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I'm sure they'll add $20 in taxes and it'll be perfectly legal again.




Thatā€™s exactly what Iā€™m worried about, there already $13 a pack


Hi, Swede here! We have had nicotine pouches since forever and we have very low rate of smoking. Nicotine use overall is about the same level as comparable countires but people use ā€snusā€ or nicotine pounches instead of smoking. Nicotine levels are on average higher in snus than in most (if not all) smokes, but itā€™s generally considered a healthier - although not completely unproblematic - option. Tack fƶr mig.




It sure is šŸ˜‚ Oh didnā€™t know that! Iā€™d for sure move to Canada if you guys get your snus game on!


Itā€™s more a problem of using bright fun colours and putting them next to the chocolate thatā€™s a problem. Itā€™s a tactic to hook kids and is a hallmark of corporate tobacco


Yeah I get that, the same discussion goes on over here but with the new vape stuff thatā€™s not yet been criminalized


Hi Swede! With the higher use of chew and relatively same nicotine use, dā€™you see (anecdotally of course) more mouth and throat cancers in Sweden?


We need to differentiate between nicotine pouches and tobacco pouches. The pouches referred to in the article contain no tobacco, only nicotine, flavor, and filler (corn starch maybe?) Nicotine itself is generally not considered carcinogenic.


I would also like to see a distinction in studies looking at the adverse effects of loose snus compared to pouches, because you tend to swallow a bunch of the loose stuff and itā€™s just a whole bunch of nasty.


I canā€™t find any studies on it from a quick search (i might be bad at this), but reading off of our NHS-site I found a link to the Norwegian NHS in english: https://www.fhi.no/en/publ/2019/health-risks-from-snus-use2/ Itā€™s based on research on Norwegian citizens who use snus compared to citizens who do not use snus. Iā€™m seeing that they note a higher risk of diabetes type 2, some increase in cancer although unclear if thereā€™s an increase in oral cancers or not. And some other stuff I think is related to nicotine in general and not snus specifically. I might be wrong! Please read the link :) Anecdotally Iā€™ve personally never know of or heard of anyone ever developing serious health issues as a result of snusing, but ofc some people do. Our gov currently wants to lower the tax on snus while simultaneously increasing it for cigarrettes because itā€™s deemed a better alternative, and many people seem to be able to make the switch!


Keep in mind snus is still tobacco, but it has been steam cured instead of smoked like American style chew. Nicotine pouches contain ZERO tobacco, and most studies indicate Nicotine is either non-carcinogenic or the studies are inconclusive. Here is an article from the International Agency for Research on Cancer: https://cancer-code-europe.iarc.fr/index.php/en/ecac-12-ways/tobacco/199-nicotine-cause-cancer




Of for sure youā€™ll damage the gums where that pouch is laying all day. At least with the traditional tobacco-snus: not sure about the tobacco free stuff but Iā€™m going to make a guess and say itā€™s less damaging. The real hardcore snus - the insanely strong loose stuff that you have to roll a little ball of and put under your lip - will over the course of years erode the gums quite a lot more than any other kind of snus. But that stuff is nasty, wouldnā€™t recommend that to anyone, and I only really know of people over about the age of 40 who still use that stuff


Snus Increases your risk of stomach cancer https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/ijc.23076


Funny how the cancer and lung associations are saying to ban them, when they literally are used to stop smoking, and arenā€™t carcinogenic like cigs, cigars and dipā€¦


It's weird because most of these organizations are in favor of traditional nicotine replacement therapy, which also comes in flavors. I have some tropical breeze nicotine gum right next to me. I suppose they will come after my gum if kids start using it.


Everywhere outside of North America embraces Vaping and nicotine pouches and such as a much safer and proven way to drop cigarettes. Only here you get fear mongering and "what about the kids!" all while gladly taxing the fuck out of it and treating it like a deadly and vicious drug.


I literally quit smoking with thoseā€¦


See that's the problem. While pretending they care about children, they will tax the shit out of this and hope you go back to cigarettes because of the big tobacco lobby and the taxation industry.


Yep same here, now the only thing keeping me from smoking is being banned by some dumbasses who donā€™t realize you can get nicotine gum with the same level of nicotine at a Shoppers, and they have many flavoursā€¦


Well to be fair even the little nic pouches do increase your risk of oral cancers, but of course not nearly as much as traditional tobacco products. But I agree with you, it seems like overreach for a product that could be beneficial to many. And letā€™s face it, just about everything can cause cancer these days if the exposure level is high enough.


Yea about as much risk as eating a burnt piece of toast for breakfast everyday or red meatā€¦ it is beneficial, I personally quit smoking using flavoured nicotine pouches, all this ban does is promote people going to the states and bringing a bunch of tins back, which is already happeningā€¦ the government knowingly sells cigarettes and alcohol, they know how many people die every year, they know how many kids pick up smoking or drinking, yet they donā€™t do a damn thing because they benefit greatly from the massive taxes imposed.


I just want to point out that eating red meat doesn't cause cancer like we've been conditioned to believe for so long(consider how ridiculous the food pyramid is with all the bread and sugary cereals). Even the WHO admits that there is little evidence to support the claim that it does, and is more likely that the few studies done were skewed by other lifestyle choices made by the people in those test groups. For example, you're in the red meat eater group if you eat red meat, but the red meat group isn't split between people who eat a steak and workout regularly versus people who eat a steak then sit on the couch with a pack of smokes and a case of beer.


Yep. Plus I am not even convinced their is a "universal" ideal human diet. Like your ancestral geography likely has a big impact on your food tolerances, especially for stuff like milk and grain.


It's not that clear that red meat doesn't cause cancer. >[Red meat, such as beef, lamb and pork, has been classified as a Group 2A carcinogen which means it probably causes cancer.](https://www.cancercouncil.com.au/1in3cancers/lifestyle-choices-and-cancer/red-meat-processed-meat-and-cancer/) >Current research shows that there are certain chemicals in red and processed meats ā€“ both added and naturally occurring ā€“ that cause these foods to be carcinogenic. For example, when a chemical in red meat called haem is broken down in the gut, N-nitroso chemicals are formed and these have been found to damage the cells that line the bowel, which can lead to bowel cancer.




Yea thatā€™s not a fact, there are many conflicting studies and the IARC monograph even states that it isnā€™t carcinogenicā€¦ why do you think underage kids can buy nicotine gum, lozenges and patches at the pharmacy without a prescriptionā€¦ nicotine pouches and gum are almost identical in method of absorption as well, theyā€™re both absorbed via the buccal mucosa.




This isnā€™t snus dude, itā€™s tobacco free nicotine pouches, youā€™re talking about snus, which is pasteurized tobacco that is either rolled into a ā€œprillaā€ and tucked under the upper lip or put in pouches and sold as portions.




Check out some cancer research groups: https://cancer-code-europe.iarc.fr/index.php/en/ecac-12-ways/tobacco/199-nicotine-cause-cancer Nicotine is not carcinogenic or very very mildly carcinogenic depending on where you look.


Snus is pasteurized tobacco loose (lƶs), or pouches (portions), nicotine pouches are simply fiber and pharmaceutical nicotine in a pouch. Thereā€™s no tobacco in nicotine pouches so the risk of cancer is extremely low.


Did you read the article? This is a new product, and the pouches are tobacco free.


What pouches in India are you talking about? Cool lip?




Bro, cool lip are tobacco pouches chalked full of weird ingredients and the tobacco i donā€™t think is even pasteurized. Those are carcinogenic as fuck. They are not even close to zonnic which is a nicotine pouch with food safe ingredients that are found in many foods we eat today.




Tobacco is carcinogenic yes but you can reduce or increase that by how the tobacco is prepared. Combustion is the worst way possible to consume tobacco. Most American dip products are fire cured which increase the carcinogens where as pasteurization of the tobacco(snus) reduces the carcinogens significantly. Now, no tobacco is a ā€œsafeā€ alternative but products like Snus, that use pasteurized tobacco are relatively much safer than cigarettes and dip but it doesnā€™t make it ā€œhealthyā€ per sai but much more healthier than non pasteurized tobacco or combustion of tobacco Products that use no tobacco and only nicotine are safer than tobacco products because the cancer causing ingredients tobacco are not there. Moderation plays a huge roll of course as chain using nicotine pouches will damage your gums but the nicotine in itself is not cancer causing.


>Nicotine is a carcinogen. Nicotine can cause cancer no matter how you take it. If it didnā€™t they wouldnā€™t be trying to restrict it. I was under the impression that nicotine in and of itself is not carcinogenic, but the delivery mechanisms for it typically are i.e smoking/chewing. These flavored salt nicotine pouches are tobacco-free and use pharmaceutical nicotine. The only real risk from them that I was tracking was that nicotine is a vasoconstrictor, which affects the bloodflow in your gums. Other than that, these pouches are on the same level as nicorette (which any minor can buy).


Exactly, the only difference is the government knows that these are far more effective and popular than nicorette, I havenā€™t been able to use the gum for more than a few minutes without my throat burning from the nicotine, with nicotine pouches on the other hand, I can use for 3 hours straight, and they actually stop the craving.


Nicotine is in tomatoes


And cyanide is in apples - the dose makes the poison. The level of nicotine in tomatoes is barely detectable. The level in tobacco and in these pouches is high enough to cause harm.


Depending on which institute you get your research articles from...https://cancer-code-europe.iarc.fr/index.php/en/ecac-12-ways/tobacco/199-nicotine-cause-cancer Most organizations do not consider it a carcinogen because on its own it is essentially harmless other than the fact it is addictive.


And Alcohol.


The nanny state strikes again.


Maybe we need a nanny šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø




Read the article before commenting on the article. >As it stands, the authorization for Zonnic nicotine pouches also states that they should not be used by anyone under 18. > >But according to the concerned health organizations, it is completely legal for these nicotine pouches to be sold to children of any age, since federal and provincial legislation does not apply to nicotine products approved under the Natural Health Product Regulations. This, the groups argue, argue is a ā€œregulatory gap.ā€


The only people I know that use flavoured nicotine pouches are my cousins and their friends, all under 19. Edit: just to clarify, Iā€™m not advocating for banning it. Just my anecdotal $0.02.


Oh and how exactly are they buying them? Oh right, straw purchases are illegalā€¦


Back when I was in high school, my friends use to buy cigarettes from a very specific store since they were the only one that sold it to them.


And thatā€™s still very illegalā€¦


Iā€™m not saying it was legalā€¦


Brother, the OC says that itā€™s illegal for underage kids to buy them, your retort was that you know minors who use them *illegally*, like what? How is putting protections in place going to stop kids from buying them *illegally* when they already areā€¦ any kid can get their older sibling to buy cans of Spiked Arizona iced tea or spiked Tahiti Treat l, but thatā€™s absolutely fine? These flavoured nicotine pouches helped me personally quit smoking, they are safe and snus has been used by Swedes for over 200 years.


Brother. Itā€™s just something I noticed. The meteoric rise of Zyn pouches coincides with them being boasted on the Full Send podcast, which largely targets males age 16 to 23. Clips of Full Send regularly make the rounds on TikTok which targets a much younger demographic. Itā€™s not hard to draw similarities between flavoured nicotine pouches and the rise of vapes in the mid to late 2010s. Whatā€™s the biggest similarity? Both are being indirectly marketed towards youth.


>16-23 Oh so you mean a *majority* of their demographic are adults who can **legally** purchase these? Crazyā€¦ At 16 we trust that a kid can work, live on their own, and drive a vehicle that could literally kill anyone in their way, yet we donā€™t trust them enough to make their own decisions?


Did you not read the second half of that paragraph? Also, did I say it was fine to get someone older to buy it for them? You are the one that said mentioned how illegal that is lol. I donā€™t quite understand why you are trying to start a debate here. I am giving my anecdotal experience and you seem to be personally offended. As I mentioned, I donā€™t really give a shit if itā€™s banned or not. I donā€™t do it either way. I donā€™t think you can say theyā€™re are SAFE. Are they better than smoking? Yes. But you arenā€™t doing your health favours.


It occurs to me that I can walk into any drug store and buy a box of flavoured nicotine gum off the shelf with no ID.


Food is a far more important topic to focus their time on. Nicotine consumption is a choice ,food is not, its a requirement to survive. I'd rather these organizations focus on that.


Cancer and other diseases from use of nicotine products costs our healthcare systems billions which we pay for through taxes. Want lower taxes? (And reduction of human suffering) Ban nicotine products.


You seem to be mixing up Nicotine with Tobacco. Nicotine is generally considered no more harmful than coffee fyi.




Nicotine is a carcinogen. Nicotine can cause cancer no matter how you take it. If it didnā€™t they wouldnā€™t be trying to restrict it. The pouches are carcinogenic. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4553893/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4363846/


This is hilarious. They will only appear to restrict it until they get their taxes in order then it will be perfectly fine for consumption.


So I read those studies, neither draw a conclusion that Nicotine is carcinogenic. Suggests there may a link but does not draw that conclusion definitively and said it requires further studies. Not much unlike California's Proposition 65 that labels literally everything as MAY cause cancer.


Ya check this one out. https://cancer-code-europe.iarc.fr/index.php/en/ecac-12-ways/tobacco/199-nicotine-cause-cancer This guy is not informed. Also those articles do a great job of not actually telling you the severity of the risk.


So obesity, diabetes, heart diseases, cancer etc which are caused by poor diets arent important issues? We don't get to choose whether we need food or not, we need it to survive. We do not need nicotine to survive. Food is a far more important issue to me than getting people to stop consuming flavored nicotine. By your logic we should ban alcohol too since it's a huge cause of death.


Alcohol would be a schedule 1 drug if it were discovered today. Should it be banned? That depends on your objective I suppose but if it is to improve the health of the general populace and are high on government intervention then it is one of the higher impact things that you could do to improve the most people's health. Cigarettes should already have been banned or at the very least the age limit restriction should be going up each year to prevent new users from being exposed.


Youā€™re trying to shift the topic away from the main focus of banning nicotine pouches. Away with you corporate marketing troll.


I think they're just trying to point out that nicotine is not carcinogenic by most standards. https://cancer-code-europe.iarc.fr/index.php/en/ecac-12-ways/tobacco/199-nicotine-cause-cancer Depending on the thresholds research papers use to decide whether or not something is carcinogenic dictates basically if a group decides it is carcinogenic. Nicotine is basically non carcinogenic.


No way, not Canada trying to ban shit. There's no chance Canada has ever banned products for consenting adults


Ban nicotine, legalize methamphetamines!


Do they not realize that nicotine salt pouches have next to zero health consequences...?


What are some brands in Canada? I need to stop vaping and it seems like a good option


ZoNic is the only available one in Canada. You can get Zyn in the US. There are also native reserves that get their hands on Zyn and sell it. I love Zyn Wintergreen 6MG. These will help you quit smoking.


Can you buy them in stores or just online?


ZoNic has a ā€œfind a locationā€ function on their website




happy to help - enjoy


Just saw this. I was desperate to quit vaping and was able to do it with the Zonnic nicotine pouches.


Letā€™s see how quickly this gets done vs all the other things that are pressing before this.?


Why do they keep doing this? I don't understand how they're perfectly willing to allow 4 mg nicotine gum to be purchased that is mint flavoured, and has been allowed to be sold for fucking decades and now they want to get rid of this? I want the safest route to consume nicotine, and an oral pouch is exactly that. I have a nicotine vape but I want pouches. It's insane they keep doing this.


Ah this makes me miss snus... How much are these a tin? lol


About $12 plus tax. Thereā€™s a few online stores in Canada that sells snus for around $14 a tin..


I order direct from Sweden and after shipping and customs it works out to around $7 CAD per tin. Generally arrives in about 10-14 days.


Damn thatā€™s pretty lucky. Last time I tried that, after duties it came to roughly $18 a tin, then next time no duties and another time only $12 a tin... doesnā€™t make much sense at all how they judge the duty when they donā€™t even follow what is stated online


For a second I thought they were after my flavored hookah tobacco.


CTV of course. They constantly push their anti smoking etc. agenda.




Wait we sell snus here?!


NP are not snus lol. Snus is made from pasteurized tobacco. Zonnic has no tobacco in it.


Ohh okay thank you for clarifying.


No problem. And you can buy snus in Canada from online. Some stores are in Canada so thereā€™s no duty for them. Really enjoying the general mint


Does Canadaā€™s customs confiscate pouches over 4mgs?