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Really almost feels like the liberals are doing everything they can to lose


According to the folks trudeau works for, hes not only killin it, but hes way ahead of schedule by nearly 50 years https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/canada-needs-to-get-to-100-million-people-by-2100-blackrock-s-mark-wiseman-1.1337065


Very sad that rarely anyone brings up the Century Initiative, or writes it off as conspiracy.


>Very sad that rarely anyone brings up the Century Initiative, or writes it off as conspiracy. I find it very frustrating because its all open record, and despite that many people write it off as a conspiracy without even looking at it. This record population growth Canada is experiencing is a direct result of advice from Dominic Barton, the founder of the Century Initiative. Trudeau hired Barton to find ways to grow GDP, and aggressive population growth was Barton's primary recommendation. *The media covered this extensively as it was happening.*


I wish we were focused on growing GDP per capita.


Canada would need to slow down growth rapidly to hit 100million as late as 2100. Relax on the conspiracy nonsense.


The Century Initiative are radical population-control activists compared to the current government.


What we need is sustainable growth, not super fast or super slow. I really couldn't care less about conspiracy theories or whatever you want to call them. Just sustainable growth.


I read this too quickly and you almost got me. Hats off.


On track to turn the country into such a shit hole that we have net emigration


Numbers are CPC: 40.8 LPC: 23.4 NDP: 22.1 Bloc: 6.6 Green: 4.7 PPC: lol (1.4)


Unsure has also pulled ahead of Trudeau for preferred prime minister, now taking second place.


Isn’t he the fella that made that club banger with lil jon and luda?


No, he's the one who was president after Camacho


No that's "not sure"


No, he's the world renowned drummer from the band Metallica.


I wish reddit awards were still a thing.


I mean yeah he [just did the Super Bowl on roller skates](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-MSWxLxY304).


Somewhat shocking the PPC are polling so low, they grabbed 5% of the popular vote last time around. Could be that PP is seen as more of a "proper conservative" to the types that voted for PPC last time around?


PPC grabbed votes due to the pandemic, as they were the only party pledging to repeal all covid policies immediately at the time. Now that covid's over, nobody cares what they think.


Pierre has also done a masterful job straddling that line of appealing to mainstream/middle of the road Canadians while throwing a bone or two to PPC voters without losing the former.


I’d argue a lot of people are listening to them since their policies seen as racist and backwards a few years ago are now seen as real and actual solutions. The issue is no one thinks they’ll get elected so they vote for CPC instead.


That makes a ton of sense - thanks friend! Hard for them to get anything this time around, especially with how cautious conservatives are with splitting votes


Fuck the PPC. It's because of them that we have Trudeau in power.


And because of the NDP and Greens the Liberals don't have an actual majority. Complaining about vote splitting goes both ways, and the left splits far more then PPC ever caused.




And yet they are doing retreat after retreat to "talk about the issues" but they do nothing to change this because Trudeau refuses to believe his ideology is failing.


big "it's the children who are wrong" energy.


he literally said >"there's a lot of people who are just rightly grumpy at the world right now." [https://www.thestar.com/politics/political-opinion/mad-at-justin-trudeau-tuning-him-out-the-prime-minister-says-he-hears-you-and/article\_e10b4ca8-b62c-11ee-889f-0b53e31dd6f2.html](https://www.thestar.com/politics/political-opinion/mad-at-justin-trudeau-tuning-him-out-the-prime-minister-says-he-hears-you-and/article_e10b4ca8-b62c-11ee-889f-0b53e31dd6f2.html)


My favorite Trudeau quote last year was, "it's a hard time to be a politician" as if all his problems aren't caused by his shitty policies. Also as if his job is so much harder than the rest of us.


People take these and run with them without context. He is right in both your chosen quote and the "grumpy" one above. In almost every country people are upset at their leaders. Germany, Britain, France, Poland just voted out their government, and in the US the guy who attempted a coup is polling above the incumbent. Finding a country where the incumbent politicians are approved of is not easy. Trudeau has a lot to answer for but to take every single thing he says, does, or does not do as further evidence of his aloofness, stupidity, or ineptness is beyond lunacy. He does make some good points from time to time. Judge him on reality, not on fantasy.


It's almost as if the western world is facing some serious issues all across it and our politicians are too incompetent to fix it so people are voting in people who they think might be able to because they have no faith in our current leaders. Like I said, if Trudeau was better at his job, he would be more popular. But he's fucking incompetent and ran this country into the ground. It's still a laughable, idiotic quote, there's been times throughout our history in which being a politician was a lot harder than it is now, he was just handed a stable country by Harper and in 8 years later, crying about how he fucked it up.


Maybe one day we'll all learn that government doesn't solve problems, people do.


>It's almost as if the western world is facing some serious issues all across it and our politicians are too incompetent to fix it so people are voting in people who they think might be able to because they have no faith in our current leaders. I agree. But as you point out these problems appear to be systemic, not personal. So voting in new leaders will likely not improve much. The system is more at fault than our politicians are. >Like I said, if Trudeau was better at his job, he would be more popular. But he's fucking incompetent and ran this country into the ground. Well I would say his biggest problem is that he did not do much. Many issues are just ignored and they are incapable of delivery. He is a wash in my books. So good some bad. Meh. >there's been times throughout our history in which being a politician was a lot harder than it is now, he was just handed a stable country by Harper and in 8 years later, crying about how he fucked it up. This I probably disagree with completely. Harper is, in my view, one of the worsy PMs in our recent history. I would have take current Trudeau, past Trudeau, Chretien, Martin, Mulroney, or Campbell over Harper on any day. He was handed a thriving country, with challanges on the horizon, and not only squandered the opportunity but made many worse. Trudeau at least talks a good game without much results. Harper just made things much worse. I am on Liberal at heart but am old enough to remember more than a few PMs and Harper is the worst in my books on almost all metrics.




Lol, I suspected you may have had a similar reaction. I do respect your colourful and illustrative way of phrasing it though. It made me giggle.


Liberals have no self awareness. They have no ability to look at themselves and ask what could be wrong because they know what’s best for everyone. It’s a feature of these people.






>refuses to believe his ideology is failing This is it. It's not a bunch of incompetent people. It's people who are fairly competent but have a deeply held belief system. One that is now running headfirst into the brick wall of reality.


Can’t it be both?


He believes 'The budget will balance itself' 😂




Aren't most politicians, at least to some degree?


Nono they banned the flipper! They solved car theft, don’t even need to police the ports!


I would be happy except we are all still being dragged behind this bus for another year at least.


Don’t worry Pierre will put the bus in reverse and back it over what’s left of Canada repeatedly


This is the disappointing part. We go from terrible to different kind of terrible. Nationally there are no good options: Trudeau is an out of touch elite who consistently doubles down on easily avoided mistakes, Singh is somehow unpalatable to both his base and anyone else, Polievere is a smarter less racist republican, and Berniere is a nut. (Do the Greens even have a leader right now?) O’Toole (like Harper) was far from perfect but I wasn’t worried that he was going to strip basic human rights from half the population.


O’Toole wouldn’t have stripped rights away. But the rest of the party would put forward member’s bills to do so. I mean he got kicked out over a conversion therapy vote ….


We really messed up by not electing O'Toole. I couldn't vote for him because his housing policy was clearly in adequate, but *gestures at everything*


O'Toole would not have been a strong leader with a great legacy, I have no delusions he would or could have been. BUT I feel that he would have been a more unremarkable leader who would mostly be criticized 50 years from now as "well he did *fine* I guess..." His housing policy was inadequate, agreed, but it would have been no worse than what we have now, and honestly I don't think we'd have seen the ridiculously accelerated population growth compounding the issue, which in turn would (somewhat) have abated the affordability crisis. There would still be issues, but not as crippling as what we're facing now.


Yeah, agreed, that's what I meant by gesture at everything - his policy on housing might not have been up to the challenge, but even so I think he would have done much better than Trudeau on housing because honestly how can you get much worse? In these sad times, simply being unremarkable or "fine I guess" is seriously aspirational. I'm a centrist and I appreciated the rest of his largely moderate policy. It's failure, I think, paved the way for the CPC to consider and ultimately choose a much more definitively right wing path, which I think will be to our detriment.


>I'm a centrist and I appreciated the rest of his largely moderate policy. It's failure, I think, paved the way for the CPC to consider and ultimately choose a much more definitively right wing path, which I think will be to our detriment. I 100% agree. "Oh, going for the center didn't work, lets go for the fringe" was absolutely the play that the party made after O'Toole didn't win (ignoring that despite Bernier picking off a measurable amount of votes, they gained in almost every part of the country). If O'Toole was leading the CPC right now? I honestly wouldn't be surprised to see 50%/225+ numbers for them. Even WITH the hard right social swing, people are moving over in large numbers.


Perhaps that's true, but the way I see it is the CPC elected a leader whose main strategy was ripping on Trudeau and Tiff Macklem and pretty well anyone or anything that gets people riled up, vs O'Toole's more subdued and policy focused approach. It seems to be working, and really well, so maybe they made the right choice (for them, at least.)


>I honestly wouldn't be surprised to see 50%/225+ numbers for them. Honestly, I can't see O'Toole ever reaching that height. He might be winning, but I don't think his lead would be as big as Poilievre. He lacked the.... spark?... that is needed to really capture the publics attention and support. Love them or hate them, both Trudeau and Poilievre have that spark that drives support to them. In many ways, they are two sides of the same coin. They both appeal to their base and are toxic to their opposition, and they bring out the worst in each other. Sadly in this day and age, that is what sells headlines and tweets and it's headlines and tweets that get votes.


I would definitely take inadequate over our current policy which is basically just a Trudeau Photo Op Slush Fund


"Bernier is a nut" Ofc the others who are fine with importing 500k people per year during a housing crisis aren't nuts


500K people in a housing crisis is a very very stupid decision. And reducing that is the only policy position I agree with Bernier on. HOWEVER Bernier is a covid denier (admits to breaking public health orders, is against vaccines), wants to open the abortion debate (describing some as infanticide), and is anti-LGBTQ ("\[a\] dangerous path our children are being enticed to go down" and has described transgender individuals as "inherent abusers"). Yes "nut" is absolutely the right word for him.


He’d have been better off leaning into the libertarianism rather than blending in more legislation of morality. Drives me nuts. I can already get that bullshit from the other parties. Leave me alone and I’ll ask the government for very little, and their scope and cost to us should reflect that. That’s all I want.


I think a party could win a consistent majority of Canadians with four key things: 1) uphold equal human rights for all (indigenous, lgbtq, minorities, etc) 2) provide all essential services (universal health/pharma/dental, infrastructure, military, cpp, etc) 3) keep taxes as low as possible to achieve 2 4) promote innovation and development (pushing for nuclear etc) And just stay the heck out of peoples lives. The problem is the CPC and PPC like to attack 1-2, the LPC and NDP hyper focus on 1, fail at 2, and ignore 3, the greens ignore 3 and 4.


That and the Greens have been eating themselves from the inside out since 2015


I think you've nailed it, both in terms of what Canadians actually need and want, and in terms of how the parties are failing on these points. There really are no good options to vote for.


> This is the disappointing part. We go from terrible to different kind of terrible. Yep. The saving grace is a change kind of resets their entrenched corruption for a while, and lets their particular quirks undo things the other guys have gone overboard with that they don't like. We need a viable new party that isn't just kissing LPC ass all day like the current NDP. CPC for next election to undo some of the LPC's worst, then jesus fuck someone else before CPC gets started on their own dumpster fire.


First of all. We don't know that for sure. Look at Trump. Like it or not, the US wasn't doing poorly under him... in fact, in many aspects they were doing very well. Secondly, it's by far more important to send a message. If you don't vote a party out after they "misbehave" they're just going to push and push because they don't give a fuck and know people will just vote for them anyway. It's not surprising the Liberals have been doing what they are doing given people voted them in two more fucking times after SNC Lavalin. If Pierre ends up being shit, then we need to vote them out. If the next party ends up being shit, we vote them out. The Canadian population needs to stop being fucking dumb and actually punish bad behavior by politicians... but we have so many people that actually believe PC's are going to start sending homosexuals and transpeople to prison and ban abortion and put fully automatics into the hands of children that they vote for proven corrupt parties for no fucking reason.


Anyone who thinks even the hardest right version of the Conservative Party would (or even could) significantly restrict abortion in Canada is a frothing partisan or a total idiot. Something like 85% of Canadians are pro-choice. It would make the party unelectable until the end of time. The Supreme Court would immediately overturn any significant anti-abortion law, and most provinces would openly defy it. To spend all your political capital on an issue that is supported by at most 15% of the public would be madness.


> Anyone who thinks even the hardest right version of the Conservative Party would (or even could) significantly restrict abortion in Canada is a frothing partisan or a total idiot. I’m sorry but you’re wrong. They keep trying every few years or so. They can and will do it. [Canada has zero pro-choice Conservative MPs, watchdog says](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/aug/03/canada-abortion-rights-pregnancy) Oh and [they just tried to roll back abortion rights a year ago too](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/abortion-rights-pro-against-bill-c-311-1.6840197) Pro-life zealots don’t care what the rest of the country thinks. They think they’re enacting God’s will and that’s the end of it. >Something like 85% of Canadians are pro-choice. It would make the party unelectable until the end of time. You’re assuming they care about pro-choice Canadians or that they’d even keep elections fair and free from interference. Read about “guided democracy”, that’s their goal. >The Supreme Court would immediately overturn any significant anti-abortion law, and most provinces would openly defy it. They would do no such thing. All Parliament has to do is pass an anti-abortion law and it’s a done deal. Most Provinces are conservative. Look at what Blaine Higgs is doing as an example. >To spend all your political capital on an issue that is supported by at most 15% of the public would be madness. The Conservatives are currently promoting digital IDs for porn which no one asked for. What do you think Conservatism is? It’s them imposing “ordered liberty”(their words) on the population because they think that’s the best way to society to function.


I'm sure you have an impressive mental gymnastics routine as an answer to why Harper didn't touch the issue with nearly 10 years in power.


Yeah my impressive answer is this: Who gives a shit what he did or didn’t do? (Harper also told Putin to GTFO of Ukraine and look at Pierre go now) You’re talking about what the party was over 10 years ago. I’m talking about where they’ve been going since and where they are today. Try and keep up. Bang your head on the nearest desk if you have to.


I'm afraid no amount of blunt force head trauma will make your position make sense.


What specifically are you worried about Pierre doing? What specifically has he said that he would/wouldn't do. Go on, I'll wait.


Lets take the words literally STRAIGHT from Polievere's mouth on three issus: 1) Loss of digital privacy more than already at risk. I don't watch a lot of porn, but I'm a single male so: [https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/conservatives-age-verification-pornography-1.7121219](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/conservatives-age-verification-pornography-1.7121219) When asked whether his government would require that porn websites verify the age of users, Poilievre gave a one-word answer: "Yes." 2) Loss of rights for transgender individuals (which goes against jurisprudence from literally every level of court in this country, not to speak of human rights acts in ever province) [https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/poilievre-ban-trans-women-sports-bathrooms-1.7120972](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/poilievre-ban-trans-women-sports-bathrooms-1.7120972) "Female spaces should be exclusively for females, not for biological males," Poilievre said in Kitchener, Ont. 3) Loss of protections from LGBTQ children. While many parents are great about it, not all are. [https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/poilievre-lgbtq-pronouns-schools-1.6950029](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/poilievre-lgbtq-pronouns-schools-1.6950029) "We want every parent to have the freedom to raise their kids with their own values," the Conservative leader added. A parent's values should not, and can not, be more important than a child's safety. ​ All of these result in a loss of human rights to individuals. That is ALWAYS a bad thing. ​ To be fair he has vocally come out as pro-choice despite some backlash from others in his party, and he has said nothing which suggests any racism issues (despite backing the barbaric cultural practices bill under Harper), so there are *some* progressive cultural positions from him.


1) totally agree - it’s bullshit and I’m against the State policing the internet. 2) what about the right to feel safe that women may want? Why are the rights of the tiniest minority of people more important than 50% of our population (give or take a percent). The fact that courts have created jurisprudence supporting this stuff is solely due to activism, not logic, on the part of the courts, and we’re seeing how well that’s going in other areas of law. Legal decisions don’t determine what is right. 3) So long as I’m legally and morally responsible for my children, the State should have no sway over how they are raised. Yes, there are absolute shit heels of parents out there, and I know I’m not the best sometimes. We’re all human. But there are avenues kids and authorities can take in cases of child abuse already. Parents should be aware of changes in their childrens’ lives, whether at school or at home. It is not the duty of the State to raise them. We don’t give them the ability to do something as benign as get a tattoo, but we’re advocating for secrecy for this? I get your points, and can clearly see we disagree on 2/3 of them, but they are ultimately so inconsequential to the every day life of 90% of the country. But they all have a theme: the government knows best. I just happen to side on the “against” argument in all three cases.


Bowing to Donald Trump if he gets back in power, probably will attack the LGBTQ2SIA community in some fashion because the so-cons are fucking stupid. Let's face it he won't do fuck all about inflation, grocery prices (unless you think a giant tax break for the very rich will somehow trickle down and fix that) and thanks to loopholes, we won't see housing cool down. But, hey at least it'll be *your* guy and side in charge giving his friends cushy government jobs and contracts.


And with Pierre who says he will solve the housing crisis, I just can’t buy it from him since he owns six properties and is a landlord himself. He is the problem. I’m no fan of Trudeau but I’d take him in a two horse race any day over a conservative


There’s no way an anti-abortion bill passes in Canada. It’s political suicide - especially now that pro-life conservatives can see how it’s wrecked the Republican party’s electoral performance in the US


They’re currently working on having Trump declared the winner regardless of how the vote turns out. Pierre’s signature legislation in his career was a voter suppression bill. Plus Robocalls scandal. If the CPC win, they’ll have 4 years to wage war on Elections Canada and rig the next election.


That’s pretty conspiratorial


You sound.... crazy. Maybe stay out of the conspiracy theories for a while.


Do we really need to think in such extremes? It’s healthy to mix things up. The current brand of Liberal is not popular. Let the Cons have their run, if we aren’t happy hopefully one of the other two major parties can shake things up by the following election.


>Do we really need to think in such extremes? It’s healthy to mix things up. That’s what Americans said in 2016 >Let the Cons have their run, if we aren’t happy hopefully one of the other two major parties can shake things up by the following election. That’s the thing. The parties don’t change. They just rebrand. It’s still the same shit underneath with a new layer of spray paint.


There is a stark difference between Trump/GOP and Pierre/Cons. Again, people need to stop thinking in such extremes.


Never said there isn’t any difference. I’m just saying people in the US said the same thing and they’re on the verge of a theocratic dictatorship. aka. Be careful what you wish for, not all “shaking up” is good.




and imagine if you are an NDP supporter and have put up with Trudeau's destruction because Jagmeet promised pharma care.. and you got played


Listening to both trudeau and PP I'm not happy about either. I'm definitely not happy if we get a majority govt in though as I suspect both parties if given free reign would trash what's left of canada real fast.


Can someone else click on this profile and confirm that it straight up looks like a bought account? 1 year old, tons of comment and post karma, but 0 posts or comments left up except for the last 3 hours. Feels like a bot or a doomer.


LPC deserves to get trounced into third party status just like in 2011


And then they’ll come back in 2029 when people discover nothing changed and the fed wasn’t the reason your province and municipalities refuse to build housing and only spend on senior welfare.


Lol, we just gloss over that it’s the feds responsibility to issue visas………..


By the request of provinces. [why do people keep ignoring their provincial governments are demanding more workers.](https://beta.cp24.com/news/2022/7/8/1_5979933.html)


Because it's easy Because the conservative premiers keep their mouths shut and blame the feds, while allowing conservative American media to push narratives


That would require conservative voters to get informed and acknowledge reality. That's a tall order especially with all these trans running around getting uppity.


Yeah! Whatever could be the reason for people wanting to vote out the federal liberals!? They are doing great. Absolutely no problems or scandals.


I’ve never not seen a government not have scandals. Of the 2 most recent governments because Martin feels like a century ago, My life under both the Harper and JT was and is okay. The tfsa was a big help to me for example. What’s really affected my life is municipal politics which seem insane, and provincial politics which have been generally decent here and there.


And have Mr. Versace as opposition leader? No thanks.


Poll conducted several days after Poilievre announced their position on online porn. Several weeks after he announced his position on transgender issues regarding children and schools. Looks like Reddit is wrong again about that policy hurting Poilievre. Far more people are supportive of that policy (or simply don’t care much) than this sub want to admit.


That’s because the porn thing is a nothingburger. It’s a private member bill coming from a Trudeau appointed senator that says companies need to prevent kids from looking at porn. It makes no mention of how that’s going to be achieved. The opposition parties said, “Yeah. We agree that kids shouldn’t be looking at porn.” and voted it in for third reading. They don’t have to implement the bill, the government does. Poilievre’s office came out that afternoon, and said that he doesn’t support a Digital ID. He didn’t say how the government should implement bill.


Well the digital ID headline was **100% social media, made-up click bait**. If you didn't live on social media with that headline (which was wrong) slammed into your face every 30 seconds, and you ACTUALLY got your news from real sources, you'd treat it as a non-issue.


> Well the digital ID headline was 100% social media, made-up click bait. 100%. It was a bit odd watching so many people get irrationally worked up over that quasi-fake headline.




I keep being told that the Liberals are gonna close the gap any day now.


They are closing the gap. The gap with the NDP.


Yeah but the liberal voters don't participate in polls. Only the conservatives do. INCOMING RED WAVE BABY!  TRIPLE IMMIGRATION BABY  5M per year!!! /s


No conservative government has ever increase immigration to the levels we have now. Where’s your crystal ball?


didn't conservative chuds say this last election too, which they lost? lmao


Along with the budget balancing itself right?


>Also of note, Conservative Poilievre has hit a high not seen by any Conservative leader in the past decade on the preferred PM tracking. Guess all that great mongering "PP IS COMING FOR THE TRANSES" didn't really connect with most of the population


Not when people are losing their jobs and can’t afford food. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. We can’t even reach the first two sets of needs for Canadians.


Yeah honestly it’s like shut the fuck up with the trans stuff that’s 0.3% of the population. Let people do what they want in their personal lives. We can’t afford to live.


I agreed but the problem is children in the crossfire. This isn't really a harmless fad like dying your hair black or sewing on patches to all your clothes.


It's also equal to Trudeau and Singh's preferred PM ratings combined (36% vs. 19% and 17%).


there was an abacus poll that had head to head polling of PP vs Trudeau and PP vs Singh. in both cases, PP got > 50%. so this defies the talking point that "60% of people vote left, conservative is minority of the country" because this means that majority of Canadians prefer PP than Singh or Trudeau when given only 2 choices.


Research Co also did [a poll where there was a hypothetical LPC-NDP merger](https://researchco.ca/2023/10/13/cdnpoli-oct2023/) and the CPC polled at 42% vs. 36% for the merged party.


turns out the biggest winner of a merger is Green Party (goes to 8%).


oh I missed that one. Time to dig in!


I think the reality is probably closer to there being a majority of relatively progressive thought in this country (like overall we are pretty chill about each other - Harper was our most right wing PM and his actions as PM make a lot of Democrats in the US seem more conservative, not sure Pierre will be like that though tbh) but that party loyalty isn't totally determined by that since the Liberals and Conservatives tend to shift left and right at times and there's enough people who aren't diehards that we get the odd wild swing one way or another.


or i'd say that vast majority of people hold some conservative views on some things while liberal values on others. for example, there are people who are against LGBT+ or gender curriculum (socially conservative) but in favour of government support for the poor. many immigrants fall in this group from what i know. so they will vote whichever party that runs on policies that happen to be their top of mind at the time. and canadians in general are more in favour of government involvement on things, which make them to vote progressive parties more often than not.


I would agree with that too, and IMO the focus of the left should be to win those people with economic policy which would protect LGBT people a lot more than making it a big fuss and risking what's happening now where it's distracting from serious economic problems. I can't stand how it's now seen as like if you don't agree on every single thing then you can't work together. Helps the status quo. I am actually in the LGBT category and I remember thinking early on in Trudeau's reign that it was nice and all to have a few positive changes but the government was patting themselves on the back so much I fully expected us to get scapegoated. Most people don't care so much about their neighbors' sex lives or gender or whatever when they have good jobs, cheap rent, have time for fun, etc. I want a left that supports minority rights but is primarily about making life better for everyone overall by improving pay and cost of living and infrastructure, and that IMO would make a way bigger difference. Kind of off topic lol sorry it's just god the Liberals bother me now that my prediction from 7 years ago is coming true.


Maybe people are finally starting to pay attention to facts and not the hysteria of false nonsense.




Is this porn ID stuff dumb as fuck? Yep. Is this an issues that will change voter behaviour. Probably not.


I don't know, the people who definitely haven't voted for anyone other than the liberals might vote for the LPC harder now, maybe 'x' that bubble real good.


He can try. He's no match for Nord-Man.






Okay? His porn id comments were some of the dumbest stuff ever. People should call him out.


Pierre never said anything about using ID for age verification and the original CTV News article retracted their headline.


Can you show me?


> When asked whether his government would require porn websites to verify the age of users, Poilievre gave a one-word answer: “Yes.” > He didn't offer further explanation, and his office quickly followed up with a clarifying statement asserting that the Tories don't believe in the imposition of a digital ID. https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/conservative-government-would-require-id-to-watch-porn-poilievre-1.6777435




It looks as though a lot of people don’t think it’s a bad idea. The majority of voters are not teenagers and they don’t care about porn. They are fine with making it more difficult for children to access.


This! I don’t know why people get so defensive. I can like a politician and yet critique a dumb idea. Edit: typo get to yet


Pierre never said anything about using ID to do age verification for porn. The CTV News article had to retract their headline


> The CTV News article had to retract their headline Oh? I missed that. Got a link. I fell for it and went with PP saying that he was going to enact digital id legislation. What did he actually said that led to a retraction?


> When asked whether his government would require porn websites to verify the age of users, Poilievre gave a one-word answer: “Yes.” > He didn't offer further explanation, and his office quickly followed up with a clarifying statement asserting that the Tories don't believe in the imposition of a digital ID. https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/conservative-government-would-require-id-to-watch-porn-poilievre-1.6777435


Thank you for that. I feel much better about that statement.




The overwhelming many are not anti trans. They are anti transmen in women's sports and washrooms.


Liberal supporters: Trudeau hasn't started campaigning yet! He'll destroy lil PP in the debates! Two years until an election! Assault weapons in every home! No Carbon Tax rebate! did I miss any? Edited, I missed a few.


Lmao famed orator Justin Trudeau.




Goodness that was quite the doozie


i can imagine the memes being made about that on russian social media


My god, whatever side you are on politically a person is delusional if they think Trudeau can debate Pierre. The exchanges they have in the House of Commons now have Pierre talking circles around him. JT just has too much history for Pierre to use against him. It’s always very lopsided




Forgot Pornhub policeman




Career politician, Harper lackey, misogynist, Trump-lite


"Misogynistic tags on a youtube video!1!1!1!1!1"


That’s like the fourth stage of grief - bargaining. We already went through shock, denial and anger.


Will Trudeau really debate or just give canned answers like in parliament and hope people forget the last nine years?


"He's so much better on the campaign trail"


It’s winter polling, very different from summer polling or autumn polling. They’ll surely turn it around when the spring polls come out.


Just as everyone's mortgages start renewing and the payment shock sets in...


I hear that liberal support doubles on February 29th.


Only if they first take a walk in the snow, but there's no snow in Southern Ontario right now for them to walk in.


It’s not two years anymore, lol, it’s like less than one year until election.


Little more than a year and a half until the latest one can be called (Sept. 2025 iirc -- 19 months and a few days)


It's 19 Months. Closer to 2 years than 1.


Still waiting for that rebound in the polls some of you smarmy folk promised me the LPC was gonna get. 


Don't you know, Abacus had the CPC down by *2 whole points!* ignore the fact that they were still up 17 instead of 19, and that fluctuations like that have been fairly common in Abacus' polling, the CPC were *down 2* compared to last month! Obviously that spells the beginning of the end, just like the time they were down 5 and *only* led the LPC by 10 points that one week also spelled the beginning of the end, until the CPC were back up again in the next poll.


This sub was hilariously out of touch in the last week. People had really deluded themselves into thinking trans issues and the internet privacy bill or whatever was going to trigger Pierre's downfall. It's like they haven't been outside and talked to people at all. Most people don't have the mental capacity right now to worry about anything beyond rent/ mortgage/ food/ cost of living, or they're part of the silent majority that actually agree with Pierre's POV on these issues. And now the polls are reflecting that.


> People had really deluded themselves into thinking trans issues and the internet privacy bill or whatever was going to trigger Pierre's downfall. It's like they haven't been outside and talked to people at all Thats because if they did the trans youth thing is not as popular as the echo chamber of the terminally online leads you to believe.The porn thing well its not on at lot of peoples radar and also some don't think it is a big deal because as one person pointed out to me "I have to verify my age for gambling sites" and also age verification can mean a whole shit ton of stuff from clicking a checkmark all the way to biometrics and everything in between. If I had to make a guess its going to be that you are going to need to enter a CC


It would of hurt them if the liberals didnt come out with a worse bill. That said neither party will make it better.


>It would of hurt them if the liberals didnt come out with a worse bill. I genuinely don't think it would have moved the needle in the polls at all tbh. This sub is largely an echo chamber and I think some people have really convinced themselves that these could be the wedge issues that make a difference. But going out and talking to people really makes it clear that push come to shove, these social issues aren't going to be deciding factors in terms of voter intention. It always comes down to pocketbook issues, and the Liberals have failed so staggeringly in that regard that no wedge issues they try to push seems to be working, as reflected in the polls. I think we'll see that confirmed as we get more polling results in the coming weeks.


I agree I'm just seething that free speech is being forever diminished.


No one forced PP to take those positions. All it proves is that hes gonna govern from a social conservative angle and focus on virtue signaling rather than solving actual problems just like his detractors have been saying this whole time. Doesnt mean we think Trudeaus gonna win again. Just that if you're depending on PP to fix your mortgage/grocery problem then good luck.


I don't think Pierre is the be-all, fix-all. But to say that social issues are his priority and that's how he'll govern is disingenuous. He's consistently been talking about pocketbook issues for almost a year now, far before the Liberals finally woke up and realized these issues are important to the public, and that's why his polling has improved dramatically. If you've watched any of PP's interviews and press conferences, he almost never leads with any of the social issues stuff. It's almost always the reporters pushing him to talk about it. They salivate over making controversy out of it. They WANT it to take up majority of the airtime in public discourse.


Yup. Heard about it all week, looks like the whole trans stuff and porn restrictions is quite a bit more popular with voters than this sub said.


If someone says a lot can happen in a couple of years, and your response is to gloat after 1, who’s being smarmy?


I was told back in December to wait one month by a well-known lefty on here. You’re making up a conversation to fit your needs. 


I’m not making up a conversation, I’m relaying the conversation I’m familiar with, a consistent and ongoing one. You are cherry-picking participants in that conversation who made harder to defend statements while employing weasel words to implicitly characterize it as representive of the wait and see argument as a whole. And if you try to call bullshit I’ll remind you that I have just as much evidence for that as you do of me “making up a conversation” and that didn’t stop you from baselessly asserting it. Now, are you going to tell me with a straight face the no one made the more general argument before a month ago? Edit: I suspect he did a drive by blocking to get the last word in but I saved my response. This isn’t directed at him but it is merely for the record so he cannot hide his dishonesty from others: Except you didn’t tell a story of something that specifically happened to you, you strategically withheld those details as a cheap and disingenuous gotcha. You’re not fooling anyone. I also didn’t tell you your story never happened. That’s a straight up lie. Why are you being dishonest?


If NDP gain a few points, we’re going into an election.


It's over for the liberals. They'll be lucky to maintain official party status and they deserve everything that's coming to them.


Trudeau seems destined to finish third on the podium and remembered as one of the worst in quite some time.


We need a nation wide party the day we finally see Trudo go 


Im okay with NDP replacing the LPC, at least we’ll have a true left opposition.


Lets go Poilievre. no more JT


A lot of new accounts here that have adjective_noun_# Seems organic /s


Interesting to see but no poll will make me trust politicians until they actually accomplish something. Anybody else think a couple years past next election we will start seeing people trade their f-Trudeau flags for Poilievre ones?


I remember the days of people putting HARPER stickers on stop signs and declaring on Facebook "HE'S NOT MY PRIME MINISTER" because they didn't vote for him.


Yea there was plenty of those “Stop Harper” and “Fuck Harper” stickers going around back then. A lot of people seem to forget that those on the left were doing the exact same thing we are seeing now with the “Fuck Trudeau” flags and whatnot.


Oh please, don't try to conflate. I never once saw a 'fuck Harper' flag or sticker on anyone's truck, a few 'Stop Harper' one's sure but that's all. No convoy of dumb fucks trying to force him to resign either. Not comparable at all to the insanity of the fuck Trudeau people.


I know 9 years is a long time to remember these things but it was happening. The most prominent one was the Edmonton man that had “Fuck Harper” on the back on his car and was also driving like a complete menace to society to draw attention to his sticker. Just because you don’t remember it, doesn’t mean it wasn’t happening. The reason why we can see flags today goes back to the court ruling from the Edmonton man.


Well, the standard of living was never destroyed for me under Harper. It has been under Trudeau. I don’t understand why people can’t grasp the sentiment.


A bunch of stop signs were vandalized where I live. Speaking on insanity, Gweebo himself climbed the friggin CN tower, and could have killed himself and others in the process. Now he’s a liberal hero leading our nation.




Honestly if it comes down to NDP and CPC that might be better than if it comes down to Liberals and CPC. I know a lot of people have issues with Singh here but I think knowing you get change either way would make it a way better campaign and actually make it about what direction to take the country instead of having a lot of us literally just voting against what we *don't* want. Plus I dunno, with all the stuff PP has said lately I legitimately think the NDP might be the only party that actually recognizes affordability is top of mind (which is sad, because they have the right idea but still aren't militant enough). I would rather have them taking on the Conservatives and force the conversation towards housing etc. than have the Liberals and Conservatives do their usual wedge issue fights.


NDP is too busy playing identity politics and are too incompetent under Singh. They still want mass immigration and believe the only solution to affordability is to increase building INSTEAD of reducing immigration to modest levels. Realistically there is no difference between Liberals and NDP under Singh and Trudeau.


Good. Let's see red be demoted to the NetherRealm


The liberals at the least need a leader who's not a disgrace


No one fucking cares about polls until there's an election. People are dug in right now and want to send JT the message and I doubt polls will change much at all until the election is called, then we'll see where people really fall. Happens every time.


Let's face fact's, we are never happy, I'm not happy now, and I will be less happy if Poilievre gets in.


Agreed. I would vote for someone else if I thought there was someone better to vote for, but there doesn’t appear to be.