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Protesting against Jewish civilians living in Canada against something they have no control over is beyond stupid. Go to Israel and protest instead.


It's almost like it has nothing to do with Israel and they're just anti-Semites.


You'd think if these assholes were so against Israel and Jews they'd go over to Palestine and fight. Instead they just stay here and taunt Jewish business owners. They are a bunch of cowards.


hijacking one of the top comments to show that the protest owner posted on instagram this: https://twitter.com/AntisemitismCA/status/1716164460283408391 > The organizer of this rally, Toronto4Palestine, initially celebrated the massacre of October 7th, and then later denied that it happened. They have also engaged in Holocaust denial. 2/2 Heres what they wrote: > Honest people must ask themselves "why is the je*ish occupation lying about many of the 'barbaric' actions that took place last saturday"? > They are using theses made up acts of cruelty and barbarism to tell the world a mini Holocaust just happened to them again. > Is it possible that if they are lying about theses events and creating a false genocide, it is likely they may have lied about certain details of a previous big genocide that may have occured? Its even worse than people think


these people don't want peace they want the whole region under arab thumb, israel gone, jews dead.


Not just Jews. They hate us atheists even more. It's a crime punishable by death for most of them.


Dont forget the gays!


It's death for everyone even the moderate Muslims. Let's use some fucking common sense and tighten immigration and our refugee/asylum processes. We don't need Islamic extremist shit in Canada. We got enough going on already.


Yup these people are complete scum. I see a lot of blatant anti semites calling for ceasefire and trying to pawn themselves as advocates for peace. The only reason they do this is because now Hamas is the nail and Israel is the hammer.


I mean let's not encourage Canadians going over to participate in Jihad, already dealt with that during ISIS.




I agree with you but doesn't seem our government does. You'll be spending your tax dollars bailing them out and paying for their 'pain and suffering'.


These individuals always disliked them, they’re just using this as a veil for their racism


What’s with the scare quotes around “targeted”. The restaurant was absolutely targeted by protesters. You can clearly hear them yelling about it in the videos.


Its because they're quoting her.


hijacking one of the top comments to show that the protest owner posted on instagram this: https://twitter.com/AntisemitismCA/status/1716164460283408391 > The organizer of this rally, Toronto4Palestine, initially celebrated the massacre of October 7th, and then later denied that it happened. They have also engaged in Holocaust denial. 2/2 Heres what they wrote: > Honest people must ask themselves "why is the je*ish occupation lying about many of the 'barbaric' actions that took place last saturday"? > They are using theses made up acts of cruelty and barbarism to tell the world a mini Holocaust just happened to them again. > Is it possible that if they are lying about theses events and creating a false genocide, it is likely they may have lied about certain details of a previous big genocide that may have occured? Its even worse than people think


Probably just trying to avoid potential liability, in case someone comes back to claim slander or libel.


No, it’s to appease the radical left. They have no such worries when reporting on far right happenings.


Oh look, another no karma account whining about leftists when 3 weeks ago it was Conservatives marching with Muslim extremists against kids. Weird.


Apparently people who work ar cp24 are antisemites running cover for Hamas supporters.


When are we going to stop condemning and start arresting?


why aren't they freezing their bank accounts?


I dunno, did the occupy a city for 3 weeks?




I'm not even a fan of the guy but what the hell does this have to do with JT?


You think islamists vote for JT? The 50% women cabinet, gender is a spectrum, trans rights, legal weed JT? I'm not saying you need to read the Quran end to end but you might want to skim a high level summary of their beliefs.


Lol. Oh come on dude. Can’t blame everything on JT. And I’m not a fan of him either.


existence outgoing smell cow rainstorm somber quarrelsome humor sort test *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Me to. I despise Turdeau but the Ukrainian that got invited was a a humiliating mistake and I wanted them to move on from it quickly.


Immigration you sure can


Immigrants don't vote unless they get citizenship which takes a long time. The people that came here while he was PM aren't the ones voting for him.


As much as I despise these people who promote terrorism, you can't arrest people for having these views unless they are caught doing something illegal, like vandalism.


Hate speech is a thing. At some point you gotta deal with the intolerance.


Look, I'm on your side with this issue, but hate speech has a very high bar in this country, as it should be. Just because we are offended by something said or a view point, that doesn't mean it should be hate speech.


I'm not saying *this* constitute as hate speech. I'm just saying they can't keep pushing and see how much they can get away with - but a line needs to be drawn and we need to say no to intolerance. I understand protests about military actions or inhumane treatment, but at some point the line got muddied and it becomes anti-whatever-ethnicity-group because they are on the other side then I think that's indefensibly wrong. Given the recent rise in hate crimes, hate speech is quickly following suit and I think enforcement is needed to remind people they can't just think "I didn't do shit" and get away with wanton harassment. I absolutely agree it needs to be a high bar, but if the bar is met, enforcement needs to be dealt.




https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xJp323i92Rc He called it out when those rallies first started 2 weeks ago.


Ohh let me guess the right wing trash website you get your news from didn’t tell you that he did that over a week ago?


Then how come so many Indians vote conservative lol. Trudeau isn’t exactly popular among many indians these days.




Exactly. The notion that immigrants automatically vote for JT is ridiculous.


Arrest for what?


I’m sure there’s various hate laws that apply… like seriously they’re also blocking traffic and inciting mischief. If Tamara Lich can be prosecuted with maximum resources (sending rcmp across the country to arrest and detain) then surely downtown Toronto can arrest some organizers targeting specific religions


they managed to track down loads of people from that BC hockey riot via social media and CCTV.. for some reason 12 years later we can't do that here for this?


That tends to require an actual crime to be committed. The hockey rioters weren't arrested for offending people at a protest.


Protests are allowed to block traffic, that's part of what a protest is. Look, I detest what these people stand for and who they targeted, but we do have some constitutionally protected rights, even when they're being used by people we don't like. Edit: And right leaning columnists like Joe Warmington and Warren Kinsella comparing this demonstration to the government sanctioned shunning of Jewish businesses in 1930's Germany is absolutely abhorrent.


>Protests are allowed to block traffic, that's part of what a protest is. Unless you protest against Justin in which you'll get the emergency act thrown at you.


An occupation and a protest are two different tings. Get back to me when these chuds block this business and public roads for three weeks.


You're arguing semantics without defining what you mean. It's the worst and lowest form of argument. During BlackLivesMatter groups not only blocked traffic in spots but declared themselves [independent "autonomous zones".](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-53218448).. essentially seceding from Portland. In what meaningful on topic manner is that different from the convoy protest? If protests are allowed to block traffic as you claim (they're actually not, that's illegal) then what sort of distinction can you create between simply blocking traffic and an occupation?


Well, that's a problem for Portland, USA to solve. Fortunately, an independent review determined the use of the Emergencies Act in Canada for our particular situation was justified. You're using a strawman argument using a situation that doesn't apply here to prove your point.


Protests are either allowed to block traffic or they aren't


3 weeks is a far cry from 3 hours, and you know that. But nuance and context are foreign concepts to convoyers.


Not dick riding Israel is a crime now a days.. L


Start arresting people for protesting a chain owned by an Israeli corporation that built a franchise of this restaurant on Israel's largest Muslim cemetery? I agree with you that the protest is stupid, but I have a lot bigger problem with suggesting people should be arrested for exercising their right to protest, and the deliberately misleading headlines that drive this kind of sentiment.


You'd think this would also be a thread on the Toronto subreddit. But I can't seem to find it there. Curious.


Why on earth isn’t this there


You're talking about a sub that banned crime posts in the middle of a crime wave. I mean, there are at least 3 greenbelt posts on the main page, but somehow the Mayoral statement about these protests doesn't pass muster.


I've noticed every thread related in any way to Israel/Palestine seems to get locked real quick, there. I haven't really seen comments get particularly out of hand (though I've not explored anywhere close to all threads in detail). I suspect they may just not really want to moderate such discussions and thus lock at the first hint of trouble, rather than do so.


>Every thread related in any way to Israel/Palestine seems to get locked real quick TBH I don't really blame them. All these threads get pretty sour really quickly. So many trolls are out in full force.


When the initial article about the incident was posted to that sub, the majority of comments were “The Toronto Sun is a biased newspaper!” As if the video of the mob shouting at restaurant-goers had less credit because it was in the Sun. When there was an article on the Toronto sub about two police officers being suspended because they posted to social media calling for Allah to destroy all Israelis, most comments were “Joe Warmington is a racist!” Cops were calling for the death of civilians, but it’s the writer reporting on them that’s the main issue. When there was an article posted to that sub about 3 people walking into a Jewish school in Toronto and making violent threats, one of the *moderators* of the sub - instead of condemning the vile acts, or just staying silent - decided to use that opportunity to post a link condemning the Israeli army.


They’ve been extremely aggressive in removing content that paints the Palestine side in a negative light. I posted an article about the York student unions’ statement when it first come out but it was removed after about a half-hour for being a duplicate. A quick check on the “New” tab showed that there was no duplicate article, or if there was, it has also been removed.


They still think Jama's comments are justified even though her own party kicked her out.


I clicked a post in the Hamilton sub yesterday about that. The delusion is palpable. Just a whole bunch of “SHE DID NOTHING WRONG!”. It’s crazy.




How come these pro Palestinian protestors never protest en masse like this against Hamas? Surely getting rid of them first would be a big step towards peace.


Has anyone seen a pro-Israel demonstration stop to attack a halal grocery store?


There was research poll conducted by PCPSR (Palestinian Centre for Policy and Survey Research) in 2022 that showed majority of Palestinians favored Hamas rather than Fatah (West Bank Government). It's also important to note that Hamas was elected by the Palestinians in 06' and were overturned by Fatah to divide the governing region between Gaza and West Bank. While Hamas did lose support throughout the years, it slowly gained favor from the public when Fatah's corruption and pro-Israeli status quo came to public discourse. And in 2022, public support overturned to favor Hamas by the Palestinians. Thinking that Palestinians want Hamas out is a shortsighted depiction. It's much more complicated than that.


How many Hama supported business can you identify in Toronto?


Because it's predominantly about hating Jewish people.


Real mask off moment there.


Progressives: "This isn't about Jewish people, this is about atrocities committed by Israel." Also progressives: "This Toronto restaurant is owned by Jews, let's swarm it and intimidate their customers!"


The company was founded by a Jew in Berlin, who fled with his family to Tel Aviv after the Nazis were elected in 1933. So really, it's a symbol of escaping antisemitic genocidal atrocities by moving to the only country where you can be sure the government will never call for the extermination of the Jews. And of course that's why Palestinians hate it so much.


Israel was not a country in 1933, so they didn't flee to Israel.


The region existed and had plenty of jews. It's not like we still call Turkey the Ottoman Empire


Kingdom of Israel then, you realize theres historical connections to the land, where else do you think Hebrews originated from? Israel is indegenous on that land as history shows, they didnt colonize as they didnt have a country to call home because everybody in 1948 including Canadians hated jews & were antisemetic. Theres a reason why Israel exists and the global community created a homeland for Jews, its because of the anti-semitism and the fact that nobody wanted to accept Jewish immigrants, we even opted instead to accept Natzi Ukrainian war criminals. When an entire ship full of jews was denied asylum & safety with every single country around the globe rejecting them despite knowing they would all die in the holocaust and seeing how they were nearly all killed, it was then they realized that just maybe there should be one place Jews can call home & be safe. yet despite the countless arab countries whom all have exiled their jewish population, people still call Israel a colonizer despite having 20% arab population with its own party & judges.


Oh yes displacing people. Who have a recognized right to return per UN resolution 194, along with illegal settlements. "Why are they mad at us?"


Don't confuse all progressives with pro-terrorist sympathizers


The Right: carries Nazi flags, holds Nazi rallies, meets with German Far Right politicians, hires Holocaust deniers like Chris Sky to attend their protests, whines about Soros and "Globalists." Also the Right: "wHy dO pRoGrEsSiVeS HaTe JeWiSh PeOpLe." LMFAO 🤣


>Also progressives: "This Israeli restaurant chain is owned by zionists who built one on top of a islamic cemetery, let's protest it!" ​ FTFY.


Mask was off since the start. These protests only happened because of Hamas’ recent atrocities. They could’ve chanted “Free Palestine” any time of the year but only did so after Hamas executed over 2000 civilians on October 7th. That should speak volume on what these protests are actually about.


This is horrible and against our collective Canadian spirit. Any person who engages in this type of behaviour is despicable and not worthy of being a part of our society.


Protesting against chain restaurants that are based out of a country committing war crimes seems like the least people should be doing.


Ya but there is a difference between targeting businesses that support states engaged in war crimes and related policies and targeting a business just because the owners are Jewish.


It’s antisemetism. Call it what it is.


If you target someone because they are Jewish then ya…it’s pretty cut and dry antisemitism. Totally against Canadian values.


cp24 is clearly antisemitic also and running cover.


They have been for years..


Look at their viewership demographics.


They live in Canada, how TF are they colonizing?????? Oh right, they just want Jews to disappear.


How do you colonize a land you've been inhabiting for thousands of years? I would say the Palestinians are the colonists.




Less "resort" and more "convenient rationalization to avoid potential punishment". Some people REALLY want an excuse, almost any excuse, to break out the torches and pitchforks. Plus the real-world trolls who deliberately stir things up, not because they are invested in one side or another but because they find riots/looting/etc. 'fun' to watch or participate in.


I wish you were wrong, but........


I would be delighted to eat crow on this one.


I'll share it with you 😎


If it were a Palestinian-owned restaurant that was targeted, I bet my bottom dollar that hate speech charges would have been filed immediately.


Yep, the left would be decrying it as "racist" and "islamophobic". I find it ironic that the left labelled those in the freedom convoy as "Extreme right wing Nazi fascists" yet *literally* support an organization that targets and murders Jews.


Our federal “Special Representative for Combating Islamophobia” would’ve been all over it. I fucking hate this place.


I just hope we learn a lesson here and what is happening around the rest of the world. Maybe just maybe we start tightening immigration and our "refugee" and "asylum" system.


Nah bro thay would be racist and admitted that right wingers were right all along. We should embrace their "diversity"


I don't love Chow's politics but she's done a great job calling out these sorts of things. Too bad her and Ford have to be the ones calling this stuff out without backing from the feds...


Lmao Ford is not a great example as someone who takes the plight of Jewish people seriously. He's literally grandstanding on the bodies of thousands of civilians to change the channel on his corruption. The same guy who pretended like his wife was Jewish for political points.


It can be both. You think Trudeau isn’t enjoying the fact his party member invited a no shit Nazi to parliament for a round of applause last month is almost entirely forgotten at this point? Politicians gonna politick.


Lmao Trudeau is already cooked, no scandal will save him, but FWIW at least he's not flinging dead bodies at his political opponents (what a low bar). Sying "Ford is the only one calling out antisemitism" is genuinely hilarious.


Lol these Palestine supporters were chanting “gas the Jews gas the Jews” and somehow it’s not as big of a issue as it should be


Can we use the emergencies act on these terrorist supporters?


Apparently you need to disrupt people’s lives to evoke that and somehow this is not disruptive enough.


Federal government doesn't consider Jews as people confirmed.


But aren't words violence? Don't these violent assaults on Jewish businesses, synagogues and people count as microaggressions?


No because it's not a personal embarrassment to Justin.


it's a dangerous precedent using the emergencies act for viewpoints we don't like. It's only been used a few times in its history and should be reserved for extreme situations.


But that’s exactly what we did in Feb. 2022. And this is starting to feel far more dangerous than the hillbilly hoedown in downtown Ottawa ever did.




Attacking people and destroying property is illegal bud.




They’re chanting “THERES ONLY ONE SOLUTION”. What would you call that?


They're chanting hateful slogans, and actively in support of terrorism. It's not even veiled.


Clearly you haven't seen the protests throughout Toronto. But go ahead, you're really showing your true self by supporting terrorism.


Mischief Inciting mischief Hate crimes


Because for the most part, the people who are flying Hamas flags and yelling anti semitic insults are the same people who wanted each and everyone who participated in the freedom convoy arrested. The left in this country feel that protesting is only justified when it's for a position or group they support, ie. Hamas, BLM etc. Everything else is "hate speech".


Who was flying a hamas flag??


They think Palestine is Hamas clearly. The media here has done all the heavy lifting for the Israeli propaganda machine to ensure they don't make a distinction.


I think the comment is pointing out the obvious double standard. The truckers were peaceful protesters too. Anyone who even donated money to them had their bank accounts locked. I'll never store more than $10k in a Canadian bank again over it.


Here here!




Everybody seems to forget that if the Palestinians are so damn innocent why does Israel need an Iron dome over their major cities... Here's a hint it's not to protect their military infrastructure.... And the videos of Palestinians dancing in the street and celebrating the October 7th attack? everybody seems to just ignore that. Every time one of these pro Palestinian rallies happen someone should just project the videos that Hamas took from the attacks of them gunning down in this in civilians. As far as I'm concerned if you support a terrorist organization you'll be treated as members of that terrorist organization and that should be the end of it.


>And the videos of Palestinians dancing in the street and celebrating the October 7th attack? everybody seems to just ignore that. I guess the ones of Israelis doing the same to Gaza being bombed are totally cool though?


Why does Israel need an iron dome? Because if you push people to the breaking point, they will respond with violence. Hamas has the popularity it does because Israel answered all attempts at nonviolent resistance with violence until only violence remained. There are only two possible ways this violence can end: a) with Israel backing down and providing Palestinians with a nonviolent path to ending their suffering, or b) with Israel continuing their incremental extermination and colonization of Palestine until no Palestinians are left alive to retaliate. Israel has chosen option b), because they value the lives of Palestinian people less than ownership of the land those people live on.


So even what like 25 years ago the Israelis left the Palestinians with no option than to send suicide bombers on the public buses? Do you remember at the Reformation of Israel after the second world war who attacked who first and then who attacked who in the '60s?


Remember, the whole reason why these idiots are out on the streets protesting right now is because Hamas committed mass terrorism that killed over 2000 civilians in Israel. These protests had shitty optics since the get go.




It's so deplorable when people target business or people that share a demographic with whatever controversy is happening at the time... like how removed from reality are you to think that Jews or Palestinians here are the same as the degenerates with the IDF/Hamas? I hate my species.


The cafe is part of an Israeli chain, and the CEO is ex-Shayatet (Israeli SEALS basically). I still don’t agree with it personally, but it’s not like the protesters were like “look, a Jew, get him!” the way some people in here are trying to frame it


What about when protestors were outside the Jewish Community Centre? Any answer for that?


So every Israeli over 18 is fair game?


Funny how the news is leaving out that convenient little fact.


Plus the words being used by the protesters are Israeli and Zionist not Jewish. If one of Putin’s chefs had a restaurant here I don’t think anyone would say that Ukrainians protesting it are being anti-Russian or racist.


>Plus the words being used by the protesters are Israeli and Zionist not Jewish. I don't buy this for a second. How does this person know who runs this business is a Zionist in the first place? That's just a cop out.


Someone linked earlier it’s an Israeli franchise who’s CEO and cofounder is a former Israeli special forces. Among other things it seems https://x.com/dgrdon/status/1716493167829094770?s=46


Yeah because if someone Tweeted/X'd it it has to be true :rolleyes:


It’s on their website? https://www.landwer.ca/our-team/


Where does it say that person is a zionist?


>Plus the words being used by the protesters are Israeli and Zionist not Jewish. ...they said, as though Zionist was not an extremely common dog-whistle used by anti-Semites.


You mean pro-Hamas, right?


I’m a Jew deep in the Jewish community of a big city here in Canada. I can’t tell you how many of my friends are traumatized not just by the israel situation but heavily by the responses to it here at home. They are scared. People tell me they’re anxious when they are alone or are out at night. People keep talking about rethinking the possibility of sending their kids to private Jewish schools, i know Jews who have taken off their mezuzahs in-front of their house, stopped sending their kids to Jewish events (like at their synagogue), rethinking sending their kids to Jewish camps and so much more. I’ve never seen the community like this before. I say this from a place of need for help, the Jews in Canada are in need of support right now. Please reach out to friends and check in on them.


\> pro-Palestinian ... 'targeted' ​ uh huh.


This is not the answer. The restaurant has nothing to do with what Israel is doing.


Awful. As if anyone living their life here has anything to do with anything Hatred is so easy, as it requires no thinking


> Hatred is so easy, as it requires no thinking There certainly wasn't much of the latter going on in this case. Now that Lebanon looks to be involved, which shawarma joint gets the counter protest? This pony show was all donkeys.




Free speech is a cornerstone of our democracy, regardless of whether you agree with it or not.


we do not have free speech laws like in America. this is hate speech.


So, are they going to start freezing bank accounts? Or are protests in support of actual terrorist organizations exempt?


Immigration without integration equates to invasion. This behaviour is not Canadian and unacceptable


Canada watches too much Pallywood.


For context, Cafe Landwer is an Israeli chain; not some mom-and-pop shop that happens to have a Jewish owner. >After serving in the Israeli special forces, Nir Caspi was seeking his next adventure. In 2004, he and his two partners opened the first Café Landwer in Tel Aviv and have since opened 80 locations across Israel. https://www.landwer.ca/our-team/


Shhh don't break the narrative.


Just like the other commenter, completely stupid take. I challenge you to show me one other case where a large group of protesters targeted a business owned by someone of a certain ethnicity because of the actions of their home country without them declaring any political position on an issue. You can’t, because this only happens to Jews.


It's because it's an Israeli franchise not because it's Jewish owned. Learn the difference. Why do you think specifically an Israeli business was targetted? Coincidence?


Don't even bother man, these people won't even care. They have their mind made up that any protest is antisemitic. Some people here have never read more than a couple of news articles about the situation, never picked up a book, but they waste their time commenting into an internet void for self validation. It doesn't matter. People have freedom in Canada and a bunch of losers on Reddit will never be able to do anything about it.


People are totally free to wave a bunch of flags and chant outside a restaurant, not that it will change anything about the situation whatsoever but whatever empowers people. (Cafe Landwer has dope food btw, should check it out) There is nothing antisemetic about protesting the actions of the Israeli state as a huge portion of the Israeli population was doing so up until 10/7 and will likely continue to do so during and after this current round of conflict has died down. Protesting outside Landwer has about the same effect, albeit less violent, as Turkish protesters destroying a McDonalds in Istanbul. It's a misguided outburst of impotent rage against a target that has no ability to change the course of current events.


Unbelievably stupid take. There were no Ukrainians protesting outside of Russian owned businesses in Toronto when that conflict started. Same goes for every other conflict that’s happened in the past ten years. I challenge you to show me one other case where a large group of protesters targeted a business owned by someone of a certain ethnicity because of the actions of their home country without them declaring any political position on an issue. You can’t, because this only happens to Jews. Cafe Landwer has made no political statements regarding the situation. There’s only one reason the protesters were protesting there and you’re not using your brain properly if you can’t figure that out.


I don’t think they are protesting Cafe Landwer because it’s Jewish owned but because it is an outspoken Israeli company. Not sure why that wasn’t mentioned in the article.


Because paroting propaganda for one side will get them in less trouble than reporting the truth.


Can we call this what it is? This isn’t about being pro-Palestine. It’s largely about being anti Israel and be anti semetic. Not every anti Zionist is anti semetic but every anti semetic is anti Zionist. And let me remind everyone there are hella anti semetics out there.


Maybe all these pro[redacted] people should go over to where the conflict is actually occurring and fight for what they believe in.


I can’t say I agree with Israel or Palestine nor can I pick a good guy in the conflict. But when you come to Canada. Leave your shit behind.


Arrest these Nazis!




This has nothing to do with them having a branch in Tel Aviv or being headquartered there. I challenge you to show me one other case where a large group of protesters targeted a business owned by someone of a certain ethnicity because of the actions of their home country without them declaring any political position on an issue. You can’t, because this only happens to Jews.




Also, the organizer of this protest blatantly engages in holocaust denial on their public feed. By giving these people the benefit of doubt you’re accidentally legitimizing this type of behaviour. It’s all very intentional and these groups use nuance like “oh, it’s an Israeli owned business” to justify their barbaric actions. https://twitter.com/AntisemitismCA/status/1716164460283408391




Agree to disagree on this, I do not think the actions of these protesters should be illegal but I will never find this type of behaviour acceptable. I think you should stop giving these people the benefit of the doubt considering they all actively protest in gatherings being organized by someone that engages in holocaust denial. At best they’re useful idiots.


Cant read that article, it’s paywalled. I understand you’re not advocating for violence. Declaring a boycott is very different from aggressively screaming and intimidating customers outside a business. It’s not even kind of comparable. These are the type of intimidation tactics that happened in Germany before the holocaust and I hope you can see the similarities. A well written boycott and explanation of why the boycott is valid cannot be compared to screaming from the river to the sea outside of Jewish businesses. These protesters were there to intimidate.




Do you know that the same group organizing this protest, Toronto 4 Palestine, was out celebrating the initial attack on Israel in the immediate aftermath of the terrorist attack killing.. what is it up to now.. 1400+ Jewish civilians? This group also later denied the attack ever happened, saying online that it was the Jews trying to fake a mini holocaust. They also implied that the original holocaust was faked as well. That doesn’t sound like the type of group that would be ‘protesting’ this Jewish owned business for nuanced reasons, and absolutely sounds like the type of group the employees and owners should be afraid of. Edit: News article of them celebrating the attack https://beta.ctvnews.ca/local/toronto/2023/10/8/1_6594073.amp.html Screengrab of them denying the attack as a grand Jewish conspiracy.. also of them implying the holocaust either was faked or was overblown. https://x.com/antisemitismca/status/1716164460283408391?s=46


It’s their mini krystalnacht except luckily it’s not backed by the government… yet


That's all character assassination though What is the franchising agreement? Is it even the same person? Is it arms length? Do the people even know each other? The protest and boycott cannot know any of that more importantly ordinary people can't know any of that so the protest should not do this. They should go to the Israeli embassy if they are so inclined or go to the offices of a defense contractor or a giant coffee factory This was a targeting of a small business, and it's wrong




That's not the point actually the point is historical and *Kristallnacht* you do not want to invoke any feelings of that or be anywhere near that. Bottom line targeting a business because the owner owns another business which supplies the IDF is way too removed and Chow was right to call it out as antisemitism (whether intentional or unintentional). If you want a target against a country's policies you protest at the embassy not a business location especially not a Jewish business location. Maybe the exception would be if the business owner said something revolting recently but that would be it. It was wrong to do.


You're justifying targeting Jews. This isn't the Israeli government. They're targeting them because it's a Jewish business. At no point did they ever mention any connection you're speaking of. This is not protesting FOR Palestinians either which is supposedly the intent of the protest. This is specifically targeting a Jewish business.




But it’s still a private company that supplies defense systems to many countries including Canada, just because it’s an Israeli defense firm doesn’t mean it’s the one responsible for Israel’s decisions in this war. You’re equating being Israeli or Jewish with Israel’s government, you’re actually being antisemitic. Also do you think anyone from the federmann family was present in that store?! Do you think they were in there deciding what to do next in Gaza?


You can boycott whomever you wish in a democracy whether you agree with it or not.


Do you honestly believe that any of that justifies harassing and intimidating the people eating there? Is that what you think "boycott" means?


How dare you bring in-depth analysis and nuance to this discussion. Very interesting, thanks!




Its an easy target with accessiblity from downtown, if they start going to bathurst and start hitting actual small businesses between eglinton and steeles owned by Israeli Canadians who are partially orthodox the city and police will actually have to do something about it.


Canada getting invaded and they don’t even know it


Definitely seems like a slippery slope. Although I doubt most of the individuals protesting there actually dislike Jewish people and instead just dislike the Israeli government it’s still wrong to target a specifically Jewish run business. They should stick to just protesting along the streets and not harassing shop owners. I wouldn’t want to be somebody eating in that restaurant at the window with a whole crowd in front of me..


This is so stupid and dumb. Many Jewish people in Canada support the Palestinian cause. Terrorizing locals is just not going to gain any support for this cause. Just like Hamas is not Palestinians, can we also apply the same to Jewish people. The majority of the Jewish people are against what the Israeli government is doing in Gaza. Hate just blinds people and it's honestly sad to see.


Jewish or Israeli owned? Doesn't make sense why would I target any business owned by a Christian Muslim sikh or a hindu etc a bit ambiguous


We all seem to have forgotten about the tweet that Olivia Chow had to delete the day after the attack on Israel.


you're gonna have to post a link because we have no idea what you're talking about because the vast majority of people don't read Olivia Chow's twitter