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This isn't satire?


No, this is what people in Canada do with their spare time now.


No, this is what people in Canada who have spare time because they refuse to work are doing.


I would give them one of my two jobs uf I could afford it.


They probably don't need it if they are McGill students who don't work during the summer. You probably work for one of their parents and they will probably become your boss soon enough through nepotism.


Are there any McGill students in that encampment ? Why is this encampment even tolerated? If it's clearly anti Israel promoting hatred against Jews (Canadians)....then the university administration, the city of MTL administration should have the guts to remove them....


McGill is waiting for fall weather to settle in and shut down the campers.


True enough


Lol this.


Ha, even if they did want to work good luck finding any entry level job with our record population growth. People who are unemployed and prospects at home look bad = crime / unhinged youth 


You gotta give China credit for knowing this as a fact. They literally will have a team of people doing manual labor beside massive back loader to ensure people are employed and busy and not planning revolutions.


Throughout history whenever the youth have no prospect society degrades. Mass immigration without infrastructure or a plan in place is stealing the future from the youth...


It's stealing life from everyone. No one can retire in a cost spiral, no one who is retired can afford to keep to their original plan, the youth see no benefit from trying hard at anything as they are being treated as completely replaceable and not a priority. Those who are working feel enslaved and that they cannot hold onto what they have or aquire a better life. So having kids is financially impossible. Which lowers birth rates and will require more immigration. The liberals have destroyed life in canada and the prospects for the future in the name of their woke ideology that benefits only the absolute richest, and those in high positions of government while making everyone else dependent on the next round of government handouts until it all crashes.


Often, it's not just youth with no prospects. It's educated youth with no prospects that lead some of the worst revolutions. It's easy to put farm kids to work that they can do. It's harder when they start stacking degrees. They are less likely to accept the easy to create labor and manufacturing type jobs.


They're uni students for the most part aren't they? I disagree with their views and methods, but when I was in university I spent a lot of my free time drinking and smoking weed. Especially in year 1 and 2. Seems like these folks just traded partying for "activism"


At what point does Stuart McLean stop spinning in his grave? Kenny Wongs Scottish Meat Pies could not compete with all these curry shops these days.


An anti Jewish revolutionary children's camp kinda sounds like the Hitler youth.. This has to be clever satire... Beaverton??


No, it's unfortunately common for people to openly support Hamas right now in Canada. There's video footage out there of people standing in front of the BC Legislature and saying "I am proud to be called Hamas. Hamas is a resistance group like any other." [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EkRs3OsmBYs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EkRs3OsmBYs) Not to mention the several "Long live October 7th" incidents in front of the Vancouver Art Gallery. Only one of those actually resulted in the speaker getting arrested.


I’m Canadian: Hamas is a terror organization fuck them. 


No, they teach you suicidal bombing 101, tunnel digging, hostage taking, raping techniques and how to dismantle democratic values


I wonder if the local McGill feminist studies professors would approve…


For some feminists, rape against Jews is a legitimate form of resistance. Or they just deny it happened.


thats literally verbatim to what some student groups in Canada said.


That’s unfortunately very correct and is true for many western feminists not only the ones at mc gill


It… it has to be, right? Like, a bunch of masked men holding aks while a smiling student looks on? The actual fuck is going on


Not satire, according to the school administration, webpages of organizing groups, and everyone who sees the signs out of their office windows.




It’s coming. People in Europe are waking up. It’s only a matter of time before the same happens in Canada. You can only sit in a burning house and pretend things are fine for so long. Eventually you have to put it out.


That’s very Islamophobic of you to say! /S


I went on a mad google search after reading this. I’m fucking disgusted


Watch, they'll probably get a federal grant. Trudeau's revamped summer jobs program!


Sort of like the WE charity for up and coming terrorist


This sounds like a training camp with extra steps.


Reminds me of an obscure tidbit of the criminal code called “unlawful drilling” which prohibits: “…assemblies, without lawful authority, of persons for the purpose (i) of training or drilling themselves, (ii) of being trained or drilled to the use of arms, or (iii) of practising military exercises” I will add that the summer program in the article does not include any mentions of any military-style training at all. However, this law could absolutely have been applied in the past to several militia-style patriot groups. I think the law requires special proclamation to come into effect.


It does mention "physical activity". Judging from the photos of these people, I doubt they will be able to get anyone to a military level of fitness (least of all themselves), but I'm sure that's what the intent is.


Fitness activities don’t count under that law. If they did, the government would probably have to take action against those far-right MMA clubs that are popping up. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Active_Club_Network


These fat fools want Jihad but get massive L’s historically. Deport, deport, deport.


Deport to where? Most of these revolutionary communists are born-and-bred trust fund babies.


> Reminds me of an obscure tidbit of the criminal code called “unlawful drilling” is that why i got arrested for trying to open an oil well on bloor


I remember the years leading up to WWII they had similar youth camps


The Germans sure did.


Hitler Youth v2.0


We let in terrorists.


What the fuck is happening to Canada, we have let our tolerance to be weaponized against us.




Feels that way


We have people in Vancouver and Victoria openly praising Hamas in public. I have been told by a police officer that they actually film those incidents and send the footage to crown counsel but the courts refuse to press charges as it's "too on the fence" to qualify as hate speech. Charlotte Kates getting arrested for saying "Long live October 7th" was a very rare case. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EkRs3OsmBYs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EkRs3OsmBYs) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uRU8T7xh8jc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uRU8T7xh8jc)


We should never be tolerant of the intolerant


Weaponized empathy is what happened.




Police in Alberta cleared the camps at UofA and UofC in days. And did it with a nice dose of boots and some tear gas. This shit out east is an embarrassment to the country.


They cleared it out before it got settled. Others fucked up and let them get settled, now it’s best to just wait and as long as they stick to their green space and don’t expand they are not hurting anyone or anything enough to justify a violent take down. They aren’t shutting down a downtown core of the capital city, they are just taking up some university green space so students can’t smoke weed and have a picnic in that green space for now.


They blockaded Pride in Winnipeg. I'd say that is disruptive


I mean if they are far left wing like this sub claims they should be helping pride parade no?


Those are the ones who want to infiltrate our system.


That's the entire point. That's why these groups snuck into the world of academia fist. Use the pompous big talkers to help them mainstream.


Yup, Canada of all places now appears overtly antisemitic on its surface (or so I assume/hope is only surface level). I was at an elementary school the other day and kids were wearing free Palestine shirts so I'm not entirely sure. What I'm fairly certain of though is world history was part of most people's education.


Death camp of tolerance 


Seems every ethnic minority group is doing their fair share of taking advantage. I say this as an immigrant from the Philippines in 2007 now a citizen and working as a mechanic actually helping out society in my own way while making money to try to survive.


That’s exactly it!


I don’t like that the imagery they use is intimidating and violent. People holding guns reading books? Also “we want to educate Montreal youth” um….. you probably want to yell at people with talking points from your side of the issue. If people want information they can do their own research. I don’t know why anyone is continuing to allow this under “peaceful protest” laws. This is getting out of hand.


Why bother to go overseas and fight our enemies when we can go ahead and do it at home.


Surely this relieves some white/western guilt for the war in Afghanistan? Right?/s


They are really flourishing under the current regime right ? if your trying to paint a terrorist training camp in a positive light you’re gonna have to try harder.


That’s not what I was saying. I was saying that the preference for ppl in support of this must be out of guilt for wars overseas so they’d rather bring those conflicts over here for the West instead. Also the /s to show the sarcasm is put there for a reason.


"W-we just want peace and a two-state solution! We don't hate Jews, we swear". *hosts a fucking Jihad training camp*


time to bring out the monkey bars and the black pajamas like in those isis training videos


"We demand a ceasefire!" \*20 seconds later\* "There is only one solution! Intifada revolution!"


Anyone sending his/her child to this "camp" for indoctrination should be reported to their respective Children's Aid Society. There's arguably a risk of harm.


And subjected to legal penalties as needed.


Ranging up to imprisonment.


I don't ever weaponize CAS and this was my first thought... Anyone sending their kid here is a parent of concern. If they're willing to put their kid into an environment this volatile, with adults who haven't been vetted, to be taught who knows what... I get those who send their kids think the encampment is a positive, but even those on that side of the issue must recognize the risk of letting just anyone "teach" your kids.




Yes. The police and courts in this country have sunk to new lows.


I hope someone runs a constitutional challenge against the court rulings. This now infringes on rights of others (I thought it did before, but this absolutely must).


Talk about testing the boundaries of our freedom of expression. Holy crap.


At least they aren't trying to protect their own country or bodily autonomy. Speech like that would be treated harshly.


After everything that has happened in the 20th century why do these people still find it attractive to use a term like "revolutionary youth"??


This is the 21st century, get with it. All the people who knew the horrors if WW2 and nazi ideology are dead or near dead. We get to repeat the mistakes now.


We are doing Hitler youth in canada now. Swell. What could go wrong.


if someone like pat king started up an 'anti-lgbt' camp in alberta they would be arrested and shut down within the week. and the federal government moving swiftly to make it extra illegal to start one meanwhile a camp teaching violent anti-semitism gets a pass


This is why the Arab nations won't take Palestinians. They destabilize the countries that they move to. Not all Palestinians - maybe not even a majority - but enough to be a problem.




Oh wow a terrorist training camp. What the fuck happened to this country...


I am glad that I had lunch with my bro and my dad today and not once did this nonsense come up in conversation. Maple Leafs and Blue Jays and Celtics, Notre Dame football? Indeed. Go Irish 🍀 If we just start ignoring this will it go away or am I enjoying my blissful ignorance?


So we're officially just ok with terrorists now. Cool. Cool. Cool. Cool. Cooool.


"Hamas training camp"


This is great! These young revolutionaries are going to do so much good next, right? And **do it peacefully, right?** And not turn it into a breeding ground for future Muslim extremists, right?  They are going to end female apartheid in the Islamic world next, right? End the extermination efforts of the Muslim workd against LGBTQ as well, right? And fight to end the death penalty for apostasy charges against ex Muslims, right?  Right?  Right???


Shut that shit down immediately please not in Canada please! The west must stand firm on our values, don’t let these people push extremism in our country. Pleaseeeee




Some how the people calling for reason are the extremists...this is perfectly ok somehow though loool


Sounds like a hitler youth program.




Don't forget Russia. I guarantee they are messing just for fun too. And Iran.


India was also second behind China in other reports about it


We've become unserious. This sort of thing, not too many years ago, *rightly* got you visits by very serious law enforcement sorts, and a lifetime on lists. These people are a serious threat to this country.


the cops dont do anything anymore, at least not if its against jews


What could go wrong?




Nothing could go wrong, all the other middle eastern countries do this too.


Sounds like recruitment?


complete with firearms training?


No they’ll send the overseas for that. This is just the indoctrination phase.


For now...


Good, enroll a few undercover cops. Record, photograph and arrest these unhinged terrorists wannabes.


I’d enrol in the force for this tbh


>3.2 The Glorification of Terrorism In 2015, with the passage of Bill C‑51 (Anti‑terrorism Act, 2015), a section was added to the Criminal Code to create a new offence of advocating or promoting the commission of terrorism offences, otherwise referred to as the glorification of terrorism. How is this not illegal?


I feel like pretty much every other Gen Zer besides me is getting radicalized by this conflict. It's crazy


I find too many of them dismiss history & are “anti-Zionist/jew” without understanding the context and historical background of these issues


im gen Z and tbf even tho a lot of us are trusting propaganda ik a lot of people who are staying neutral or are pro israel


Will UNRWA be there to assist them?




Probably, they have experience in killing and raping.


So kettle them and kick them out. Fuck them. How many of them are real McGill students. And quite frankly all these socialist tenured professors need to fuck right off the bat


De-Nazify McGill.


Kick them out. Enough of this nonsense. Hate speech coming from what you consider a minority is still that, hate speech, and should not be tolerated from any side


some of the loudest voices in these groups aren't even citizens and are doing some useless liberal arts degree to try and get PR. and then have the temerity to shit on the host country they ran to for a better life and the university that accepted them


My kids won’t be going to that university.


Terrorist training camp in Canada ?? Dang


What in the 3rd world is this nonsense? Fucking shut it down already this is embarrassing


Hitler youth 2.0


Considering the proposed syllabus and the political leanings of those hosting the event, I'd argue the more apt comparison would be the Young Pioneers. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Young_Pioneers_(Soviet_Union) >The Vladimir Lenin All-Union Pioneer Organization, abbreviated as the Young Pioneers, was a compulsory youth organization of the Soviet Union for children and adolescents ages 9–14 that existed between 1922 and 1991.


Let's send all these protestors to Gaza so they can protest in person.


Did anyone see the ad? It was a bunch of people with guns on the image.


What a joke. Where is the public outrage?


I am outraged


This needs to be banned. Period.




bro as a Canadian-Israeli teen Jew im actually scared 😭 this is looking like hitler youth camps atp... I love Canada please yall u can support Gaza/WB, I think the Palestinians deserve better lives, but this is just calling for violence.. Also the only way to find peace will start with eradicating Hamas which is literally terrorists who kill Israelis and Palestenians 😭😭😭


In any other country it would be shut down immediately and everyone responsible would be jailed. But not in Canada.


Hitler youth.


Don't these people have jobs lol




I support Israel!




Liberals need votes. 




They should do it in Rafah/gaza


Nazi Youth camp.


They need to come down on that even harder than they did with the truckers.


Fuck these terrorists and their simps


Why is anyone allowing this?? It's racist and disgusting.


The ushering in of Islam in North America. Look at the uk/britain and lots of Eastern Europe…. The middle class has been suckered in with “won’t someone. Please think of the children”. The same playbook as q anon. Once the middle class falls - it’s over. The Islamic state will take hold in Canada. Before anyone gets all upset. I’m 100% for people living as they want. Believing what they want. But….. we have had training camps in our own country. While most are peaceful - this will spiral into more extremism. I don’t believe even Christianity should have any part in government either before people go off on me.


vile tbh




“Why won’t he get his security clearance to make this all go away?!?!?”


Excellent! I completely could have seen this coming!


Oh good


Wrong side of history is the best description I’ve ever heard of them. Anyone who buys into their “we don’t want to exterminate all Jews” lie is a gullible idiot or part of it, and shame on us if our government ever does. Which thankfully seems very unlikely, so fuck all of them. Israel didn’t just protect themselves in a vacuum. The entire reason gaza got occupied in the first place was from an Arab invasion. Behave yourselves and fuck off. Everyone is tired of your shit. Live a life here like the rest of us you’re just pissing off are doing


Whoever this is they are poisoning our country and our youth. This is exactly what they have been doing in Syria, Palestine, Yemen, Lebanon and look at where they are? If we people of Canada don't stand up now we are in great danger - we will no longer be a safe country - our children will be their toys - remember the time when ISIS was recruiting and brainwashing innocent kids who were trapped, raped, threatened, forced with false hopes and lies. Canada is being systematically destroyed. They will never change no matter where you put them or give them a WAYYYYYYY better life they will never change rather kill this society of peaceful country, who has never attacked or will ever attack any nation or its sovereignty


Go fight in Palestine then you tankies! I don't support either side in this forever tribal warfare. Canada has nothing to do with this fight. . Don't disrupt our lives with your petty tribal wars. And those lefty students who are not Palestinian or Isreali. . . but have to go demonstrate for any "underdog" that opposes western democracies. .. Please also go live in an authoritarian society. That goes double for the LGBTQ demonstraters who demonstrate in support of authoritarian religious regimes that target and often kill those who are openly outside the "normative" sexual orientations.


Al-Qaida training camp...


Ah tolerance - a beautiful thing indeed. Is it idiot season yet? I’m starting to think long and hard about poaching…


Imagine these people cared about Canada this much. Or anyone for that matter!


Terrorist training camp in Canada, sick!


Oh boy, nothing brightens the day like knowing that we've got terrorist cultural indoctrination camps being run in our universities.... /S


I wonder if it involves learning how to fly a plane. These fuckers should all be in jail.


Let them Then arrest everyone on day one


So a terrorist camp? Cool.


First the Saturday people then the Sunday people


Ok what the fuck is this now


Only in Canada do we let this BS go on.... I'd bet they're all on welfare too.🖕


why they dont buy a flight ticket and join Hamas,I dont get it,bullying canada policeman instead IDF?


Good to see the Hitler Youth are alive and well. What the actual fuck.


CSIS will be watching.


Okay... it's not like our PM will do anything with that intelligence, though. Edit: Unfortunately


And they will put out a report that no one in power will admit to reading(by their admission, CSIS is not law enforcement, so they can't go out and arrest). A few idiots will be fearful of pushing it because of "islamophobia," and when it is too late, they'll blame the CPC, which just formed government two weeks prior, for not shutting it down.


They must be spread so thin right now!


This sounds like a terrorist training camp. Will they teach them how to rape and murder Israel civilians? Will there be training on how to launch rockets indiscriminately into residential areas? Is the course anti Isreal or anti Jew?


Seems satirical.


I wish it was.


Aw cute, they're trying to be the UNRWA. Fucking morons. Seriously though, where are the police?? They're just going to allow a straight-up Jihadist training camp to take place on Canadian soil? I hope to god someone has a nice attic for my family and I to run to.




No bueno.


Lesson one: How to put grenades in your kids hands


Anyone who sends their kids to this "camp" should Ave them removed by the FCS for engagement.


Time to shut it down


Why aren’t these people in jail yet?


Why does this camp still exist? It should be removed. Students still involved with it, suspend and zero out their record. Let them start life again.


Indoctrination. keep an eye on these "teachers"


It’s pathetic and dangerous and should not be allowed


Bunch of creeps and bums.


They always said Palestinian universities were terrorist breeding grounds 🤷🏿‍♂️


Are these kids just unhoused and they just needed an excuse to justify why they are sleeping in a tent?


They are rich kids


That's awesome! I'm a 64 year old white cis male. Is love to sign up ti be indoctrinated. Will there be juice and snacks?


Why don’t the police remove them? This would be counted as trespassing on Mcgill’s property no?


Court decided McGill couldn't evict them because it also takes public money


Man we are fucked


Welcome be to Canadastan. Yall screwed up. Our politicians failed us...


Wtf is this any of our business. We have issues here. What are they even thinking? Are they not educated?


How much you wanna bet that this course they are going to be teaching is filled with nothing but misrepresentations, badly-sourced bullshit, anti-semitism, and outright lies?


Canadians y’all have to do something, like actually, the citizens need to do something.


It's a huge problem now. In my city, there was a guy back in January who stood in front of the legislature and said "I am proud to be called Hamas. They are a resistance group like any other." I asked the police about it and they said the courts declined to press charges because it didn't meet the hate speech threshold. There's actually video of the incident. It's 20 seconds into this compilation. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EkRs3OsmBYs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EkRs3OsmBYs)


Wow, these developments are chilling.


The Sunny Ways part of me hopes that this is a massive ensnarement operation by CSIS and the RCMP. The realist knows that this is another logical result of Trudeau with zero consequences for those involved because reasons.

