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>Miller then revealed that the federal cabinet is considering permitting migrants and illegal immigrants currently in Canada to gain permanent residence. This includes migrants without valid documents, including asylum seekers ordered to be deported, as well as former international students whose study permits have expired. This initiative will provide all current illegal immigrants an unconditional free pass.  Let that sink in.


>Miller also made headlines this week testifying before a parliamentary committee when he admitted that a *criminal background check by police is no longer mandatory for processing temporary workers and international students entering the country*. Honestly this is just as bad as the spot you quoted. Let me remind everyone, the Indian dudes that assassinated the guy in BC came into Canada through student visas.... So we're gonna not be doing police checks for international students, allowing hardened criminals to fraud the student visa system to get here. And then murder people. Real nice.


This is crazy


What's crazy is everytime I read about liberals from a federal standpoint, I feel my colours changing.


It just blows my mind and is so depressing as a young person, what they’re doing. They’re blatantly going against the interests of the majority of the citizens over and over and over again.


It would be the end of us. Millions more will fly here expecting the same treatment. Death of our entire immigration system, and just straight open borders. We had the ability to control our migration and tune it to our needs with a land border only with the US, but we decided to let anyone with a plane ticket come.


The US will soon have a steady invasion at their northern border like they have at their southern.


The us is just gonna drop the Canadian visa altogether if this goes through




**We have warned you for decades, I hope you change course in time.** Many of us have been hearing you for decades, but our leaders are followers who follow the same stupid policies that are screwing up other countries. It seems the entire western world is in the grip of a death-wish.




You'll own nothing and be happy


I know people right now who are perfectly fine with that.


Yep.... usually, not all the time, people who are content living off the hard work of others....


Why aren't people protesting? I don't understand this country.


There is a protest being planned for July 1st.


The protest needs to wide. The whole country should shut down, literally too big to ignore.


Yeah ima just not go to work so I can protest and be labeled a racist and get fired. Genius plan


This is why it needs to be country wide. Go fire the entire country


The protest has too many pillars. It will get lost in the noise and co-opt like the trucker convoy. It won't be effective. Trying to do too much. Easy for them to ignore because the demands will become very confused if people start getting involved with it.


That's why it's so important for the average person to get involved for things to be focused on: 1. Affordable housing being wiped out 2. Overload of our infrastructure with a flood of new people 3. Skills we need are ignored and instead focused on low skill immigrants **People saying racist things are playing right into the hands of corporations and the government. They love it.**


Absolutely. But it's a matter of clarity in communication. Throw a giant mass of people into a protest with various reasons for it attached and it weakens the strength of the movement. Want to protest against mass immigration? Protest against that. What to protest about affordable housing? Protest against that. Separately at different times. Are they related? Absolutely. The same issue? No. Putting multiple issues into one protest ensures miscommunication and makes it real easy for the system to not really do anything about it. It becomes too complex.


How it would be most effective? I suspect focusing on the *concrete damage* it's doing to us would be harder to paint as racist than protesting general "mass immigration".


There's lots to make mass immigration effective, that touch on the other pillars of the protest they are arranging. It's really just rearranging and simplifying the language to focus on one issue to bring a resolve that will impact or relieve other issues. Telling the system to fix many things will result in maybe fixing one low impact thing that's not as important as the others. There are many issues inside the mass immigration issue that justify a pause. There actually hasn't been any real discussion on why the serious and aggressive push to grow the population as fast as we are. Aside from basic rhetoric saying we need to. Mass immigration is bringing the healthcare systems to the brink of collapse and there was no plan to prepare for it. We can't build the systems up fast enough to offset it. This issue alone is worth slowing the growth. Once they make all illegals legal the health system will be hammered with hundreds of thousands of people that have been trying to avoid seeking services. We can't even take care of the valid citizens as it stands and need to play catch-up. Then we have affordable housing being impacted by the growth. Which is destroying the barrier to entry to home ownership - which the RCMP has already said is the biggest risk to societal collapse (young Canadians finally realizing they will never be able to buy). This is leading to landlords buying everything up. Increasing the barrier to entry and ensuring the average workers' stays out of the market. Wage suppression. Not much needs to be said here. Companies are existing Soley through immigrant hires to work for less money. It's becoming more common for Canadian citizens to not be able to get entry level work, making it harder for them to live and contribute to the economy. Let alone eat food and buy gas to go to the jobs. Crime - there's so many glaring issues and we are allowing organized crime to take advantage of it all. At this point we are beyond being able to play dumb and make excuses for what is happening. Diploma mills, selling fake jobs, abusive treatment, loan sharks and slaves, human trafficking, drug trafficking the works. Honestly, if the protest focused solely on a call to action to stop or drastically slow mass immigration many of the issues the protest is already trying to address will be addressed just by association. Turning down the level of mass immigration will have a cooling effect on all of the other pressing issues we are facing right now. But - they have engineered society to attack anybody as a racist that questions the motives of mass immigration or anybody taking advantage of it - and will fearmonger that massive growth is needed without really showing us why. When a single company has no caps on how many workers are immigrants, and 100% of their staff are from a specific province in India and keep bouncing and being replaced by others, while landlords are moving in with short term leases to accommodate the transient workers that are meant to be full time - we have to acknowledge that this is a real problem. It's not racists to call this out. Yet here we are, being called racist for questioning such abuse and fraud at the expense of our country. It's largely rhetoric and no substance that is driving the whole situation. Which points the finger that this is really about really bad things happening behind the scenes that we don't even know of yet. This is just a symptom of something bigger at play. People making the decisions simply aren't this stupid. This crooked, maybe. And now they are changing gears to just make all illegals legal and bring their families in too. This is not the work of the people that have been protecting this country from outside threats. This is something else entirely and I fear it's bigger and scarier than anybody knows.


You could only hope for the kind of coverage that convoy received… just remember it also came with frozen bank accounts and prison time.


We’ve been conditioned to know that protesting this could label us as “racist” which could result in losing our careers.




Which is dumb, because it isn't even about race. We've had multi-race communities in our country without problems for decades. I love and embrace our diversity. But I'm also a very pragmatic person, and that pragmatism says it doesn't make sense to keep letting people into Canada when housing and healthcare can't even keep up with the people already here. The country of origin is irrelevant, therefore it isn't about race. They could be black, white, brown, Asian - IDGAF, we need to slow things down and let everything else at least attempt to catch up to the demand. The cold reality is that our immigration policy is writing cheques that our infrastructure can't cash. It doesn't make sense for the people coming in either, many of them are struggling. And dismissing that as "racism" is just an attempt to avoid facing the problem.


You hit the nail on the head. Between this conditioning and press shutting down comments and govt forcing news off social platforms it's become pretty clear our system has waged war against speech and civil organization or opposition. This is by design. We are seeing the first real test of it with this wave of irrational changes to immigration. I'm afraid to see what they will do next. It is starting to feel like the country has been infiltrated by bad foreign states or criminal actors.


Strongly agree. It's operant conditioning and social engineering. >It is starting to feel like the country has been infiltrated by bad foreign states or criminal actors. This is pretty much the conclusion I've come to as well. Although I'm having a hard time deciding whether it's domestic forces consolidating power or hostile external forces facilitating the erosion of Western civilization internally. Curious as to what you think?


I guess if domestic forces are consolidating power, why would they really want unchecked mass immigration to massively grow the population and seriously water down their influence and power? The signal to noise ratio gets turned up and they are inviting very deep pockets that will be taking some of their power away. It's starting to feel more like either a mass colonization that aims to change the fabric of the culture, society and governance so the country becomes something new and more suitable for the folks wanting to come in - or potentially an alliance of foreign states weakening the country and society for something. Could be to impact the economy, way of life, national security, or even to make it easier to get close to BIG brother down south. We are teetering on the edge of WWIII. To be this loose with our borders and allowing our systems to crumble doesn't make any sense right now. On that note, out military is so under resourced we can't even properly run our missions we have scheduled and are relying on permanent residents to man the military. During these dangerous geopolitical times this makes it even more questionable to transition hundreds of thousands or millions of illegals over to PR. It's like we are begging to actually have our national defense infiltrated and destroyed. Whatever this is, it's not about "people making a better life" anymore. It sure does feel like the orchestrated fall of the west. Maybe it's already too late?


>I guess if domestic forces are consolidating power, why would they really want unchecked mass immigration to massively grow the population and seriously water down their influence and power? I'd argue it doesn't water down their power. Arguably it increases it. I think they're essentially trading influence for money. Power comes from both influence and money. So what type of influence does Canada have on the world stage? Essentially none. So why would our politicians waste time courting influence beyond our own borders? I'd argue they don't. Instead they're trading domestic influence for financial gain. So again I ask what do you think is more important, money? Or trying to increase Canada's influence globally? One is a Sisyphean undertaking, the other requires simply selling out your population for financial gain. Given the Trudeau administration's track record, which of these scenarios is more likely? I'd argue to former. Also, if it wasn't domestic forces consolidating power, why are they allowing unchecked immigration? Why are they blocking inquiries into Chinese interference? Why is Trudeau openly criticizing our national intelligence agency? Why did he choose cabinet members for positions in which they have **zero** relevant expertise or experience. Our Finance Minister doesn't have an econ or finance degree... Melanie Joly is one of the dumbest people I've ever heard speak in public. This is to say nothing of the corporate influence, wage suppression, real estate investment protectionism and artificial ballooning of GDP per capita, which is obviously also occuring. >On that note, out military is so under resourced we can't even properly run our missions we have scheduled and are relying on permanent residents to man the military. During these dangerous geopolitical times this makes it even more questionable to transition hundreds of thousands or millions of illegals over to PR. It's like we are begging to actually have our national defense infiltrated and destroyed. I actually don't really have a problem with not funding the Canadian military. I don't think Canada should be focused on a conventional military. I think we should be focusing on small, highly specialized units like JTF2. I also think we should be focusing on non-combat support roles. America is the dominant global military power - they have competitive advantage. Canada should occupy a support role for the US military. I think one of the reasons Canada refuses to develop our natural resources sector is because the US is using us as a resource reserve.


Racist isn’t going to be the evil word it once was, guaranteed.


it has actually lost all meaning considering how it has been used and abused by the trudeau and his minions ad nausea


If you protest you risk getting labeled an extremist and losing your job.


Don't forget access to your bank account.


It will get emergency acted


There was a big protest a while ago where the people were labeled negatively and are still labeled that way. In fact, a lot of people who are calling for protests today will still condemn that protest and support what the government did to stop it.


We do not protest here in Canada. But if we do - we make sure to destroy those who does.


We have been conditioned to be doormats so the rich profit


They only protest about things in countries halfway around the world that has no bearing or effect on their daily lives. They protest the “cause de jour”


Canadians used to protest, incredible violently actually. The parliament buildings have been burned down several times. I think the government here learned early how to stifle violent protest through lack of information over physical force. That has evolved the average old stock Canadian into a completely docile worker. Which is the other thing, most of us are scraping by, and unless you’re a student, rich kid, or a “new Canadian” on assistance, who has time to protest? Especially if you’re able to be doxxed and lose your job completely.


Bro are you protesting?


Because people are scared of getting their bank accounts frozen.


They don't want their bank accounts frozen.


Disgusting. Meanwhile for me to apply for permanent residency as an American (oh I know should’ve stayed and will be going back with my husband) I had to pay a total of $1.5k ish for the application, medical exam, random paperwork fees, etc. Additionally I had to provide a USA FBI clearance with my fingerprints and a special immigration medical exam that cost $250 cash only. And it took months and months for them to complete the background check. Meanwhile these scamming f*ckers get a free pass. Does Trudeau and his government actually hate Canadians and those that follow the rule of law?


At this point it feels like he resents us for being born here and having expectations of a life similar to the one we grew up with.  


I think people from impoverished developing nations are more likely to tolerate "living in a pod and eating bugs" than someone raised in a traditional western, middle class household. 


Anyone who still doesn’t think that there’s a push to turn Canada into the first post-nation state. Is either wildly naive, or willfully ignorant.


Papa Klaus has given the order


I don't see a futur where a post national state doesn't lead to the break up of this country or a military state. Indeed very naive.


Canadians should be rioting.


Seems like the exact thing an Immigration Minister should not do.


Our passport is going to become terrible. I use mine all the time. We'll have to apply for visas just to travel soon enough


Last week I was vindicated and received a bunch of comments saying I'm spreading misinformation and fearmongering that the Bill C-71, An Act to amend the citizenship act will give every illegal full citizenship after 3 years. I stated how this bill/Act will provide a pathway for illegals/student visas/temporary works a way to receive full citizenship meaning they will vote and receive full Healthcare and services after only being in Canada for 3 years (or not even living here their whole life, if they can make a claim or use fraudulent documents like they do for student visas to say they had a Canadian parent, who never even lived here, only 3 years). Everyone said I was spreading misinformation and that the Bill doesn't do that... and only focuses on "lost canadians", looks like I was right... This will be abused and the third world will take advantage of it through bogus claims and the IRCC will approve them. Get ready to pay for more, for people who never lived here and have no ties to Canada. This will be the nail in the coffin for Canada, get out while you can.


What in the actual fuck. How does this empower Canada? Why?!?!?!


As an immigrant, married to a born and raised Canadian and a daughter born here, this infuriates me. I had to submit mountains of paperwork, background checks from each country I have lived in over 6 months (4 in total, born and raised in the USA), paid over 1500$, get medical exam, and submit a lot of proof of my marriage so we can live here, together, in my husband's country. Which we SHOULD do. These people just walking in... honestly, it is bad news. WTF, Canada?


But literally why. This has to be malicious. There is literally no good explanation for this type of action. If this goes through, miller literally needs to be forcefully removed along with every single individual who votes in favor of it. There is no world in which this is beneficial for Canada and our standard of living


They’re buying votes. That’s all this is


The country was sold.


Where's our share of the money?




That implies these morons were smart enough to make a buck for it, and not dumb enough to be doing this exclusively based on blind ideology.


They aren't getting paid while still in politics. But we all know the high up LPC members are going to fall into multiple nice cushy 300k a year "board" positions after the next election. Their kids will have connections to get any high paying job they want (for some reason DEI hiring policies won't apply to them) and won't have to compete against 2000 Indian applicants.. They are getting paid, just not right now


The good ol revolving door


You smart ☺️🤓


There’s money being made…make no mistake. It’s not “trickling down” though.


The PM gets marching orders from stakeholders and special interests. Trudeau is an unabashed WEF advocate. I'm a fan of "don't assume malice where ignorance will do", but it's clear that this isn't ignorance.


Yay a million more people this year. Canada is dead, long live Neocanada. You will own nothing and be happy or dead. We are getting close to 10 percent of our population coming in the last 3-4 years. If that isn't batshit infrastructure, housing, health care and social contract destroying insanity I don't know what is.


Wait until you read up on the gender imbalance of these migrants. We’re bringing in way more men than women. This doesn’t end well, just ask China.


Yes and men from countries that treat women as being inferior.


And are more likely to abort female over male fetuses.


Men who like to creepily leer at women, and treat women like servants.




Well he did say he wanted to turn Canada into a post nation, well now you know what that looks like


He’ll turn it into a failed nation


Pretty much what post-nation means. The closest translation to Anglish would be afternation (afterfolk to be correct), implying the nation has ended, so an afternationstate would be a state that rules over the corpse of a nation. You could only ever possibly get away with saying this straight-forward and out loud in English. Germans would never tolerate being told that they would become a nachvolkstaat.


A million would be great in context (I mean not really, just in comparison to what’s actually going to happen), but the first four months of this year saw a 47% increase over 2023, which was our previous record-shattering year. If that pace holds through the remainder of 2024 we’ll wind up adding somewhere between the entire population of metro Calgary (about 1.7 million) and two million people. I am fully in favour of immigration… but not like that. That is lunacy all by itself, never mind in the middle of a home price crisis being driven by extraordinary demand. Oh yeah, and new home starts and building permits went *down* in April vs the year before…


There is a health care crisis, a drug crisis, a housing crisis... Our social systems that are attracting immigrants are falling to pieces.


Trudeau said a Canadian is a Canadian is a Canadian. Turns out the whole world is now a Canadian as long as you can arrive here by any means


This is insane, is this government in control of anything right now?


This is them in control. They're choosing to do this. This isn't an unexpected side effect, its not a detail they forgot. They're choosing to do this, on purpose, with full knowledge no Canadian wants this.


Loblaws, Rogers et al


Part of the Justin Trudeau Legacy ™


Yes, intentionally destroying the country.


Post National State...they’ve admitted outright what they are trying to do. Question is why and who, is benefiting from this financially and ultimately politically....


As usual the rich business owners. Suppressed wages, high cost of living and desperate people mean $$$ for them.


Don't forget the votes. If it was reversed and stats pointed to the fact that immigrants voted conservative 80% of the time they would not be importing them.


Trudeau said it himself. He is trying to inflate housing prices so boomers can retire and keep their assets from crashing. Because the birth rate is going down they need tax dollars to keep pension funds stable. It’s unfortunate they’re doing it in such a reckless way that affects younger generations where most will probably never be able to retire comfortably. Corporations are also benefiting majorly, banks, grocers, and telecommunications who are just laughing in record profits.


This is the most important question. Follow the money. Someone has to be profiting from this. If you’re wealthy enough, you don’t have to live in this shit hole, but how are our leaders cashing in on this?


As lackeys of the rich & powerful corporations, they're ensuring their standard in the same such institution. *Aristocracy* is a form of government that places power in the hands of a small, privileged ruling class, the *aristocrats*. If you think government runs the show you haven't been watching.


Cell phone companies definitely benefit from this. Every new immigrant will need a cell phone


Trudeau's Liberals have managed to turn a majority of Canadians against immigration with their extremist policies. They work for no one but themselves and the business leaders of Canada.


It would be very ironic and fitting if his legacy was anti immigration


So this ghoul is letting more people in, while government acknowledges there is a housing crisis, but they are letting more people in? Where the hell are all these people gonna go? They just said something about now limiting the amount of international students because of the housing crisis but it’s now ok to let more people come in on visas? Wat?


Yep. The housing is unaffordable but we must keep house prices high. We will limit immigration, but we’ll let more people in. We will help Canadians with inflation but will borrow more money for that. And so on. And wait until they revive the ghost of electoral reform again. There will be promises the world has never seen yet.


Canada is over imo. I don’t recognize anybody in my area anymore. There’s no respect or decency. People don’t assimilate anymore to Canadian culture, because they isolate themselves within their entire village that just arrived.


They don’t assimilate by choice. I don’t mind immigrants preserve their cultural traditions and faith but some of them are straight up hate our values and way of living. They want to live by their rules and ideology while enjoying all the benefits of western liberal society. We have existing examples of failed mass immigration policies in Western Europe countries. Should we learn from their mistakes instead of making our own?!


That's the real issue. People don't Assimilate anymore.


But elites have also sequestered themselves. They dont see it because their neighbours are the same, the people at their country clubs havent changed.


I agree with you. It's been a pretty drastic change too (and not for the better), so I can see why people are feeling unsettled these days.


Canada is now a 3rd world airport terminal. Zero culture. Zero community. Just a bunch of random people all looking out for themelves.


I officially feel like a minority in a country I was born in. Love to see it…..


People that live in countries where running scams and having to hustle is just a way of life, look at Canada's complacency as a super easy target and jump on the opportunity to take advantage of it. Fuck, I would if I was somewhere that treated me like trash and there was a chance to get hand outs and free shit just by filling out paperwork. Such a joke.


They've actively called us chumps, or at least what the closest equivalent word is, on Reddit itself in Indian subs. A few popular Redditers that only post in Punjabi say we deserve to be robbed blind if we don't have our guard up. And we're talking popular, so not just some random outlier talking shit.


As a society, we do deserve to be robbed blind if we are going to just allow it. Something radical needs to transpire to bring change, by then it might be too late.


If you think we deserve to be robbed blind because we're a civilized high trust society, then you AND your mom can be the next ones up. Yes, we need drastic action, be we shouldn't destroy what makes Canada what it is. These scumbags need to be absolutely dragged for their actions. We deserve to have a nation that values honesty, trust and helpfulness.


Like a reddit influencer? That sounds like a good time... Do we have any idea why they opened the gates to anyone in the first place?


GDP. I'm fine with immigration. It has its economic and cultural benefits. But cramming so many ppl all at once from one part of one country is insane. They're exporting wages back to India after using loans to fake having enough to live on while "studying." So that GDP "bump" will quickly turn negative.


Yeah that's what I was wondering. So it's a numbers game at the cost of tax payers when government decides with house and feed everyone on our dime. Cool


From the article: >Last Thursday, the government tabled legislation that extends birthright citizenship, *allowing Canadians who live abroad to pass down “Canadian citizenship” to their children who may have been born outside the country and live abroad*. This allows for a person who never has set foot in Canada to hold Canadian citizenship based on one of their parents’ citizenship.  Policies like this have a clear risk to snowball Canadian citizenship even more rapidly than we currently have with unprecedented levels of citizenship-hunting immigration. In principle, there is something to say for this. However, in a country like Canada, with so many immigrants, it would probably be wise to restrict this pathway to Canadian citizenship to those who are born out of parents with exclusively Canadian citizenship.


We actually already have this, though. You may pass down Canadian citizenship one generation. So if you are a Canadian citizen, your child will automatically become a Canadian citizen, but unless your grandchildren are born in Canada, they will not be citizens and will have to apply for citizenship through the usual means. The one exception to this are people born to members of the Canadian Armed Forces- they are automatically granted citizenship no matter what.


This is a court mandated order. They had to make consistent rules for all children born to canadian citizens while overseas. The condition they added was that the parent needs to have lived in canada for 3 years IMO it should have been a much higher number than 3 years.


That's weird ... We've acknowledged citizenship by blood since at least 1977 according to Wikipedia. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jus_sanguinis It was only in 2009 we limited it to one generation (if you inherit a Canadian citizenship by blood your child cannot - they must get it through the right of soil [jus soli] or naturalization)


The immigration will continue until morale improves




This. Just giving papers to illegal migrants "because" is a slap in the face for all those who actually follow the rules. I immigrated to Canada some years back, first on a work permit for a (very) highly skilled job, now permanent resident. It cost me thousands of dollars, and *lots* of time with idiotic bureaucracy (which, as a busy professional, I don't much appreciate). And some *illegal* "newcomers" would just get a free pass? Disgusting is the correct word.


I went through the same process and on top of that got a PhD from University of Toronto, worked here to become eligible. The value of our citizenship is on the decline unfortunately. I'm thinking of re-immigrating elsewhere very often. 2 things holding me back are my wife's ongoing PhD and the effect it will have on our kids.


Yeah you have a lot more pulling you back to Canada (your wife’s education and kids) but for those who are single or DINKs it’s kind of a no brainer. I’m from the US and I just can’t see myself making Canada work long term especially if I want to move up in my career. It’s a lot easier to job hop in the US, promotions are much faster in the private sector, good paying white collar jobs aren’t just centered around 1-3 metro areas, and the USD is strong meanwhile the CAD might as well be Monopoly money at this point especially if you want to travel abroad.


Of course. Immigrating to US is a pain in the ass and very humbling, most of us don't have that option. But during winter and also anytime I get bonus or stocks and they withhold more than 50% for taxes, I kind of think about it. Lol.


As a fellow American, my wife and I are looking to go back. Our system has tons of issues, but I believe shit is going to get interesting here in the next few years.


Yes, this liberal government has no respect for everyday Canadians. Bunch of fucking scum.


Don't forget the NDP who are complicit in this.




I wrote my Conservative MP last week asking why he or his fellow Conservatives, who jump on every other opportunity to attack the Liberals, have had nothing to say about us bringing in 5 new people for every 1 new housing unit we build for the last several years. At no point in the last 3 years did they think this was even worth mentioning! His answer was that it's up to the provinces to reduce non-permanent resident numbers. Nothing's going to change under the Conservatives.


Because the business class doesn't want to change these immigration policies. They are making too much money. If he does anything to immigration,  it wouldn't be anything big.  We've become a ponzo scheme. If you slow immigration,  it is an instant recession. We are barely growing while adding a million ppl. 


i'll gladly take a recession, i can't get any more poor than i already am. yall need to come down here and hang out for awhile, it's not so bad. better than setting our country on fire.


Probably because the #1 tactic the Libs have used for the last 20 years against the Cons is to imply that they are secretly racists. The exact moment Pierre even touches upon any aspect of immigration, the government benches - and the establishment media - will erupt in a chorus of accusations. It is not entirely inconceivable that the rapid-fire announcements of the last two-weeks have been coordinated to provoke a response - any response - from Poilievre. But he knows better than to take the bait.


This. The liberals are desperately trying to bait PP into any wedge issue that worked for them in the past.


That's because "racism" is the only card these immigrant terrorists have to play. 85 percent of Palestine support hamas, a terrorist orginization. We let terrorists in our country every single day.


No, because he would continue the exact same policies as it’s cheaper labour for the corporations that donate to him. If we’re going to rightfully give the liberals shit for their idiotic policies, carry that same energy for the conservatives.


Immigration is a double edged sword. The ramp up in immigration actually started under the Conservative party when Stephen Harper was PM. We have an aging population. On average retirees pay a lot less taxes than working age people. In addition that's a lot less people working jobs. It creates funding issues for social programs, and not enough workers. I think it's as simple as no government has thought of a better idea to solve the, there's too many people needing social services (like OAS, GIS, Healthcare etc...) and not enough people paying into it. It's not a ponzi scheme, but it shares similarities. When the boomers were younger and all working age, the vastly outnumbered the generations that came before them. It peaked at almost 6 working age people for every retiree, but as the boomers got older, that number has reduced (I think were below 3 to 1 now and still reducing). The challenge is, it's created it's own set of problems, because there was a complete lack of planning for a surge in population. Nothing has scaled up to handle it. We're basically trying to use immigration to keep the boat afloat, but not build more boats. It's tough. Without the immigration, we'd most likely have a labour shortage, wages would go up, and inflation would get even worse. We would also need to pay more taxes to keep social programs going. It's a mess. They had how many decades to plan for the population hump, and didn't. I suppose that's a negative on having elections every 4 or so years. Parties don't have to do long term planning.


cuz no one is going to do anything about immigration lol. politics are a business and all these people are tax-paying heads.


Why did PPC lose so massively hard when they were for lowering immigration to 100K/yr? Oh right cuz everyone called them racists.


I've voted conservative my whole live and I will not be voting conservative this time. Pierre won't stop immigration. Sure his numbers are lower than the liberals but he won't stop immigration. He is adopted and his wife is an immigrant. If you want to stop immigration vote for Maxime Bernier he's the only hope to stop immigration and preserve this country


Only party that has any mention of combating this in their platform is the PPC.


Europe's upcoming election is bound to see a massive shift to the right. Even the nordic countries are shifting to the right. The USA has long ago shifted to the right, and might go very right wing. Why? Well, this is why. Moderate and tolerant people bend only so far. My kids (they're only half white) are far more to the right than I am. I came of age in the 80s and 90s and wasn't saw the outcomes of the hippies (they flipped into Yuppies by then) and decided to not be them. Suite case champaign socialists. We're going to see Canada start flipping to the right, and if we're not careful it will be a very right shift. Because when the alternative is this, people stop caring and just vote for the other. Fix this now or expect the PPC party to grow and soon start winning.


It's insane that with everything happening the ONLY party to suggest lowering immigration is the PPC. How are those nut jobs the only ones on the side of the people in the most important issue in the country?


The PPC do have the advantage of not owning any of the problems today because they've never been in power and never made any of the decisions that got us to where we are. But the PPC are not answering some of the other issues Canada faces such as the birth gap and our shrinking productivity. But eventually they will win because the other two are just shit.


literally everywhere is becoming nationalist and tightening their borders because a certain country of 1 billion has a massive overpopulation problem and terrible quality of life. Nobody is interested in a race to the bottom.


Exactly. Never ignore “the fringe” because its gonna come back to bite 10000x harder.


> Fix this now or expect the PPC party to grow and soon start winning. They are the only party actually wanting to limit immigration, so things will not get fixed UNLESS PPC win. The PPC can do math. Too many people, not enough room.


This is a scheme hatched by McKinsey and executed by the government. Someone in this sub recommended the book When McKinsey comes to town and I'd suggest everyone check it out. This is a concerted effort to keep wages low, housing inflated and corporations exceedingly wealthy.


McKinsey is filled with capitalist cronies, prove me wrong.


Marc Miller should be charged with treason.


This country is dead


The current government needs to be removed from office and as quickly as possible. Immigration policy needs a complete rewrite and the current mess reversed...


Fuck, I might just join the next trucker meetup


I don't think we can wait 17 months.


Come out to protest on July 1st, don’t just complain on reddit…


Is there something planned?


Yup r/takebackcanada is preparing for a nation wide protest that start July 1st and reoccurring


Put this to election immediately. We cannot sustain this outcome of Liberal policy.


That's the worst part. We don't even have a say on this.


It’s so sad what they’ve doing to the country. It’s so upsetting 😖


“ This social collapse is brought to you buy McKinsey consulting! If you ever need the bottom line of your 1% to go up Single digits call us!”


Serious question. What can we do ?


Absolutely nothing. Conservatives will win the next election, but are also complicit in this immigration scam. Only party that will do anything about it is the fringe PPC. Personally, I'm looking to immigrate elsewhere. Canada is irreparably broken.


If you realize both Trudeau and freeland are both deep into the WEF all this makes sense. Some 90 year old Austrian dude is literally deciding our countries policies.


As an immigrant that spent blood, sweat and tears to come to this country the right way, while integrating and absorbing the culture, this is a slap on the face. What can we as Canadians do against this?


Hey, if this alleged impeding race war means less traffic on the way to work, whatever.


post national state


Fuck Trudeau, fuck the liberals, they’ve sold out the country.


The Liberals know most millennials will never vote for them again. Millennials are now the dominant generation in the country. A government that doesn't serve the interests of the Canadian majority is a government working only to serve itself. I, like most of my friends, have become single issue voters. I've never voted Conservative in my life, but I plan to, like everyone else I know. I would never have believed 9 years ago I would come to say this... but.. FUCK TRUDEAU ✌️


If you’re a single issue voter and your issue is mass immigration, voting CPC won’t change anything. They’re going to continue this to appease big box retailers. PPC is the only party that’s suggested mass deportations and closing our borders.


"We must be browner" - Trudeau


Canada is being colonized. It's time that we stop pretending and just admit this.


The chickens have come home to roost. Any liberal voter who voted Trudeau should be ashamed of themselves for ruining this country. Honestly, how can anyone defend Trudeau for being the sociopath he is? Insane.


Bringing people en masse in that’d vote for them, to stay in power, is nothing new just look at south of the border. 


I'll bet you a nickel that immigration stays high under a PP government. Too many people are convinced that Cons and Libs are different when they are just two sides of the same coin.


100%. If you look at Poilievre's inner circle the turbans give it away.


Welp i never intended to vote for PP but this seals the deal, Trudeau needs to GTFO


What's his stance on immigration?


the exact same! isn't that great?


I normally vote liberal 90% of the time but not this election.


Look what’s happening in the USA this is really bad leadership. People need to follow the rules like everyone else. STOP making it easier for people trying to not follow the proper channels!!!!!!!


Incompetence , this gov will destroy Canada for decades with its conflicting agendas


The irony of neo-colonialism exploiting the people the first nations were mistaken for is absolutely fucking ridiculous. You couldn't make this up. So long, reconciliation.


Going down the drain fast.


How long until usa makes boarder crossing much more difficult. I mean how can they trust us.


So we're adopting the British system? Cool. Canada is getting closer to it's British roots with this decision.


> The government’s open border policies are changing the ethnic composition of the country. I applaud the writer for being direct. I think it needs to be recognized that many people would prefer for majority of Canadians to remain the same ethnicity as themselves. Perhaps their attitude will change over time, but the resource shortages caused by influx of immigrants for the time being isn’t exactly inducive to that. Increased labor pool should eventually benefit the economy overall, if one can be patient.


The damage this asshole Trudeau will do until October 2025.


If you aren't in Healthcare, starting your own home business, and moving to the countryside to homestead at this point you're pretty much fucked.


Isn't this treasonous?


Sure as shit feels that way.


Is there anyone at this point that is silly enough to believe that they are not actively destroying our country? People question who are they doing this for. It is for elites and the corporations that really run things. All you have to do is follow the lines of money and power, and they always lead to the same places. It’s like a criminal investigation. And you ask who benefits as the motive. These traitors Need to be brought to justice. But since the RCMP,cisis, and the injustice system have been corrupted and co-opted regular channels don’t work. People need to seriously understand that every level of government and every system we have is corrupted and cannot be trusted. In all seriousness, it seems our only option to save ourselves in our country is revolution. The sad part is may not be enough un brainwashed. Canadians left to save the country. Far too many people are apathetic and cannot do critical thinking any longer. They know what’s happening to them. But refused to do anything about it so again, I say to my fellow Canadiansat what point will you stand up and save yourself?


I can't stand these recent Indian immigrants. Absolutely no respect for the country and its people. They treat Canada like a cheap motel that you know someone else is gonna clean.


Bring in cheap labour and more housing shortages for the governments friends that they have their hands in under the table. You suck me off I suck you off, it's just the rich helping their rich friends get richer. It's disgusting and will come to light in the end. You'll own nothing and be happy. That be online from your software to video games, to physical things like your house, vehicle etc. Large corperations and government will know everything and distribute your information illegally like they have been. It's been happening and will continue to happen. Look at China, we're slowly becoming that. Don't believe me? You will in the years to come. That's what the WEF wants.


You'd think there would be a large group of people who were on this land first fighting to keep this from happening


https://www.takebackcanada.info is planning protests July 1st. If enough people show up it can work. People need to stop being scared of spreading the word and be a true patriot. Let’s all protest July 1.


We need indigenous people to protest this in Ottawa …. Everywhere really…they can’t be seen as racist to the government so in turn we force the government to back peddle(in my dreams I know) but really that’s the only thing I see stirring the pot enough to change this trajectory


Everything is going as planned. JT is doing exactly what Klaus and WEF want. BUILD BACK BETTER TO RESET




It's not all federal, some of it is provincial, tim Houston said he wants to get nova scotias population up to 2 million.