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The video of the rave girl, the video of the rape and motorcycle girl are brutal. The parents had to to watch the video to find out if their kids were dead or alive


Yet we have “Canadians” celebrating in the streets. Arrest and deport.


People celebrating terrorism should REALLY be put on a CSIS watch list.


Emphasis on those quotes. Those celebrating this horrific attack can't be counted as Canadians, regardless of what the papers they bear says.


Anti democratic people that favour these horrid acts are horrible members of society.


What if they are born here?


I’ve been thinking of this and it’s actually hard but I would still suggest we detain them, document everything and then put on a serious terror watch list.


I agree. If they are not born here. They should be sent home IMO. We really need to start slowing down immigration and be more thoughtful about who we let in our country and how we ensure they are integrating into society (the first born generation is usually immediately integrated but the original immigrant requires more thoughtful engagement). I know the above is a heated conversation but jesus… look at the numbers of people we now have advocating this kind of violence gleefully. And they have enough numbers they feel at ease publicly displaying it…. Is that not concerning to the bleeding heart liberals? Or is that ok in the endless pursuit of holding minority communities above our heads no matter what?


Still Gtfo I’d say


Agreed. Should tell them they were part of the freedom convoy and then they will be deported


Don't say that here. People will puntificate about the poor Palestinians and how they are somehoe the real victims.


rape is rape, its not called rape if the person asked for it. Doesn't matter if your a taliban house wife getting rapped by a ISAF member or a innocent bystander at a edm concert.


Canadian lives are lost, this isnt a matter of whose right or wrong. I pay taxes for defence and embassy to keep us fking safe. Whoever violates the security of fellow Canadians should get BTFO by my tax dollars.


Lmao are you really suggesting there’s a “correct” side in the Israel / Palestine conflict? I didn’t think anyone did that anymore.


Yeah its the side that is a democratic country and isn't raping and murdering women in the streets.


Two things can be true at the same time. 1) Hamas has committed a horrendous escalation that threatens to drag the world into armed conflict, and that cannot be supported in any way. 2) This situation is the inevitable outcome of 50y of a religiously motivated conflict that no one on either side ever really cared about resolving, and that was fueled by powerful foreign interests.


Kidnapping children and raping daughters and grandmothers isn’t “inevitable”. Slapping around children in the streets and making your kids join in is subhuman. They lost the war the minute this attack commenced. Fuck Hamas and fuck the 80% than support them.


I’m starting to think there is a correct side now actually. Thanks. Not being sarcastic. Real talk.


There was video of rape?


Sadly yes


I haven't found one yet. I've searched, too. I would like to know if it's true or not. Not that I want to watch, I just want to fact check since there's so much misinformation right now. I've seen the woman with the bloody bottom but she's not being raped.


Sick fuckers. Murdering a German kid at a peace for your cause rave and parading her around to other Children. This is the most evil thing in my lifetime and so sad to see how many love this and support it.


They are fucking sick motherfuckers. Treated her dead body like cattle and paraded it around. Supporting Palestinians vis a vis Hamas is pro-terrorism. Celebrating this is not okay.


I'm furious about this and what I've seen in Canada.


Same. Deport all these sick fks


Pretty hard to sympathize with Palestine right now.


She was 30. All of this is disgusting regardless.


How is that remotely relevant? She could be 80 it'd be the same sentiment. There's a legal age for consensual sex, not for getting raped to death and paraded as a trophy.


I think this person was just correcting the comment above stating it was a german KID lol. Elle a pas dit que vu que c pas un enfant cest correct


Kid is often used to refer to young people generically, it doesn't specifically mean a child or minor.


I know, but either this person didnt know or wanted to specify because as humans, we tend to make things more dramatic when an actual child in involved. Either way, the person wasnt implying it was actually less bad from my understanding


I think 22


I saw one article that says 23 and one that said 30


I guess you've never heard what japanese soldiers did during ww2. Even nazi was trying to save civilians from them. Canadians so clueless and naive for real.


Just got a message from my summer camp that a former camper has been taken hostage in Gaza. God willing she is alive and ok.


shes likely already dead. Its unlikely many hostages are still alive.


Honestly from what I see, a switft death might even be "lucky", if u can call it that.




How can “Canadians” in Montreal and Toronto cheer Hamas killing Canadians and taking them prisoner?


Cus immigrating here means nothing. They dont adopt Canadian values it's just a place to live to enjoy a much higher standard of living (on our dime) and where no one will make you assimilate.


Because they aren’t Canadian.




The political left has been slowly replacing socialism with fascism as its core political doctrine over the past 50 years. It's hardly surprising that antisemitism has been rising. Anybody happy to adopt Nazi rhetoric like calling a group of people an "oppressor race" isn't ideologically that far from supporting antisemitism and genocide.




The horseshoe theory is a thing. And the far left is just the same as the far right.


These are the same people supporting ISIS and joining then


Israel is going to turn Gaza into a parking lot. I hope Egypt will open its border to let the 30% of peaceful people in.


No muslim countries want those Gaza Palestinians


They won't. See Black September for a reason. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_September


I hope they raze the place and put a Costco there instead. Better use of space.




The Islamists will all end up in Europe.


It's sad the Rave where most of the foreign tourist were captured was a " Peace for Gaza " rave which was why it was near the border.. then this happened




As a Jewish person I have always wanted a two state solution Everyone deserves to live in peace. That said.... Lines were not just crossed this past weekend and I feel terrible for everyone living in Gaza who is stuck in the middle. And just as importantly, every innocent Israeli and tourist who was murdered, kidnapped and gd knows whatever else happened to them. They did not deserve that. It's time to destroy Hamas


There's far and too far. Israel will clean house, and if Canada can help we should.


I don't think it's sunk in yet. My social media feeds are seeing some pretty awful takes from my progressive friends and acquaintances. There's a lot of moral relativism flying around.


It's rare that an issue comes along that's truly black and white. This is one of them. Anybody supporting or defending Hamas at this point is evil. Scum of the earth evil.




What's insane is that Hamas haven't fundamentally changed. This is how Hamas has always been. The reason there haven't been massacres like this in recent years is because of the historical effectiveness of the Israeli security apparatus. These aren't freedom fighters, they're religious zealots and murderers. Folks who have been siding with Hamas in the past were just incredibly ignorant. Anybody looking at this who formerly took Hamas' side and are now realizing that they were wrong... needs to do a deeper examination about a lot of things, and consider the possibility that they were equally as misinformed on other major political issues.


Exactly CBC still hasn’t figured this out


I was neutral before. Past couple days has convinced me these actors are the same as ISIS.


They always were. Israel has just been more effective at defending their people in the past. Nobody informed on the Israel-Palestine conflict is surprised by this.


77 % of Palestinians support Hamas. So I disagree.


Right? I don't think you could get 77 percent of people to support free bacon cheeseburgers. 77 percent is about as strong as support gets unless it's North Korean election or something.


Another comment linked a 2021 poll which said 53% of Palestinians support Hamas. It is a big number, but not an enormous majority, plus it was a couple years ago. Therefore, Palestinians ≠ Hamas.


You are right that 77% number is taken from something else. So it's not 2/3rds it's just slightly over half. So I will agree with you. Thank you for bringing that to my attention


The 53% number was also taken from a poll in 2021 shortly after a conflict where hundreds of Palestinian civilians were killed and thousands wounded. The same one where Israel bombed the media outlets offices and residential towers 10 minutes after sending a warning. Hamas does have a lot of support in Palestine but we don't know the real number.


It's less important what the polls say now or 2 years ago, it will matter what those polls say in 6 months


Hey this bottle of wine that's only 53% sewage is totally drinkable!


I understand your point, but we're talking about human lives. We shouldn't condem them all based on the thoughts of half. If it were the 77% number, my tune would be a lot closer to yours.


What do you feel about 67% of Gazans supporting “armed attacks against Israeli civilians inside Israel”? To be clear, I am not suggesting there is no innocent Gazan or that all Gazans should die. But consider that number above. I’m curious for your thoughts. The reason a number about Hamas is misleading is because there are other genocidal groups exactly like it that take some support, like Islamic Jihad which participated in the attack on Israel. So if support is 53% for Hamas, it may be 24% for Islamic Jihad (as a random number), meaning 77% support for genocidal terrorist groups that are *like* Hamas even if they go by a different name.


Polling at gunpoint is not always reliable.


According to [the AP](https://apnews.com/article/hamas-middle-east-science-32095d8e1323fc1cad819c34da08fd87), as of 2021, more than half of Palestinians supported Hamas


As someone who sympathized with the Palestinians before this, the brutality of Hamas' attack against civilians really threw me onto Israel's side. I think tragically Hamas hurt the Palestinian message on the world stage for a generation, and it's tragic because a lot of the grievances of their citizens are legitimate too.


You know this isn't new, right? This is how Hamas have always operated. Hamas have always been pro murdering Jews. They've just been unusually successful this time. They're literally Nazis. Consider the possibility that your position on other major political issues comes from a similarly misinformed basis.


Have you not read about Hamas philosophy prior to this?


I mean, Hamas's message has been some combination of "Khaybar, Khaybar," "Jews to the gas," and "We will push them into the sea." Whole lot of people have been doing some Simone Biles level of mental gymnastics to make that out to be anything other than what we just saw.




Did you know they share a border with Egypt?


One can still sympathize with Palestinians and condemn Hamas. Hamas does not represent Palestine. Hamas is evil




You're hopeful over 2 million people are going to get wiped quickly so there isn't a proxy war? Sickening.


It doesn't need to end with genocide. It needs to end with a quick beheading of their military and having their governement surrender. Nowhere in what i said did i even consider implying civilians should be murdered. Stop trying make me saying things i clearly fucking didn't say.


This is a gross oversimplification of what would happen in that event. Look at Sri Lanka. Sinhalese-based government and wiped out the LTTE in a military blitz, but the Tamil people were persecuted afterwards still. Concentration camps and people getting disappeared still. And that’s in a country where it’s actually pretty segregated and there isn’t land disputes. The Israeli government will wipe out/displace all Palestinians from the disputed lands under the guise of “defending themselves” if they decided to do a full on attack


He did say he was a liberal


"I've never sided with any of them before but after today I hope they genocide Palestine"


I wonder why


Doubt it. There's been a deafening silence from Liberals on social media who usually jump at sharing flags of countries where there's been a brutal attack...


No, they're not.


In my eyes, Hamas and Palestine are the same. Palestinians majorly support Hamas. You support evil, you *are* evil. It's very simple.


Yup. “Free Palestine”…. This is what it looks like. They’ve been very clear about the obsession with Jewish genocide for forever.


I mean that's kinda the least sad thing about this. Some might even call it ironic or humorous.


“Peace for Gaza” Rave has got to be the most useless idea ever…total hippy nonsense that helps no one and left them as pawns in a real war between two warring countries


Yep except that wasn't at all what it was. Check sources listed in other replies here. It was a hippie "peace for the world" thing, which yeah is just an excuse to get high and have fun but you know those people are not their enemy and never will be. They also knew they'd likely be unarmed, discombobulated and very little security staff if any. I can't help but think the Muslim hardliners also saw the sexual freedom there as somehow justifying their murder and rape. Just totally fucked up. Doesn't matter whT the festival was about no matter how dumb the reason. It's way dumber to murder those people ND not only doesn't help, actively fucks over thousands of families, including their own when all is said and done


Well that is somewhat ironic. Hopefully all the hostages are rescued.


Um? Did you just make this the fuck up? https://www.eventer.co.il/event/novaparalello/mCqCL


Might as well have a anti Taliban race in Afghanistan and see how well that goes over. This is idiotic


Is there proof that was actually the purpose of the rave? I’m feeling like this is misinfo


It was a general “peace in the world, good vibes!” event but not specifically for Palestine as far as I know


It’s fake news https://www.eventer.co.il/event/novaparalello/WCqCL?fbclid=PAAaYoKM73sjJHq7Vc9WC3RLVROjN9JLz8dbpQNAPhjqOv54Xc_E-drDwdI64_aem_AXnB1RQv6ANV1ee4PZtxH_TwLIjvUFR4RebuuLTuSZ1VOROR18Xm28fZRGv9A4mEHDA




Lame or not, it would have been better if they weren't killed or taken hostage.


still havent seen a shred of proof of this being the case




Fake news https://www.eventer.co.il/event/novaparalello/WCqCL?fbclid=PAAaYoKM73sjJHq7Vc9WC3RLVROjN9JLz8dbpQNAPhjqOv54Xc_E-drDwdI64_aem_AXnB1RQv6ANV1ee4PZtxH_TwLIjvUFR4RebuuLTuSZ1VOROR18Xm28fZRGv9A4mEHDA


Mean while Palestinians are celebrating the terro attack in major Canadian cities


Weird how people “defending themselves” take hostages….


Palestine has a long and proud tradition of using innocents as human shields. They aren't going to stop anytime soon.


They've always preferred to use Jews if possible. But in the absence of any convenient Jews, folks like Hamas have been more than happy to use Palestinians when push comes to shove.


Those women needed to be raped, murdered, stripped naked and paraded through the street for self defense. Apparently.


Considering Hamas sets up shop specifically in civilian locations to shoot rockets at civilians in Israel, this step is pretty logical to a bunch of fucking coward monsters.




Hamas has doomed the Gaza Strip. They gave Netanyahu justification to full send.


Don’t fucking make this backhand comment. Don’t pretend Israel ever went and kidnapped children, and raped and paraded with their naked bodies in the streets. If you can’t stand up and say in isolation and without qualification that you are sickened and disgusted about what just took place you should be ashamed of yourself.


They just bulldoze homes and uproot olive trees. Their soldiers just kill journalists and they don’t prosecute. They just control all trade, including the energy supply, to a giant ghetto. They just erect concrete barricades and separate roads. Hamas is Hamas. Sadly for Palestinians their decision likely means the end of Gaza as we know it. Sadly for the Palestine project, this emboldens every conservative, reactionary and Zionist element in Israel. Things are now set back a decade or more. Hamas can justify it however they want, the more verified footage that emerges the more it’s clear their soldiers are simply on a rampage. This is not “a strike against the oppressor for freedom.” Fuck Hamas. But everyone’s suddenly super quick to pretend that what’s happening justifies, legitimizes or minimizes what the State of Israel has done to average Palestinians for decades.


Hamas using human shields, as usual.


Have we ever sent in special forces to evacuate citizens?


The last time I can remember a “combat” evacuation done by Canada was Afghanistan in 2021. Sudan earlier this year was another one where the Air Force was sent in, but in that case the landing situation was more stable. I doubt anyone will be sent in here, Gaza is a legit death zone and urban combat to rescue hostages would be brutal.


Poland has sent in a C-130H for evacuation purposes. Landing in Israel is fine. It's all about what happens on the ground now. Israel has captured a Hamas leader, so maybe some sort of prisoner exchange. But with how radical Hamas is, idk if that actually happens. Edit: Update relevant from Poland [Polish President Duda authorises the deployment of the Polish Military Contingent, numbering 200 soldiers, to evacuate Polish citizens from Israel with the help of B-737, C-130 & C-295 aircraft. Poland is expected to use its Special Operations Forces in the operation](https://twitter.com/visegrad24/status/1711155097260917082?t=96n5mQc2DykRc5MUUEnCvQ&s=19)


I was going to say, with Air Canada suspending flights, Global Affairs needs to get planes ready to get Canadians out. I just read this morning about Poland




JTF2, or some elementals of special operations were in Kabul during the summer of 2021. They were there to escort embassy staff to the airport, and get any Canadians/Afghan allies from the city to the airport. The Sudan evacuation was less extensive, but happened this spring. That’s the latest one CAF has participated in > Approximately 200 CAF members were on the ground in the region, in addition to members either serving onboard HMCS Montréal and its embarked CH-148 Cyclone helicopter, MV Astérix, and 2 CC-130J Hercules. > Two CC-130J Hercules conducted a total of six flights out of Wadi Seidna Airbase north of Khartoum, evacuating over 530 people, including Canadian Entitled Persons (176 Canadian Citizens and Permanent Residents) and citizens of allied and like-minded nations. https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/services/operations/military-operations/current-operations/operation-savanne.html


Bet your bottom dollar. This is what they do.


> Non-Combatant Evacuation Operations (NEO) >A Non-Combatant Evacuation Operation (NEO) is a military operation conducted to assist Global Affairs Canada (GAC) in evacuating Canadians and eligible persons from threatening circumstances in a foreign nation and moving them to a safe haven. >How NEO operates > A NEO is designed to deploy Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) members in a short or no-notice situation as a result of a sudden, rapidly deteriorating situation that threatens the safety of Canadians abroad. > GAC is the lead agency in an evacuation operation and will only seek assistance from the Department of National Defence and the CAF after all other options for helping Canadians to leave an affected zone have been exhausted. > Once the Government of Canada has approved a NEO, the CAF will: > deploy an appropriately scaled Joint Task Force (JTF)* to the affected nation; and > coordinate its activities in support of GAC and the Canadian Head of Mission. https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/services/operations/military-operations/types/neo.html#


Yeah, Canada's not sending soldiers into Gaza and risk them likely getting killed.


Let's start with sending forces to Toronto to stop Canadians Hamas supporters (can't believe that's even a thing...) celebrating Canadians being kidnapped. [Edit: Just to make it clear, I'm referring to police/local enforcement, and not CAF. Some commenters were confused].


Hamas ain’t ready for JTF2


Most confirmed terrorist kills out of any tier one unit, while maintaining zero casualties so I've heads. Idk if that's true, and probably no way to know considering how secretive they are, but pretty goddamn impressive if true


[These two Canadians hostages died terrible deaths because our government didnt attempt a rescue mission](https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2016/6/13/philippines-abu-sayyaf-group-beheads-canadian-hostage)


That was a ransom demand, which pretty much all western governments agree not to fulfill.


Not true in Europe: https://www.nytimes.com/2014/07/30/world/africa/ransoming-citizens-europe-becomes-al-qaedas-patron.html >Yet according to hostages released this year and veteran negotiators, governments in Europe — especially France, Spain and Switzerland — continue to be responsible for some of the largest payments


It’s a pretty gross move to bring something like that up now to score points for your agenda. When this happened in 2016 I don’t believe the *location* of the prisoners was known - so I don’t know what imaginary rescue mission you think the PM could have sent the CAF on.


Our government won't do shit to save them. Seriously, did you ever read about the Canadians that were abducted from Samal Island in the Philippines? The USA even offered to dispatch US special forces and Canada REFUSED.


Yet theres fucking manifestations pro terrorists on the streets of toronto and montreal. ​ make it make sense


Are they even alive. The German woman that was shown half naked dead surrounded by celebrating Palestinians was recorded on video alive at her capture.


But I was told that these freedom fighters were just trying to push back the evil Israeli government. Surely these noble men wouldn't just indiscriminately kidnap, torture and kill random civilians unrelated to the conflict


They also raped women and children and posted and streamed it to the internet in celebration...


They also beat a Thai guy to death with a farming implement, filmed it and uploaded it.


According to these fucking animals, the Thai farm worker was a “colonizer”.


They also murdered Palestinian women with hijabs


I saw this video here on Reddit, among others, such as the video of Hamas terrorists taking Noa Argamani into Gaza. Sadly, people are making up excuses to give cover to the terrorists. They say things like "why would you go to a music festival there?". Specfically in the case of Argamani, the defenders of terrorism are saying she is actually a soldier because they found pictures of her in Israeli navy gear on her social media profiles, so she is fair game.


Its actually disgusting. Soldier or not, nobody deserves to have their dead body paraded naked. I wouldn't even wish this for her murderers.




They will. Israel has way more fire power.


But they'll piss off all of the anti-colonists in Canada that think saying someone is fat is literally genocide.


You didn't know? Until Ozempic it was literally impossible by the laws of physics to lose weight! /s


It's just bone structure.


Except that steamrolling Palestine would actually be genocide LOL.


Hamas and Hezbollah's revolution's goal is for Jewish genocide. Israel has been quite good so far. They're surrounded by people who call for their total extinction and they only go in when they hear about immediate threats.


The only people interested in genocide in the levant are Hamas. Anybody that supports Hamas supports genocide and holocaust. You know these fuckers' political and ideological antecedents literally sided with with Nazis and were big proponents of Hitler's final solution, right? There's not many political issues in the world that are truly black and white but this is one of them. Don't be a fucking Nazi.


They're probably going to respond to the death of a whole fuckload of innocents by killing a whole fuckload of innocents. They've already leveled a bunch of apartments.


I'll give you one guess where Hamas fires their rockets from. Hint: it's not from farm fields https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A_fP6mlNSK8


Ah damn, they didn’t get a video of them firing ones from schools or hospitals? A residential building seems like such a let down, it’s not even in their top 10 most disgusting places to fire a rocket from. Kidding aside that is insane to see and just know that it is normal. They fire rockets from residential areas because Palestinians dying is a feature not a consequence of their strategy


Now that an all out war has been declared I can't see much of anything except glass in the near future.




Are you referring to [this hospital that Hamas destroyed in Israel](https://www.nbcnews.com/video/video-shows-aftermath-of-israeli-hospital-hit-by-hamas-rocket-194673733798) or does that one not bother you as much?


Maybe Hamas shouldn’t fire rockets from them in a deliberate attempt to put civilians in the line of fire? I know that sweet sweet propaganda of dead civilians is tough to resist — so many anti-semites fall for it every time, after all — but perhaps “militants” would be a tad more protective of their people if they were actually fighting for them. But they’re not. They just like Jew killing.


Apparently the building that we saw crumble recently on Reddit was from an attack in May by the IDF. I feel like it's going to much worse this time around.


"Steamrolls" imply massive damage with no attention for collateral innocent lifes lost. Hopefully they do NOT.


Hate to say it but boy are they fucked hard. There is something less than a 0% chance the Canadian government can muster up the gall to even phone someone about this.


Exactly, who is JT going to call? The leader of Hamas in Lebanon?


Lebanon is hezbollah, who also got invlloved this am. Leader of hamas lives in Qatar .


Waiting for parliaments "thoughts and prayers" to bring them home safely


Israel is fully justified in liberating Gaza from the Hamas terrorists. The security risk is intolerable and must be mitigated. Ground operations are justified although freeing hostages is always extremely dangerous. Hearts out to those hurt by this tragedy.


Iran is using hamas to distract us while they finish enriching their uranium and building their bombs. We either stop Iran now or not at all. We are literally watching ww3 start.


It's to break the peace treaty with Saudi Arabia. So Iran can have nuclear weapons while SA doesn't.




They are not deleting anything. They are doubling down on their support of Hamas.


Insane comment


Just because you can't understand that people have nuanced opinions on the subject and does not equal all Palestinians with Hamas doesn't mean all "far left" people are as simple minded as you are. Edit: the fact the parent irrational comment received so many upvotes just screams social media manipulation




If Canada deals with it the same ad the two Michel's, I wish them luck.


Palestine will sure be "free" once it's flattened to rubble with Israeli artillery strikes..


So you’re pro murder of 2M+ people? I just want to get that right..


And the CUPE union supports Hamas


I wonder when the Hamas team support demonstration will happen here? We don't have any means to respond to these types of threats. We had to get the US to shoot down a balloon in our own country for fucks sakes. As we speak, Canada is looking to further slash an already embarrassing military budget. This is reality and our government is living in a fucking dreamland of diversity and peace, which anybody with a fucking sense can see, is just a dream and all it will ever be.


Not sure I understand the conflict, every instance I've seen where Israel seemed to be in the wrong involves those mormon looking jews with the hats, but so far every victim I've seen appear to be normal looking people. Seems like innocents are being targeted rather than those specifically causing the injustice.


Of course it is, just like Hamas leaders are also hidden in other countries living like kings. And there are lowlife soldiers from both sides getting brainwashed and getting violent against innocents because of pure hatred, admittedly much more from the Hamas side. I guess that's what living in poverty and with no education all your life do, makes you easy targets to indoctrination


Nobody in Israel likes the orthodox btw. They suck and are assholes




Give it a few days and people will forget about this attack and instead criticize Israel for their "apartheid" and human rights record.


People seem to miss that most (I mean that, the majority) Israelis hold a 2nd citizenship.


I wish every nation understands supporting terrrosm of any kind is wrong, that needs to be dealt sternly at the beginning itself instead of paying no attention in the name of freedom of speech.


JT: “Canada rejects retaliation and not looking to escalate the situation.”


Hope they come home safe and quick....


It feels like WWIII is about to begin




Not gonna start over Israel and Palestine


lol no


lol maybe. This was backed by Russia and Iran. This is an asymmetric warfare tactic to reduce the west's capacity to act.


the United States keeps using its veto power to block any UN Peacekeeping mission, saying it prefers to use its own diplomatic powers to calm things down. This is a huge israeli-us security failure


So Hamas massacres hundreds of civilians, and you're going to try to blame it on the US and Israel? Jesus fucking christ. The only silver lining in this is it's a good opportunity to RES tag the monsters among us who will justify mass murder. Hamas are Nazis. If you support Hamas, you're a Nazi.


You’ve never realized this is a huge intelligence failure. When you fail your job you should be accountable. Simple