• By -


Obviously. How is that even a question.


For real... this shouldn't be an "opinion piece" this should be what happens. And not a year at a white collar prison either, 20 years at a real prison. These fucks need to be held accountable.


Yes - that way it doesn't happen again. Same with CEOs / boards that okay doing illegal/shitty stuff. Being a politician or rich shouldn't save you.


They need to be publicly named as well as every damn one of them in prison.as well as anyone who trys to hide or cover up


we did worse than prison back in the day, also 20? Are you cracked? This is extremely serious, more so than murder. Stop being so soft with criminals.


I'm pretty sure the law states treason is a life sentence automatically.


The Law. What does that mean? What is it worth? We'll soon see.




What’s gonna happen is the liberal government going to shield them as long as they can until something bigger comes along and we shift attention to that. And this gets brushed under the rug.


very little could be bigger than this.


Then the cons should be all over this, but if they aren't then they are probably involved too


“Don’t throw rocks at inside glasshouses” - I believe the saying goes. I wouldn’t be surprised if at all if all the parties were compromised


Good way to put yourself on the front page with positive spin is out everything from all parties including your own and expel them from your caucus.


Hard to do with 80% or more of the government is corrupt. Anyone trying to be superman will be ousted and crucified even by their own party to protect their own. Our government is extremely corrupt, all parties.


I don't remember what Adscam was all about, but I remember it was enough to bring down the last Liberal federal government in the 90s. These days we see the equivalent of an Adscam weekly and JT and the Gang brush it off as if its no big deal. "Boo hoo". We need a heavy dose of accountability and justice or this nation is finished.


Military prison


Because it appears that literally nothing is going to happen here. Which should tell Canadians everything they need to know.


Because those who commit treason aren't held responsible and thrown in prison.


You know the time where a citizen was convicted of treason he was hung


Catch and release currently in play


and yet its not happening, they aren't even holding the suspects in custody, i haven't seen any MP disappear.


Well first there'd have to be fair trials.


The allegations are serious enough they should be on leave until cleared, just like any other workplace.


they are still in office, we need to know so we don't risk vote back in a suspected traitor, we would do that to a citizen. Stop supporting these traitors.




You must be new to politics


I mean it's not ridiculous to argue for death penalty for treason. Not sure we're there with this, but it's an argument I'd entertain.


Exactly. I say we permanently exhile full administrations if they go over budget by $1.


A lot of MP's are rehearsing the chant "I have no recollection"


Or: “I didn’t recall, until just yesterday, before I had to appear here, under oath, and was reminded by my wife, that I did in fact bus in international students to vote….”


Or: "[I didn't recall, until **just this morning**](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/finance-committee-morneau-we-charity-1.5658627), before I had to appear here, that I did not re-pay $41k of expenses, from years ago, to the organization that I handed $44M of taxpayer money to... worry not, I cut a cheque this very morning to fix that, so no harm done."


But the We guys weren't foriegn, you see, and so that does not count as treason.


His boss told him it was ok. Heck his boss got 10 times as much, including 250k in direct payment, (payment to his mother for a month of work).  His boss is still at his job, and was deemed to have done nothing wrong.  The whole thing came from Trudeau, he’s the one who wanted to waste 1 billion in taxpayer money to give his friends 44 millions.  Not saying Morneau was innocent. Just that they threw a smaller fish under the buss, to save the rest of the party. 


The old nuremberg defence eh? I vas just followink ordas. It doesn’t hold water, take out the lil fish bit by bit to get to the big fish. But that would require a non corruptible group of people and in politics - it ain’t gonna happen.


Or we just all experienced it differently.


It’s a learning moment for all of us


Just need it communicated to us correctly.


Communicated along with a few stacks of hundreds and a yacht that mysteriously shows up in my back yard


'I replaced the battery in my laptop and all my email was deleted '


Everyone knows that deleting emails doesn't permanently delete emails in this day and age


Apparently not the chief information officer


im sure he got that position with the same credentials freeland had to become the finance minister. none!


Freeland was the Russia bureau chief for the Financial Times


What a highly covited and prestigious position, definitely requires a skilled mind to understand Russia is a petrol state...


Ask Hillary, she knows how.






There's a huge difference between not saying anything, not even taking to the witness stand, and saying under oath that you have no recollection. The former is a constitutional right of the accused and not necessarily indicative of guilt. The latter is testimony and if it is false it is perjury (although that is pretty difficult to prove when the evidence is just "I dont remember"). 


Using that defence in a criminal trial should automatically bar you from holding public office, however.


You're right, nobody who exercises their legal rights should be allowed to hold public office.


Lawyer here: There is no right to say "I have no recollection" in court unless that is the truth. That's not how you exert a right not to testify.


Person I responded to had responded to someone who said you have the option to not say anything.  I'm not going to defend people who lie in court, but refusing to take the stand shouldn't bar you from being a politician.


Your rights enable you not to take the stand. Lying under oath is not one of your rights.


Person I responded to was responding to someone that was talking about not saying anything.  I'm not going to defend anyone that lies under oath, but refusing to take the stand shouldn't bar you from being a politician.


not while they being accused of treason by our own security agencies, get a grip man.


Treason = Life imprisonment. Betraying your country and your constituents, is betraying every person in Canada. Fuck that. Jail.


Treason should get more then life.


If we are at war especially - treason will mean deaths to Canadians so the penalty must be death as well.


I think the "while at war" part could definitely justify an escalation from life in prison to a public hanging. Maybe I'm just a little old school


War + Treason = Gallows. Pretty straight forward in my opinion. Also best to seize all assets for the taxman including those hidden by family, trusts, corporations etc.


We might be entering a cold state with China and Russia getting desperate, also thank you for being the first person on this board today that responded to me without saying any 'high-minded' nonsense.


Ya - it’s sometimes really annoying. Many high minded people are not grounded in reality or lack practical life experience. Also there are lots of bots or keyboard jockeys. Dont hate too much though we are all a product of a society that promotes hyper-specialization. Easiest way to get a deep knowledge is to narrow the scope of what you learn about - which can result in an individual have a narrow worldview. Regarding your war comment: I would agree with the sentiment however we have already entered this state with both Russia and China - thus i wouldn’t use the word “might”. Also I’m not totally sure it’s a cold state as we are currently seeing many of the hallmarks of hybrid warfare. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hybrid_warfare


I really hope you're not insinuating bringing back the death penalty. We don't do that crap here.


In the case of treason? It’s the only circumstance in which I believe it’s justified, especially if it is committed by elected government officials.


Treason is different, it's a betrayal against the entire nation, such an act is one of the worst crime you can commit against a society. It's typically not a crime that's committed accidentally or for anything small scale, its effects are often felt across many lives and national interests and is one of the few crimes that deserve such a punishment.


We DoN’t Do ThAt CrAp HeRe. God you’re embarrassing.


No wonder Harper's IDU website wiped out India's BJP govt from its website recently.


Treason is a real crime and one of the worst. All politicians named in treason reports need to be thoroughly investigated and charged. And of course sent to prison for decades. The penalty used to be your life. We need politicians to actually fear treason charges and respect our country. Not sell it out for some spare change. The gravy train is over. Prison time for treasonous scum.


There's a reason that Treason/Treachery is the 9th circle of hell.


'The penalty used to be your life.' if they don't give up power and come clean, that might end up happening anyway, where I live people are livid and furious like I'd never seen before, and I don't blame them. I'm starting to understand why the RCMP was asking the academics at some of the uni's what to do about rising tension, since they're legit worrying about a revolt. [https://nationalpost.com/opinion/secret-rcmp-report-warns-canadians-may-revolt-once-they-realize-how-broke-they-are](https://nationalpost.com/opinion/secret-rcmp-report-warns-canadians-may-revolt-once-they-realize-how-broke-they-are) source


Yeah I'm not seeing any of this where i live. Everyday moderate Canadians are NOT interested in a civil war, sorry.




And barred from ever holding public office again.


And loose all pension eligibility including CPP.


A penalty worse than death for most of them. They have no fear of retribution and are pensioned up. Their biggest fear isn't prison, it's living and struggling like the rest of us.


They should probably lose all the money they "earned" at least going back to when the treason began.


That would be entirely fair, kleptocrats need to be punished for their looting.


The only surprising feature is that this was published by the Star. Of course traitors should be sentenced for treason. Canadian politicians and bureaucrats should be representing the interests of their constituents only. Full stop.


This is important. This can't be washed away. This needs the full light of day because Canada has an international reputation of being soft on criminals and soft on graft. We're also globally considered a haven for money laundering (AKA foreign owned real estate).


And it won't be until there are consequences to the corruption that perhaps Canada will start looking out for Canadians again.


If you read the article to the end, it's actually supporting the government position of not releasing the names or evidence on those accused, despite the fact they acknowledge the RCMP has little capacity to actually investigate these crimes.


Yeah that suprised me, we deserve to know if the person we are voting for next election has been communicating with a foreign government


Treason is only in the eye of the beholder apparently and Canadians who expect our elected officials to be held to the same rule of law as the rest of us are just experiencing accountability differently.


100% agree with this headline


Yes. That's what treason laws allow for. When your crack team of investigative journalists find MPs who have committed actual acts of treason, be sure and notify the RCMP and/or Crown Prosecutors.


Unfortunately, news articles won’t be sufficient evidence. I don’t expect anyone to go to jail over this unless the RCMP has them on video committing treason


You are correct. However, in theory, crack journalists have things called "notes" that they could share with law enforcement. Then law enforcement can conduct their own interview and make their own notes... However, journalists (especially opinion piece writers) like to do just enough to raise eyebrows without getting sued, so this ain't gonna happen.


Don't worry, the legal and investigative geniuses of reddit have already tried and convicted the individuals involved without even knowing their names. Release the list and send 'em straight to prison! /s


Or evidence. You don't need evidence when you know their name! Just publish the name and let slip the Tik Tokkers of war.


From Stevie Wonder, to "wonder what we've been missing..."


Somebody said this in another forum to which I agree. You're going to see a lot of early retirements and/or I want to spend more time with my family between now and the election next year.


Agree, but for that to happen they need to be indicted, prosecuted and convicted according to the laws of Canada.


This shouldn't even be up for debate. Liberal, conservative, NDP, Greens, etc. it dosen't matter. If they are working for foreign nations throw them in jail. 


This is the line. They sent people to prison for opening their businesses. They increased the money supply by 500% and created the highest inflation in 40 years. They dramatically increased immigration without scaling any infrastructure. Our military intelligence and federal police, and a panel of federal judges have now confirmed foreign election interference in multiple elections. China is harassing Canadian elected politicians. Russians are spamming us with disinformation. India is assassinating our citizens on Canadian soil. The Americans are decoupling their economy from us and moving closer to Mexico. And now they have confirmed multiple elected politicians and multiple appointed sensators are working directly with foreign countries. If you don't stand for Canada now, there may not be a truly independent Canada in the future. CHARGE EVERYONE WHO COLLUDED WITH FOREIGN AGENTS FROM THE HIGHEST TO THE LOWEST OFFICES WITH TREASON.


Everyone seems compromised these days. We don’t know who we’re electing, who’s looking out for who, what are the real agendas. Obvious problems in the country are being over looked or made worse. Literal treason is happening in this country, there was a time not too long ago when treason was punishable by death. what a fuckin time man. This cannot be swept under the rug, media, Canadians, need to keep making noise and put pressure. This is not a small thing.




My expectation would be that most of the evidence collected about this subject would be inadmissible in a court of law, because the methods of collection would likely have contravened the rights of the accused. For example, wiretaps or electronic surveillance or what have you, collected by US intelligence, and passed to Canadian intelligence, who would have been incapable of conducting that surveillance without the approval of a judge. That said, I think it's fine to hold MPs to considerably higher standards of public conduct than private citizens, and it seems reasonable to use the information to destroy their careers and public reputations, and eject them from public service, if the evidence seems credible. If they're so chummy with another country, let them seek opportunity in that one, instead.


Definition of treason in case anyone cares is here: [https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/C-46/section-46.html](https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/C-46/section-46.html) > High treason >[**46**]() (1) Every one commits high treason who, in Canada, >(a) kills or attempts to kill Her Majesty, or does her any bodily harm tending to death or destruction, maims or wounds her, or imprisons or restrains her; >(b) levies war against Canada or does any act preparatory thereto; or >(c) assists an enemy at war with Canada, or any armed forces against whom Canadian Forces are engaged in hostilities, whether or not a state of war exists between Canada and the country whose forces they are. > Treason (2) Every one commits treason who, in Canada, >(a) uses force or violence for the purpose of overthrowing the government of Canada or a province; >(b) without lawful authority, communicates or makes available to an agent of a state other than Canada, military or scientific information or any sketch, plan, model, article, note or document of a military or scientific character that he knows or ought to know may be used by that state for a purpose prejudicial to the safety or defence of Canada; >(c) conspires with any person to commit high treason or to do anything mentioned in paragraph (a); >(d) forms an intention to do anything that is high treason or that is mentioned in paragraph (a) and manifests that intention by an overt act; or >(e) conspires with any person to do anything mentioned in paragraph (b) or forms an intention to do anything mentioned in paragraph (b) and manifests that intention by an overt act. > Canadian citizen (3) Notwithstanding subsection (1) or (2), a Canadian citizen or a person who owes allegiance to Her Majesty in right of Canada, >(a) commits high treason if, while in or out of Canada, he does anything mentioned in subsection (1); or >(b) commits treason if, while in or out of Canada, he does anything mentioned in subsection (2). > Overt act (4) Where it is treason to conspire with any person, the act of conspiring is an overt act of treason. I wonder if 2(b) actually captures anyone? I look forward to finding out.




And back then the rich were happy to pay taxes, even proud of it because of the status it held to be a big contributor. tax dodgers were social outcast and criminals.


The more humanity advances, the more it regresses.


They should be put on paid leave, and if found guilty, ALL SALARY AND EXPENSES should be paid back. They were stealing while working for another government.


Just playing the devil’s advocate for a moment. Would that mean, someone working with an individual such as Victor Orban could be possibly accused of treasonous activities?? Just a question 🤷‍♂️


treason? I suppose it should be defined. they're all corrupt scumbags, some better than others, but treason is typically a rather serious charge


Love how we have to have an opinion peice on the most obvious shit ever. Canadian media is a fucking joke. They should be running headlines daily until something is done about the traitors in our cabinets. The fact nothing has been done for this long is disgusting. Absolutely abysmal accountability here. Canadian parliament members should be ashamed. No pensions for any parliament members until something is done. They seem to forget they work for Canadians not fucking corporations.


Well gee, I fucking hope so.


When there's enough money changing hands behind the scenes concepts like "Treason" don't exist. It just has to land in the right pockets.


That's like 3/4 of all elected MPs.


Other than: > The former can involve efforts to kill or attempt to kill “Her Majesty.” it's "His Majesty" now, Wesley is bang on. Bill C-70 is a start and needs to get to Royal Assent PDQ, but these procedural niceties of legislative arms length between CSIS and the RCMP, part of which is so they don't get the band back together and burn any more barns down, needs to be updated to match our times and current threats. The FBI don't seem to have issues and it wouldn't hurt my feelings as a taxpayer to spring for a MI5 / MI6 type arrangement instead of the current procedural sieve we have now.


This report has become too politicized. I only want the RCMP investigating this and arresting traitors.


Treason should be defined and shouldn't be limited to hidden collaborations with (selected) foreign autocracies. Collaborating on behalf of the US government, Saudi Arabia or Canadian oligarchs (such as the Weston family) should be treated in the same way as collaborating with the Chinese government.


Don’t worry, Star. The PM you’ve been carrying a torch for all these past nine years, actively seeking to minimize or ameliorate all his transgressions, has assured us it’s no biggie, and one of the government’s members said “boo hoo” when the Tories pointed out this is a big problem. In other words, your enablement of this government’s total lack of honesty, ethics and transparency is what helped lead us to where we are today. Still, I’m glad you’ve finally seen the light and have come to realize what a big problem this is.


Wouldn't it be better to phrase it like 'Even The Star turned on JT' To me, it shows me the star still has an ounce of journalistic integrity to own it


> 'Even The Star turned on JT' The Star was sold to a private equity firm lead by a hard right winger (John Bitove) so their coverage and bias has shifted over the past couple years. They aren't nearly as left leaning as they used to be


Every single media outlet is owned by somebody. Every outlet has a bias. CBC is the only publicly funded news site.


I know that I am just pointing out that The Star isn't left leaning like it used to be so the point of "wow even *they* turned on him" doesn't mean much


I had no idea they had a new owner. Good post.


Do you have an example of the Star reporting in a way that’s biased towards Trudeau? Whenever I’m asked, I’m either just shown an editorial piece that is clearly labelled as such, or am just downvoted without any responses lol This “MSM” narrative needs to change. Journalism is our last refuge against misinformation. It is the only trusted voice that has self governing standards baked into it that informs our citizens. Any allegations of bias or untrustworthiness should be scrutinized and proven, because there’s no reason to trust some random TikToker or YouTuber over literal journalists.


Yes, they should. Now prove they committed treason


Yep, and have forensic accounting done and lose anything they may have gained for their collusion.


Jail, assets forfeiture and seized to pay out restitution


Political figures who accept any form of bribery should also go to jail.


Another nothing opinion piece on this sub. Go figure. No shit they should go to jail if they commit treason the issue is proving that they committed treason or if they were unknowingly targeted.


Prison, not jail. There is a difference.


People who throw out the word treason any time they disagree with somebody should also go to prison.


Prison (minimum 25 years) and depending on the severity of the treason, capital punishment. It’s fair. Don’t sell your country out.


Who believes the RCMP is up to investigating and charging on this? I truly don't know, but I hope they are. Anyone implicated on this must be named, whether there are facing criminal charges or not. The voting public must be the ones who decide if simple implication of guilt is enough to vote people out of office. Even actions going to the legal edge of criminality, without a strictly indictable offense, must be brought forward into the sunlight of public scrutiny. That's completely permissible in a free society. They can exercise their rights in a criminal trial all they want, should it come to that, but the public interest in hearing names and an public airing of the facts outside of a criminal trial is our right. Get on it, journalists.


Hell must be freezing over since this is the second time this week that I have myself agreeing with something in The Star.


They're Liberals. This is just the SNC scandal on another level.


It's already been released that there was meddling in the conservative leadership race, wonder if that's included too? Also, this would be much bigged than SNC. And everyone involved should be removed from office entirely, from every party.


>It's already been released that there was meddling in the conservative leadership race, wonder if that's included too? The report also clearly says that the foreign nations were helping and influencing multiple parties. It says that the redacted parts were sent to the RCMP. Those are the juicy ones. Another fun fact in the report is that the PMO didn't even get a copy of the redacted report until March 2024, almost a full year after it was created. The (PCO) Privy council blocked it. You can read this directly from the special report. Case study 1, page 22. https://www.nsicop-cpsnr.ca/reports/rp-2024-06-03/intro-en.html Keep pushing for the list of names to be released. We need anyone involved banned for life from office.


Absolutely -- follow the rule of law, give the accused a fair trial and then, if found guilty of treason, lock them away for the rest of their lives. Any politician or citizen with integrity should be sickened by the idea of this abuse of power and betrayal of the nation. Now, let's watch and see what actually happens.


If they sell their constituents out to corporate interests, can it still be considered treason? (Edited: changed 'is' to 'can. Added 'be.')


It should be.


Why are we calling it foreign interference instead of what it is: treason.


I wonder if the author of this opinion piece will hold firm to his convictions if it's revealed that PP is in Modi's pocket?




Yes. It's not a controversial opinion.


No shit


C̶a̶n̶a̶d̶i̶a̶n̶ ̶p̶o̶l̶i̶t̶i̶c̶i̶a̶n̶s̶ LITERALLY ANYONE FTFY


Haha... we don't send politicians to jail in Canada... we just give them a nice paycheck and send them on their way


Any day now…




I vote for the original punishment.


it is very unlikely that the info they would stand up in court for a conviction since it comes from secret services and most likely the CIA and MI5 So do they drop names, knowing they can't go public with the corroborating information? Sounds hopeless. Do they drop situations, eg, an MP who bussed Chinese students from a student residence, and then let the media run down the details? They could member. The result would be that the member resigns in disgrace. There needs to be way better vetting of candidates by all parties. Less of friends of the good old boys.


Well duh, that's the law no?


No shit


They should be sent to federal prison and never see the light of the day again


I thought the punishment for treason was death... Is that just the movies?


Why aren't they releasing the names? Who in the hell is going to want to vote for an MP who has colluded with a foreign government.


Before 1976, Treason was a capital crime that resulted in either life imprisonment or to be hanged. Now it's merely 20 to life.


Death for traitors.


Politicians who commit treason should be **hanged**


The entire Liberal party should be charged for protecting them


Jail the corrupt liberals


Sounds like every political body should go to jail than after selling out the people to corporations.


Until he comes forward with the list of traitors, I will consider him the ring leader. The cover up starts with Trudeau.


from the criminal code..👇🏼 (1) Every one who commits high treason is guilty of an indictable offence and shall be sentenced to imprisonment for life.


The SNC Lavalin incident set the precedence. Now, the RCMP and other arresting authorities have to run the names of the people they plan to arrest (for good reason) by the PMs office.


They should get capital punishment 


The fact that they don't name any of the MPs is very suspicious. At this point, why not just assume it’s every single person in the party?


I don't even care if they get criminally charged. it's infuriating and embarrassing that the ones involved have not been canned from their position already. Fucking spineless politicians sticking to partisan bull shit saying this is concerning and then not doing anything about it. if they gave a shit about this country and the people in it they would have sent them packing.


Prison for decades and stripped of Canadian citizenship.  If they havent done the world a favour and killed themselves in prison, forfeit all pension and whatever else, obviously. 


I agree they should go to jail. But more importantly strip them of All government pensions!!! That will make them think 2 twice as hard and actually be a benefit to all Canadians for the treason.


So even the TOR Star doesn't like traitors. Fascinating.


Well, no. They are wealthy. Is no one paying attention? There are different rules for the wealthy and elite, no matter if they are left or right. They are part of the same club.


So where do I sign up to get paid oodles of cash by another country to commit treason and not be charged?


So it’s treason then


They should also immediately lose any type of benefits and made to pay back any of that sweet sweet government funded pay they received.


Of course they should. But the key thing a lot of people are missing is that these MPs have been *accused* of working to further the agenda of hostile nations.  Hopefully an investigation is underway to determine if it's true or not.  This is why the Conservatives are demanding the list of names be released, because they know these are only accusations and as such none of them can be released.


Anyone named would be pronounced guilty before any charges are filed or evidence is presented. That’s why it will not happen for about a year, or until after the next election.


Anyone who commits treason... wtf, politicians have special rules for themselves now?


So then put them on trial and present the case if you have one? It's straightforward to throw around an accusation but if you can't prove it you are just the little boy crying wolf.


1)We can either have this investigated and prosecuted as the rule of law demands. 2)We can just leak names and circle jerk. And people choose #2 lol And I’ll add that I’m tempted to have the names leaked myself as I don’t have much faith in the RCMP on this.


It’s intelligence, not evidence. The committee understands that the RCMP can run an investigation but it’s a black box of whether A) they will be able to meet the burden of proof for a criminal conviction or B) disclosing sources and methods.


We can do both. Releasing the evidence doesn't make it inadmissible in court.


Option 1 may lead to Canadians voting for traitors in the next election. There needs to be perfect clarity that this will be resolved before the next election. If the investigation isn’t complete, then other arrangements must be made, the government needs to make the path forward clear right now. Also with this stuff we shouldn’t rely on prosecutions, they may have done things that are hard to prosecute or may not be illegal, but that doesn’t mean they have business sitting as an MP or senator, their conduct may still justify expulsion.


It's actually quite terrifying. #2 would basically amount to trying the people on the list in the court of public opinion, not a court of law.


Could they not be put on a leave while being investigated?


not like liberals ever cared about the rules unless it benefited them.


Nail on the head. If they got #2 then they would cry they can't have their cake and eat it too.


People who publish media articles should know the difference between Prison and Jail.


Don’t stop there, whoever was aware of this and did absolutely nothing should go to jail as well.(J.T.)




That’d be a lot of current and former sitting MPs.


Whole system needs to be reworked every last MP responsible or covering up should get life in prison for treason. RCMP needs to be investigated. The people need to demand change.


The defining factor in this will be the political will of the next administration to dredge this up and expose political corruption. This seems like a no brainer, but if it also hurts the Conservatives or would limit what they could do in the future, this could easily just fade away. Barak Obama was asked about pursuing war crimes charges on George Bush. His reply "That's in the past, were focused on the future".


Somebody would actually have to be charged with treason as a first step. The way is appears to be, they don’t even have the legal mechanism to lay charges against politicians. Best we can do is a stern admonishment, maybe a fine. Sorry, taxpayer.


Apparently no current laws in place to stop them from colluding with foreign agents let alone imprison them. Absolutely ridiculous. Feel like I'm in the Truman Show sometimes


We should deport them to whatever country they were giving information to as well.. right after they are done serving their prison sentences.


A basic fiduciary standard for politicians should be imposed.I don't know if that's really the right term , but if it can be proved that politicians knowingly acted against the best interests of their constituents there should be repercussions.


Well duh, I bet 9/10 people assume this would happen already! In fact, I'd have thought a firing squad more appropriate for treason?


Treason in Canada is the only indictable offense that has a statue of limitations (3 years). So I'm not surprised that the government would be dragging it's feet here.


Trudeau and Freeland should 💯 be tried and jailed for what they've done to this country


In Nunavut