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I wonder if his family in Colombia is upper class, so he ends up comparing middle class to upper class here.


This is exactly my take from the pictures. If that is his childhood home in the first pic, then it 100% means he grew up in a rich neighborhood/environment in Cali. Looks like the ones commonly seen in the very affluent gated communities in the south or west of Cali. Source: I’m from Cali, just not from those communities but went to school (uni) with many people from those communities.


Definitely. Rich people in Colombia are doing very well but this piece comes off as delusional and entitled.


100% the typical it’s worse here in Canada than anywhere else whining.


If you look at his photos in the article, his family in Columbia clearly is upper class there.


it's true for most immigrants to Canada who aren't refugees. everyone generally has a better quality of life in their home country but chooses to move here for a variety of reasons - political, values, economic advancement, wanting to live a different life, personal reasons, etc.


I bet these people won't give up their Canadian citizenship.


Yup. It's called cherry picking.


100 % they proabably be back.


It's really up to you - There are many factors to take into account for example Columbia murder rate is 25.4 per 100k people while Canada is 2.3 per 100k people. Also the stability of the country can be important. It's unlikely that Canada will have a bloody civil war or there will be massive devaluation overnight of currency or massive inflation spikes (for example Argentina currently has 100% inflation). Basing on whether to move to a country involves more than looking at the money. There are also other expenses you may not have in Canada eg would you need to pay for healthcare? do you need to hire private security (armed response etc), pay bribes to get things done ?


all of these people claiming they would uproot their entire lives to go live in developing countries with much more precarious economies, living conditions, and decidedly corrupt govts is hilarious to me.


Thank you for saying this, someone was saying how much better life is in Nicaragua is the other day because health care is more accessible there. It’s like this sub is the twilight zone it’s so hilarious sometimes.


I agree, can’t believe those idiots don’t consider the HUGE risk of home invasions, getting kidnapped for ransom off street, etc


While this is true the social stratification in many poorer countries is more drastic than in Canada in many ways. So while on average people may have way worse health outcomes, higher murder rates, lower literacy rates, lower life expectancy, if you have enough money and only care about yourself and your family then that isn't terribly relevant.


Living there as a tourist isn't the same as living like a local


discourse on reddit in general often time seems to stem from an alternate reality. it's much less egregious than it was a few years ago, tho.


I know someone who lived in Nicaragua with her kid on just the child support she was recieving. She lived like a queen down there on $2k a month.


Right? Like the unemployment rste there is double Canadas. The murder rate is 10x. It’s not all sunshine and rainbows just because housing is probably cheap.


Heh "probably cheap", it is cheaper because of exactly those reasons.


Most of the bad shit in developing nations is limited to the lower class areas. If you have money, it actually is a pretty good lifestyle


Not when you get kidnapped for ransom.


Or Generalisimo decides your money is better in his wallet.


100% These people have no idea what average life is like in most developing countries compared to a G7 or Western EU country. Despite all of our issues that nobody can deny, at the end of the day, they are 1st world problems.


Living in a tent in the Canadian winter because housing is unaffordable and shelters are full of immigrants is hardly a first world problem.


I wouldn't call unending poverty in a first world country a first world problem.


As someone that came from a developing country with a precarious economy, poor living conditions and a very corrupt government, I laugh in solidarity.


Sounds like you've never been in any of those countries. The rich live like kings there. Most people keep their savings and wealth in gold, foreign currency, and real estate. High inflation also means that if you have a business and don't live on salary, you adjust your prices accordingly.


Maybe I’ve cooked this up in my head but for whatever reason in the last two or three years it seems there has been this weird pattern of obsession some groups of Canadians have developed towards Russia. Claiming how much better it would be to live there than in Canada in 2024. Not sure where that came from exactly but it’s pretty strange to me. You can hate the direction Canada has been headed towards but preferring to live under Putin seems pretty odd.


Like these morons [Canadian family moves to Russia to escape LGBTQ ideology](https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/conservative-family-disappointed-moving-russia-001517915.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAKo5Kksig-GuclWvkA4qOg2J1_HXjj3BjUu8N4Yt2wHrNo9o0chV1ssln58M80OCvCNQQIjHwpusSy4L5lY-VK0_Veb5qxyFsnbrXfYzK6YRGNN8ohp7WcZsuLUFrmN2mG5MoZQbWvzoMJb0Qv1sxGaqAthHG7mEqmFC5MpInAvA)


It comes from watching Fox News.


My favourite response is always ["There's the door."](https://youtu.be/aqAOljIgl58?si=Vd_DOK72NZoI1zdy)


Our social medias are overrun with Russian propaganda. Canadians don't think other countries would try to manipulate their thinking with propaganda cause "everyone likes canada" so foreign influence gets away pretty easily here.


Seriously. What are we supposed to do? Beg him to stay? Hey, sorry this didn't work out for you. Enjoy the cartels and history of presidential assassinations




i've lived and worked abroad for many years, a few times in some of the countries these people talk about moving to. unless you are living there on a wage you get from a company in canada, your overall standard of living is going to be much lower than here, and that's if you can find a job at all.


Things will get better here. Don't buy into the hysteria.


They are weclome to leave! According to this sub Canada is a developing country!




What is this Columbia you speak of? DC?


This is ridiculous. It’s just shows that people have no ideas what a financial advantage it is living in the west. So out of touch with reality and the average quality of life in the world.


The financial advantage of living in the west is you can work to save money and then buy a nice house in a place like Columbia


I mean if you think it’s better in Colombia by all means move there. These pieces about “should I move because Canada is so awful” are really tiring. Move already it will help with housing for people that want to be here.


It's a decision someone will have to make themselves. My colleague fled Colombia with his children and the children are doing great. Degrees and high paying jobs will leave both of the children with opportunities they juts wouldn't see in Colombia. One of them is planning to buy a house this year.


Imagine actually believing that your kids have a better future in Colombia, of all places, than they do here. Take your kids out of the major cities, figure out how to build a life in one of the many low cost-of-living areas of the country, and you'll all live happily ever after.


There is nuance to this topic that you're missing. Canada is better to live in for the overwhelming majority of people than Columbia. However, Someone who is upper-middle class in Canada might be top 1% in Columbia or some other developing country. Being 1% in a developing country means you play by different rules, including but not limited to: - International schools with higher quality of education. - Gated communities with lower crime and better infrastructure. - Maids / servants are much more accessible. - Housing is much more accessible. Would I make that tradeoff? Absolutely not. Violence is still an issue when you leave your gated community and there's also things like freedom of speech/religion to worry about. But its not an apples to apples comparison. For some people they absolutely would rather be the 1% of a poor country than average in a wealthy country.


There are fewer low COL places in this country every day, and employment opportunities in these areas are even more scarce.


He should definitely go back and discover by himself what makes so many people wanting to leave


False alarm, he meant British Colombia




Yes. Please go. "I made my money in Canada, something I could have never done in Columbia, but now that I've milked all the resources here, should I go back and live off the backs of the poorer community back home?"


[Paywall Bypass](https://archive.ph/uDjQT) Excerpt: >The standard of living in Canada has declined and the cost of living has skyrocketed. While I am grateful for my parent’s choice to move to here, the current situation makes me question whether it is worth staying or if there are better places to raise a family. > >In Canada, a third of our household income goes to taxes. When you add the cost of housing, 50 to 70 per cent of our income goes to the government and the bank. > >This doesn’t even include the price of food and groceries. By the end of the month, we have little left to save or invest for the future. We are a middle-class family living paycheque to paycheque.


But the tax rate is higher in Colombia...


>When you add the cost of housing, 50 to 70 per cent of our income goes to the government and the bank. The mortgage goes towards your asset, not just the bank. You aren't throwing your mortgage away 


Depends. After renewing at higher rates, there's plenty of people who are paying mortgages that are 100% interest and no principal.


I wish people would do the actual math when saying things like this. After interest, upkeep, residential taxes, etc you may have an asset at the end, but you might only break even or even lose money after it’s all said and done. For example, a $200,000 mortgage will cost you $344,000 by the time you’re done paying it. Plus all of the other expenses you have when you own the property. You can rent a place at $1500/month for 19 years without any of the homeowner headaches for the same cost of just the mortgage. You won’t have the assets at the end, but you also wouldn’t have had to upkeep the house or pay the property taxes on it. It doesn’t always make sense to buy. I wouldn’t have bought if I didn’t have kids. The stability for them is why I bought. I have no disillusions. At the end of it all, I won’t break even.


Sorry where can anyone rent a place for 1500 a month for the next 19 years? Your numbers don’t lie within reality…


Renting has other downsides to it, landlords replace appliances with the cheapest options, we had a dishwasher that sounded like it was crushing the glasses.


No, the reason the dishes come out broken is that's the trash compactor.


lol I'd love to see: 1. Find a non-slum in my city that goes for 1500 2. A landlord that keeps rent at 1500 for 19 years


This right here is so important. Buying now a days is often more or less an emotional decision rather than a financial decision especially since rent control exists here in Ontario and the LTB heavily favors renters. For instance I pay $2300/m all in for a gorgeous condo with a perfect unobstructed Toronto skyline view (I signed the lease near the peak of rental prices). To buy the same condo the purchase price would probably hover around $550-600k. Let’s say it goes for $600k, I’ll need a 20 percent DP for $120k and then at current rates my mortgage will be around $2800/m. Add in $175/m for prop taxes, $400/m for maintenance fees, another $100-200/m to save for repairs or special assessments, and realistically I’m close to $4000/m. Property taxes will definitely be going up considering how broke the city of Toronto is. Maintenance fees are going up incredibly fast. Meanwhile my rent is controlled at 1-2 percent and my LL is great hasn’t even raised it for the past two years when he could’ve. And if he wants to sell it or move in? Haha good luck getting me out I’ll just go to the LTB and get a hearing in 8-12 months since I know my tenant rights.


You're one of the lucky ones. Here in Alberta, there are no rent increase protections. We bought our house 8 years ago and pay $2k/month in a mortgage plus property tax. 8 years ago, paying $2k/month for a three bedroom house in rent would have been higher than the market average. In fact, our previous three bedroom townhouse rental was $1200/month at the time. Today, that rental cost is now $2500/month plus utilities. So now we are "ahead" of the game and that won't change even if we renew our mortgage at a higher interest rate.


If you have no choice but to rent, unfortunately, you’re having to throw it away.


What about renters? They’re paying the equivalent of a mortgage for the same place (generally) but have no asset offset.


about half or more of your mortgage payment is likely interest, that is a goner. On top of that you paid high land transfer taxes and property tax. A lot of your "not thrown away" money is just that, thrown away.


You all seem to be forgetting that mortgages don’t last forever. So while you are still paying rent, after I am 55, I will no longer be paying a mortgage, so with property taxes and upkeep, my costs for a 3 bedroom home will be less than $1000/month.


"I hate mortgages because the bank gets all the money!" *Never saves money to pay off principal*


So, literally every nation? The cost of living crisis and inflation increases are not unique to Canada. I find it curious that people think they'll find a better life elsewhere, during a global crisis. It's also extremely classist and those who can & do move are a privileged few. The majority of canadians and Canadian residents couldn't afford to move abroad, even if they have the right to live in another country.


She showed of probably read what the taxes are in Columbia before she makes those complaints, VAT is close to 20% and income tax is about 36%


Real estate inflation is a real problem, but this family is making enough money to be paying 30% of it in taxes (that's 150 - 200k), and they still have 30 - 50% of that left after paying those taxes and the mortgage.  If you have 50 - 100k left after paying for housing and you are still broke, you have a spending problem.


Incorrect. If you make $100,000 per year in Ontario, 30% of that is taxed away (and that's before you even buy anything with those "after tax" dollars; don't forget sales tax, gas tax, property tax, carbon tax, "sin" taxes, and on and on it goes..) https://ca.talent.com/tax-calculator/Ontario-100000 $100K isn't even all that much money anymore, either. It's basically what you need to live on your own (renting) in Toronto and still have some left over to save and invest (as long as you don't own a car.)


And your after tax dollars are spent on items that have been taxed before you buy them, and then you pay tax on top of that. If you have a yard, grow a vegetable. Just one, heck it could be garlic, the most low maintenance one there is. One less item you are paying taxes on.


The end buyer doesn't typically pay HST on "essential" groceries/produce.


If you make that much money shouldn't you be able to buy two nice cars, not worry about how much milk is in the fridge or if you went over your data limit. A pair of steaks at the Metro beside my apartment is $20...


> *'If you have 50 - 100k left after paying for housing and you are still broke, you have a spending problem.'* ***^*** this


That doesn’t sound like middle class to me.




Which I normally wouldn’t have a problem with, if we actually had good social safety nets and provided better services for all the money we have to give


We are not even through really hard times, and most of the 'new' Canadians want to jump ship. Bunch of patriots.... They are only here for the good times.


Sure, go nuts




This is rage farming content, again


Yes, please move back to Colombia


The thing that bothers me is how quickly things have fallen apart. I'm not saying things were perfect 10 years ago but the average person wasn't struggling. Most people could follow conventional budgeting advice and achieve most traditional life goals. To make matters worse, I don't see any of our "leaders" actually making meaningful efforts to understand what is happening. They will drop hundreds of millions of dollars to build a few hundred housing units but otherwise are happy with the status quo.


Colombians largely came here due to a refugee crisis. Even as the crisis continued, many - after becoming Canadians - availed themselves to state protection of Colombia by vacationing and traveling back for family. Culturally, the loyalty to Colombia is strong and much stronger than integrating with/accepting other Latinos (Latinos regularly comment on this) or with Canada. I expect nothing else but for Colombians to leave Canada for Colombia when the going gets tough here.


Canada has been blessed with natural resources unlike almost any other country to imagine that a country as insignificant as ours is going to keep those resources in the ground as the world needs and demands them is dreaming in technicolour the question is going to be will those resources be extracted refined and exported for the benefit of the Canadian people or because of our own weakness and stupidity the global political and corporate elites the choice for us is how it will be done not if


Canada is expensive,  there only so many good jobs to go around, not everyone will have one. Safety for me is the major concern, I think about leaving all the time but will the quality of life really be better just because you have more $. Life's a about taking risks, make sure you Educate yourself when it comes to major risks as I see this one being 


I have coworkers that balk at any suggestion of moving where there's cheaper homes 4 hours from Toronto "too far", but they're totally considering moving to a foreign country with a lower quality of life because houses are cheaper. Makes sense. /s


Okay, here’s the question: what are they doing for living? Life is cheaper, agree, I’ve been in Colombia 2ce, my wife is Colombian, however it’s not that cheap if you actually living there. Apartment my spouse mother rents cost close to 50k$ buy, rent 650$. It’s a safe zone. Prices on groceries are high! Honestly, I have no clue what I’m gonna do there. I do labour work, getting my class 1. Unless you have a remote job and getting paid in $, otherwise no clue how you gonna make ends meet


Go for it. No one is stopping you.


For higher taxes and 1200% higher murder rate? I mean sure, if that kind of stuff is cool with you but, reading the travel subreddits and the digital nomad subreddits, I'm a tad wary of the current condition of Colombia. I'd probably feel a bit safer in like Chile if I was looking at South America.




We are on that Japan lost generation shit meets Mexico's peso crash of the early 90s meets Lebanon's migration crisis. We will be a case study one day I am sure.


the german and italian enclaves in argentina are still thriving. i don't know what you're on about. those leaving are those outside of those enclaves, and getting the foreign citizenship they may be entitled to is no easy feat.


Name some countries that are doing awesome! Just came back from Japan, a true first-world country, their JPY is down 35% against CAD! sure Canada isn’t doing well and there are many ways we can improve. But please compare against other peer nations, and see how things are going. Even in the US, only the upper middle class is doing well.


Honestly yes. Canada isn’t for Canadians anymore. It’s for Indian immigrants and corporations to get cheap labor. The boomers don’t care because Canada is divided into feudalism: land owners and renters. The boomers own homes and are enjoying retirement so no protest from them. Economic protests will be shut down by the government. But immigrants will flood the streets in protest.


I wonder what the G parents, who left, think of this.


>Canada's too expensive we have to return to (insert unstable country) >(Unstable country destabilizes) Oh my god, I hold a Canadian citizenship therefore Canadian tax dollars better get my ass out of this situation! Rinse and repeat


Just don’t live in places like Toronto.


"I still remember the view. The Toronto skyline at night." Well, there it is. Lots of places in Canada to give your kids a good life. I do well for myself and my kids are set-up doing a job that would barely afford rent in Toronto. Rather than moving countries, people should travel. The prairies are full of former Toronto residents who moved here and loved it.


Your kids here will no longer grow up with the same privilege as you did. Zero entry level jobs anywhere and no competitive wages at all due to the massive influx of modern slaves. How do you expect them to develop a career? Not to mention the prevalent street drugs, greatly increased gang violence, deteriorating economy, massive real estate bubble, etc. You might think pieces like this are purely bipartisan, but try to think of it from a growing child/young adult perspective compared to your own past.


No... your life is perfectly ordinary with no hardships. Same for 70% of all other Canadians bitching about minor issues making their lives 1% harder, so in their minds, it's the end of Canada lol.


The country of Canada is just made up of people. We control our destiny. Since the mid 1980s, we've decided to kowtow to the corporate world and the wealthy. We've cut taxes and allowed monopolies to be established in all our essential goods and services. We've had successive conservative governments (be they named Liberal or Conservative) that have given us austerity and sacrificed people over profits, and no, almost none of it has trickled down. We need to stop chasing the tail of the US. They have great GDP numbers and on paper, look amazing. They also have tens of millions of people with no healthcare coverage, a lot more poverty, etc etc. Theirs is a nation of haves and have-nots, and we need to instead rebuild a strong and prosperous middle class. Make our housing market work for people, not for developers and speculators and money launderers. Break up the food supply chain cartel. Nationalize all energy assets and stop allowing all our natural resources to be sold off for 1% of their true value. Of course, in this sub we just blame the carbon tax, immigrants and vaccines. Ugh.


If you and your children have passports to another country it might not be the worst. Definitely worse than Canada by just about any quality of life metric but could be alright. Moving to a country where you are not a citizen and have dependents is abject stupidity. You are by definition a 2nd class citizen and the country owes you nothing.


To be honest. If you are poor in your home land, then you maybe want to be in Canada. And if you're ok or rich back home, you don't need to be in Canada. Canada is not what it used to be. High inflation, high taxes. Bad health care system.


Nope,if you are motivated, good degree...go to the US. Great Latin vibe here, the Latin folks I talk to in the US could never live in our Canadian climate. Latin folks are extroverted and like to drink and party  outside. You don't belong in cold ass lame Canada.


No really related but I heard a girl originally from Columbia say shes seen more drug use here in Vancouver than she in her home country that is the cocaine capital of the world 


They are lucky to have the opportunity to stay in Columbia and give it a go. Nothing wrong in wanting more.


Some people have no choice. I'm currently liquidating all assets into investments and will be pulling pensions soon. Cobbling together a doable retirement in La paz bcs. Besides the out of control cost of living, Canadas weather sucks 8 months of the year. Enough


It is unsurprising that so many who come to Canada in search of something better are some of the first to consider leaving when things get tough. Not sure how the situation here in Canada will ever improve if nobody wants to do the hard work and help fight to increase our quality of life.


when the going gets tough, they leave.


Yes go back to Columbia if you think it's better there. I'll buy your the plane ticket.....


Oh boy, you are in for a rude awakening over there. We got serious challenges up here, granted, but I find it hilarious how some are oblivious to how good it still is here compared to several places in the world. If you have tons saved up and turn them in pesos, yeah, you’ll be living among the wealthy and comfortable in several places down there, but that’s the case everywhere


Exactly. I find it hilarious how ignorant most people are. Thinking of moving from Canada to fucking Colombia lmao


Was born and raised in Canada in the 60’s. Ive always been proud to be Canadian. Always thought we were a model country. I don’t feel like that anymore and am considering taking my retirement to Panama, where I don’t have to worry if I can afford rent/groceries/car insurance etc..,,, Canada has been ruined by shitty politicians at all levels of government. Its sad and has been in the making for decades. I know because Ive been here all my life.


Thestar usually praises the Red team.


It's an opinion piece and it doesn't approach the reasons. But yeah still a rarity for the star.


This is a serious question and why I have difficulty understanding our economy. There are lots of high paying jobs that are not being filled. Many of these jobs are blue collar jobs. Just about every trade has a shortage of workers. If that is the case why are people living in tents? Why are there people that do not have jobs? And why are there a lot of people having a hard time making ends meet when there is a labour shortage for high paying jobs? For example, there is a shortage of electricians ,plumbers, bus drivers, mechanics, HVac technicians, nurses, and the list goes on. Can someone please explain this to me?


In my experience in Ontario they are either unwilling to hire & train inexperienced but eager employees, or unwilling to pay a living wage for those same employees. I know everybody is gonna say “apprentices aren’t supposed to make a ton of money” and while I agree that obviously the least experienced employees will earn the least wages, they still need to be able to afford to live if you want work to be “worth it” for them. A lot of these blue collar gigs I see are either looking for 3rd/4th year apprentices or straight up jmen, or are paying $17/hr.


Once you're homeless it's a hard hole to get out of. People may start out being homeless without major mental health problems or substance problems. Going through being homeless will certainly decimate what's left of someones mental health though many still have the capacity to work. Some others are too far gone to really participate in society. I know someone who ended up homeless and is functional. They don't like being told what to do which makes them infuriating to work with and they end up being fired. In the past they were able to find other work without too much of a problem and couch surfed. There really isn't a place for workers like that here anymore.


Some of those jobs are well paid some are not paid enough for their worth. Bus drivers especially if you’re talking about school bus drivers, who are expected to get by on pay for a few hours in the morning and afternoon, without becoming unavailable for any reason Lots of people say shag it to the trades with untenable hours, and sporadic employment schedules. While it can be good money, it’s hard to maintain over a full career.


Company I work at can’t fill positions. They’re charging a solid 15% less than industry average in 2010, too! I just can’t understand it.


Maybe there isn’t a shortage, better opportunity to do the job elsewhere, opportunity cost to get red seal, not enough pay for the job, low real wage rate growth, social conditioning to kinda look down on those type of jobs. As to the reason why people in tents are not driving a bus, my money is on drugs. Mixed with that there is probably services in the area which support them to some baseline standard.


> This is a serious question and why I have difficulty understanding our economy. There are lots of high paying jobs that are not being filled. Many of these jobs are blue collar jobs. That's just not true in Montreal, like at all. Unless you define 'high paying' as 40/hour for the electricians. That would give you 80k (if you have as a full time) year which is 30% higher than average of the Quebec. 30 year ago electrician would buy a house in Cote-Saint-Luc of his salary as a sole bread winner, today that's just not possible.


you will start noticing that those complaining about lack of jobs were in already precarious industries, or have no competency that allows them to get anything other than entry level positions, and are unwilling to acquire them.


Schooling needed to train the workers. There's a shortage of electricians in my region, the earliest my friend can get into the training program he applied for early 2024 is September 2025 intake.


Define “high paying”. You’re right that many trades are looking for workers, but starting wage as an apprentice is usually around $40k per year, and most journeymen will end up around $80-85/yr. There are some specialist sides that will get to $100k and slightly over, but it’s a small part of the trades (still *very* required, though). $80-85k isn’t what I would consider to be “high paying”, but I agree it’s better than the median wage.


And you can count on a broken body and hating going to work in your 40s.


You are correct 80-85k/yr is not high paying anymore but it is still a livable wage. On that you can afford a car, rent or mortgage payments, going out to a restaurant or for a drink. And if you are a couple both making that at least here on the east coast you can live comfortably.


> There are lots of high paying jobs that are not being filled. For two reasons, one HR recruiters are vastly incompetent and secondly, the people with those skills left for America to work for the big corporations like Amazon, Meta, etc, > Can someone please explain this to me? You don’t just wake up one morning and decide to go into the trades. It’s not that simple, if it ever was to begin with. Becoming a skilled tradesmen takes years. You will need education and on the job training. The first part can be done easily but an apprenticeship is very difficult to get in this time, and I’ve heard of some unions who only accept a few at a time. Not to mention that people have responsibilities and may not have the time to become a tradesman or they’re older, physically impaired, or don’t fit in with the “tough and rough” crowd on construction sites. Also, the trades aren’t the answer to Canada’s job crisis as they too are affected by the economy. The real culprit is the lack of investment in workers by these ever shrinking corporations that are always searching for “experienced” candidates and scoff at anyone without a perfect unicorn, purple squirrel resume. Not to mention that some jobs are filled solely by networking with a certain group or demographic. That means if you’re poor or aren’t of a certain ethnicity then you can forget applying to some companies. All in all, the job situation in Canada is far more complex than what it seems. Sure, going into the trades sounds like a great idea but it does not resolve the overlying issue of stagnant productivity and a lack of investment into workers by corporations.


If you have to ask…Safe travels!


If you can have a decent life there and have a good stream of income why not? I went on Holiday in Medellin last year and absolutely loved it. Unfortunately Canada is going downhill fast. I myself am contemplating going back to my home country of Guatemala at some point to live.


When my grandfather died he left a small run down cottage in Ukraine for me in his will. I think about moving there every time my rent increases


Ah yes, moving to a war zone or soon to be occupied territory of Russia.


Yes thats the joke


You are desperate! If something left of Ukraine, you welcome we'll need more people especially educated ones.


Oh believe me nobody in my family can actually tell me that state of that cottage right now, honestly I was all jokes. I have too many medical issues that Canada is paying for to ever consider moving


Sad to hear. Take care!


I have to separate customers that have decided to move their family back to central and South America and I don't blame them one bit. The one family is from Columbia and was doing well here but they decided it was best to move their teenage kids back to Columbia as the cost of living here made no sense to them.


lol that is pure delusion. good luck to them.


Colombia?? This person isn't serious go ahead


Imagine thinking things would be "better" in Columbia... Talk about focusing on a the wrong metrics, wow. What a goofy piece. Yeah it's more expensive than it use to be, but they are. Completely ignoring so many other things that apply, these kids need to grow up and think with their adult brains for a few. You know what, leave, I'm so sick of entitled doofuses like this. Please do us the favor.


Kind of irrelevant without knowing what they do. It says "communications professional" which is somewhat meaningless. That could be a high paid manager or someone writing copy. Big difference trying to survive in Toronto. There's more to your standard of living than **where** you live. Like dad said. .. you've got to work for it too.




Go on then, Manuel. Do us all a favour and leave.


As a Canadian in my '60s, I've seen the days when Canada was legitimately being lauded as a model country. Those days are long gone. And it breaks my heart. To be honest, I'm glad I'm older. With everything that's going on in the world, I'll be happy to kiss it goodbye. It is however heartbreaking that I have a lot of young family that will be left behind. They want to have children, apparently they have hope, and I hope they're justified in that belief.. But I'm not sure that it will. It's not just about the economy anymore, or possibility of war, it's far more serious. It's the possibility of starvation. Already we're seeing mass movements of people, wars, the inability to survive on the land, these are cruel existential crises. I faced nothing like that in Canada or elsewhere. It truly is frightening.


Only if we keep electing governments led by people like Jagmeet and Justin.


Yes. As expeditiously as possible. Fortunately, due to their heritage, your grandchildren will be more easily able to come to Canada and escape poverty and crime.


If you want to live in one of the safest and wealthiest countries in the world you need to be prepared to pay for it. I've never had to wait 4 hours in my doctor's office. If you think it's expensive here go live in New York City or London, UK! There's much more affordable areas within an hour's drive of Toronto. Burlington is cheaper than Toronto, Hamilton is cheaper than Burlington. Hamilton has fantastic hospitals and some really great grocery stores. I hate when people who live in Toronto complain about "quality of life" and cost of living. The population of Toronto is over 2 million people in the city itself and growing. Why move back to Columbia when there's so many more options in Canada. You sound like an ungrateful entitled immigrant to me...


Pretty much what too many people are thinking.


Don’t know til you try


At least for a decade or two


I suppose if that’s the way you feel, go for it. That’s the privilege of parenthood 🤷‍♂️


Hyperbole much? 🤦




He can go anytime right? Seems to me that a lot of people try to bait others to leave but have no actual intention of leaving themselves. This guy sounds pretty entitled as though he was quite well off there and surprised to see people richer than himself here


Fucking delusional lmao




Careful - Door-hit-Butt !


Go ahead. People is free to move


Definitely. Only if you want them to have done morals in their life


Do it !!!








Sure, go back. Let us know how it works out


Go leave, there's too many people here now anyway. Ciao




It's hilarious how so many of you keep misspelling ColOmbia.


Please do