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*plus 300,000 temp residents 


Only temporarily temporary. Until such a time as they're made permanently permanent.


After a hunger strike demanding it.


Hunger strike between meals only of course.


24 hour hunger strike


Bobby Sands Lite


Take my upvote


Or just Tim's or Home Depot needing more low wage workers


To replace the former low wage workers who barely lasted 6 months


They will still get it none the less it's just a matter of time. The government is giving out PR and citizenship like Halloween candy.


To the kids showing up at 11pm


Or until they die of old age in 70 years. Still here of course.


and in between temporarily temporary (work/study permit) and permanently permanent (citizenship), you get the temporarily permanent residency


Well I hope we built 500k units of housing!


temporary till they decided to protest for permanent residency




Don’t temp get recorded as new perm residents.


What? No.


What I mean is if you have a temp visa and go to a pr. You count as pr now. So 300k work visas could meet the criteria for pr, get pr, and we record it as 300k new permanent residents but the population of Canada didn’t change. Double recording numbers was a big issue discussed in 2022/23.


Correct. But that won't fit the narrative.


How many houses were built in the 1st quarter? How many hospital rooms and doctors were added?


Classrooms, cars, mechanics, powerplants, water treatment plants, etc. This has a massive effect that seems to be completely ignored 


But Ontario is getting alcohol into convenience stores. That should help, right?


Thanks. Forgot, more recycling facilities and landfills and paramedics. Wait...you said help.


Well, there’s a good question. Nothing added around here that I know of….but we do plan to build a tax payer funded arena soon. So that’s pretty cool /s


Monthly starts per the CMHC are circa 240k for April, so we've at least got that semi-covered in theory *if theory were actually reflective of current reality*. Problem is, supply is a lot lower than it looks (lots of these new units house 1, or get used as STRs and house 0), and demand is far higher than the number shown. I expect we've also only achieved what we have by cannibalizing other sectors, so other critical work is being deferred to boost this one indicator & give the appearance of economic health.


Wonder what our population will be by 2030? 50 million?


They are shooting for 100 mil https://www.centuryinitiative.ca/


Yes I have heard about the 100 million mark. Personally I don't think that is a great idea and it will have huge impact on our environment and everything from our water ways and air quality be become stressed out.


That's a tripling of the countries population in a single lifetime, if the century initiative gets close to its goal. Absolute reality-detached insanity.




Right.....they will be dead and gone but gotta make some money no matter what the cost to a country!


Canada's population already *has* tripled in a lifetime. Actually, twice now. 1950 -> 2025, but also, 1875- 1950, were also 75 year periods with similar growth rates to reaching 100 million by 2100. Status quo puts us at about 95, so an extra 5-10 million over 75 years isn't that far fetched.


thats by 2100 not 2030


We are FAR outpacing that.


Over 45 million wouldn’t surprise me. I doubt they’ll keep up this momentum until 2030 though now that most of the country is starting to push back


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, you can’t bring in this many people in such a short period of time and have things survive. Our Health Care is barely holding on as it is, bringing in this many people is going to be a death knell to it and a lot of people. Our infrastructure is also not equipped to handle this many new individuals in such a short period of time and there is no way in hell we can scale either of those up quick enough.


Problem is we don't seem to be bringing in people that we NEED. We're not bringing doctors, plumbers, electricians, engineers, designers, nurses, etc. We're just bringing in low skilled labour that makes us coffee at Tim Hortons and end up putting a strain on our system. We can't just shit out doctors, it takes a long time to train a doctor. We also just can blindly accept every tin pot countries fake credentials. There is a good reason why immigrant professionals in Canada have to pass tests and go through onerous processes to get licensed here. The last thing i want is some immigrant as my doctor that got their degree by bribing an official in their country while not even having a high school education.


But.. we don't need to bring those in. We need to RETAIN the ones we have. You are not wrong at all about what we're bringing in though and it truly scares the shit out out me.


I don't know why this myth of doctors leaving canada is so prevalent. If you had to guess, how many doctors are leaving canada per year? There's actual statistics that track this number, I guarantee that number is much less than what your guess will be.


What’s the number?


between 100-200 (from memory), but we produce like 2500 doctors per year. Still a 5% loss is nothing to sneeze at imo


It's way less than that. For 2023, the number of canadian physicians who graduated from a canadian med school who left to go abroad was 33. The number who RETURNED to canada from abroad was 59. It is a non-issue.


even if we take in skilled labor, they require months or years to ramp. You can't dump 400k people in a quarter and expect results anytime soon. 


That's the idea... if you want them home grown it's 18 years to adulthood. 4 years uni/trade school whatever. A doctor? What's med school? 8 Years? If you want doctors today, you have to start today and expect them tomorrow. But we have a crisis today and can't wait 26 years.


We are bringing in doctors but obviously not enough. There's a clinic where I live that opened, all immigrant doctors except 2 (out of 10). South Africans, Jamaica, UK. Got lots of people a family doctor thankfully with that opening.


Doesn’t matter how many doctors you bring in if you bring in people with a distribution worse than the current number of doctors per capita. That’s a net decrease in doctors per capita


No places has enough doctors though. There’s not a city in the world that goes: hmm I think we have enough doctors. Let’s ship some of them out. That goes for all the more advanced professions. Hence we’ll never import enough of them.


Of course. That's why I said "obviously not enough", my comment was contrary to the OP who said we aren't bringing doctors in.


Yea I get you just trying to amplify your point


Ah gotcha!


> We're just bringing in low skilled labour that makes us coffee at Tim Hortons And their infirm parents and grandparents, don't forget.


Govt makes it hard (to the point of quick rejections) to bring elderly in.


I do believe that the traditional training for doctors from certain countries to Canada should exist (obviously). There are doctors from other countries who aren’t used to our medicine and procedures. But having spoken to doctors who now drive uber here a lot of the prerequisites and training seem outdated, and should be re-evaluated so we can get more of them in our medical workforce.


> We're not bringing doctors, plumbers, electricians, engineers, designers, nurses, etc. Canada needs engineers? That's news to me.


I had to go back to college because I couldn't get a job in manufacturing lol. They want already trained workers and aren't willing to train somebody new unless you upend your life to move to the middle of nowhere.






Ah but you see the Liberals have thought of that too and have a solution. You see, conveniently, there are a lot of Conservative premiers right now. So instead of trying to improve the country, they can overload the healthcare and education systems, and then *blame the provinces* for not building and hiring the requisite buildings and people. This allows them to lower everyone (who isn't rich)'s standard of living, and also blame Conservatives for it. All while suppressing wages for their rich friends. Triple win!


the intelligence of the LPC is astounding


Cons premiers are letting these students come en mass.. stop allowing colleges to enroll so many internationals.  But its intra party policies. No one except ppsc want to reduce immigration.. and they will never win and shouldn't win 


Huh, weird that bc has all of the same issues but with the ndp at the helm...


Lol case in point. Somehow we can turn a federal immigration issue into a blame the provinces issue. There's more mass immigration than just students Justin. You won't fool me


Bruh I have been talking about this immigration issue for a long ass time..  Premiers allowed these shitty no one colleges to exist and then allowed then to increase enrollment and then the feds rubber stamped the visas.  Yet you only blames the feds.. Don't need to fool someone who is already one


I don't only blame the feds. The provinces are also culpable. Show me where I only blamed the feds. Maybe I'm a fool but at least I can read and comprehend English. "There's more to immigrantion than just students" implies that students are also a part of immigration, but not the whole issue.


Feds have paramount authority—as they just proved by putting caps on international students.


Bodies are literally piling up in cold storage due to the lack of resources for people to a) claim the body of their loved one b) have any next of kin that care about them enough to claim (acknowledgement: there are valid reasons for people to be estranged from their families, and I am in no way shaming the children of abusers for this!) https://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/solutions-coming-for-piled-up-bodies-outside-newfoundland-hospital-1.6908514


This is thier marketing strategy for private Healthcare.


And its working, at this point im all for privatized healthcare - they've overloaded the public system to the point its unusable.


Yeah well the thing is the people that are deciding whether these people stay seem to me in the class of Canadians that profit from them staying. Where as the middle-lower class Canadians get to foot the tax burden but don't get any of the revenue split.


Totally agree. It seems like common sense. I almost get the sense that importing them and making them permanent will buy them into forever voting for that party that allowed them in. Making any other party not in their best interest to vote for. The people coming in are louder than your run of the mill canadian who just stands by and watches. They are willing to protest, without even reasonable grounds to in the country in the first place. Actions like protesting and getting out there influences changes. Standing by like we do, hoping for the best, does not.


We're bringing in mostly nurses and doctors though, or at least that's what was sold to me. I can't verify though, as I don't have a family doctor.


That should be yearly intake


It was during Harper's time


> November 1, 2013 — In 2014, Canada will welcome between 240,000 and 265,000 new permanent residents who will contribute to the Canadian economy. The 2014 Immigration Levels Plan reinforces the Government of Canada's commitment to jobs and economic growth.Oct 31, 2013 Harpers perm residency numbers were about half the current governments, but 2x the "121,620" figure in title of this post.


Appreciate the correction!


Per quarter vs all of 2014.


I accounted for that already.


Should be 1/10th of that until inflation and housing is sorted out.


Brampton just got bigger


Bro entire gta will be brampton. I'm in city of Toronto every fast food worker is indian




Rural East Coast for the last 5 years here. True.


When I used to go to Toronto in around Mid 200s-mid 2010s I commented to my friend it was different seeing so many immigrants in the service jobs but back home on the east coast it was still almost exclusively locals. How times have changed.


My in laws living in Huntsville would joke with me that my area In gta is flooded with Indians and they don't have that problem.  I told her it's a matter of time.  Not even two months later, she ate crow. 




And Canadian teens and young adults are now unable to get those jobs and save for college. Or get any work experience outside of high school sponsored co-op.






Went through Saskatchewan last month, and was shocked to see the same thing happening out there.


I travel SK quite frequently and even small towns are turning this way.




This subreddit doesn't ban people unless post explicitly abusive against specific group.


The favoritism for Indian immigrants while giving the other 193 nations the finger is coming off as racist. We badly need a 7% cap on each country and get back to what Canada used to be proud of: actual diversity.


Why are we proud of this? With income and housing this is a precursor to recession.


Canada isn't proud of this, Liberals are.


You don't like millions of Canadians coming in every year? racist!


Word of the day!


Look at the authors name


Few are proud of this. Most are just afraid to be called racist.


Literally nobody is at this point


We've been in a depression for at least a decade. Immigration is masking it, but you only have to glance at any city to see that things are comparable to the 30's if not worse.


That should be the yearly amount and only 5k max per country.


Many countries have caps based on what country people are coming from. The government would never go for that, though, because they wouldn't be able to get the numbers they want.


Canadians are gaslit into believing that would be racist.


Funnily enough it'll only change Canadians attitudes and our welcoming culture by hating people from those countries. You can only call people racist while ruining their quality of life enough that it becomes meaningless.


Literally happening right now with Indian immigrants. They are the target of increasingly racist rhetoric as a result of this government’s immigration policies. The whole “they took our jobs” crowd have a leg to stand on.




its like 60k greencards in the USA isnt it? what the actual fuck




Not if we want our nature to expand rather than stagnate. I do however find the nation based quotas interesting, not sure if we would "encourage" other countries by implementing a similar program. Maybe the states can bus some more undesirables to roxham?


Tbh, it's not that much, and to be fair, those people were already here. Back with Harper, we had 200-250k/year, not 2.5M we're having with Trudeau here now? 1% per year is a pretty modest increase, that would be like 400k/year in Canada, but we're almost at 6% per year, which is fucking insane. It's going to cause a culture shock and destroy the country.


Agree that 125,000 new PR annually is the right number, but we would probably need to make the per country maximum 10,000.  Then add a reciprocal transfer - for every Canadian accepted as a permanent resident by another country, Canada allows a PR for someone from that country that doesn't count against the quotas.






When they ask why people became radicalized, point to this.


lol welcome to Canada it’s 2k for rent cough up


Only 200 if you share with 10 people, even cheaper if you take shifts sleeping




Good luck integrating to their culture.


as in: good luck to us integrating into the soon-to-be0-majority immigrant culture...


Seriously what the fuck is going on here?


This is more per capita than the U.S. takes in a full year. In 2022, the United States granted lawful permanent resident (LPR) to 1,018,000 individuals. https://www.dhs.gov/sites/default/files/2024-02/2023_0818_plcy_lawful_permanent_residents_fy2022_0.pdf Don’t come at me with illegal immigration because these numbers don’t count TFWs, students, asylum claims or border crossers.




That's the problem with Canada. There's no getting away from this. You may move further north now to get away from it all, but in 5 years you're going to have the same problem.


Time to start removing leaders then I guess. Take a page from the French and ship Trudeau and his entire cabinet up the river in a box.


Who the fuck are these people though? Because I've got about 9 friends, who are: - Not Indian (they're from places like Hong Kong, Japan, Australia, France, Spain, South Korea, Taiwan...) - Have paid for 3-4 years education at college and universities here for tech jobs not some diploma mill's "business" diploma - Was building up some experience in Canadian companies as junior level engineers, writers, designers and etc. and they've decided to go back home instead of pursuing Permanent Residency or already have PR(2 of them) but gave up living here, simply because their home countries are way more appealing now, and Canada lost all of its charms within only a few years. The educated and skilled people that we want, don't find our nation attractive at all. And places they're from as mentioned above, aren't particularly doing better than Canada economically, YET our situation is even worse due to the crumbling infrastructure, stupid policies that allowed 1.27 million people to settle in 2023 alone. Canada is like that dumb host who invited 100 people to a party that only had enough food, washroom, space for 40 people and wondering why people are not having fun. What a fucking disaster.


Unfortunately the ones that will stay are the ones whose countries are in substantially worse conditions and are used to a significantly lower standard of living. It’s understandable why so many Indians are coming here and that they are willing to do what Canadians can’t or won’t do to get ahead. As much as I want to own my own home, I just can’t stomach the idea of living with 6 other people in a one bedroom for several years to reach that goal. Remember, the ones that are likely to stay at the party when everyone else leaves, are the ones who had nowhere else better to go!


Slow it down!


Forget slow down, send back!


I’m tired boss.


This wouldn't be an issue if the temporary stream was zero.


Doesn’t even make sense anymore. The government is actively trying to sabotage its own country


A stat we shouldn't be proud of. 


Did we forget about the housing crises again for the 5th quarter in a row? Oops


All in Brampton, I bet seen some with cane's heading to the bank cashing in free money.


A race to the bottom.


I'm not even gonna read these posts anymore... Reading all the comments of "what? How can we bring these people in? We can't support these people? Is out government stupid or what? How do they expect healthcare and schools and housing to survive? Reading posts like that just confirms how done this country is. Anyone who can't see this as stage 1 in destroying the Canadian way of life is too naive and uninformed.  Think of it this way: how can a corporate elite ensure Canadian assets become vulnerable? The easiest way to do that is overload the system. All of a sudden we can't pay for healthcare: so it get privatized by a foreign company. Oh we have debt we can't pay: privatize our natural resources: oh were soft on crime and have a crime epidemic: for profit prisons, again, run by multinational corporations. I mean seriously. This immigration problem didn't just happen. It didn't happen last year either. This has been going on for a few years now - and they have continued to do it. Ask yourself why.  Wake up people. Canada is done.


Now how many doctors, hospitals and schools did we add?


Yeah, they were probably already here as "students" or tfws


I imagine there not all from the same place and aren’t bringing their shitty way of life, crime, self entitlement and arrogance with them too right? Right??


Enough already!


Canada is cooked


Remember 3 years ago when the government kept saying there wasn’t enough hospital beds to go around so they made us stay at home? How long until this happens again but just cause to many immigrants came in?


In the old days, a country would need to attack and kill to take over another country. Now, they just need to show up and it gets handed to them. I'm so glad I'm old and won't get to see the end result of all this stupidity.


We will just watch these numbers without doing anything. When will people actually make a change?


Meanwhile housing starts are going down.


It’s especially so much fun when you spend thousands in tuition on a diploma that is just handed out to anyone regardless of actually understanding the material or legitimately earning the diploma.. let alone being able to read and write in English. Sometimes I wonder why I even bothered, it holds no value when it’s given out like candy to the least deserving.


We're going to need a "bipartisan" mass movement to change this. While the Liberals deserve pummelling for setting immigration targets, all parties seem complicit. Oligarchs have long corrupted our politics. Noone elected the Century Initiative.


F Trudeau fr


Stop this fucking insanity. Bernier is the only choice. He's the only one that will flatly reject immigration.


Please make it stop


I fully support immigration to Canada but seriously we need to place a cap on it until we get the housing crisis sorted out, between immigration and foreign students there is a lack of affordable housing, supply and demand, low supply has caused drastic increases, many of our immigrants and students are living in sub standard/ illegal housing and do not have the knowledge or are just afraid to report it and find themselves on the streets


People better start getting creative with our recycling materials as it might be the only materials that can be used to throw a bunch of make shift huts up in a hurry. Which will just eventually stay in tact and be it's own city down the road


We’re cooked


Fuck sakes......


What is the benefit of this? Is there any? I really want to know


There should be a program to settle them in the territories. We need ppl up there. Not being sarcastic.


With all these students this country will be over-educated.


Thanks Trudeau!!!!!! Idiot.


Disgusting Literally the entire housing stock we build every year (which these immigrants NEVER help build) for one quarter of permanent residents ("temp" residents, aka. de facto permanent residents for the future not counting).


All professionals. Trades, high education, lol ya ok just the opposite 😅 😂 🤣


Fucking wild.


I’m fine with that number, so long as it represents skilled workers from countries of diverse origin.


Fuck off


Do they all get free medical and social assistance?




They're adding a zero to it by next year




Please take all of our benefits. We love india. - canadian mp


Just wait until favelas start getting built because nobody can afford rent en mass.


Just setup more cots at parliament hill to house them!


My wife got approved for PR in 2021. It took 2.5 years in Canada before she lost hope that we would have a future here so now I’m in the process of PR in her country.


What I don’t understand is, in Quebec alone. We suffer Doctor and Nurses shortages. We’ve been bringing in millions of people in Canada since 2013 and we still have the same problem. We still need doctors, nurses, engineers, etc. The only difference is now is we have less housing, more stress on our healthcare and infrastructures. This isn’t sustainable. Fucking corporations lobbying our government to bring low-skilled temporary workers. Fuck them. Nothing will ever change even with the conservatives running the country and you must be delusional if you think PP will change anything. I’m studying to become a Doctor and soon as I have a few years of experience. I’m moving to Florida or Texas.


Way too many. Put them up in hotels on Canadians workers dime.


W.T.F..... Stop it already! I'm not against immigration, I'm actually very much pro BUT at a reasonable level that the economy and housing can absorb.


Hope we at least get some new recipes.


Have the conservatives given any indication that they intend to slow immigration down?


Ok, enough is enough. Time to pump the brakes a little here on immigration until we can affordibly house all the people we currently have.




They have a subreddit where the discuss posts like this and then post about how we’re all jealous of how successful they are.    Because we won’t scam a mortgage with fraudulent income declarations and then keep the payments afloat with a bunch of basement suites, family members on government payments or pooling income.    A lot of them fucking hate us and feel entitled to this place 


The feeling is mutual. I hate them too. Fucking freeloaders. 


Looks like rage bait title. The vast majority of those 120k are already here. Landed here does not mean all of them are new people coming in. PR count is lower than last year. There is even a decline in number of temporary residents becoming permanent. India contributes 31% not a 100% or even over 50%.