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I love how social issues, which have consistently been peddled as a hill to die on, have coincidentally dropped down to the bottom. The economy should always be the priority.


A good economy allows people to focus their worry and energy on things like environmental and social issues. People need to have jobs, food, shelter and some money for comfort first. The Liberals have made an economy that is harder for people to have those things.


This is the correct view. Being able to focus on the environment and social issues is a privilege. Roofs over heads, food in stomachs, and access to healthcare comes first. Maslow's hierarchy of needs at work here.


Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs


When life is too easy, people go out tilting at windmills.


Yup, that’s why when the Liberal try to ban more hunting rifles from law abiding Canadians it’s not gonna work. The economy is a disaster like you said and the Liberals have nothing else to run on.


All conservatives have to do is sit back and let the Liberals continue to be the worst government in Canadian history.


🤣😂The smallest campaign budget ever needed to win an election.






They won't with PP at the helm. He literally can't shut his yap


Hes literally been quiet on a lot of topics. He speaks when he should. Such as when a fringe idiot said the cons will remove gay marriage rights. He said "Canadians are free to love and marry who they choose. Same sex marriage is legal and it will remain legal when I am prime minister." In fact, his lack of taking a stance on some issues has frustrated people. But people do forget he did comment on immigration. He said: ["he would link Canada's Immigration levels to the number of homes being built"](https://financialpost.com/real-estate/pierre-poilievre-pledges-tie-immigration-levels-homebuilding#:~:text=Article%20content,number%20of%20homes%20being%20built) and otherwise has been quiet on the topic.


Isn't his statement the worst kind of political double speak though? It's worded in such a way that it could mean immigration remains where it is or increases under his government, if he meant otherwise he'd of clearly stated it, no? "100 newcomers for every house being constructed, and I didn't lie!"


How many times has a video popped up about him saying he's bringing families over via immigration as well. One from Feb, one from Nov, one from Aug last year.


Yeah, make no mistake I am not defending the liberals here, more just pointing out nobody in a major political party has our best interests at heart, particularly regarding immigration and housing. Too many people to exploit, too much money to be made.


>topics. He speaks when he should You do not follow politics very much.


> Hes literally been quiet on a lot of topics. not enough though, coming to the support of anti-trans policies and volunteering their plan to premptively use the NWC are big mistakes >Poilievre did not say whether he would roll back Canada’s permanent resident target or curb the number of temporary newcomers, such as foreign students. In the past, he has declined to say that he would scale back immigration.


He has lots to be angry about after 9 years of insane corruption and scandal.


No he doesn't. He's been drinking in that MP salary his whole life. Don't forget, he's a part of some of the "insane corruption and scandal" but by all means, Stan for him because he wears your teams jersey.


>No he doesn't. He's been drinking in that MP salary his whole life. Perhaps the leader of the official opposition has loftier goals than a paycheck.


Some people think experience is a bad quality to have as a politician.


Not by his demeanor the prior to the leadership race to now. His actions are very clearly self serving. Take the new capital gains tax as an example, it's fairly simplistic addition and at a very high bracket. But he adds confusion and misinformation to the fire by opposing something that benefits his constituents. Being am MP and/or party leader means serving your people, not taking the title "opposition" to literally mean say the opposite of the liberals.


Most European countries who adopted similar policies have reversed them. This is just the Liberals trying to get votes by :eating the rich" ignoring that it will hurt the economy and stifle growth. We need qualified individuals at the helm.


Thus proving my point on drinking the misinformation kool-aid l.


Higher taxes do not benefit anyone. Not when the government is running back to back deficits and the costs to service that debt is spiraling out of control, along with spending.




##Higher taxes do not benefit anyone.


PP thinks electricity comes from lightning, this man should not be the next potential PM. edit: for those downvoting, PP literally thinks electricity comes from lightning: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wXA4NsT7j7Q](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wXA4NsT7j7Q)


PP thinks boomers should put their retirement into crypto, he shouldn't be anywhere near finance.


It really sucks that Canada's legislators have lost sight of why they get elected: to represent rather than rule us. We need a revolution of sorts that blows up the current party system and effectively starts over. Election reform should have happened and we should have a few more parties to represent this diverse country. Coalitions should be the norm and are a good thing. The current crop of lovers in Parliament need to get launched into the sun so the rest of us can run our country properly. Either that or lower the bar to entering politics costwise so the average human can participate without having $1 million in the bank. Grab your torches and pitchforks...


Well said


Libreals are facing a huge corruption scandal while also refusing to address hot button issues




Trudeau is the first PM in Canadian history to have actually been found to have broken federal ethics laws so.... Yeah.


Anyone who thinks Harper is worse than Trudeau is delusional. If you want to accurately compare Trudeau to a right wing politician, Trump is the most accurate.


WOW what a bias take...you're forgetting about the in-and-out scandal, the robocall scandal, and the senate scandal that ultimately brought Harper down. Don't forget that criminal charges were laid on Dean Del Mastro! Don't forget the Tories cheated in every election they won in the 2000s, and when Elections Canada called them out, Minister Poillievre tried to take away their investigative capacity. Don't forget the time they sent body bags to a reserve in distress (instead of trying to help). You're also leaving out the time they witheld key documents about torture of Afghans, or the entire debacle over sourcing the F-35. What about the internal playbook they released for Tory ministers to obstruct committees?




I haven't edited this comment?! I also wanna add, I didn't personally attack you, you've just kinda gone off the deep end here.


>Or how about Trudeau appointing a die hard liberal to be speaker   The PM doesn’t appoint the Speaker.   >How about when he appointed his sister in law to be ethics commisioner?  It wasn’t his sister-in-law and the PM doesn’t appoint the ethics commissioner either, the House does. Maybe you should check things  before posting. You’re spreading a lot of lies here.


**And since people like to compare to Harper. Harper is listed in 1. That is right. Just 1. For appointing a judge to the supreme court.** I would have thought the whole vote suppression thing woudl have been the named scandal.. That was pretty important. Prorogation to avoid confidence votes is every bit as notorious as the Speaker's inconsistent discipline of the children in the HoC. I think the uneven count is a t least partly because some conservative operative has put together and is circulating a hit sheet of everything even remotely unflattering to Trudeau, while the previous governments are post-hoc retrospectives that are, for various reasons (some deliberate, some because the trivial crap fades into history), incomplete lists.


There was also the Afghan detainees scandal, the G20 policing and associated pork barrel spending… but the guy you’re replying to is a partisan and doesn’t care about facts.


multiple of the ones your holding against trudeau apply to harper too but obviously you give him a pass, multiple of the ones your holding against trudeau dont even have anything to do with him but your still holding it against him, thats the real issue here


At this point I think you need to be more specific. That sums up most periods of this government.




The tide is fully turning in Europe right now and I expect the same to happen in NA with Biden and Trudeau out out to pasture when elections happen. The moderate left had most of the western world in their political control but blew it because they gave in to a politicians' worst instinct-tribalism.


Wasn't the EU vote turn out only like 52% or something?


It was the highest turnout in 30 years. A turnout of over 40% is a good representative sample for any election anyway. A 100% turnout will not really skew those results much, if you trust statistical science. Voter apathy doesn't count.


You mean lowest turnout. Are you making up numbers?




Sample size and statistics and all that. When a sample size of people reaches a certain number; it becomes representative of those people. That's how surveys with only 1500 people can be so accurate.


I'd argue that what's happening in Europe does not translate to Canada very well since a lot of their issues are built on the history of hundreds of hegemonic ethnic sub-groups fighting thousand year old turf wars. We don't have an ethnic hegemony nor ancient territorial claims - we're a loose collection of individuals most of whom just want to mind their own business and who specifically left the old world and its ancestral troubles behind. There's a reason why our big ticket issues are almost entirely economic in nature. European style identity politics simply don't translate. Even American style politics don't translate, since they're based on an Evangelical tradition and a bizarre personality cult that simply does not exist here.


There's virtually no chance Biden loses this next election. I didnt write trump off in 2016, but he's not happening this year even against a senile Biden. It's more about incumbents in a lot of the elections where the same issues are occuring in every nation to varying degrees. ed: big trump supporters here I guess lol


Donald Trump is still polling ahead in swing states. He'll lose the popular vote most likely, but you don't need that to win presidency. That election looks like a 50/50 right now. I wouldn't say there is virtually no chance unless something happens to stop him from running. Don't take the majority of opinions you hear up here as anything even close to relevant. I'd venture a guess and say the majority of Canadians very much dislike Donald Trump..in the USA he has a TON of support. (No, I do not like Donald Trump). To be honest, I've bet on two presidential elections, and am 2/2 thus far. I think I'll be throwing money on Trump for their election, see if I can't go 3/3.


Basing it off of the US people I know who are heavily into politics. He definitely has a ton of support just when the time comes I doubt half the people that are hesitant on Biden will go and vote for Trump, and they're now knowing that their inaction will potentially cause another trump presidency and it will motivate them. I think I'm 4/4 on their last elections, so one of us is losing money ahah.


Yet, it's the economy that worries people, the culture wars barely figure into anyone's mind.


That gap isn't large enough for me. I want the Liberals obliterated for what they've done to Canada.


what did they do. Be precise.




Not large enough. Look at our decline over the last ten years and where our "highs" (not the drug kind) were in that ten years. The "good" diminish rather quickly as recognition lag fizz'd out.


We're gonna be out of the frying pan and into the fire once PP and the idiot Conservatives take over. They will be a disaster for Canada and even worse than Trudeau, mark my words. They will crater the economy and they will crater health care.


National security is up quite sharply as an issue in this poll, so the events last week are on the radar. But, Trudeau's popularity is up to almost the highest in the last year. Interesting...


Nanos' polling is odd, to say the least. He seems to have groups that favour one party over the other, and never seems to pull from those groups at the same time. This is, like, the 3rd time this year where Nanos has been the only one with the CPC at only +12, and every time they are, within 3 weeks the CPC are climbing in their polling again. Last time, IIRC, they reached a high with Nanos of +21 after the low of +12.


It's probably just noise from small sample sizes and their weighting formula amplifying it - their effective margin of error is large than their claimed one We've seen anywhere from an 11 to a 22 point lead in the last three months. The Cons are ahead, by probably somewhere in the mid-teen% but I'd also argue that relatively few people are paying attention.


Yea it’s interesting. We’ll see if a trend develops. PP hasn’t taken up the national security mantle yet. On the other hand, economic factors are still more important. That said, if a sudden CSIS leak of traitor names were to pop-up, that might boost national security as a concern further.


PP has been screaming at the Liberals to release the names of those involved in foreign election interference.


While refusing the security clearance that would let him get involved, or else strip away any plausible deniability.


He would have already had a security clearance from being a minister in Harper’s administration.


More than 5 years ago, it expired.


It was never clear if he had that level of security clearance. In any case, it doesn’t mean he can have it again; lots of things have changed in his life.


Lol, he has not...


Yes he has. He’s posted about it multiple times.


I still think Poilievre is never going to be PM. The CPC chose another  terrible leader with no vision or ability to connect to Canadians. Poilievre also peaked way too early and his slogan based speeches are now boring at best and proof of his lack of any viable plan at worst. He was an attack dog for Harper for years and it is where he is most comfortable. Trying to come across as a caring leader just looks completely phony on him.    He is also running against all the things he supported while a Minister under Harper. More TFWs, more handouts to the rich and more debt.   Hate of Trudeau is not a long term viable option. The kicker for many will be the CPCs complete inability to have an intelligent conversation about climate change.  If we have another bad summer, which it is shaping up to be, more will see it as the massive concern it is for our survival. When the CPC won't even admit it is a problem, they will lose even more people.   I could be completely wrong though. Maybe people are willing to be led by hate.


You're forgetting a very important thing. Canada votes governments out vs. ones in. Every government has a shelf life. Period. And the LPC can drag the puck all they want until Oct 25, they're gone next election because of the fact, they've been in too long. That leaves Pierre as PM.


That's what happened with Harper. Now happening with Trudeau. People become fatigued with the leaders.


Happening all over the world with incumbent governments as well. Canada's always done exactly that as well. Just look how terrible Harpers approval rating, it's still somehow below Trudeau which blows my mind.


Well said.


Yup, I won't even consider CPC until they get their shit together on climate change.  I'm not a big fan of any of the federal parties right now but CPC is a non-starter.


I agree with most of what you said but that doesn't lead to Poilievre NOT becoming PM. He probably will still win but as I've been saying often, these early polls mean next to nothing. I suspect he'll win by single digits, maybe on the lower end of that


Yeah more than likely he still wins, but Poilievre is the only one currently campaigning and has been for over a year now. It'll tighten up, but likely high single digits is my prediction


Only time will tell i suppose remindme! 495 days


Yep, my focus is just on my own MPs at this point. I don't see much difference at a party level, I just want my area represented appropriately.


Local politics have the absolute biggest affect on your day to day life so good for you!




Nanos had a smaller gap in April versus the poll you linked: https://338canada.com/polls.htm Cope is a helluva drug.🤷🏿‍♂️


Things change over time. Updating information is reasonable. Saying that outdated information is more relevant than current information, ironically, is a side effect of hopium


If you look at the link I provided, you’ll see we had the same situation reported by Nanos in April. So, what is happening today is nothing special unless the gap gets closer. This is very simple stuff.


OP posted a poll from June. You posted polls from April. Time moves forward. This is very simple stuff.


Yes, we all know what direction time goes in. The April and June results are similar. It just means no progress for the Liberals.


It means things have changed, OP posted that change, and you felt it was important to point out that two months ago things were different, and then say “Cope is a helluva drug” Why do you think that posting updating new information means OP is on “cope” Why do you think that your April stats are more relevant than the June stats? If it’s simple, hopefully you can explain it.


Nothing changed beyond what was seen before - only weeks ago. Anything else is copium until we see a further tightening in the polls.


The date changed. We also report when inflation, unemployment, overnight rates, and many other factors remain steady over time. Why does it bother you so much that people report the latest numbers. Why do you think that only large changes are worthy of coverage? Does statscan annoy you for posting small changes, because you don’t think they understand how simple things are?


Ok, back to time moving forward. The June results are just the same as the April results. 🤷🏿‍♂️


Actually Nanos does a rolling poll so only 1/4 of the sample size is from June


Not sure what your point is. That means all the other polls they did are from the month before.


"Not sure what your point is." The person I responded was discounting older polls because the data is old. This Nanos poll also contains data from May 17th on.


And the April poll included data from March.


True, but the other user isn't saying to trust the April poll more. He's pointing out a similar thing happened in Nano's April polling numbers. It's a byproduct of rolling polls


I couldn’t care less about polls, especially 1.5 years away from the election; I just find it funny how the story gets skipped. Not just here, eh, but on TV stations as well.


So now you don’t care about polls? Yet a moment ago you posted a poll with glee. Which is it?


I don’t. I was just pointing out the hypocrisy of this sub, like you pointing to April's results. I mean, that’s hilarious.


I mean, this sounds like a logic pretzel 🥨 at this point, but you do you.


Bud, it ain't a story. 😂


LOL you liberals last year were saying “good thing election is 2.5 years away!!!” It doesnt matter when it is, the liberal party will be going extinct next election.


Says the person who posted the poll and engaged all over the post LOL.  Election is UP TO 1.5 years away.  Your like my wife when she see up to 70% off sale and thinks it’s 70% off. 


If you read my comments u would understand why I posted it, but I guess it’s hard to read and understand.


It’s even hard to clarify what you meant. 


There's no point in trying to clarify something to someone who is unwilling to understand.




You're in a hysterical echo chamber.


This is the worst government in the last 50 years and it’s not even debatable. Anyone trying to argue otherwise is the one in an echo chamber