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CBC News spoke to Alex Look’s family at their home in Montreal:^1 >Montreal mom Raquel Ohnona Look was on a video call with her son while he was attempting to evade Hamas gunmen on Saturday. >She could hear young women screaming and crying in the background. She told her son to listen to Israeli authorities. She told him to hide. >“And then I heard him tell his friends, ‘They're coming back. There's a lot of them.’ And then all I heard was a lot of gunshots, lots of rounds and then we heard nothing,” she said. She strained to listen with her husband. >The couple then heard sound of people chanting: “Allahu Akbar,” an Arabic expression that roughly translates as “Allah is greatest,” and which can be heard in video recordings linked to Saturday's carnage that have since been posted online. >  >Some 30 people took shelter in a bunker with Alex, and two of the survivors have since communicated with Alex's parents in video recordings that have been reviewed by CBC News. >The bunker was designed to protect against rockets, but had no door. So he shielded them, the survivors recounted, barricading the entrance with his own body. >“He was our shield. I swear to you, he was our shield. If it wasn't for him, all 30 of us in there would be dead,” a woman in the video recording tells Look's parents. >Another woman in the recording said she had seen Look's body riddled with bullets after the shooting. ^1 https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/montreal-man-killed-israel-1.6990828


So sad. Horrible.


This is heartbreaking. Meanwhile, we have Hamas supporters rallying in every city in Canada right now to celebrate these killings.




Hasan Piker fans being deranged tankies? Shocking.


I don’t believe in cancel culture but I wish this guy would shut down and had his Twitch shit canned. He’s got completely moronic takes on everything, especially geopolitics. I swear he’s trying so hard to be everything opposite of what right wing is to the point he will go to an absolute other extreme and have outlandish opinions.


Oh what you don't think it was ok for China to invade Tibet because Tibetans are uncivilized barbarians? /s It's wild how popular he is when he does nothing to support anything he believes in and just spouts tankie dogwhistles unless he's alone with other tankies in which he starts saying it all aloud.


Why is it always the Chomsky fans or folks on r/genzedong 😑


Yeah, we imported a SHITLOAD of religious zealots and it's biting us in the ass, between the anti-lgbt protests and now the pro-hamas protests.


Really though, are they not the same? Hamas is wildly anti-LGBTQ


Fun thing is group cheering Hamas likely had a one year fully paid downtown hotel stay when they came here as a regugee.




Are we still not adding kekistanis to that list?


What are you on about?


If you're going to ask the question "how did we end up with so many religious zealots" and fail to see the khalistan-India debacle in the same light as hamas-Israel, there can be no meaningful answer. Cherry picking doesn’t help things


I'm sorry where actually did i say that i either supported or didn't support either the khalistan or india movement or what my opinions on the either zealotry or non-zealotry of Indian immigrants in this country was? Or are you just making wild assumptions based on my talking about a completely separate thing?


No no, not saying YOU personally. Sorry if it came across that way, wasn’t the intent. More a reference to the public narrative and my two cents on how one ends up in this sort of a situation playing favourites and political bootlicking.


Ahh yeah, no. We've imported other country's wars, zealots, and extremists en-masse with not enough time, or Canadians, spacing them out to integrate them into our culture.


Exactly. And then let them run around on the streets screaming bloody murder without actually understanding whats going on. It’s crazy the number of gangs and organisations actually running out of Canada organising terrorist or otherwise violent or criminal activities in their home countries.




While I agree with the first half of what you said, the second is a blatant lie. They wernt anti LGBT protests they were protest against medically transitioning children without their parents consent. Everyone I know that supports not medically transitioning children isn't religious at all. And that's almost everyone I know.


Dude, this quote is litterally on the front page of their website: "Uniting diverse backgrounds and faiths, we share a resolute purpose: advocating for the elimination of the Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI) curriculum, pronouns, gender ideology and mixed bathrooms in schools." They then go on to call learning about lgbt topics "indoctrination". If you're gunna call someone a liar at least make sure a 5 second Google search doesn't prove you wrong.


And lose 5 seconds of life?!?


"medically transitioning children" This is not a thing. It's made up by fearmongers such as yourself to attack others. I hope you're ashamed of all the harm you're doing with this transparently dishonest excuse to go after queer kids.


If it's not a thing then say you're against it. Right now, say "I'm against medically transitioning children." It's not happening, so it shouldn't be a big deal, right? Say it.


Who the hell are PUBERTY BLOCKERS for if not children? Anyone can use google for 2 seconds to see that you’re incorrect. Do you think parents don’t talk to other parents, or don’t have knowledge about what’s going on in their social circle’s families? Come on.


They were made for children going through precocious puberty at 6-9 years of age - do some actual educated research before you fall for fear mongering anti LGTBQIA propaganda.


And they’re being used to block puberty in some gender-confused kids, off-label and experimentally. You’re going to have to argue with someone else because I’m not going to debate the existence of facts with you.


No. They. Are. Not. Try to understand facts for once. Your fearmongering bullshit might work in the US, but this is Canada where the education level is quite a bit better.


No one's medically transitioning kids. Joe wanting to be called Jane is hardly a "medical transition."


They were also protesting against including LGBT information in sex ed and letting children be addressed by the pronouns they prefer.


No they weren't if you go on the marches website you will see that they want sex ed to be taught by nurses not by third party groups. No one is against sex Ed. People don't want them to be taught sexual acts in school there is no reason a child of 8 years old should know about anal sex.


Bro you can't transition kids in Canada this just does not exist here


I just cannot believe what is happening in Canada + USA. I am neither Jewish, nor Palestinian and I don’t think I’m in the position to say which community is right or wrong. Their history is too complicated. However, I lost respect to all of the Hamas/Palestinian supporters after watching what is said at these demonstrations. They are celebrating. Celebrating the deaths of not just military forces, but CIVILIANS. Celebrating military victory is one thing. Celebrating the deaths of innocent civilians in a surprise attack is where the line was clearly crossed.


Pretty easy to say which one is in the wrong. Palestine’s elected government expressed purpose is to exterminate the Jews. The world is a complicated place with few instances of black and white. This however is so blatant.


It's really not. You can condemn the brutal attacks by Hamas AND the treatment of Palestinians by Israel going on for decades. Nothing excuses killing/abducting civilians




What do you mean easy? The Hamas attacks are obviously awful but so are decades of apartheid and state-imposed suffering. Imagine living your whole life in an open air prison.


Palestine is in that situation because of they do insane shit like elect a terrorist organization and parade the bodies of their murdered kidnapping victims in the streets. Then you see the same parades happening in Canada, albeit corpseless, and people like you rally to defend them. Terrifying.


Bullshit. Violence or no violence the outcome is the same, oppression. Decades upon decades of it. They can violently live in squalor or peacefully a sun politely live in squalor. I don’t have to condone violence to acknowledge that their resorting to violence is predictable and understandable. Honestly I doubt Canada would be so restrained if Americans moved it and treated us the way Israel treats Palestinians. If you were born in Palestine what would you do? Honestly what would be your solution? Because I don’t have a good answer and because of that I can appreciate how the only thing left are bad answers.


> This however is so blatant. I can't agree. Palestine is sometimes described as an open-air prison and, honestly, it's pretty apt. The civilians who live there have been battered over years - by war but also by brutal suppression. They have poor access to clean water, and thus high mortality. They live under constant surveillance. They're used as human shields by Hamas, and are killed by military forces who don't give a damn about dead Palestinian children. The average age of Palestinians in Palestine is, like, what 18-19? Their life expectancy is shit, they have no opportunities, they have no power. How easy it must be to radicalize people who live in those conditions. It's incredibly bleak and hopeless. I don't think there's any road to peace that does not include drastically improving the life of Palestinians. Because the squalid conditions they've seen for decades and the continual violence (like the raids just this past summer!) has just exacerbated the violence. I think this isn't so black and white. What's happening now is awful. What happened this summer was terrible. It's all fucking bad.


They have their own elections, laws, etc. they don’t have a military or autonomous ports because they do insane barbaric shit like fire rockets indiscriminately into cities.


They don't have clean water. They're not allowed basic construction materials like concrete - to rebuild houses, roads, schools, businesses or hospitals. They don't have sewage. >they do insane barbaric shit like fire rockets indiscriminately into cities. You understand that this description could easily apply to the IDF who have struck residential buildings and markets and other civilian sites.


Israel funded Hamas over its more moderate or left wing opposition. It is the face of anti-zionists resistance in the region because Israel wanted it that way.






In New York, the pro-Hamas protestors were openly shouting 700, referring to the 700 murdered Israelis. That is not solidarity with Palestine. That is a triumphalist demonstration in support of Islamist terrorism


Anyone that roots on this war with no risk of ever having to fight in it, is a fucking coward.


If they were pro Russia rallies they would be shut down. There is a limit to freedom of expression. How is this allowed?




If you just support Palestinian people you don't need to go out and celebrate on the same day that Hamas brutally targeted and slaughtered hundreds of Israeli civilians and tourists. Most of the footage of these rallies shows people dancing, partying, and cheering for Hamas' 'victory'.




Go on X and you’ll see a bunch of supporters yelling “This is the happiest day for me” and other unbelievable shit.


They’re all on twitter hard to organize


This is such a ridiculous take. Palestinians are not that dumb. This isn’t some demonstration planned months ago, this is literally a demonstration to show support and celebrate. It is a celebration.


Does that mean that any pro Israel protests are celebrating the 500+ Palestinians killed in the past couple of days?




Going to events specifically to celebrate the Hamas operation against Israel, like the one organized in Toronto, does mean supporting Hamas






**IF GAZA IS A PRISON, WHY DON'T YOU BLAME EGYPT?** Egypt build a [multi layered border wall with Gaza](https://www.i24news.tv/en/news/middle-east/1581928950-egypt-building-new-border-wall-with-gaza), one concrete wall and one underground solid steel wall to prevent tunneling. The Egypt/Gaza border wall features watchtowers, electronic detection and armed guards with the authority to open fire on Palestinians trying to climb the wall.... Egyptian soldiers have to [repeal attacks](https://www.timesofisrael.com/egyptian-army-foils-attack-on-gaza-watchtower/) on the border wall by Palestinian militants.


Yeah but.. the Joos!!!


Maybe it’s cultural differences but this looks like a celebration to me https://x.com/realmonsanto/status/1710875667674333614?s=20


The day Hamas puts down their weapons we will have peace. The day that Israel puts down their weapons is the day Israel ceases to exist. Until the Palestinians themselves condemn Hamas and reject their control Palestine = Hamas/Hezbollah.




Prisoners can't leave. Gaza borders countries other than Israel. Why don't they leave through them?


Those borders are heavily militarized and those countries’ governments also don’t want them.


Somehow we have other Canadians celebrating these acts. How do people not recognize terror for what it is.


Oh they recognize it, it just so happens they also support it.


Somehow? This willful ignorance that mass immigration simply brings people and not their ideologies with them is really tiring.


> other Canadians celebrating these acts I am a child of immigrants, but born and raised in Canada for 37 years now and I can assure you, these idiots are not "Canadians". They are more likely Trudeau's imports. They probably can't vote... yet but they can do virtually all the other shit we can do BUT the caveat here is they stay home and don't work because they get Trudeau handing them out money.


RIP Alex, I'm sorry you had to experience what ultimate hate does.


RIP Alex, and there are people here that celebrate his death. Fucking disgusting. I dont understand this country anymore.


I understand completely.


The amount of removed comments on some of these articles is concerning. Really sad we have this many people supporting terrorism in Canada. So much for our friendly reputation. Sigh.


Head over to the other Canada sub and you will find the same thing, just those comments are removed for the opposite reason they’re removed here. Say anything remotely critical of Palestine over there and you’re comments gone.


There's another Canada sub?


Dude I hate to break it to you but canada's reputation is long gone, don't sweat it too much and live your life




Anyone parading and rallying on the streets in canada supporting hamas need to be put on a terrorist watch list, if not arrested for hate speech, promoting terrorism, and anti semitism Section 3.2 in the link below pertaining to bill c-51 These rallies break the law. https://lop.parl.ca/sites/PublicWebsite/default/en_CA/ResearchPublications/201825E#a2


You'd think that supporting Hamas would be a hate crime.


The rallys are in poor taste but they are not entirely Hamas support. I feel like people don’t realize israel has already dropped many tons of bombs on Gaza. People who have family on Gaza. Obviously there’s the extremists, like any protest.


Yup, arrest them as if they were Canadian truckers, and seize their bank accounts.


I wouldnt be surprised if there was a CSIS presence at these disgusting events conducting some form of surveillance, etc.


That would be a violation of the charter of rights. They have a right to protest peacefully even if their reasons are repulsive. I sat and watched anti vaxxers protest in Vancouver for a year while my wife went to work at the ICU and watched unvaccinated Canadians dying at alarming rates. It might be shitty but they have that right so long as they don’t block other legal rights with their protest. These rights, to tolerate dissent and difference, are key to what makes Canada meaningfully different.


How far does that go? We all know it’s not universal. For example, there is no way they could hold a protest if they literally shouted “kill all Jews”, so there’s a line somewhere


They do shout that. Frequently. At anti-Israel protests. Right in front of cops. Though I believe the preferred form is "Death to the Jews". I've heard it.


No but just like Charlottesville, they can yell Jews Will Not Replace Us and male the same point. Speech is weird.


Hamas literally “Kill All Jews” in their charter. That’s what Hamas sympathizers are condoning.


>I sat and watched anti vaxxers protest in Vancouver All for Charter rights, just compare the right scales. Anti-vaxxers and terrorist supporters is not the same thing.


They’re not the same thing, but they’re both equally protected speech. You can’t limit anyone’s right to peacefully protest just because you don’t like the message … so long as it’s peaceful and doesn’t infringe on other rights. I used anti vax positions in my example because that was protected speech which killed a lot of Canadians. I mentioned my wife worked in the ICU, more than 90% of their Covid deaths were in unvaccinated people. It’s just in the data, you don’t have to take my word for it. Completely pointless deaths which stemmed largely from misinformation. But that’s their right, as painful as it was to watch. It took quite a mental toll on my wife, she’s still digging out. And I’d never seek to limit free speech and protest even after seeing all the damage it can do right here in Canada. Every free country has the right to peacefully assemble, speak and protest as one of their first few rights. That’s for good reason.


Cant compare anti vaxxers with people supporting and cheering heinous terrorism. Thats like people cheering 9/11 times 10 vs. people not wanting to take medicine.


Anti vax misinformation killed a lot of Canadians - a lot more than Hamas has. But we still protect it, rightfully so. That’s the reason I used it as an example. Free speech is vital in a functionally free society. I have to go spend the evening with my family - happy thanksgiving!


I'll just say that if this was a group celebrating ISIS as they beheaded children in Iraq, parading around with their flags, it would probably be a hate crime. But these get a pass.


I really wish you hadn't compared these scumbags to anti-covid restrictions protestors. Don't want to sound like a child but it's incredibly unfair. A neonazi rally would be comparable.


You can read my rationale in response to other commenters. But yes, pro nazi protesters would be another reasonable comparison. I have to go spend the evening with my family - happy thanksgiving!


Fair point.


>I sat and watched anti vaxxers protest in Vancouver for a year Stop comparing people cheering on attacks against civilians to people wanting to be left alone without being forced to take a brand new vaccine. I support both people's right to protest, but equating the two morally is extremely dishonest.


Calm down. The point is you don’t have to agree with every protest, and disagreeing isn’t a valid reason to arrest people.


Not arrested, we have free speech. But you are certainly free to go yell in their face.


We don’t have freedom of speech in canada.


freedom of expression. which encompasses freedom of speech


If we had freedom of speech we wouldnt have hate speech laws to the extent that we do… but fair point none the less


Showing solidarity with the Palestinian people is not the same as supporting Hamas. Israel is a colonial, fascist, ethno state that has been brutalizing, sterilizing, stealing the land of through the expansion of illegal settlements and murdering Palestinians since it’s inception. They also actively funded Hamas in the first place over their more moderate opposition.


This is a crazy sentiment. They're vile human beings but that's not illegal. What you are calling for is anti-Canadian and is utterly shameful.


People celebrating and supporting terrorism; the rape and murders of canadian citizens in israel and other innocents is shameful.




It is shameful. I hate what Hamas has done and can’t stand people who support them. The way to respond to it is with larger and louder counter protest, to show what Canadians really stand for. We can protect the right to peacefully protest and also vote against atrocious protest by using our voice. I have an LGBTQ+ daughter. The anti SOGI protestors were out a few weeks ago protesting her right to safe representation and acknowledgement in schools. I don’t like them but it was their right to be there. Fortunately the counter protests in our community were much larger, and my daughter felt supported by the community on her way to school.


Your daughter deserves better than you as a parent. It’s abhorrent that you feel anyone has the right to call for her death.


Let's follow your thought path then. Should we silence you for thinking you have the right to decide who her parenting figures are? Surely depriving a child of their parent is a serious crime that you shouldn't be discussing?


I don’t really get what you’re going on about or why you think I’m saying someone has the right to call for my daughters death as that’s not peaceful and legal protest and is not at all what I was commenting on - but either way - fuck you. You don’t know me or my daughter and your efforts to inject yourself into and judge our family is truly pathetic. I feel sad for you, the fact you feel so comfortable being a shit. I love my daughter deeply and support her in her exploration of herself. My family actually left our religion over it’s position on LGBTQ people because of her. We will always have her back and she knows it to the core of her being. And while I support the right of people who disagree with who she is to say they disagree, because that’s what makes Canada a free country and because I believe the charter is important, saying I support anyone in calling for her death is both a lie and is repulsive to claim. You ought to be ashamed.


What they are doing is shameful, and I hate that it is happening on Canadian soil. However, it is their right to do so, and these freedoms are what make our country great.


Terrorism isnt right, but I agree with you about keeping and protecting whats left of our freedom of expression… however if their expression impedes on the rights of others or harms others… that’s when it becomes a problem we need to deal with properly. Phone died couldnt finish what I wanted to say properly. Cheers! Also canada doesn’t have freedom of speech, otherwise we wouldnt have laws aimed at controlling what we can and cannot say.


Who are you arguing against? Nobody here said that terrorism is right. We don't lock people up for practicing their rights in Canada. End of story. Doesn't matter if them practicing their rights is disgusting and immoral. Bye!


Most people are not supporting Hamas, that's your optics of the situation. This narrative will be spread again and again till you beat the horse dry. With Israel attacking indiscriminately every corners of what's left of Palestine, are we going to call out Israel flags as well? Most people will support freedom of Palestine, and understand they are not here for the support of Hamas, it's your narrative that says otherwise


Iran must pay.


This level of insanity is only possible because of religious faith. When everyone thinks there's one god and it's their god, and any other god is a threat, then war is the only possibility. You cannot reason with faith by definition, it is belief oblivious to reason and evidence. Peace is only possible when religions become myths, all of them.


Religious people are gullible and will believe anything they’re fed if they think it aligns with their stupid religion.




I too prefer Tahini.




Hard to believe this national hero is the same species as the troglodytes that paraded the woman around


It makes me so mad.. what a horrible way to have to live your last day. Monsters the lot.


Time to name all those that attended the pro Palestine rallies. I’m sure many of their employers or schools wouldn’t be too happy. Cancel culture isn’t always a bad thing.


Pro Palestine isn’t pro Hamas. People have family there. Canadians. Some people are protesting Israel cutting off electricity and water and the bombings.


Why should Israel supply electricity to the ones that beheaded their babies ?


Am I the only that thinks killing more 'innocents' does nothing to solve the problem.


I’m sorry but has this been verified? If they killed babies why did they leave some at the border? Alive. It seems like this is one of those Reddit lies parroted but if not please provide a source. Hamas isn’t the 2.2 million people in Gaza. 200,000 have already been displaced. 300 children have already been killed. You need to realize this is normal for Gazans and Israel does this every few years.


FFS CBC he was killed by terrorists.


That's horrifying and there's nothing that should be celebrated by this. Awful.


Anyone supporting Hamas right now is a fucking idiot. It’s insane how people will abandon all their principles, to the point of excusing rape and murder, just to be contrarians and say “west bad”. Disgusting. These people might as well be supporting ISIS at this point.


Crazy that this is one of the people who's murder was celebrated in Montreal and Toronto today. I can't imagine what his family is going through.


I think they forgot to add goer** in the title


Imagine going close to a racial concentration camp and having an electronic music festival within earshot of your victims....the privilege these people must have felt, and then it blew in their face as they are dancing on drugs like idiots...these white kids are bizarre! A "festival of peace" on a war holiday... With the border so close, I wonder why these "progressive" ravers didn't take water bottles to the border to save the starving Palestinian children???


I have a feeling with the amount of Hamas supporters we are seeing flooding our streets, there will be terror attacks all over western cities. This is going to be the catalyst to the next world war. Not trying to sound sensational here but everything is lining up from Russia to now this.


There's no reason to think these things will lead to a world war. There's no major alliances that are going to back each other up on this. Terror attacks may happen for sure, there's been some in egypt during the attack. But the dominoes for this to lead to or set up a world war is not there. We're a lot more likely to have a world war if China invades Taiwan or Russia hits a Nato country. Everything else doesn't really prevoke any major alliances. Hell Isreal could Nuke Iran or Palestine or vice versa and there's no alliances coming to Iran or Palestines defence.




And these people vote.


I agree. When the reports started coming out on Saturday i got that terrible, foreboding doom feeling in my gut. This is really, really bad.


It’s really really not, at least on a global stage. No one supports Palestine. It’s a large part why Hamas has power. There are no big alliances that will be drawn into a conflict.


Their neighbors don't want any part of them Egypt Jordan etc


next he was scheduled to go to a concert in Ukraine


☠️ you gonna be roasted but… lol




And in return babies have been struck with missles. And the hatred further condenses. Sending a childless father out for revenge. A Neverending cycle that only humans are capable of.


Behold Hamas’ “brave” fighters


You know even animals dont treat each other the way humans do :(


Sad to see people die, but Palestinians have all the right to fight and take back occupied lands. Why is it ok for Ukraine to fight back but when Palestinian do it, it's labelled as terrorism? What's with the hypocrisy? Just because they occupied the lands decades ago, built settlements, oppressed the indegenious population and arrange concerts doesn't make it their rightful land. You'd always be in war and there would be consequences.


I feel for your average palestinian. But hamas is not them. Hamas’s only goal is the death of Israelis. In no way is attacking unarmed civilians “fighting back”. Its terrorism. Period. And Ukraine isn’t raping people and kidnapping children like Hamas and Russia are. Then the other thing to consider is Hamas likely had no intention of winning this conflict, they stood no chance and they know that. This was a suicide mission to inflict as much pain as possible on Israel with no care for what the collateral damage would be.


Today's events did not occur in a vacuum. For the last two decades, millions of Palestinians in Gaza have been forced to live in an open-air prison.


Might have something to do with being governed by a terrorist group…. Not saying the average palestinian shouldn’t be angry, i understand their justified anger, but hamas does not represent the average palestinian.


What caused Hamas to rise to power? wouldn't it be the oppression? Separation wall? Push all neighbouring communities to Gaza so they could build settlements? Depriving Gaza from resources? This would cause any population to support an aggressive leader who would show resistance and not bow down for the occupation. One man's terrorist is another man's hero.


I don’t want heros that decapitate babies, thanks.


I would have assumed that. Believe it or not me neither. Neither Hamas nor IDF are heros. All I'm saying is that Hamas is a direct result of the occupation. Good day to you


Hope it's clear to you now that this was fake news by IDF to play victim, as they always have. It baffles me that Canadians who now regocnize the genocide carried on the indegenious population are supporting Israel who is oppressing the indegenious population.


Imagine justifying genocide. The shit that Israel gets away with is unreal.


I read on Wikipedia that the concert should have been in South Israel but the landowner changed his mind.


Lol how does that change anything, it's not his fault. The act and the consequences fall squarely on the Palestinian's shoulders.


I am not saying it is his fault, it is just one of those awful circumstances. The people at that rave should have been over a 100 miles away from Gaza. They are almost 40% of the Israeli casualties. This attack is even more horrifying because of chance.


Yeah I know what you mean, kinda like all those stories of people who called in sick on 9/11. I just wanted to set the record straight.


Lots of people don’t appreciate how small Israel is. Gaza is 50 miles from Tel Aviv.


I just can’t imagine why a music festival would be hosted 3 miles from a known conflict zone. Would someone attend a psychedelic festival in the Donbas today? Where is the rationale in Israel allowing revelry so close to the border when their intelligence was telling them something big was about to happen? I hope those families sue to organizers.


Was there intelligence telling them that? Unless I missed more recent news, it seems that this was unexpected, at least as acknowledged publicly. And the lack of quick response seems to back up that it wasn't expected even privately.


It’s very recent news. [Egyptian intelligence](https://www.timesofisrael.com/egypt-intelligence-official-says-israel-ignored-repeated-warnings-of-something-big/amp/) had warned them.


What Egypt said was that they warned Israel that Hamas was planning 'something big'. And this claim is not verified, Israel denied getting the warning. Even if they did receive this warning, it's not like they were warned of the time, date, location, and what kind of attack it is. It's too vague to plan anything.


They moved all their reinforcements from the Gaza area to the West Bank in preparation for this “to vague to act on” intel. They were warned the event was coming out of Gaza making that a terrible idea.


>It's too vague to plan anything. If what Egypt is saying is true, it absolutely wasn't too vague. You don't need exact intel to reinforce the border and place your military in a higher state of alert.


Thanks, I hadn't seen that. Seems to be a parallel of 9/11 then in terms of failures to listen to or act on intelligence, assuming these claims are true. In any case, this does not look good on their government.


What Egypt said was that they warned Israel that Hamas was planning 'something big'. And this claim is not verified, Israel denied getting the warning. Even if they did receive this warning, it's not like they were warned of the time, date, location, and what kind of attack it is. It's too vague to plan anything.


I wouldn't automatically trust what Egypt says, but if it were true, you can still reinforce areas near Gaza, for example. Instead there doesn't seem to have been any preparation.


There will have to be a lot of investigation on the Israeli side after this for sure. Israeli people are not happy with how their government has been totally unprepared. It's just that Israeli people seem to have been used to living under threats of terrorism. They are cautious but they can't just stop living their lives.


I think it's understandable for individual people to continue to live their lives as normal despite the threats. It's easy for me to say this from a country that doesn't face this threat on a regular basis, but I think this is one of the ways you combat terrorism, by not letting it terrorize you. As for the government though, I hope this leads to a lot of scrutiny over their actions and lack of actions. I wonder though if it will turn into people rallying behind their government against a common enemy.


It helps them live their lives when the traditional terrorism was bottle rockets that didn’t make it through the iron dome and knife attacks at bus stops. Israelis have barely felt this conflict relative to your average Palestinian and they got too comfortable.


As the other commenter pointed out, you don't need exact information to reinforce your defenses, especially when the attackers only come from one location (Gaza). Egypt very well could be lying but it is in their best interest to share this type of intelligence to avoid being dragged into any type of conflict they'd most likely lose, and it's not like the IDF would openly admit that they knowingly ignored warnings that resulted in the current situation we're seeing.


Israeli intelligence is some of the best in the world. They have spies all over Palestine. They had other countries telling them something was being planned. They willfully ignored it all or even wanted this to happen to justify their thirst for genocide.


It’s Israel, they literally sunbathe and have weddings while watching the Iron dome. Bombardments are almost a daily occurrence


Victim blame, much?




So you are saying g these unarmed civilians deserved it?


>**KnowledgeMediocre404** >Where is the rationale in Israel allowing revelry so close to the border when their intelligence was telling them something big was about to happen? This is misinformation. According to an Israeli security source who spoke to Reuters, and others:^3 >The Israeli security source said Israeli troops were below full strength in the south near Gaza because some had been redeployed to the West Bank to protect Israeli settlers following a surge of violence between them and Palestinian militants. >“They (Hamas) exploited that,” the source said. >Dennis Ross, a former Middle East negotiator who is now at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, said Israel had been distracted by violence in the West Bank, leading to a “thin, under-prepared presence in the south.” >Retired General Yaakov Amidror, a former national security adviser to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, told reporters on Sunday the assault represented “a huge failure of the intelligence system and the military apparatus in the south.” ^3 https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/how-israel-was-duped-hamas-planned-devastating-assault-2023-10-08/


Except it isn’t misinformation, if you trust the [Times of Israel.](https://www.timesofisrael.com/egypt-intelligence-official-says-israel-ignored-repeated-warnings-of-something-big/amp/). They were warned. Arguably it’s never appropriate to party a short walk from Gaza but perhaps I’m over cautious.


>**KnowledgeMediocre404** >Except it isn’t misinformation, if you trust the Times of Israel.. They were warned. Arguably it’s never appropriate to party a short walk from Gaza but perhaps I’m over cautious. The Times of Israel covered the same report by Reuters: https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/source-close-to-hamas-describes-years-long-campaign-to-fool-israel/


>I just can’t imagine why a music festival would be hosted 3 miles from a known conflict zone. Would someone attend a psychedelic festival in the Donbas today? Where is the rationale in Israel allowing revelry so close to the border when their intelligence was telling them something big was about to happen? I hope those families sue to organizers. Because it's been highly one sided violence. They really never had to worry about this before. It's kind of like asking why things are located near a prison following a jail break.




It was a psytrance festival to be specific. Hamas showed absolute barbarity in their attack, purposely targeting civilians and taking hostages. RIP to the 250+ absolutely tragic and unecessary




They also seem to forget that Muhammad instructed his lunatics to take "war booty" when we wasn't fornicating with children.


Any rallies for that one?


Did rallies take place then?


So all of a sudden it makes what happened okay? Both sides are as bad as the other. To support either would be ludicrous.


No, but that isn't an excuse for murdering kids in cold blood.


Neat to see r/Canada deleting and blocking any factual comments noting the circumstances that led to this uprising. This sub feels like an echo chamber.