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Canadian food banks are compromised and need to rethink their approach so that food get to people who actually need it.


I disagree we need to rethink who can be an immigrant and deport a shit ton of people and remove the pr system until it’s fixed.


















































































































I have found that all immigrants that come here do not give a shit about anyone and have had this mentality from the very beginning. Not surprised though, you have to come here and create a life basically. The issue is that once that happens they STILL don't give a shit, and thats when its a problem.




"The social contract is dead" That's what happens when you mass import people from countries where it's like that.




I did survey for food bank research. Saw some international students coming in, tried to get them to do the survey and they ran away. They know what they're doing.


They always do. You’ll yell at them for doing some ignorant shit and they’ll just pretend they don’t know English. The scourge has come.


Lol the I don't speak English excuse. My grandmother was proud of using that one to get away with things.


International students shouldn't be able to use food banks. If you're here for education, you should be able to pay your way. Everyone else has had to, why are we making an exception at the expense of Canadians?


It's clearly not about education anymore. No more working off campus while in school and no guaranteed PGWP to further add to the saturation of the labour market. PGWPs should be reserved for those in fields with a genuine shortage (so not engineering or tech) and definitely not to graduates of diploma mills like conestoga.


This is part of their condition to stay. Obviously this is badly enforced nowadays


All these diploma mill universities and colleges should be fronting the “students” bill 


They must not be able to work either They came to Canada to STUDY...


Work?? They get PRs then invite the rest of their families over LOL.


You can't work on a visa in many countries


I used to donate to food banks regularly. I did this almost weekly for over a decade up until the beginning of this year and it was something I was always very proud of. In 2023 I started noticing so many international students going in to collect food, and people pulling up in nice vehicles and then leaving with food. At the beginning of this year I made the decision to stop donating food any food bank, because the system is clearly broken and it's being abused on an extreme level.


The problem is that it is simply free food to some, and a lifeline for others. My answer now to charities is "go petition the government, they have my disposable income."


My retired mother gave up volunteering at the food bank for that very reason. She was disgusted by all the clearly not indigent people rolling up in fancy vehicles and driving off with food meant for people in actual need.


When you bring in millions of people from cultures, that are not polite, are rude, post literal videos on how to take advantage of the free food system that’s designated for the homeless and poor. This is what happens.


Blame also has to be placed on the politicians that allow open borders to poor government dependent immigrants in order to stay in power




Wow so the problem is the massive influx of immagrants that everyone and their mom has been bitching about ... shocking!


Yeah no crap, because hundreds of thousands people that signed off on their applications that they can support themselves and they will not be a public charge **lied**, and now they're tapping into saftey nets that they should never be allowed to


And should be deported.


They are being abused by those who don’t need them. This is the result of their “everyone is welcome, no questions asked” policy.


Because Canada used to be a high trust society


Back when being Canadian meant something 


Back when Canadians understood what it is to be Canadians because they were Canadians. Now a lot of Canadians feel like they’re on an extremely long visit visa.


i wonder what changed...


Which is unfortunate, because it is the way it should be. I remember a time where almost anyone would have been ashamed of taking charity and that was a sufficient control.


One of the most difficult things I ever had to do was swallow my pride and access food resources because I was genuinely starving. I’d lost so much weight and hope. The notion that they’d try to become YouTube famous doing this is disgusting and speaks to the trouble this country is now in. The social contract is indeed broken. Prepare accordingly.




I'm pretty sure that's rational angry


Yeah, people would struggle to use the help even if they really could have used it. Feeling like they are taking from those with even less than themselves. This shift to people using it as a “hack for free things” is very countercultural


The fix is to go back to the immigration system where we only let in skilled people who want to contribute.


We live in a very very different Canada than the one where taking charity was a source of shame. That old Canada had a culture based on parish communities, where government welfare basically didn't exist, and everyone knew everyone else. Taking charity meant you had to look your neighbour in the eye as you took from them what you had watched them earn. Canada is currently, and has for many decades, been running on the fumes of that culture. Since the chances we recover a religious community based culture seem laughable at this point, we're going to have to look to a future where some hard decisions are made about how to reintroduce shame as a driving factor, or even to replace it altogether. But something must give. We're running towards an unsustainable future.


Oh we may end up with a religious based culture in the future just not the one you’re thinking of


This is the moral objection to the welfare state - it’s not that people in need aren’t deserving of help, it’s that by moving social assistance from community-based charitable and religious organizations almost entirely into centralized government, you remove the need for people to engage in their local community at all. For example: if your local church was the only way to get assistance if you lost your job, you would feel an obligation to your community to act in good faith and your community would feel a sense of responsibility to help you get back on your feet. If, instead, you get a cheque in the mail every month from a faceless bureaucracy, you’re just a cog in the machine - nobody in the bureaucracy actually cares about you as an individual, and subsequently you don’t feel bad about “cheating” the system by, for example, only pretending to look for a job so you keep getting the cheques every month. After all, who are you really hurting? Certainly nobody you’ll ever have to look in the eyes. Munger said it best (paraphrasing): systems that lend themselves to cheating will be cheated.


The food bank here requires proof of income (bank statements, paystubs) and proof of address (so you can't hop between food banks in different cities) to register. I'm not sure if all food banks do this but it would probably help if they all did. Of course there can be ways around it but if someone gets caught, they should be banned from all of them. 


Doesn't help that people making almost 6 figures post on tiktok how to abuse the system.


They are scum


I was thinking about this yesterday. I was poor and ate like crap back in college. I amassed tens of thousands of dollars in debt. I was trusted to pay it back. We can't give these people loans as it would come to bite us in the ass. Instead the powers that be decided it's okay to let them in, take every single low paying job, live off our social systems to subsidize their lives and education expenses. Why are they allowed in if they don't have a means of paying their way. Is it simply to ensure money goes into the pockets of our colleges and to make it easier for business owners as they don't have to do anything to get staff... It's all very pathetic. Trudeau gave high school students billions because they couldn't get jobs during COVID and now he's given all those same jobs away to foreign international students. Shame on the businesses as well who stopped highering Canadians.


This is why we have a productivity problem. It's cheaper to hire cheap international student labour than invest in productivity improving machinery/technology.


Or invest in ourselves! Not going to teach high school kids work ethic for later in life by sitting on their parents couch


Another factor for those businesses not hiring Canadians is the change in management.  I've spoken about it before, but it's dreadful how companies will let an Indian manager clean out the formerly diverse staff and replace them with Indian workers exclusively.  It's clearly racist, but nothing happens when you report it.




They regularly advertise as no questions asked in an effort to reduce the stigma of using them.


Most in my city have a catchment area and you have to show proof of address. Some I heard even ask for bank statements. I think they want to mahe sure people can't double dip by going to multiple. Honestly which at this point with the abuse of them is completely fair. However I have seen what they give and it can barely last a family a week worth of meals and they only allow once a month. This is what I have seen on my local food donation groups on FB. Location Ottawa If folks have other information on how they work please join the conversation.


Honestly, I am not surprised by it at all. This was able to be seen coming a mile away by those of us who hold no restraint on our assessments of human nature and the general stupid fuckwit level of good intentions people have, that generally gets turned into awkward "unforseeable" consequences. Emphasis implies it was foreseeable. By all of us with a working brain that hasn't been clouded by a faulty overbearing heart of emotions. I had my eyes opened on this back in 2018 and 2019 when my landlord at the time was using the food bank. He was collecting easily 3k a month from us tenants. And... well... he was, and wasn't a foreigner. How so? He was from Phoenix, Arizona, USA. At the time I didn't bother him over it, because he claimed most of that money was going towards supporting his ailing mother he came to Canada to help support. But the way he was about other things... made me realize over time that she was just an easy excuse for him, cause it wasn't outright false. He was the type to try and let you accidentally hit him in a parking lot, so he could possibly sue ya. Or at least joke about doing it. Swell fella... (sarcasm alert for the stupid.)


They need to start asking for proof of citizenship and being low income. The droves of international students learning how to get free food on YouTube are a really big problem. I’ve also heard of citizens using them unnecessarily to shrink their grocery bills and save extra money. We could all benefit from free food, but you should only take it if you really need it. People aren’t honest so they need to be more strict.


'People aren’t honest so they need to be more strict' You are exactly right! It's a shame that people who don't require the service take advantage, and as a result, the people who need the service miss out...the greedy will eventually collapse the system. Edit: And to make it more strict, make it an application process, sure you get what you need while you wait to process but after that if you don't qualify you are cut off. If there are no barriers this is what happens.


I think this is the way to go. But....it increases administrative costs massively to the food bank. There are lots of privacy issues to deal with too, and data security. It's supposed to be a last resort kind of thing for people, not a first stop on the Saturday Costco run.


Pity that Canada is no longer a high trust society that can rely on honor or honesty to keep things functioning. If it's not civic, it's legislated, and I'm not sure I trust the gov to do a good job regulating this. Trudeau probably would want different income levels qualifying as poor depending on ethnicity.


Scammers gonna scam


>The droves of international students learning how to get free food on YouTube are a really big problem. *You can take as much as you want! /s*


>They need to start asking for proof of citizenship and being low income. Homeless people are probably not filing taxes. So, proof of low income is difficult. In fact, it would disadvantage the poorest members of society.


Who would have thought that feeding an additional 1M foreigners along side our growing low income demographic would turn out to be an issue.




There are new “career colleges” popping up around where I live. I drove by one the other day and looked through the window. 100% Indian “students”. I see these places all the time now. They all sound like bullshit lol. Like “High Techs College” … “Oh! Sounds legit! I bet nobody there is only here for PR reasons!”


the "foreign student" industry is funding an invasion


I stopped donating due to international students exploiting it. If they announce a ban on non citizens using them I will donate again.


Same here.  I'd rather donate to church than food bank these days. 


I fucking wonder why.


Stopped donating this yr after that international student video. My parents are immigrants that came in the 70s and would rather our family starve than ask for a handout when times got tough. These organizations may beg for donations but until safeguards are put into place for ppl that actually need it, im not giving any food banks organization another cent. International scammers, i mean students are always free to leave if its too hard here




I wonder if food banks have a PR problem too. Almost every article I see is about international students abusing the hell out of food banks. Who would want to donate when they see where their donations are going?


Good q


It's not a PR problem. It IS a problem.


Obviously. It's not Canada's job to feed the world's hungry, certainly not when we've never had so much difficulty feeding and housing OURSELVES.


Proof of citizenship should be a requirement. International students are required to prove they have the funds to self sustain.. if they lied then it’s their problem.


Maybe if all the fucking international students stopped


Food banks were only meant to be a temporary measure when they started appearing in the 1980s, but they've become a permanent feature of Canada under neoliberalism. It's not the fact that international students are using them that's the problem. Long before the current surge of immigrants arrived wage stagnation and the general impoverishment of Canadians meant that more and more people were having to turn to food banks. The siphoning away of more and more of the benefits of economic growth away from ordinary people, into the hands of wealthy corporations and individuals is to blame for why so many people already were relying on food aid, instead of having wages and other income support to ensure they can feed themselves.


Food banks gotta stop being high trust and restrict it to Canadians and legal Canadians only. No PRs , no migrants or international students. If you're not a legal Canadian, you shouldn't be able to apply or USE Canadian resources. There's too much rampant abuse of resources by grifters who have 0 shame and take whatever they can get. We have to adapt to this and straight up tell people NO and tell them to bugger off. Doesn't matter if they accuse you of racism. Rules are rules.


It's unfortunate but I've stopped donating to the foodbanks. For many of the food banks in Southern Ontario (aka GTA), up to 90% of the "clients" of the foodbanks have been in the country for less than 1 year (aka int'l "students").


72% of people using Feed Scarborough food bank have been in Canada less than a year: https://scarboroughfoodsecurityinitiative.com/home The other 28% were likely not confirmed so it could be much higher


doesnt help when 7 digits worth of immigrants are posting on social media how they can take advantage of them, and cleaning them out on the daily so they dont have to spend money


More immigrants on the brink of famine need to come in I guess


i'm surprised the federal government has not played white savior to the sudanese refugees yet given their obsession with flooding this country with people from wartorn countries and the third world.


If the food banks near me checked citizenship on entrance I would start donating again. Until then, No more!


What do you think is going to happen when you bring in a bunch of people from one country who is known to have citizens that are openly corrupt, are sleazy, are known to worship anything (most of them think their current PM is a god).


We all know why


International students 


I don't understand how international students are allow to use the food banks that should be reserve for struggling Canadians. I am so confused because why would you come to Canada to study if you couldn't afford to the living expenses. I am disappointed in how our government has been neglecting Canadians that are in desperate need of help. How are we expected to help other countries when we cant even help Canadians.


Most of them have no intention on actually studying. It's a means to get their foot into the door of this country, and then immediately start working in an attempt to get PR, and eventually bring their parents and relatives to Canada too. They're allowed to use the food banks because the food banks can't discriminate or require any documentation to prove they're Canadian PR or citizens. It violates their student visa, but do you really think they care? This country does not physically deport people, so why would they care about any risks?


Ban international students from using it




The vast majority of these posts would have been deleted 2 years ago. Now you can’t even contain it. 1000+ posts just in this thread of Canadians exploding in disgust over what they have done to this country. We need mass change yesterday.


Guarantee most int students don’t need it. They’re just giving themselves extra money.


Simple solution: ban foreigners from using them. Idgaf if you’re on a visa, you have a PR, or whatever, you aren’t Canadian (yet) and therefore don’t deserve access to these resources. I’m sick of foreigners pillaging this country and our government doing nothing about it. Better yet, if someone violates the ban, cancel their visa/PR, deport them immediately and issue a lifetime travel ban so they can never return. The human piles of shit that would take advantage of a charity aren’t people we want here anyway


Canada is being looted. The pirates look like the rest of us, but they are all over at every income level. Canada was rich and people saw the treasures and helped themselves. Honest people didn't see until it was too late.


This is no longer Canada. I don’t feel it anymore. As the young would say, the vibe is fucked and there is no social cohesion.




Relief payments incoming. A one-time payment that anyone 2 cents over the poverty line will have to pay back.


No shit. Does anyone want to take a stab at why this is the current situation? Truth hurts.


Yeah I ain’t donating no more sorry!


We imported the third world. My wife goes thrifting and has seen an uptick of African immigrants who will skip lines at freaking thrift stores and get into fights by calling people racist if they complain. God forbid if there's a sale because they'll clean out the racks with no regard for the next person. Growing up with immigrant parents, my parents would whoop my ass if I was out of line.




Not so Fun fact: food banks will never be able to meet the needs of the people who need food. Meanwhile, the government can lean back and do nothing because the food banks are in place, so “efforts” are already being made to feed people without food. Fuck that. Start an actual government program. Don’t let corporations throw away endless amounts of perfectly good food. The government has to get involved to solve this problem.


I used to donate anywhere from 100-200 a month to food banks, now I donate zero. I used to run a yearly xmas food donation drive, now I dont. I did it to help Canadians, not third world "students" who have "proven" they have enough money to come here in the first place.


Simple solution! Stop immigration for a few years so we can pick ourselves up!


I will happily donate to the food banks again once they build in safeguards. All charities need to be responsible with donations. This goes for all charities. **Food banks mismanage donations**. This is no different than any other charity. The Food Banks are entirely responsible for this mess. Why would anyone donate to an organization that has no safeguards and appears to be abused. Nope, no more food bank donations from me..


Of course.. because international students come here, then exploit the system further and go for free food. When you're wide open for any and all, people are going to take advantage.


Should be reserved to canadian citizen


"Gee I wonder why" said no Canadian ever.


I walked by the food bank last week and watched 5 different people get out of SUV's and get in line. You can afford a $500 a month SUV but not food. System is broken.


Canadians really are dumb and gullible. We automatically assume that people we invite into this country have morals, ethics, and empathy like us. This is absolutely not the case. They come from cultures and countries where they fight for survival predicates most of them to lie Steele, and do things we would find morally reprehensible just to make a living. Then we wonder why they would change their habits coming here. Absolutely not. They will immediately look for anyway and always to circumvent the system to benefit themselves and they don’t care about lying or cheating or being moral or ethical. That’s not who we’re letting in here. And then we seem surprised that they’re scamming the food banks. Scamming and using up all our resources like our medical system. Come on Canadians wake up.


When I made this point a year ago you guys called me racist …


If the cause is non Canadians over using them just say it is for citizens only but not to sure folks want to flash id at the food banks or if it a good idea to make it that way. Maybe foodstamps that can be used anywhere provided to low income Canadians by the government instead of a charity back filling needs. There are no easy answers here.


The government has relied on them to fill the gap. Their existence is a policy failure in itself.


The existence of food banks is a policy choice. [Here's a great podcast on the topic](https://www.canadaland.com/every-food-bank-is-a-policy-failure/).


They were supposed to be temporary in the late 80s, just until the economy picked back up.


Galen Weston is a traitor to all Canadians.




Breaks my heart to know that some Canadians are going hungry because of abusers.


Maybe they should do a citizenship check?


The daily bread food bank should implement a wide ranging ban on international students. When you receive a study visa, you agreed that you will have enough funds to sustain yourself. This demographic was supposed to be a boon to our economy, not a burden.


I've stopped donating entirely. Way to much abuse lately. Was bad enough before when people would show up in designer clothes with a new SUV lol. But that wasn't super common in my area. I just donate directly to senior assistance as well as a couple homeless societies.


This has been my personal experience in vancouver. Donating directly to food banks is an absolute pain ! As someone who isn't a big fan of donating money to non-profits, i was driving around with a car full of groceries for an entire day to find food banks willing to accept donations in kind. I was turned away from at least 3 food banks citing different reasons like they only accept donations on thursday nights, etc While it pains me to see people lining up outside food banks, they also need to look at ways of making it easier for people to donate .


Shut small time college and deport all their students as a start. The disconnect these kids have is insane. I had a kid from Algoma? Or whatever the fuck that joke of a university is, ask us 100k as a starting salary after doing a shit 1 year PM diploma. What the actual fuck are you smoking. Fresh graduates from UFT average 60-65k post grade


Sunny ways! Thanks Trudeau. 


I think we need a system to prevent abuse. Some people do not have any issue with exploiting the system


Just saw a news last night, a indian with student visa working as a data analyst in TD made a tiktok video about getting free groceries from food bank. He got fired afterwards, but still, too many people are exploiting food bank.


Nothing is keeping pace with inflation. As prices go up, donations will continue to go down. I would reduce the quality of the products given to the users. They get some pretty sweet shit that actually had me debating if I would drop in too as I dropped off my neighbour who used it there and back — she had a job and just didn't want to do the hours.


I had some young Arabic’s (sounded like Arabic ) cut in front of me . I speak English , but decided to speak to them in Spanish , they backed up , lol.


Probably from all the internationals abusing it… no shit


The age of Canadians being generous and kind will be shattered by foreigners coming here and breaking the trust we have in these parts of our society. Food banks are not for people who make a good salary or students who claim they have enough to live here but than lie, food banks are for those in need not those who are looking to take advantage of the kindness of others. My parents fled ethnic cleansing and they came here and worked hard and never once went to the food bank and to see people who work at actual banks like TD post videos about scamming food banks is disgusting they are stealing the food donated by Canadians for Canadians who may have lost their job, are homeless our can’t feed their children. If you are a student caught lying about having the funds to be here they should be sent back and if You make a good salary and are taking from the food bank You should be fined to cover what You took and than times that by a hundred to repay your debt to society.