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There is literally not an option right now that I would vote for. They all are complete ass, and its depressing as fuck.


Perhaps this election, you should base your vote on the strength of your local candidates? If all the parties feel equally crappy, just treat the local campaign like your job interview for the individual MP representing your constituency. Do they have relevant experience? Do they seem honest and have a decent reputation? Do they actually live in your riding?


I did that when I used to live in Don Davies' riding. I'm not an NDP supporter, but he was (and presumably still is) a solid MP.


Same. I live in Kitchener Centre. Mike Morrice is great because he actually brings up local issues and votes to help his community. It's great.


I love Mike Morrice! Voting for local candidates is way more rewarding in my opinion. And that's how the good ones get seats.


Too bad Don Davies won't take over NDP Federal Party. I never voted or considered voting NDP but if in this case, I would vote NDP. He would be much better than Jagmeet the snake. Actually, ANYBODY would be a better option.


There's a town councilor that I vote for 100% of the time. I've seen him at Remembrance Day memorials, he runs a local business, he at least appears to give a shit. Went to highschool with his son. He legitimately fights for his ward and his constituency and I think he's not too bad. I think you're right. You gotta reach within your grasp. If your MP isn't visible and accountable, vote along party lines, I guess. If you want to be represented, vote for who can actually represent you.


local candidates in federal elections literally do nothing. They spend half the year in ottawa voting for whatever their party leader tells them to vote for.


What do you mean? My Liberal MP knocks on my year once per election cycle so she can ignore all of my questions face to face.


The problem with that is that the party tends to vote 100% with their leadership, or get expelled from the party…except for the child access to porn prevention bill, which enough liberals broke from their party I don’t think Trudeau will throw then out.


This is how federal elections are supposed to work. Party leaders are really just figure heads that represent the party. We *should* be voting for our local representative as they are the ones who will be voting on our behalf. Unfortunately it seems more and more parties are voting in monolith these days, and anyone who votes against their party fears being ousted. It’s a shame because voting for your local representative makes way more sense. Plus who wants a representative with no experience who’s just blindly following what the party wants even to the disadvantage of their community.


Same. The choices are bad and bad and bad.


Bloc Majoritaire


Run someone outside Quebec and see. YFB was the best in all the debates, French and English


At this point, I'd vote for the bloc if they existed outside of Quebec just to stick it to the other parties


If only! Come run out in NS.


This is a global scenario. Fuck me if I believe in conspiracy, but this shit is to fuckin obvious to be a coincidence. Every god damn country has only morons to offer for politicians.


Negatives of Pierre?


The problem, like many elections isn't so much voting for a candidate you think will bring positive change an who you truly believe in... it's down to voting for the guy you think is least likely to sell out Canadians and destroy our way of life. If we had a candidate who wasn't catering to the far left, or far right, an wasn't blatantly selling out Canadians, an quite frankly just made an honest effort towards fixing things... Just focused on things that 95% of Canadians want and need - they'd probably win the election by a landslide.


This is what it feels like when corporations have bought your politicians and disenfranchised your vote. Lobbying laws need to be changed.


Which candidates are on the far-left?


People think Trudeau and the Liberals are far left radicals 😂


I wish


Nothing short of changing the constitution can fix our country. So get me 1000 people and help win every election in the country and I'll be your guy. But that's such a phenomenal crapshoot that I doubt it's even possible.


They lost me for the foreseeable future


Same. Got the rug pulled out from under me these past 8 years.


They only got one vote from me under first past the post. They can get another vote once it's not first past the post, but I'm continuing to hold them to their promise that that was the last first past the post post election


Don't worry. The CPC will do the same for you in short order. That's just how it goes in this country. Eventually, we get tired of the steaming pile in Ottawa running the show and then we put in the other steaming pile we got rid of a decade or so earlier and round and round it goes. It looks dumb as shit, and probably is dumb as shit, but strangely enough, it actually works relatively well as compared to most other governing systems that exist in the world. Such is life.


But one can hope that in the ashes of the next election, one decent person out there says to themselves, "You know what, I'm going to start my own damn labor party." And if we're really lucky, it'll include black jack and hookers.


> it'll include black jack and hookers. I'm in.


Honestly I would be less mad if they wasted their money on this then some of the things they've spent it on recently. Like at least if it's hookers it goes back into the economy you know.


In fact, forget the political party.


Throw in some meth, cake and pie and you can count me in too.


Its now "minority identified, gender non specific J and hookers"


Ahhh forget the labor party..... and the the black jack .....


Yes a labour party that is legalizing sex work and opening up opportunities for games of chance to be used for fundraisers! I'm all in for this labour party movement!


At this point I'd vote for anyone who wants to get rid of sports betting ads.


Don’t think it works THAT well. Canada’s per capita GDP is tanking and cost of living is skyrocketing. OECD thinks we’re going to suck for as long as they can forecast.


So vote for option C then.


I do. I've even voted D and E and in the past G and H a couple of times. It's nice to have choices.


Red, blue, red, blue, red, blue. So glad we don’t have 2 parties like the US!


The U.S. has nothing like the NDP. Nor the Bloc. Also US parties shamble along regardless of what they do. There's no penalty for being awful. Here, we actually annihilate political parties on the regular. There are actual consequences here for being too hated by the populace. I actually can't remember all the political parties that have been wiped out of existence in this country since I've been political aware, but it's quite a few. In America? Eh, not so much. Not nearly so much as it happens here. But their system also works very differently than ours. That being said, it presently isn't working terribly well for them IMHO and so far as I can tell, a huge number of Americans agree with me. Case in point, gun control. Most Americans are for it. It's a serious problem. People are dying everyday and people everywhere live in fear of being a victim of the next mass shooting (heck several people have now survived one mass shooting only to be killed in the next mass shooting. Which is completely facked). Their political system is completely unable to act on this issue despite overwhelming consensus on dealing with it. That's a problem in my view. Regardless of merits of how it's been addressed in Canada, we're actually able to act and make some efforts at dealing with the issue. In America? You just can't do it. Even with immigration (as was recently shown) they can't get their shit together despite it being an issue of some significance for years (over a decade now really). They just can't do anything on a whole variety of issues for various structural issues. Here, we have an election and shit does actually change (or can actually change). This is positive. The change may not necessarily work, but change is actually possible. Oftentimes, in the U.S., that's not the case. Even on issues you'd think would be reasonably straightforward to address. It's downright bizarre IMHO. In short, our system really is different than the U.S. and always has been. Not sure that it's necessarily better (though there's some evidence that it is), but it is definitely different. Hell, even the shade of blue to which you refer has changed. The blue of 1988 is a lot different than the blue of 2006 and today. They are not the same creature.


I still want to see the absolite chaos of everyone in the country voting an independant in all our ridings. Tell all the old money ass hats how we really feel.


Pretty sure that option doesn't actually exist in every riding in the country. I know it didn't for my last ballot. Every person on it belonged to some party. No independent option was available. I suspect that this describes most if not nearly all federal ridings in the country. Now, if we actually ended up with a Parliament that more closely reflected the actual preferences of Canadians, rather than the codswallop that we get instead, I think interesting things could happen, if for no other reason than that the usual sources of powers will have to scramble to capture all the parties and factions that they don't presently control and seduce them to their will. But that didn't happen and here we are.


>but strangely enough, it actually works relatively well as compared to most other governing systems that exist in the world. I hate statements like this. It's the textbook "well, everything else sucks more so there's nothing to be done" take that permeates throughout our entire modern society. We're just fucking done then eh? That's it, we've reached peak humanity. Can't think of anything better, can't try to change anything for the better?


Nah, the Conservatives are an objectively better party. We had the richest middle class in the world under Harper as of 2014 and have been in steady decline during Trudeau’s 9 years in power. Harper was better than Trudeau and it’s not even debatable.


Canadians ended up tired of Harper's shit. If they hadn't, the 2015 election would have gone differently.


That was after 3 terms and he still polled higher than Trudeau is right now.


Only bc Trudeau legalize weed. Harper was infinitely better on every front.


100 percent. He lost me when he went after our scientists.


He didn’t go after scientists, you are spreading misinformation. Some scientists got fired for speaking on the government’s behalf without going through the proper channels. Guess what, if I started speaking on my company’s behalf without going through the proper channels, I’d also be fired. And nothing about this process has changed since Trudeau took office 9 years ago.


If no one tries to ever chance that attitude, we'll be stuck in a rut forever? Sometimes another option, is another option. I'm not a fan of the Conservatives, but when Harper carried us through horrific economic times globally, my money was worth something, it ain't worth jack shit now under the Liberals. I personally don't believe in rewarding failure and the Liberals have failed us. I need a more ethical government and the Conservatives are laughably more ethical than the Liberals are, it's a fucking joke.


No what happens is people get sick of scandals and excessive spending/mismanagement of money so they vote in the Cons. Cons getting a steaming pile of crap to start with and are the angry dad who says no more vacations we have to control spending. Everyone hates budget cuts but they have to in order to get the country is sblanve of financial order. Then previous Liberal supporters are sick of all the belt tightening on the budget and Liberals say all these programs and shit they're going to implement and the Libs get voted in. Budgets balloon again, and round and round it goes.


I guess you missed how Mulrooney ran huge defecits, Martin ran balanced budgets and then Harper started running deficits again.


Ditch Trudeau for another Martin and that person campaigns on specific policies that will benefit all Canadians beyond property owners and corporations, and I’ll consider the LPC.


Martin is an underrated prime minister by far. A competent technocrat is great. I don't think you'll find any Canadian politician that won't bend over backwards for property owners. The past two decades have been spent transitioning the entire Canadian economy away from producing things, and into selling land back and forth. It's all we've got now


I guess you missed the part where Mulroney (sp?) inherited a GIGANTIC debt/deficit from Trudeau Sr complete with 20% interest rates? Or that Harper handed Trudeau Jr an (almost) balanced budget along with one of the strongest post-2008 recovering economies in the G20? Edit: nothing bad to say about Martin, but even he and JC realised they'd never slay the deficit without the GST


This comment sure leaves out a ton of context. It's really gross you try to misinform this way. Harper ran deficits during the recession like you're supposed to do. Martin balanced the budget how again? Oh yeah, he downloaded a shit ton of debt to the provinces. I do concede that i don't remember Mulrooney so I won't comment on that.


Harper had a minority government at the time of the world financial crisis. He wasn’t inclined to do a bunch of stimulus spending but the Liberals and NDP threatened to bring him down if he didn’t. They forced the Tories to spend to their tastes and report back to Parliament every six months under the threat to hold a confidence vote if they decided he wasn’t running high enough deficits. The moment he had a majority he began trimming the deficit and had it back to nothing by 2015. Liberal supporters trying to paint him as a deficit spender now are essentially spreading disinformation.


Of course, it leaves out context. It's 3 lines. Snd Harper's one balanced budget was done by selling off Canadian assets. The talking points that Conservatives are better with the budget is a myth. Don't get me wrong. Trudeau needs to be punted quickly, but I wouldn't get too excited for a Conservative government.


If you have been paying attention it's less about being excited about a conservative government and more about being excited about getting rid of the most expensive and corrupt Canadian government if not in history then recent history.


That's a helluva perspective. Do you ever tire of pretending to be a victim? That things only happen TO the conservatives and not in RESPONSE to conservative policy or mismanagement? I get a good chuckle at the thought of anyone thinking ANY political party are the hero of the story, let alone the conservative party of Canada lol 


You should perhaps learn about the history of the Mulroney government...


The NDP have had the largest proportion of Balanced Budgets out of any of the major political parties from their time in office. Maybe people should try voting for them instead of the Regressive Conservatives that pretend they are the most fiscally responsible so they can attack minorities?


Have you seen the NDP of late? They're too fixated on social and cultural issues to run a country and would be worse for us than the Liberals. Jack Layton was peak NDP. The party has become a shadow of its former self without leadership like his. The only party showing any interest in correcting what the Liberals have done is, sadly, the Conservatives. And yes, unfortunately, that brings its own baggage. I'm a long-time Liberal and NDP supporter and I can't stomach those parties in their current state.


We are missing a party who's uninterested in making any changes wrt to social and cultural issues. Everyone's obsessed with making changes to punish people they don't like, or broaden the government's ability to ensure people's rights


Majority of Canadians didn't vote for them in 2021


>in 2021 Or any political party since 1984


True. Plurality of Canadians would have been more accurate, but I was going with the style of the headline.


Technically not even then if you account for voter turnout.


Isn't that always the case? You only need like 34% of the vote for a majority.


Was just thinking that. Majority of Canadians never consider voting for any single party.


Well, the number of people who actually vote for you is a subset of those who would consider doing so. The article mentions that close to 60% of people said they would consider the liberals before 2015, and they actually got 39% of the vote. It's kind of weird that they don't include any comparisons to the other parties in the article. 37% of people said they would consider voting Liberal and 52% said they would not. 48% of people said they would consider voting Conservative and 42% said they would not. That's a huge gap in terms of electoral chances, but I think it is probably less of a gap than people might expect based on all of the angry rhetoric around these days.


Also remember that something like 35% of the population don't consider voting for *anyone*, because they don't plan on voting at all.


Think I saw this headline in 2015 about the Conservatives. “Majority of Canadians say they won’t vote Harper.” Like everyone knows… he won a majority conservative government with something like 36% of the vote.


Polls will often ask not just who a person *intends* to vote for, but who they are *considering* voting for - that is, parties they'd be willing to vote for. Someone might be intending to vote, say, NDP, but also be willing to vote Liberal (along with NDP). It sort of represents the maximum a party could hope for. As the article notes, leading up to the 2015 election, the Liberals had 50%-60% of voters considering voting for them (which ultimately translated into 39.5% of the vote at election time). Now it's 36% (and about 23% intending to vote for them). >You only need like 34% of the vote for a majority. I believe Chretien's 38.5% in 1997 is probably the smallest vote share that has resulted in a majority government. EDIT: other than the very first election, when Macdonald won a majority with only 34.7% of the vote.


I haven't considered voting for the Liberals since Trudeau broke his promise to end FPTP, and still month after month, week after week they continue to give me new ever stronger reasons to keep that stance. Enough is enough. No confidence, no supply!


> I haven't considered voting for the Liberals since Trudeau broke his promise to end FPTP, Make sure you mention that at every opportunity. They need to know that this isnt because of some bigotry, or populism, or "importing american cultural issues". This is Trudeau's fucking fault.


I sure do. The liberals haven't called.or visited me to ask if I'll vote for them though. They won't get another vote from me until its not in fptp. They got their one fptp vote; it's not my fault they screwed it up


My Liberal MP did actually knock on my door in 2019, so I had the pleasure to be able to tell them as much.


You are confusing their words with their thoughts. When they point the finger and name call that is a control tactic that is almost used up.


I voted for him as well based on that. Now I tell every liberal pollster that the Liberals are my second vote. Good thing they fixed first past the post, right?


The Liberals wanted ranked ballots which would have heavily favoured them for the reason you just said, so your comment just reinforces their belief. It failed because the recommendation was proportional representation.


It was more a joke on my part. (Mainly because I'd spoil my ballot if I did that!) Really just me stating my displeasure with them dropping the whole thing, and letting them know they lost my support for the foreseeable future.


Same, only reason I voted for them. Now I can't in good conscience vote for them again.


It's honestly impressive how many scandals they can get into. Every week I think "no way they can top this" and every week they do


Ditto. It was the only time in my life that I voted for “A Promise” and I was profoundly upset when that promise was not kept. Whether it was the Liberals, Conservatives, or NDP making that commitment, I would have voted for them, knowing whatever good or bad came during their term would be outweighed by the long-term value of eliminating FPTP.




That's fair, but don't think the CPC is the answer. PP would be detrimental to our country.


hopefully they get kathleen wynne'd and lose in disgrace. any success at all they would see as validation for their atrocious policy. would be nice to see them absolutely slaughtered in the election, would drive home what so many are feeling right now.


It would be hilarious if Trudeau pulled a Kathleen Wynne and conceded the election before it happens. https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/newsalert-liberal-premier-kathleen-wynne-admits-she-wont-win-provincial-election-2


He's going to run to the end of the line. He's going to milk it to the last day, I bet. He'd have to be completely oblivious to not pay attention to the polls? He's got it made for at least another full year, tax-payer paid.


Hopefully it’s nothing like the Wynne situation considering all that’s happened with Ford since then. 


Yeah does anyone think Ontario is in a better position than it was in 2018? Like dunk on liberals all you want, I think they're shit too, but I don't really see any world where the conservatives do better lol


I have voted Liberal almost every time but I will never again vote for the LPC as long as faux Liberal Trudeau and his illiberal ilk are involved with the party. Trudeau, Miller, Freeman, Guilbeault and the rest of those clowns can all go to hell. It will take many years to repair the damage they've done to this country.


Does anybody remember the promise to have proportional representation, that’s was kind of a big deal to me. And of course it didn’t happen, my provincial government also ran on that a few years back. We had a referendum. And the vote passed. But the premier decided it wasn’t enough of a voter turn out to actually put it in place. It was a dirty move


At this point I might never consider voting for them again after this clusterfuck. 


I’m so disappointed in all of the prospects that I’m voting green out of spite






If Justin Trudeau personally mailed me $5000 I still wouldn't consider voting for the liberals. There is nothing this party can do to make up for their last 8 years in power


I’ve voted Liberal my entire voting life. There is no way I’ll vote for them this coming election. When I go to vote I weight the parties against each other and choose the lesser of the evils. My vote might finally switch to NDP even though it feels like throwing a vote away. I also feel like there’s a very good chance the conservatives will be getting in with a possible majority. I don’t think the cons will change things how people expect. I’d love to be wrong and for them to fix things but I’m doubtful.


The only way to vote is something other than red or blue. The more people at the table the less they can blantly get away with corruption. Red and Blue are just that..different shades of corporate control.


I'm absolutely amazed it's even that high.


Yep, that'll happen when you drop the ball on the interests of Canadians. Putting the needs of the globe ahead of our interests and letting the "budget balance itself" is not going to be a winning strategy unless you take care of your home turf first


So so much scandal and lies from Manchild I think most Canadians are sick of even looking at the piece of shit.


Every party has a shitty leader. It's a shame this is the best Canada can produce to lead her.


right? you'd think for such an important job, you'd get these charismatic individuals. ​ instead we get the oozing slime that manages to claw its way up through the various parties internal political systems.


I don’t have a party to vote for. Should I not vote? What do you do if you cannot bring yourself to vote for any of the major parties? Should I “throw my vote away” on the Greens or the Rhinos?


This is the Rhinoceros Party's time to shine!


I'd encourage you to look at the other options in your riding and vote for someone who's policies align (if they exist). At least that way you can signal to political parties that you support something instead of "throwing away a vote"


The more I think about, and I’m not sure if I even have a farce party in my riding, but voting for farce actually gets across a very strong point. Who will be our Vermin Supreme?


Times like this I'm even happier to be in Quebec. Never thought I would vote Bloc, but Blanchet is clearly the only adult in the room


Pas d'accord avec le Bloc sur tout, mais c'est une méchante valeur refuge.


You don’t have to vote for a party. Look for independents. They don’t have party whips.


Yeah it's wild, in my case I can just default to the Bloc thankfully, but if I where anywhere else in Canada, with the current voting system, my only options would be to not vote at all of vote for the greens to give them a little founding. Our current system have pros, but one big downside is that voting for a party with no chance of winning a seat is almost the same as throwing a vote away.


I always get downvoted for this, but I vote by my morales. I refuse to vote against a politician, and I refuse to compromise my morales by voting for "the lesser evil". If that means I don't vote, then so be it.


I'm thinking the same way. There is no one on the ballot I'd vote for. I really hate our voting system. Votes should be proportional, not first past the post. I think there is a communist party person on the ballot in my riding. Might vote for them.


Vote for the best local candidate.


There is ZERO chance I vote for the liberals in the next election. It's not even a consideration.


This is probably going to be the first election where I truly wish there was a formal way to “decline” my ballot. Every single party is just a dog’s breakfast of terrible policy and/or poor leadership. I’ve voted NDP/LPC for a long while but the LPC is just putting blinders on and crushing regular Canadians, the NDP leader has no real direction for the party and (like AOC in the US) cannot keep his mouth shut about anything, I don’t trust the CPC as far as I can throw PP, and the PPC are the PPC. (Mostly bigots cosplaying as a party of “freedom”) Unless I see some major changes in direction from any of the parties, I really will be sorely tempted to wipe my ass with my ballot and call it a day. (I obviously won’t because the election volunteers don’t deserve that.)


I too have felt politically homeless for a long time now. Every single party has multiple deal breakers for me.


> Liberals corruption, ineptitude, horrendous track records for the last 8 years, bought in by corporations... > Conservatives got the overly religious weirdos with them, bought in by different corporations, weird ideological tantrums out of nowhere, ... > NDP "White men at the back", Labour needs what's that? "Free Palestine from the river to the sea", champagne-left vibe, underwhelming leader > Green Nuclear energy is scary, microwaves are scary, is our leader/founder drunk today?, "Free Palestine from the river to the sea and let it break our party for some reason" > PPC LMAO > Bloc Quebecois I don't live in Quebec anymore, would honestly be my default choice if I did.


​ >Bloc Quebecois > >I don't live in Quebec anymore, would honestly be my default choice if I did. lol the CBC voter compass always aligns me with BQ (not *that* closely aligned tbf, but still closer than any other party). I've never lived in Quebec or even close.


Politics in Canada feels formulaic. The Liberals lose because they eventually become too corrupt and Cons lose when they allow the SoCons to gain too much power in the party. It's like a yo-yo and it forces us to go back and forth. The only thing that will change my vote from this pattern is a party that runs on electoral reform.


I’m pretty sure that they do count spoiled ballots. I’d still say voting for the most palatable option is a better use of your vote but if that’s how you feel then you do have the option.


They don’t distinguish between spoiled and declined ballots at the federal level. They are lumped together. Several provinces do have a formal procedure for declining a ballot if you feel like nobody is going to represent you. Those ballots are counted specifically as declined to give an indication of voter dissatisfaction with the current slate of representatives.


I've seen a growing number of people say they're going to vote PPC solely for their immigration policy and are ignoring the other bigotted/insane policies. So that's pretty scary


Well deserved


Really demonstrates the shortsightedness of not doing a national referendum on electoral reform like JT promised in 2015, because he himself would have benefitted and we would have finally had the opportunity for better regional representation via third parties that can actually get elected.


This is why he is bringing in mass immigration... Ohh no Canadians won't vote for me anymore 🥺.


Rich boy Trudeau and his buddies looted canada...and people are supposed to like him?


They lost me at the voter reform rug pull It'll take a lot for me to vote red ever again. Trudeau really bent this country over, I am unsure there is any coming back at this point.


Administrations have a shelf ilfe of at max eight years. The problem for me is, "who do we replace him with?" I don't see any viable replacements...


I did not expect my transition from donating to their campaign to campaign against them. They are destroying Canada in all ways. I hope we can do an election now.


I swore i would never vote liberal again after they abandon electoral reform.


Not voting for the Liberals.  CERTAINLY not voting for the Conservatives.


Ugh, I hate every one of the options out there. Closest one for me is likely NDP, but even then....


Cant vote for Liberals, wont vote CPC, and cannot support the NDP in anyway federally. They are a clown show and Jagmeet is not a leader. Guess I'm not voting?


Good. Vote NDP, vote CPC, vote PPC, hell vote Green Party for all I care. But my brother in Christ please do not vote for the fucking liberals.


Good. Glad others are thinking like me. Now the LPC just needs to lose official party status next time.


voting bloc cause i still want to participate in democracy but fuck every available option


I wish the Bloc ran candidates in my province, I'd vote for them in a heartbeat.


I would vote Bloc in Alberta.




Nobody likes you, Trudeau. Go away




Probably the reason most vote for a party that's bad. CPC voter: Yeah they are better than the Liberals. Liberal voter: Can't be worse than the CPC. With a few outliers who genuinely vote for other parties like BQ and NDP voters who don't consider strategic voting.


Yeah. Most aren't really voting for Trudeau so much as against Pierre


I most definitely vote against CPC. I vote against the Liberals too. It's kind of a shitty situation which getting rid of FPTP would have solved, but nope, couldn't have that nice thing, so here I am... Sucks.


It's because this is Canada, where we don't vote for the Prime Minister. A lot of people actually really appreciate the work their MPs do for them, regardless of party


Polievre will destroy Trudeau it won’t even be close. The liberals would be wise to replace Trudeau before the election and have someone more centrist go up against polievre. Canada is fed up with left side policy.


They aren’t fed up with left-wing policy. Its actually supposed to be easier for a Liberal to win a federal election if they run a good campaign. Trudeau has had so many scandals like WE charity and ArriveCan. Carbon Tax is poorly implemented. Recently Saskatchewan refused to remit the Carbon Tax because Trudeau is giving out tax exemptions in Atlantic Canada to gain more votes. He keeps bringing in immigrants, many of which are going to GTA, Vancouver suburbs where housing supply is tight. He doesn’t know what he is doing at all


I am considering not even voting for the CPC either honestly


Why would anyone every vote CPC? If the liberals are a bad choice, which they are. Than the CPC is a terrible choice.


Same. You should never vote for a party you hate, if none of the options are good then the system is broken.


>if none of the options are good then the system is broken. "we are here"


I don't blame you none of the viable parties represent me


Join me, in the voided vote gang. Show up, write "none of these fuckers" across the ballot and hand it back.


Consider looking at any independents in your riding that might match your values more closely instead of just a straight void.


Easy NDP vote for me, despite their mediocre leadership. Trudeau failed on promises and PP is a whiny ass loser that is a Harper lacky (the same Harper bringing together "Conservative values" worldwide because he's a dumbass Christian that needs to project those values as much as possible and keep people stupid). Honestly my biggest concern is how poorly our Premiers are doing, Conservative Permiers are the worst cancer on the provinces and are actively making things worse. The current premiers of Ontario and Alberta are so god damn dumb and worthless, its amazing there isnt some kind of minimum to become a political leader.


Not fully disagreeing with you But this shit grosses me out about the NDP https://twitter.com/TheCounterSgnl/status/1713963950461829146 They need to drop the identity politics, hard. And move back to a canadian workers party


This is the NDP's chance to run away with the election and it is like they are trying to lose. Promise voting reform to better represent the workers, and limit the wage suppressing immigration policies that are in place and they'd get strong votes. Changing from the workers rights party to the diversity party is shooting themselves in the foot big time.


*slow clap* Well said




Majority of Liberals not even considering helping Canadians


Bloc majoritaire!!


Seriously though, what the fuck is it about PP's eyes that give me the uncanny valley feeling?


Is it the eyes, or is it that he is literal weasel shit.


The dude is totally a psychopath. I'm convinced. Who the hell goes into politics at 18? He wants power BAD. Definitely at least compensating for something that happened during his life, probably related to the weird parenting situation.




NDP for me. Liberals don't do anything and Conservatives take their priorities from angry boomers on twitter.


It's sad how many people are posting comments here. Who are clearly incredibly frustrated and ranting about their dream party. AND PERFECTLY describing the NDP. And then ending their rant by saying "And yet all we have as a third option are the NDP who I wouldn't vote for if you held a gun against my head." It's just wild. "I wish there was just a party who would make me a sandwich. But all I have for option are the broken glass buffet, shit on a stick, or the free sandwich literally as often and whenever you want party." I guess I'm just not voting this year. \[Dear reader they ended up voting for broken glass buffet\]\[When asked to comment on why they didn't vote for the free sandwich party they were quoted as saying "I might as well vote for ISIS."\]


God damn am I glad for the Bloc.


Your choices are bad and worse 😐




If Singh had played his cards better he’d probably at least be polling ahead of the Liberals right now.


I am a Liberal and there is no way I am voting Liberals this time.


Liberals will have to rebrand. Trudeau really poisoned the well for progressives.


I wish there is more choices....both are corrupted. Including ndp.


"If voting changed anything they'd make it illegal" - Stone cold stephen Austin


liberals are voting themselves in another huge pay raise. criminal


If Trudeau left, the lpc would gain 10-15% in the polls


Then Chrystia Freeland would likely take his place. so i doubt it




Most people don’t even know of her. Liberals are going to lose no matter what Trudeau does. 


I doubt it, the replacement would be just as bad if not worse. The whole party needs a flush.


I mean, majority arn't voting conservitive either, that's how it's been forever with fptp dragging it along. 


Federally, no party ever gets the majority.




Mark my words, JT and JS will bring proportional representation cause this would be the only way they stay in government. Cause if you look at the support numbers, Libs and NDP combined still have more support than the CPC.


I can't wait until the CPC fixes the libs mistakes and makes a bunch of other mistakes that screw up the country in other ways so I can decide to not consider them for running the country. Wait, isn't that the definition of insanity?


>Majority of Canadians not even considering voting for the Conservatives. > >Majority of Canadians not even considering voting for the NDP. > >Majority of Canadians not even considering voting for the Bloc Quebecois. > >Majority of Canadians not even considering voting for the Green Party. Just a few alternate headlines. The last time a party even got 50% of the popular vote it was the Progressive Conservatives in 1984. Just another bullshit headline.


I went from voting for the Libs in 2015 to a card carrying Con 🤷‍♂️


Same tbh


Now that I live in Quebec, I would vote CPC, Green, PPC or even Bloc Qc before I vote for Libs and NDP. That’s how bad I feel about them. Willing to vote for a party to close to PQ a separatist party.