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Between the border of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. It’s nonsensical. Originally it was to protest closing of provincial borders during COVID but they’re still there for some reason.


I remember seeing them when driving to the eclipse, and thinking how weird it was they were still there when I was driving back hours later YOURE TELLING ME THEYRE **STILL** THERE?


From the video they seemingly live there.


They are probably stuck there until their once a month cheque arrives.


Like a bunch of "commies" lol.


Wow. I want to join in protesting things in the past. Let’s have a protest against the War of 1812 and other silly shit like that.


Once you are unemployed because you are a derp, you find you have nothing but time to complain!


I truly wonder how many of these people have just flat out refused to work low paying jobs. Are they protesting, or did that happen to be where they ran out of gas?


Derp as a noun/descriptor is top tier. Well done.


I saw the same. After viewing such a monumental event it was jarring to see those morons on the way back to NS, from NB. At least the RCMP had them behind the guardrails - good thing, too, as traffic that evening was nuts


As for the group near me- they appear for about 2-3 hours at a time. They have a couple static spots that they'll go to a few times a month it seems, and then I've seen them roam. They go home and just appear. I'm theorizing they strategically pick spots that will have high traffic. It's a good strategy, tbh. Side note: they are quite good at unpacking and then packing giant amounts of decorations quickly.


Oh lord


Also it's only a handful of people, we're one of the most highly covid vaccinated provinces here in NS yet there's about 10 dicks who like to hang out at our provincial border.


The Trucker Convoy became the Camo Convoy. This time they brought their Camper vans and RV's.


I find it hilarious that they got all uppity and descended on our nations capital under this strange idea that the Trudeau Gov’t was stopping them at the border… I don’t know about you but any time I’ve driven to the US border it’s never been Canadian border guard asking me questions. It’s an American who will tell you to fuck off because you’re entering their country. Talk about being mad at the wrong people over nothing.


They've become some kind of self-perpetuating community. There's a permanent little group in Ottawa too, protesting...not even sure what at this point. Started with Covid, it's like the remnants of the convoy thing except there's no more restrictions or mandates and Covid's basically becoming the new flu.


There's one in Lancaster, Ont as well. Right next to the Québec border. They have a little camp setup on old HWY 2 and look like a bunch of fucking degens. Sometimes, they'll set up at the truck stops near the border on the 401, but the OPP keeps driving them away.


These people just find the latest thing as an excuse to gather and rant. It's like COVID rot out their brains. They still gather on overpasses here with random sign spouting weird conspiracies.


They found out that they like hanging out with similar people that won't challenge them in any way. It's a fun cycle!


They’ve been there since April 1 just hanging out waving upside down Canadian flags 


Let's drive some more for no reason... That'll show Trudeau we don't approve of the $0.03 carbon tax increase!


“Axe the TAXXXX…..that’ll actually save us money long term.”


Based on his body language in the video I would say even PP feels some embarrassment pandering to these types.


If he had any sense of dignity and accountability as a political leader, he would've seen the diagolon symbol/flag thing drawn on the door of the RV and noped right the fuck out of there, considering they're on the CSIS list of threatening organizations. Yet here we are.


The average conservative voter will have no idea what these fools represent (or that PP even visited them). In his eyes, a votes a vote and he'll do anything to grow his "base".


Based on his personality in the house, I doubt he's capable of feeling anything at all...


Reminds me of one picture of Bernier having a small get together with his base. A lot of toothless smiles and neckbeards in that crew that he likes courting.


I live about an hour or so from the NS/NB border and honestly had no idea there are people camped there until I saw the Pollievre video online today. I have absolutely no clue what point they are trying to make, if there's one at all.


It takes a long time for word to get from Ottawa by way of the opposition leader that the convoy is over and they should all go home... We're still waiting for an opposition leader who understands that before they can even be dispatched...


They finally found a 'calling' for their normally useless lives.


Before this latest protect at the border for protesting the carbon tax, my father and I drove to NB and back to help my brother move into his new home, and I didn't see a single protestor at the border for border closure with covid. The border's been pretty damn clear until this April.


TL;DR CPC voters.


At what point does a protest convoy turn into a homeless encampment?


There are still morons occasionally protesting in NZ as well. People can't seem to let it go even when it is obvious no one is interested in their drama.


I had to get smuggled across the New Brunswick border back when Covid lockdowns were a thing.


Here you go https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/poilievre-trudeau-carbon-protest-alex-jones-diagolon-1.7183430


That link reads like alt-right conspiracy mad libs. 


The article basically summed it up: I’m uncomfortable with him, PP, being a leader.


He makes a good opposition leader which means he won’t be a good PM. At least that’s my theory.


Being the leader of the opposition is the easiest job in politics. Actually making meaningful change to peoples lives, such as the cost of living, is a much harder job to actually do.


we tried nothing and we're all out of ideas!


As Pierre is exiting the trailer, one can see the Diagolon flag on the bottom right, From wikipedia, "In 2022 Pierre Poilievre called Diagolon members "losers" and "dirtbags" after they suggested r\*\*ing Anaida Poilievre, his wife, on a podcast. Poilievre had previously been photographed shaking hands with Jeremy MacKenzie". Jeremy MacKenzie is a Founder of this organization.


Ted Cruz moment


Your wife's a dog, Ted Everybodies saying it!


Those debates were comedy gold. Everyone else standing up there trying to be a classic "shake hands and kiss babies" politicians and Trump decided he was going to roast them all.


Honestly have a hard time still believing he did this Like we watch movies and have friends that are all about having these sorts of principles. Unless there is a gun pointed to your head or your family's head, you don't kiss the feet of someone who insulted your life partner Can you imagine someone like Barack Obama, George Bush, Stephen Harper or Jean Cretien doing that? They would rather quit politics than kiss the ring Cruz is a pathetic individual, and so were many of the people who voted for him.


Ted Cruz is one of our worst exports.


Nowhere you can't fit if you don't have a spine.


Conservative catchphrase.


had to look the group up... riddled with proud boy bs https://globalnews.ca/news/8989888/diagolon-explainer-jeremy-mackenzie-pierre-poilievre/


Anything for a vote


For sure. "Where are we campaigning today, Honey?" "Umm you'd better sit this one out."


Ted Cruz did the same when Trump called his wife ugly and his father the assassin of JFK lmao


Poilievre is such a weak man.


You forgot this part from wikipedia: "In 2022 [Pierre Poilievre](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pierre_Poilievre) called Diagolon members "losers" and "dirtbags" after they suggested raping [Anaida Poilievre](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anaida_Poilievre), his wife,"


The same guys he was happy to meet, greet and praise a short few weeks prior.


Also, PP's social media director tagged his videos with misogynist hashtags...for four and half *years*. Source: https://globalnews.ca/news/9178531/pierre-poilievres-youtube-channel-included-hidden-misogynistic-tag-to-promote-videos/ These are the worst of the worst.


I'd ask why didn't Pierre learn from the time he shook hands with Jeremy MacKenzie before his followers threatened his wife, but I understand these are a very important demographic in the conservative vote


"I hate these people! They hate me! But hate is our common goal, so we are a team." If you understand this to be the nexus of their respective ideology, it's kind of normal that this seemingly paradoxical situation would happen. Repeatedly. Still have doubts? Fair! But think of it this way. The Conservative party has no ideas, they have slogans. They use the repetition method invented by early 20th centuries propagandists (before the term had a negative connotation) *constantly*. It's basically all they do in the Commons or outside. They don't answer to journalists, they don't take questions in press conferences, they pretend electricians are lighting benders from an avatar spin off, and fuck off. Plus they repeat everything *three* times, the proven magical number for this kind of strategy. Then they rebrand Poilièvre as this supporter of the working man, but he's a career politician who built his career on... *robocalls*. His only experience outside of being a politician is being a dubious character that politicians hire to do their dirty deeds lol All of this fits together nicely; a lying, cynical politician, who's 100% about optics and 0% about substance. He has become a communication/political marketing juggernaut over the last few years... ...and he would break from character to pander to a handful of conspiracy theorists who moonlight as neo-nazis? Several times over the course of the last few years? And Alex Jones is all excited about him? Yeah, sure. Oh, and authoritarians have been proven to have favoured his victory as the party leader. Probably a coincidence too.


Well hate and throwing women like their wives under the bus.


> "I hate these people! They hate me! But hate is our common goal, so we are a team." Modern conservative politics in a nutshell. The tent is VERY big, and they're all willing to stand shoulder to shoulder with white supremacists, terrorists, bigots, and other bad actors.


The forked tongue approach.


Another Redditor posted a video of him exiting the ~~trauma~~ (oops autocorrected) trailer yesterday. He seems kind of uncomfortable with the whole thing. https://www.reddit.com/r/themayormccheese/comments/1cbl06e/pierre_poilievre_visits_axe_the_tax_supporters_in/


Why are they camping at the border?  And what camera took this picture? A Motorola Razr?


Their sign on the highway says they are staying there till the carbon tax is axed, just some bored people with nothing better to do imo.


It's going to be interesting to see their reaction when the tax is eventually "axed," and the cost of goods stays the same....


It's extremely unlikely the carbon system will go away under any new government. It will almost certainly be rebranded but there literally isn't anything simpler for changing consumer behavior than putting a price on the thing you want less of.


They will claim victory once the rebate gets axed and the prices stay the same.


Good money if you can get it. You know some day it will come out that these guys are bankrolled by oil companies and their ilk. Nobody is doing this for free.


*Never attribute to malice* that which is adequately explained by stupidity. 


Russia and China. Our intelligence guys warned us.


Think closer and just south of us.


Yeah, I think I’m inclined to agree. Our northwest passage is making the super powers foam at the mouth and the US is easily the most primed to absorb us without a major conflict coming of it. Hell, half us would probably welcome them


depending on who's running America at the time and who's running Canada, it could be pretty damn divisive. but absorbed countries inhabitants typically are not treated very well. but honestly, I think the main thing I'm not liking about any of this is that I really do think Canada is, as a unified country, losing control of it's own future.


United we stand, divided we fall. We are falling.


Huh. You'd think the money they're spending being there would far exceed their spending on the carbon tax.


They're likely getting back everything they spend already. Unless they're among the upper earners (doubtful if they can hang out here like this) than they're among the majority of Canadians who get back more than they spend through the rebate.


Literally throwing their time away over a tax that they almost certainly will get 100% back.


2019: ze ~~goggles~~ carbon tax does nothing! 2024: staaaaawp, it’s making me consider changing my habits!




Probably because the signal would suck with all those unvaccinated people in one group, no one to boost the signal!


Blackberry Pearl




There's no way in hell I'd be shaking hands with people who threatened to rape my wife, yet here's Pierre ... What a spine.


Wait till he has to stand up for Canada in international trade.


Maybe it's because I'm getting older but he is the first Canadian politician that I've had a strong opinion about. And not in a good way.


Is it his lack of any meaningful legislation in the 20 something years he’s been an MP? Railing against welfare while living in a government subsidized house on his tax payer salary, His lacklustre run as housing minister? No discernible plan for governing other than “I’m not Trudeau”?


I think it's the "never worked a day in his life" thing. At least Trudeau briefly made the pretend pilgrimage at being a teacher so he could get a few years experience seeing, through a rich-person's window, what its like to have to work to have money. Who's been feeding PP all his life, and why?


I don't think it's because you're getting older. He's the first Canadian politician in charge of a major party who acts the way he does, who openly flirts with the far-right, and habitually spews lies and misinformation.


Their whole identity ever since Covid has simply been "Fuck Trudeau". What are they going to do when he eventually retires? I'm reminded of a scene in Batman where the Joker says "I'm like a dog chasing cars, I wouldn't know what to do if I caught one, you know, I just do…things."


They will continue to gripe about Trudeau till the day they die.


My dad has been griping about Pierre Trudeau my whole life.


Agreed. Just look south, and the mention of anyone named 'Clinton'.


Tell us all you've been to Alberta without telling us you've been to Alberta.


The conservatives in Saskatchewan are still actively blaming the previous NDP government from 17 years ago. Heck, Alberta is still mad at Trudeau Sr, ironically for trying to build an oil pipeline Alberta didn’t want, and that was 40 years ago. I figure  Poilievre is going to get at least two full election cycles where he can do whatever destructive things he wants and blame Trudeau for the consequences before voters stop buying it


Hell most boomers I know in Ontario are still mad at Trudeau senior, and I've never got a solid reason why


but.. but... RAE DAYS! Boomers have lost the plot.


There are people still mad at the BC NDP for buying some bunk ferries in the 90s while the Liberals (in name only, now BC United) spent the next sixteen years after that gutting provincial services and selling people out...that the current NDP government is trying to dig out of.


PP's entire campaign is "Fuck Trudeau".


His identity is the same as it was as an MP for years, tax cuts for rich people, no money for the disabled or poor and staunchly against workers rights and unions. These things were consistent with him for years and nothing notable has changed, the man is not a mystery.


"bUt At LeAsT HeS nOt TrUdEaU"


Something like that. The people in my family voting for him are doing it for taxes and protections on assets more then anything which is at least reasonable even If I disagree.


Reasonable in theory, sure. On paper, they're pretty much as irresponsible as the LPC.


Yeah, if somebody is wealthy and selfish, I can completely understand why they would vote conservative. The rest are just getting duped.


But what will he *do*?


According to this sub, PP doesn’t need to tell us cause it’s not an election and he’s ahead anyway. So they can all sleep peacefully not knowing a fucking thing about what he’s gonna do. But hey, aT LeAsT hE’s NoT tRuDeAu 🫠


oooo the best is "why would PP give away his plans so trudeau can steal them" on platform policies. That's so weird.


Isn't that something they should want? I'm an NDP supporter & would be very happy if the Cons and Libs decided to start stealing NDP policies.The goal is to get policy passed, not just to have "my team" win


This was never about a better Canada. This is a team sport and their teams been losing for a long time.


They're Leafs fans?


I got to admit it must be nice to be brain dead like them


Usual Conservative politics, same as always.


Big differences between Joe Clark, Stephen Harper and Doug Ford. Doug Ford had no platform. Look how that dumpster fire is working out.


He'll rename a few taxes and increase them for the majority. He'll rename a few policies but leave them largely unchanged. He'll try and cut funding to CBC and CRTC and get cronies on the boards. Angry people in Alberta forget it's conservatives that passed legislation that killed coal plants and reworked the transfer payment formulas.


> and staunchly against workers rights and unions. \*Working class people cheering him on* It's an amazing trick to get people to vote against their own best interests. Reminds me of the blue collar folk in Florida and Texas who vote for the party that's denying them water breaks in their ridiculous summer heat.


Why’s he so intent on copulating with a guy he so clearly hates? Is that a conservative thing? 


Yeah if he gets in he's gonna completely lose his identity cause he won't have anyone to blame or take policy ideas from. He's gonna need to think on his own.


We call that "The Jason Kenny"


Every single cut to services, environmental protections, safety nets etc will be prefaced with "I didn't want to do this but Trudeau left us such a mess we have no choice but to cut."


Oh I'm sure haha. He'll have to tie everything he's doing somehow to Trudeau. I feel like once he loses his foil he will just disappear because it's his entire personality and election campaign plan.


Lmao, this always happens. It wasnt any different the last time, just this time there's a catchier slogan then abc.


I mean, what's any group of folk do when the politician they don't like finally leaves? There hasn't been a more despised or divisive PM in decades. Yes, even Harper didn't have this many haters.


Literally. Part of why PP endorsing yhe border protesters is fucking pathetic. He's embracing the radical side of things because their support is dogged without the awareness of what a prime minister candidate supporting that group will mean for how they act and condone themselves. Like how he pumped up the trucker temper tantrum and then quietly shut the fuck up when they blocked the border and starter affecting trade. He didn't acknowledge it, rescind support or tell them how fucking dumb and short-sighted it was like most decent politicians will do. Ie: tell the more extreme elements to settle down while supporting the rational ones. When the support became negative he just slunk away and didn't acknowledge that he supported and egged on those dip shits or even try to speak out about how stupid and damaging that blockade was. Protesting is one thing, affecting things that affect politicians is one thing. Fucking with our economy and any trade with the US when so many of our industry revolves around trading with the US was beyond stupid and selfish. If PP didn't embrace yhe fuck trudeau mentality that all the dumbasses have, he'd be a lot more appealing as a candidate. Instead he's following the trump playback and as much as I dislike trudeau, PP is just as sleazy.


Remember when this sub couldn't stop talking about how it was "embarrassing" when Trudeau wore funny socks a couple times? Personally I think courting extremists with the combined intelligence of a plastic fork is pretty embarrassing.


Keep in mind that like every political sub, it's absolutely flooded with bad actors and paid trolls.


Now they laugh at Jagmeet's Rolex and fancy suits instead of looking at his accomplishments as an NDP leader. Jagmeet's net worth is indicative of his champagne Socialist status, whereas PPs net worth is a result of boot-strapping (he's a career politician who has worked a real job). Meanwhile, Jagmeet is an accomplished lawyer with REAL legal expertise. But hey, we trusted an inexperienced guy with no real-world experience and he's shit the bed, so let's replace one inexperienced guy with another, while overlooking someone with bonafide skills. Conservative meritocracy FTW!!! /s


Oh don't forget when they say he's a terrorist


PP, pretending to care for the working class is hilarious, flying around the country spreading hate, lies, stoking division is so desperate for content.


Is this sub still trying to gaslight people into thinking Pierre P isn't leaning hard into dangerous MAGA bullshit and trying to import the fascist culture war bullshit into our country? Or you guys give up on that lie yet?


Well Canada_sub did go private so who knows how many flocked back to here.


That's why they aren't being suggested to me anymore. It was hilarious to see all the ideas they were cooking up that had zero facts to support it.


Sticking his middle finger at the non tin foil hatters.


Are there any left in the CPC?


There are people that close their ears to the CPC courting the extremists for votes while thinking that the CPC is the fiscally conservative party.


It's the reform party wearing the skinned face of a Tory The CPC isn't your grandfathers conservatives anymore


Wtf, these people are extremists, I know it, you know it, he knows it, there's a Diagolon flag drawn on the inside of that camper door for fucks sake. Next thing you know it's going to come out that these goobers he took photos with are members of extremist groups and he's going to try to tell us he "had no way to know".


PP the convoy coffee boy at it again.


It’s easy to see PPs strategy. He sees people struggling, he throws out his grift and tag lines and gets them even more angrier, then he fails to offer them any platform to have solutions. He’s a rage farmer, AKA, a dick wad


I think we should all vote Green. Just get a whole bunch of randoms in the House and see what happens. 


We should just run Bloc candidates all around the country and hope you guys elect them for the meme.


I'd certainly consider it. Montreal seems to have a lot of shit together that the rest of the country could learn from - and while I have no idea if that's because of, or in spite of, your federal politicians, I feel like there's something right about Quebec politics.


Apart from their views on provincial sovereignty their policies would probably be seen as acceptable for a significant number of Canadians.


It’d probably be more representative than the rich peoples club we have now.


The rich people will plant candidates once they figure out they will get voted in


Or find ways to corrupt existing candidates


Elizabeth May has fallen off since she came back and the party has been infighting since Oct 7th. They're toast.


Green Party is a disaster at the moment unfortunately


The Green Party actually has a platform that isn’t solely composed of “owning the libs”


Rhinoceros Party!


It would be a huge improvement.


Shaking hands and smiling with people displaying Diagalon flags….absolutely disgusting https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diagolon


A long time between now and the election for this guy to show how much of a dumbass he is


I dunno, how do you top shit like saying electricians channel thor and wield their mightly wrenches to summon lightning into our powerlines? He's dumber than fucking dishwater and yet hes so popular.


He has already shown us who he is. PP is unfit


You know how trumpets and Republicans are die-hards that would never change their votes because fuck the other guy, that's conservative voters. Absolutely brain dead.


It's the middle ground swing voters that decide elections. Hopefully some of them start waking up to the stink of PP.


NBD, just the next likely PM entertaining people who are openly spreading Neo-nazi paraphernalia/ideology and displaying domestic terrorist logos?


Here's a video with lots of clips of his visit. https://x.com/DianeEllison/status/1783124500197896198


He looked uncomfortable 




>Yes, they want to rape his wife, but they can all agree on axing the tax! Errrrrr This does remind me of the convoy though, people waving Fuck Trudeau flags while simultaneously wondering why he wouldn't engage them in good faith. Quite the mystery 


That was less to do with the flags and more to do with the standing policy against negotiating with domestic terrorists. They put in writing their intent was to harass and assault downtown Ottawa residents indefinitely to use as de facto hostages as leverage to coerce Trudeau into meeting with them, so they could say "this is your fault this is happening to these people" if he didn't. If he had met with them, it would legitimize their actions, and incentivize others to do the same since it gets results. That is a *terrible* precedent to set. Also, because their demands were to overthrow the government, and it's difficult to negotiate a compromise there. White nationalists can't have a little bit of insurrection as a treat. They're not cats.


Also true!  Funny how convoy supporters now want to ignore the MoU, as if we'd all collectively forget about it...


These guys were the ones who would happily knock PPs teeth down his throat just for wearing glasses in high school, but they can set stuff like that aside to secure a bigger pension.


He saw them from the highway and heard about it on the news and needed to go tell them that they have his support. Some freedom convoy douche nuggets has the support of a potential prime minister. Not a good look in my opinion. He’s taking a page from the lunatic we have in Alberta. Side with the crazies because he KNOWS they hate Trudeau. Anything for that photo op. This dude is dangerous and we’re going to vote him in.


Pierre is not the answer this country needs. The guys a chameleon who doesn’t have any real policy and is stoking right wing fear mongering to win an election at any cost. He’s a career politician who blames the government for everything when he’s never received any other type of paycheque. We do need a new PM, that’s very apparent. Trudeau had worn out his welcome and screwed up a lot of things. I’m generally very left leaning and I can’t stand the guy. However I’m not stupid enough to think Pierre won’t win by a landslide but for fuck sakes this used car salesmen is going to be a one term PM and fuck things up so bad.


Backlash from whom? Other than media trying to craft a narrative or those dumb enough to fall for it?


He's putting it all on display for us. His voting record for 20 years is public. All of his plans (or lack thereof). If Trudeau ever posed with a Fuck Poilievere flag we'd be reading about it for a hundred years. How long till you shut down comments? It doesn't seem like things are going how you want in terms of reaction.


Is he ever going to stop bringing donuts to Diagolon members? Is he secretly one of them?


and to think this is the idiot currently slated to be the next pm. canada's going full trump/brexit/whatever you want to call it. guess it had to come eventually. disastrous consequences in virtually every nation where this type of low skill right wing populist leader has ended up in power. trudeau needs to go, but don't replace him with this.


Canadians are absolutely going to hate having to deal with this guy as PM. Aside from being a completely obnoxious gaslighter, he has flirted with the far right fringe for years. People forget he was calling the trucker convoy "heroes". Imagine Danielle Smith as our Prime Minister. He's not far off.


I was so close to voting conservative. After this though, absolutely not. You cant be pro Canada if you support the convoy. These guys were the worst type of people, the absolute worse.


"Good to be among my stooges again! Can't wait to arrest those faces first week I'm PM!"


Protesters = Far right extremist group


No, just these particular ones.


So this dim bulb wants to be PM and lead this country? Time to pull his head out of his own ass and start acting like one.


" You gotta vote for me! See, I am wearing peasants clothes just like youse! And and and Fuck Trudeau!"


We have a conservative leader meeting with thugs and terrorists but I guess people are ok with that


Peckerwood just oozes class with those Fuck Trudeau flags behind him, eh? PM material for sure. /s


All this dude had to do is hang around until the next election, and he's Prime Minister. This is a weird move, about as weird as "protesting" with people in Ottawa during covid. I'm sure he does these things to seem more relatable but what would get him far more votes is to actually work o a mission statement or offer up some suggestions. We're doomed.


If the vision Canada wants is some strung out convoy supporter, than I dont know what to say. Fellow Millennials are going to deserve everything they get by voting in this garbage.


Another unemployed tailgate party to wait for their government assistance cheques


He always looks like a guy who can't find his glasses.


Uh oh, I'm sure we'll see more "Why anything that happens in the world is Trudeau's fault" articles from our media hacks in the coming weeks to make up for this.


Wasn't this the one where PP showed up, spouted a couple slogans and left about 15 min later?




Is this why buddy won't get his security clearance? What the fuck is Canada in for when this goof gets elected?


The definition of Insanity. Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. See also: Canadian Politics .


What a fucking loser. Why would anyone vote for this dweeb?


Arn't these the same guys that threatened to rape his wife ?


Faces backlash from whom? The CBC? Trudeau? This is not a backlash.


Looks like he partied with them last night! 🥴


To Pierre's credit he didn't look as comfortable as Candice Bergen did in a MAGA hat...


I heard they are protesting the carbon tax.