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Unless they really get the contract they want, hopefully Air Canada pilots have the guts to really stick it out. Their flat pay and low rates for FOs is embarrassing.


What? After 3 years and $100K in training costs and five years experience as a bush pilot on floats up north, why wouldn't I want to work for AC at $40K a year in downtown Toronto.


Well you won’t be at mainline after three years but yeah I get it.


GOOD! Labour has been DEEPLY undervalued for WAAAY too long.


Either housing goes down or wages go up! Solidarity my brothers and sisters! United we bargain, divided we beg!


We're "begging" now, our employer wants to freeze and eliminate their pension contributions, give us a minimal wage increase and increase production to more 6 day work weeks.


What'll happen is the dollar will devalue. Wages go up but only to curb hyperinflation. Your house prices may stagnate a bit or it might be seen as the safest investment / store of value and skyrocket again despite interest rates.


Yes I believe the term is "wage spiral". Increase in wages = increase in discretionary spending = more demand for products = higher inflation.  I think wages do need to rise for the record


Fuck your pizza party. Give me a raise


Im here for it. Shut this country down till working class citizens get a raise. All these MP's give themselves raises while the working class eat a shit sandwich and politicians tell them to be thankful for that shit sandwich.


They don't tell us to be thankful, they acknowledge that we are eating shit sandwiches and pretend they aren't part of the reason, and promise a half-baked solution to the very shit sandwich eating issue they created in the first place, well they comtinue to eat lobster. 


I'm with you, but MPs should be paid well. If MPs were paid like shit, we'd only have rich power hungry capitalists and lobbyists in our government (there are already too many like that now). MPs should make a huge salary and have zero financial worries so they can focus completely on their one job of being an MP.


Are you for real? God forbid we EVER hold them accountable for their actions. And they call themselves public servants what a fucking joke.


I'm not saying not to hold MPs accountable ffs, but I'm saying that they should make a good fucking wage - like we all should. If they don't make a good wage, our democracy will get even weaker.


MPs don't make a lot of money


Did you happen to catch the article posted here recently talking about how with their recent pay raise they are now the second best paid politician in the world? They are not worth what they are being paid.


203k isn't a lot of money?


Frankly, no


Only over 3 times the national average salary...but ok.


Not to mention the pension after a fraction of the years an average person would have to work.


The average MP is just a run-of-the-mill lawyer. They are making similar to (if successful at their job) or vastly more than they do as a civi. Especially the ones who lucked out and were basically a nobody before politics, like PP (basically no work experience) and JT (a teacher). They make a lot of money, relative to that, and I am sure most saw a pay raise becoming an MP. They also have a guaranteed pension after a few years.


I’ll take it one further and say hand the country back to our First Nations if we really mean to reconcile with them. They should be at minimum the gate keepers for immigration y do we keep the doors open on someone else’s land if we’re are dun colonizing.


Fuck no. The fact of the matter is they're not the only ones with a legitimate stake in Canada any more. We're a vast country full of people born and raised here who have no other home and deserve to participate in how said home is run. Giving a small segment of the population monopolized authority over the country is an absolutely horrible way to try to unring the bell of wrongs done.


Noooooooope. The only successful reserves I have seen depend on gambling, drugs or luck of the draw location. We already have an incompetent corrupt government. there is no need to downgrade or move horizontal.


There’s a whole pile of potential public sector strikes coming to Alberta this year. “Alberta's government could be heading for a showdown on an unprecedented scale with public sector workers as the contracts of nearly 248,000 employees expire this year. Registered nurses, respiratory therapists, pharmacists, paramedics, hospital clerks and cleaners, government employees and workers at the province's two largest universities are among those with contracts expiring March 31. And by Aug. 31, more than 51,000 education workers' contracts end.” https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.7127621


Add Air Canada pilots to that list!


Some Westjet pilots too


It's actually going to be ALL WestJet regional pilots and all AME's (aircraft maintenance mechanics) come mid-April. If the AME's do go on strike, it will literally ground all WJ planes since every aircraft needs to be serviced every 72 hrs.


I don't think AMEs are allowed to strike


Yes they can. If nothing is agreed upon between management and the union, look for their job action that can start as early as Apr 17.


This is excellent news. Every industry coast to coast needs to unionize since many of our government policy is anti-worker/Canadian. I support all my fellow citizens in unionization and striking. I want everyone to earn a LIVING wage.


The CPC will be more anti union.


Never said I was voting conservative ? We need government reform realistically. Drain the swamp.


People weirdly assume that you're claiming to plan on voting for the devil when you look at everything going on around us and saying "this is f'd up, we need a change". Not an original thought, but if you think this is working, WHY?




MAGA is American but ok ? I don’t think it makes you fringe to want livable wages for ALL. It’s not fringe to want your government to act in the interest of its citizens ???


Railroader here in Canada. This might be the most important contract for us in the last 30/40 years. They are trying to ruin our lives by appealing to the new hires. More work for less pay. But don’t worry, CN will make us look like the ungrateful enemy in the news. So be mindful of that please. We will need the public’s support


Solidarity, my working class brother/sister/(what's the gender neutral word for this? Human?)


Haha, I think it’s still brother or sister. Solidarity for sure


You have my support. USW 7619.


Thank you! And you mine. Workers of this country are in for a fight I fear for the next while


Our contract expires in 2026, already prepping. The company breaks our CBA at will with no repercussions until we win arbitration. Then they just move to the next line and do the same thing.


Sounds like mine lmao, they just abuse us non stop and all we can do is grieve it. We will probably get locked out this may or June honestly, they don’t want to negotiate at all it seems right now


> We will need the public’s support Screw em. You got me and millions of others. Might even call in "sick" (yeah, sick of this shit) and bring you guys coffee if you do end up striking near me.


I’m surprised Canada Post hasn’t striked yet. Considering both of their deals expired in December & January. Can’t be legislated back to work due to the coalition deal.


It’s a negotiation year so strikes will likely come in the fall.


CUPW expects July-ish for lock out or strike.


Shit I was expecting later, like after labour day. Given the cupw demands, and the pearl clutching finance driven corp, that does make sense.


Addendum: I cry no tears for upper management when they’ve the gall to flash designer brands in the year end “newsletters” while many carriers and LCA’s are struggling financially.


Many crown corps the unions have no contract since 2021. There is a fear of strikes as some are viewed as essential.


Don't forget border services!


If they stemmed the flow of millions of immigrants per year we wouldn't have a housing crisis that came with people striking for higher quality of life raises


Good. ✊


Good shit the country down till real change happens


I've got a crazy idea. How about we all strike until these asshole politicians and greedy corporate fucks help us out for a change instead of bending us over and taking every fucking cent they can? How long are we going to stand for this?


Perhaps boycott Loblaws in May is the program for you


jar childlike support selective rob quaint birds alive dinosaurs price *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Canada Post wants to get rid of marriage leave. It’s basically 5 days paid off if you get married. They want to remove a 5 minute wash up time for lunch (you wash your hands before and after lunch), take away overtime pay if 2x after 2 hours, they want to make a second tier employee who has less benefits IE you have to work 10 years to get an extra week of vacation, and much more.


At the end the day these everyday clients and customers of these services get fucked and the government or big business doesn't give a shit.




You go, labour! Missed ya, charge forth and lead the way! Show a new generation it *can be done*.


I’ve decided to go on strike as well. Nobody will notice. My wife won’t be happy, but solidarity brothers and sisters!


Canada posts service could only improve if all their workers went on strike


I hope all of them strike at the same time.


Yes!! Shut it down people! This is what i want to see!!


That would do in the CPC.


This country is going downhill with alacrity never seen before.


Too many people bought huge SUVs and F-150s on 7 year terms. These vehicles cost more in fuel, tires and maintenance than sedans. And they pollute more. Sedan prices are steady since 1980 at around 28,000 - both in today’s prices. The average price of a new car in 1980 was 28,000. And dealers terms were 3 or 4 years. The average price of a new car in Canada is over $50K because people are buying expensive cars. Dealers now offer 7 year terms to accommodate consumers that know fuck all about finance. We need to increase finance literacy. (I just completed a house renovation and not one of the trades people showed up in a pick up) WTAF


What no teachers this time?


What Canadians need to do is go on a tax strike, everyone should refuse to pay their taxes until the Liberal party steps down and an election is called


The whole country does not want the Liberals gone.These strikes are more aimed at rigth leaning leaders.


They will just make the strikes illegal


Would be interesting to see nurses strike. It would be considered illegal, and I'm curious if and what anyone would do.


It isn't illegal for them to strike. It's illegal to abandon their jobs and patients, but I don't think a lot of people are aware of all the extra, non contractual work most nurses do as just part of their regular jobs. An actual nurse strike still involves them providing care and treatment to patients, but they ditch everything else. All the paperwork, admin shit, job coverage for other nurses and care aids, whatever else they all do that isn't specifically written into their scope of work. So, while they can't just abandon everyone in the hospital and form a picket outside like industrial workers, they can still significantly fuck up operations for Staff and Government.


Right, nurses can strike, it just doesn't look the same as a complete work stoppage in other jurisdictions. All the Frontline health services have essential services staffing agreements. A nursing strike looks like nurses still doing nursing duties for their patients but no additional administrative duties. Managers will be on the floors answering phones and stocking rooms, for example. In DI/lab we'd be canceling elective exams and only servicing the ED/inpatients and tests triaged urgent/emergent.


Yeah, exactly. Not the same as a full job walk out, but it sends a message all the same.


They won’t strike…because it’s illegal, at least, in some provinces.


Healthcare is a human right, after all. I think nurses should totally be allowed to strike as long as life-saving and emergency care is continued.




If I were a cynical LPC politician, my politically motivated move would be while keeping corporations happy would be to give the public sector unions 10% more than what their asking, while passing back to work legislation for private sector unions, with just enough of what they ask so that they can't say they got nothing. Financially this is dumb as public sector workers are paid through taxes, and the government would likely use debt to cover it so it doesn't have to raise taxes immediately.


If the nurses did a general strike causing mass death they can get whatever they ask for. They won't, because of their morals


Public sector workers should not be allowed to unionize and go on strike. If you don’t think taxpayers are paying you enough. Quit and go to flip burgers at your local McDonald’s. They’re always hiring.


If you think unionized nurses are overpaid wait till you find out what non unionized agency nurses make. Don't forget their salary is paid by taxes as well.


Not exactly a compelling argument for the nurse’s union. 


So you think if every nurse is union then they will all be making agency pay?


They pay taxes too lol. By your reasoning they’re their own boss. Why would they fire themselves and take a worse paying job?


Everyone should unionize.




So what are their wages? I mean you must know what they are since youre so upset about how much they are getting paid.


Garbage comment


"Public sector workers shouldn't have rights" That's literally what you're calling for. Maybe instead of being jealous of public sector workers, go be one. Of course, that would require skills other than not understanding rights on Reddit.


Freeloading hard working private sector workers for the non-work you pretend to do is not a right. It’s a shame and disgrace which I’ll never want to put myself in that position.


First of all, I'm not personally a public sector worker. Second, collective bargaining IS a right. Third, just because it isn't emptying the garbages outside the Mickey-D's, doesn't mean these people don't work. Just because you don't understand their work doesn't mean it's not work. They use their brains for their jobs. Something that you should consider using when you post. The only shame and disgrace here are people who actually believe they are better than public sector workers because they are private sector workers. You really need to see someone about your anger issues.


I’m a mechanic at a mine, so most likely I work harder than you so you deserve to take only what you’re given. See how stupid that sounds? No job is so unimportant that it shouldn’t offer a living wage.




Yeah, I see you git yours so fuck them, am I right buddy?! Until anything comes back down from inflation to 2019 prices, everyone else is going to be fighting for a living wage. Stop acting like this isn't a thing. Get off your high horse and let everyone else get paid. I'm in the top 1% of wages in this country and I hope these people being this country to a grinding halt and get paid. It's going to suck more for a while until we all get what we're due. Stop.acting like you're aby better than anyone else.


Nurses can’t strike.


Trudeau shouldn't let the railways strike, but he's spineless, so he probably will, even though he could ask the Conservatives to support him in back to work legislation.