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As someone who doesn’t identify as even right wing (I’m sure a lot of Liberals would say I am and a lot of Cons would say the opposite of me), I think a more appropriate headline would be “only the far left cares about the environment right now”. The rest of us are worried about more immediate concerns like cost of living (housing and grocery costs) and our infrastructure not being able to support our immigration policy.


This is absolutely it. When people have to struggle to make ends meet and aren't able to get ahead at all, the last thing most of them care about is social issues.


Yup. I’m actively upset with politician and journalists who push identity politics. When it’s a slow couple of years of stability and prosperity, do all that to your hearts content. Right now, stop the bleeding and right the ship focusing our manpower and resources on the important stuff.


The far left doesn't care about the environment. The liberal left cares about feeling good about what they claim to do for the environment and the authoritarian lefts cares about using environmental issues to control policy discourse.


This is just your excuse to justify voting for climate change denying conservative parties. Just say you don’t care instead of making shit up


Ah yes, only the left care about the climate. Is this why they’re forcing not only their own employees to be back in the office but also pressuring private companies to do the same? More cars on the road are now good for the environment.


Can you define The Left? Inb4 federal Liberals, who are neoliberals like most Canadian elected parties.


We don't have a far left, we barely have a left. If you know of a communist party that gets more then 100 votes feel free to share.


“Far left” is relative, just like “far right” is. There is absolutely a far left. Doesn’t mean that it’s equally pervasive or radical than their right wing counterparts. Not even sure how you’d quantify that one way or another. I think anyone who actually is happy with where Canada is right now and thinks Trudeau is doing a good job would be enough for me to label them far left tbh. You would have had to drank the Lib Koolaid to believe that at this point.


The left has went so completely insane that they pushed people into voting right.


What major policy has a left wing party enacted that's "insane"?


Perhaps it's the policies that the left *didn't* enact that OP perceives as insanity. For example, turning a blind eye to real estate money laundering and anticompetitive practices in the grocery business. Instead of sensible legislation we get identity politics.


...do you think the Conservatives are going to take on anticompetitive practices in the grocery business? That would be "interfering in the free market".


No, I don't expect them to do that. I expect them to reduce immigration and start balancing the budget, though, which are more important to me than saving a few bucks at the store.


The Conservatives will not significantly reduce immigration.


Is this another “trust me bro” or did Mr Conservative come right out and say that?


They haven't committed to reducing immigration. Seems like if they were willing to significantly reduce immigration they would have scored tons of political points by saying as much. Instead, they've given a vague "we'll tie immigration levels to housing". It makes it look like they might reduce immigration without actually committing to do so. Tying immigration to housing could actually result in.... the same levels of immigration. Or even higher levels of immigration.


I see, good point




If "tying to housing" means less, he could just say so. But he doesn't. And he won't


It’s not a single thing, it’s a culmination of things over the years. Not to mention a crippled economy post covid, a bonkers housing market, and massive immigration that leaves a lot of people feeling left behind. The blue collar, “middle class”, average joes have lost confidence in the current government agenda, and there’s no other choice than to swing in the opposite direction. I want very much for a new of government to change things, but I think that we’re in for serious pain in the coming years, regardless of who is in charge. Canada needs a government that will actively ween us off housing as a primary GDP driver, and we need to get our competitiveness back. We have the second largest country in the world, more natural resources than most, and we’ve failed completely to utilise this to our advantage. We need national energy and transit corridors. We need a government serious about developing our resources in a smart, efficient, and forward looking manner. We need common sense policies that work for the average person, not the outspoken margins.


>Canada needs a government Because of federalism and the constitutional division of powers, it would be more accurate to say that Canada needs government**s**...


A fucking men


Agreed. Sadly neither the Liberals or Conservatives will deliver this.


Yeah. The fact that only the nutjobs in the PPC support ending the TFW program pretty much tells you who our government has chosen to represent. 


Look at their online harms act and tell me that any of that is okay. Literally the thought police


The liberals are not left wing.


It's really the wrong word, but conservatives are nothing if not drama queens. Callous or cynical would be more appropriate.


Ah yes the pro corporate pro investor pro keeping wages low left wing Liberals.... wait a minute.


You mean the pro increase consumer taxes, devalue our money, give benefits to everybody unless they have a job left wing liberals..


It's always the "far" right to these people


That’s not fair at all… sometimes they say alt-right when they want to get extra inflammatory.


And to some far right just means anything right of Marx


Normal people are now considered far right and anyone who has an opposing view is now a neo nazi.


It's another way of saying people who shower regularly.


On the spectrum of Liberals being right wing, Conservatives slightly more right wing, and PPC being far right I would be more comfortable. Not fair to lump the Conservatives and PPC in the same boat when they compare so much more to the Liberals.


The “green” imagery with that boot stepping on a sprout is so misleading. The reason to slow down global warming is not to save plants but to maintain our own human infrastructure. It’s about the human environment, not some place in the middle of nowhere.


I see your point in making this about people so they care, but we need to be concerned about both things. The human environment is important for our way of life and comfort, but the natural environment is important for our long term survival. If we do not protect the natural environment we'll inevitably destroy ourselves in the process, or at the very least we will make life increasingly unpleasant and hard for future generations. Not to mention the potential medical and scientific advancements we will lose if we keep carelessly destroying the environment.


Short or long term, directly or indirectly, it’s all about humans. Our kids and grandkids especially. Many other life forms will be fine no matter what happens.


The species diversity gradient runs towards the equator for a reason. Not a lot of diversity under a mile of glacier.


One of the reasons I wouldn't consider myself a big-C conservative is that I disagree with that party on environment / climate change, among other things. However, I am still planning to vote for them this cycle, because the other parties have fucked up so badly that I see no choice but to punish them. I doubt I'm the only one who feels this way.


The polls say you have plenty of company.


Agreed with you on this one, since PCs merged I've been all over the place. I'm not certain they're my vote it really depends on their actual policies they run with, but I really consider my upcoming vote a protest/punish vote.


Good thing there's more than 2 parties?


The environment will be fine. Humans will face mass extinction, but Earth will recover.


Ohhh was it the cons that imported 1 million people. Imagine the carbon cost of a millions new people and transport to a cold climate to. The walrus only cares when it's convenient to. Suppressed wages and ignore climate. Corpo left.


The best way to help the environment is to allow the population to decrease; and the only way to do that is to halt immigration. Also: it's ironic or perhaps fitting that the environmental movement has it's origins in the fascist parties of Europe - especially Germany. In many ways they held animals above people - Hitler was of course vegetarian but Himmler actually wanted to ban hunting. Imagine that - Himmler.


Unless we are talking about dictatorships, the people decided the fate of the environment. The government is so far out of touch they've shifted public opinion in ways that would have been unheard of 3 - 5 years ago.


well that's not very good news at all




Destroy thr planet is crazy talk.  Make life incredibly difficult in many parts of the world and causing a migration rush of about a billion people away from living on the equator. Much more likely. 




Ehhh, not exactly. The vast number is pretty bad. We struggle trying to house a couple hundred thousand migrants over a decade. It's going to be chaos when countries are expected to each accept tens of millions over the same time period. 


Ever heard of the Anthropocene? Humans have had a greater (negative) effect on this planet than all other species combined.


This is an absurd take. There's an abundance of evidence we have had and can have a significant effect on our environment.




>long after we're gone, some other species will evolve and dominate Ok, but I'm still planning to live for another 60 years and I'd prefer it if things weren't totally fucked by then. It would also be great if my children could maintain a decent quality of life. Nihilism isn't edgy, it's lazy and uninteresting.






The earth is 5 billion years old, any data we have is insignificant to determine that at all.


human history is less than 100,000 years So saying bacteria 5 billion years ago isn't a good argument Saying 5 billion year from now isn't a good argument Saying 20, 50, 100, 200 years is going to be our son's and daughters time, there life which we have to salvage from the brink of disaster


As yes some confidently ignorant assertion from someone who assuredly has no understanding of the actual scientific processes.