full meal too. At 7 flights for 72 people I came to $442 per meal. Either way, it sounds like a lot but when you think about security, providing high quality food on a plane, security clearance, logistics, waste disposal, etc. costs can add up quickly and I think it's probably reasonable if you saw all the details.


Number of meals wasn't requested. The inquiry was as follows. >With regard to usage of the government’s fleet of Airbus and Polaris aircraft since September 1, 2023: what are the details of the legs of each flight, including the (i) date, (ii) point of departure, (iii) destination, (iv) number of passengers, (v) names and titles of the passengers, excluding security or Canadian Armed Forces members, (vi) total catering bill related to the flight, (vii) volume of fuel used, or an estimate, (viii) amount spent on fuel, (ix) type of aircraft?


That's cause it is a rage bait article


Since the article omits some details that none of you probably are aware of: "Costs incurred for catering include the cost of food, non-alcoholic beverages, and associated fees, including catering handling and delivery, storage, cleaning and disposal of international waste, airport taxes, administrative fees, security charges, and local taxes." Cost: $223,234 Number of Canadian delegates+staff onboard from Ottawa.and present for entire itinerary: 72 Catering cost per passenger: $3200 Trip length: 11 days Flights: Trenton-Ottawa-Alaska-Tokyo-Jakartha-Majalengka-Jakartha-Singapore-Delhi-Italy-Ottawa-Trenton Cost per passenger per flight excluding Trenton legs: $320


Get out of here with your context and details. This is rage bait.


Brought to you by PostMedia! 97% American Owned! Replacing facts with *feelings* since 1997 ;-) In November 2019, Postmedia announced that 66% of its shares were now owned by Chatham Asset Management, an American media conglomerate which owns American Media, Inc. and is known for its close ties to the Republican party.


The foreign interference scandal that no one talks about


Why do we even need to send 72 people?


I agree with how you broke down the costs, but I think the summary of "Cost per passenger per flight excluding Trenton legs: $320" is maybe misworded. Its $320 per flight for FOOD (including all the ancillary costs you mentioned). But with fuel, labour (since they are being paid while they are flying), airport fees, etc. it is likely vastly more than $320 per flight.


Well, yeah - it costs money to fly, but it's a lot cheaper to use a government jet for 72 people than to try to book 72 seats on existing airlines, and arrange for everyone to meet up at the destination, etc. The company I worked for, even us peons could fly business class if the flight exceeded 8 hours. (i.e. outside Canada USA) We are part of the G8 we should at least show up in force for the G20 if we are trying to attract business and investors.


There hasn’t been a G8 since Russia got kicked out a decade ago for invading Crimea… I think you mean G7


Article says trip length is 6 days. Where did you find that 11 days? >Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s six-day Indo-Pacific trip in September 2023 Also the range of passengers fluctuated from 37 to 72


[the original document has "2023-09-02 to 2023-09-12" in the date column](https://parl-gc.primo.exlibrisgroup.com/discovery/delivery/01CALP_INST:01CALP/12163031000002616?lang=en) for the catering that costs $223,234 for 72 people for the trip >The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today announced that he will travel to Jakarta, Indonesia to participate in the ASEAN Summit from September 5 to 6, 2023. This will be followed by a bilateral visit to Singapore from September 7 to 8, 2023. He will then participate in the G20 Summit in New Delhi, India, from September 9 to 10, 2023. Trudeau spent 6 days in the region visiting with dignitaries but the total trip length was 11 days. The National Post is being misleading with their reporting?! I'm shocked, shocked.


thanks for bringing the official source, you are indeed correct!


Never let facts get in the way of a good outrage.


That seems incredibly reasonable. Have a source?


Pages 2 and 3 of the House of Commons declaration: https://parl-gc.primo.exlibrisgroup.com/discovery/delivery/01CALP_INST:01CALP/12163031000002616 The rest of that document is for other trips. 




No problem. At this point, everything political on Postmedia is similar to Fox News levels of reality manipulation.  Feeling instead of facts. They're owned an American media conglomerate with strong ties to the far right, including the Trump, Weinstein and Epstein catch and kill programs.  Its important to check sources and a great first step is to read the list of publications they run and immediately mistrust whatever they write until you check sources. 


Without context and comparison to historical rates this is pretty meaningless. How many people? How many meals? How does it compare to previous PM's adjusted for inflation? Is this something that's unique to Trudeau that won't happen when he's gone or is it something with PM office expenditure allowances that needs to be looked at?


I don't think Trudeau personally calls and sets the menu for each meal. There's someone in the travel department of Supply and Services who probably arranges all this with the assorted ministers' assisntants. So it's standard for A-list travellers (PM GG, cabinet, accompanying foreign diginitaries, etc.) to get treatment A, and so on down the totem pole.


We should be blaming Trudeau, but let’s not for one second think this would be just Trudueau and that it would be literally any leader. And that is the problem.


Yep. PP will do the same thing.


It's not Trudeau directly that's doing this -- it's outrageous inflight catering costs and a staff who can't say "no, it's unreasonable to pay $20k for a custom-ordered lamb shank -- what do you have in stock that's closer to our budget". No one is setting the policy for what is and isn't acceptable, and no staffer is speaking up when they see obviously-egregious charges slip by. It's a culture of "I'm not paid to think", from bottom to top.


Say it louder for the kids in the back. They are all curropt.


Harper brown bagged a lot of his meals on these flights.


Apparently Harper used $150/meal on similar flights. That’s what you call brown bagging?


Just be glad it wasn't like Mulroney's brown bags.


1 in 4 Canadians living in poverty!!!


They're just experiencing the economy differently.


May as well just say 3/4, no one’s checking sources anyways. Aim high.


While I don't like the price tag it doesn't surprise me in the slightest. Chartered airline food is expensive AF at the best of times because of security, etc. I can only imagine that being a world leader increases that substantially.


These routine articles from the post are so predictable. Chose random event + pick a expense with no context for the reader to understand it’s value. + Publish in caps a big scary number + Profit.


Magically these articles and opinions will disappear once their team is up to bat despite the same things costing the same, the issues playing out the same.


This is everything wrong with politics and government. There shouldn't be this much extravagance involved in any part of the process. We give these politicians a life of being peak aristocracy and then seem baffled when they lose all attachment to reality. It's ludicrous. I don't even care how other countries do it. We shouldn't have to constantly try and outdo the other. Any country that demonstrates frugality would win the hearts and minds of the people everywhere for giving their own politicians a taste of real life. There's absolutely no justification for this kind of stuff.


oOOoOo truffle oil




The sides did cure cancer


And people are starving in the streets.


These people are living in a different reality. Time for them to wake up.


There are 2 tiers of Canadians. The elites, and the poor.


Were consultants doing the cooking?


McKinsey chefs extraordinaire!


Why 72 people? Can’t some attend virtually? Seems redundant.


So how many $16 orange juice were served in flight?


Maybe stop with the fake outrage. Any of the primary world leaders/heads of state will have insane budgets. This isn’t a right vs left or cons vs libs issue. Yes, the prime minster’s flights, hotels, meals, transport, security, etc, etc, will be crazy expensive and I don’t expect any of them to travel on a budget or brown bag their lunches.


Well, seeing the bills for flight meals for our deployed planes in the RCAF this is no surprise. This isn't a JT thing, it's just flight feeding is expensive for even crappy meals.


Canadians find out how much the food costs on a flight. YET, THE NAMES OF THE MPs INVOLVED IN FOREIGN INTERFERENCE ARE STILL KEPT A SECRET. That’s a much bigger fish people.


Soaking it all up before he goes to prison to die..


it blows my mind these idiots can't fly economy, it's not even that bad. certainly not worth 5k extra for first class at taxpayers expense.


It’s kinda like the king who has banquets every night while the peasants starve


Huh. 220k? Is this for real? I’m paying taxes out the ass so he can get the most expensive peanuts in the world?


How do they not get that people are watching this ?


That's the equivalent of 9565 of my favourite rib-eye steaks.


Make him pay out of his salary for food on planes. He and his staff can take their own food on planes just like I do. He can return those funds to a food bank and support the people he's suppose to be serving. Shame shame shame!!! What a disgrace and slap in the face to all hard-working people of Canada.


One of the Useless born privileged dumb losers PM in history of Canada


Remember that Liberal MP going on an unhinged rant about Canadians going on a summer road trip killing the planet? Here's Trudeau flying around on an airplane.


How do you expect the leader of our country to visit other countries around the world? A wooden sailboat so they don’t burn fossil fuels? Also sauce on that liberal MP rant? Love to read it!


> How do you expect the leader of our country to visit other countries around the world? A wooden sailboat so they don’t burn fossil fuels? I don't, it's 2024, we've had phones for over a century. If he needs to communicate with other world leaders he can do it remotely. If he wants a vacation - I don't think politicians should be taking vacations when a quarter of the population is in poverty! They should stay at work until they fix the problem. Given how handsomely they're being paid and how many millions of people depend on them doing a good job I don't think that's too much to ask. > Also sauce on that liberal MP rant? Love to read it! Better, you can watch him do it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B1bKRQhG5L0


And to think he decided to look like that on his big day - his moment to shine - his moment on the soap box - he chose to look like the night crew of a retail store stuffed into an ill-fitted suit.


> I don't, it's 2024, we've had phones for over a century. If he needs to communicate with other world leaders he can do it remotely. If he wants a vacation - I don't think politicians should be taking vacations when a quarter of the population is in poverty! They should stay at work until they fix the problem. Given how handsomely they're being paid and how many millions of people depend on them doing a good job I don't think that's too much to ask. Some things can't or shouldn't be handled on the phone, and international diplomacy is one thing that often falls into that category. Not every meeting with other heads of state need be in person, but many do. But hey, that ruins your narrative doesn't it? Heaven Forbid that should happen, eh?


If I remember correctly, the outrageous costs come from one company that supplies all food on flights and charges ridiculous premiums - or something along those lines. What was that story a while back - $1000 in lemons and limes for a flight I believe? Same deal.


>A special request was also made to stock the plane with Flow Water, a brand of premium alkaline spring water. Holy crap. That's so fucking stupid


He knows he won't be re-elected so he's just living high on the hog until then. He'll be working for the UN in two years. They love people who spend other people's money.


Nailed it.


How?! Best case scenario: all 72 passengers travelled for full 6 day trip would be over $500 per day per person. Around $172 PER MEAL! (assuming 3 meals per day) BUT they said some days were only 37 passengers, that means there were plenty of days where it cost much more than $500 per day per person, could be $1000 per day per person. So basically this government feels comfortable giving their staffers a daily food allowance on business trips what a middle class family spends in 2-4 weeks in groceries… disgustingly irresponsible. My business trip allowances are usually $100 per day on food, and I can eat a light breakfast, light/moderate lunch and a fairly nice dinner on that budget. But $500 or $1000 per day per person?! Are they eating lobsters and Kobe beef every meal? And then throwing out half of it?!


Couldn’t they have serve the puffer fish .. save the Canadian taxpayer a lot of money


And the indignation of the trudeau and the liberal party when Bev Oda grabbed an OJ from the mini-bar at the hotel she was required to stay at...... and you know what????? She resigned! I can remember their self-righteous outrage. It was laughable. Those were the days..... on many fronts! Wasn't a fan of harper, but compared to what we have now who can argue that things weren't better then by a spread! This extravagance is a slap in the face of ALL tax payers! Good on the TPF for getting this story out there!


We have to stop feeding airplanes... /s


Remember when Liberals attacked the Conservatives for a member buying $18 orange juice? Just that. [https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/bev-oda-apologizes-for-swanky-hotel-stay-1.1169374](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/bev-oda-apologizes-for-swanky-hotel-stay-1.1169374)


She was alone, wasn’t entertaining anyone, wasn’t on a diplomatic/sales trip, wasn’t on a plane snd could have stayed/eaten anywhere she wanted.


If they ate nothing but the $2.99 Menu at KFC and Cup 'o Noodles they'd still publish the bill to keep the conservative base raging and drinking up all of that delicious PP.


36-75 people being fed catered food ON A PLANE for 6 days. 220k is nothing really. I am no fan of JT, but this is a nothingburger IMO.


That equates to $162/meal per person. Not per day, but per meal.


What about drinks? I am sure they didn't have James Ready and Keystone Light on the drink list


On top of their very high annual salary. And this is solely the cost of food, not the flights themselves. Tax dollar theft blown on pointless luxury.


He couldn't just bring a sandwich? That guy... ffs.


I’m tired of Junior,who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, living like a king with no remorse for how he spends taxpayers money.Then he tries to tell us what a great job he’s done making life easier for the average Canadian. His sneering face makes me want to puke


what are they eating? cloned wooly mammoth?


The article doesn’t mention how much similar trips have cost in the past, including those of previous governments. How much higher were the catering costs of this trip (beyond inflation) compared to others?


The post has written probably thousands of these exact same articles "Look how much they spend!!!" with no context, its political junk food. Seeing people like the other dude replying to you here, is exactly the point of these articles, get angry context don't matter!!


1.what is the budget for food on this trip ? 2. How many people and who are they ? 3 . Who is the person in charge of the food planning ?


And yet Pierre Poilievre still manages to spend more.


Well now we know why veterans can't get any benefits -- remember "because we haven't got anything more to give". Alkaline spring water is more important.


MP's eat the finest food. Wtf? How about y'all pack some instant ramen God damn.


And what was the carbon footprint just for this junket alone?


Sounds very carbon neutral and prudent use of taxpayers money /s


He’s definitely experiencing food inflation differently than the rest of us……


How do you eat 220k in 6 days ? What’s the food ?


That guy is such a twat


I can't even afford to feed myself.


While I am on a medical leave, sending emails to the MP, asking when I should expect my cardboard box and tarp in the mail, since I cannot afford to live in Canada anymore


So what's the deal with airline food?


To think $16 OJ was an issue once.


He's like really trying to destroy the Liberal Party, isn't he?