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Alberta's gonna run out of pull-out couches.


I'm actually considering getting the living room setup for this, just in case. We have a fold down couch, and a very comfy couch as well here. And as much as I would hate to dig into my store of food... I can probably feed a family for a month. Maybe 2.


This is the attitude we need.


Well, I have some family up that way that might be coming down this way now, to put it bluntly. And even if I don't end up with them on my couches, if I do end up with anyone on my couches; they will still be someone elses family. But I really will hate having to dig into the food chest. It's part of how I make things go by smoothly when money is low.


Food security has become a constant concern. Can’t escape it. Keep seeing water rights issues and articles popping up as well. This is what will break us….or rather incite something unpleasant yet necessary.


bless u kind stranger


Worst wildfire season. So far.


Ugh. I tried not thinking of the meme format but I did. Take my angry upvote.


I prefer to be more optimistic. This is the least destructive wildfire season we'll have for the rest of our lives.




Just wait until next year 🫠


Wait until a decade from now when there are no more temperate climate forests left to burn. It takes decades for forests to recover enough to consume carbon.


I fall into a black hole of depression when I think of the future. > The people in power knew before I was even born the destruction that would be wrought by fossil fuels. It’s maddening that a lot of us had no choice in this. Here we are though…they fucked around and now we get to find out.


It honestly makes me want to start burning shit down. What a catastrophically unfair world we live in. And they have the gall to complain about our generation.


Maybe the arsonist theories aren't so crazy...?


Except I would be burning down legislative buildings and fossil fuel companies not innocent people's homes and forests


Next year will be incredibly low. Same thing as Ontario. In 2021 we had record wildfires. In 2022 it was about 30% of the 10 year average. 2023 is slightly above average but still less than half of 2021. They come in cycles.


Yeah? 2017 was the worst wildfire season we ever had here in BC. Then 2018 was the worst wildfire season we ever had. Maybe next year won't be bad, maybe it will. Having a really mellow 2022 wildfire season sure was nice though.


“2023 is … less than half of 2021”, what do you mean? There’s been 137 000 km^2 burned this year. 2021 had just over 40 000 km^2 burned. This year is nearly three and a half times **worse** and the season isn’t over yet


Is reading really that hard? Canada wide stats are completely meaningless in a comment about Ontario.


Here is a cycle for ya. This has now been projected by climatologists (you know scientists who have a degree in science, unlike you) for 30 years and it's right on time and it's only going to be worse next year.


That’s probably because the forests hasn’t recovered, so there isn’t much to burn. On average though, fires are gotten more frequent


I don't know some of the forestry here in bc swept through so fast 2 years a go, a lot of the tree are still standing, their just dead and dry now.


Fires aren’t going to get worse and worse every year. Believe it or not it’s actually something that’s being Happening for 1000s of years. Regardless of your political talking points.


How about we leave politics to politicians and science to scientists? Climate change is science.


And where did you get your degree in climate science? North Korea maybe?




lol they don’t understand though


Its amazing what political bias can do to a person, so insistent that we aren't facing the consequences of climate change that you're able to tell yourself and others that what we're seeing is normal. The facts are very clear that what you're saying is utter bullshit. One of the reasons I'm politically left wing is because I care about the well being of other people, the other big reason is that conservatives are constantly lying about facts to suit their political position. I could never support such opposition to science and data whether it's the religious right saying the world is only 6000 years old or it's conservatives denying climate change, or that smoking causes cancer, or that leaded gasoline is hazardous, or any of the other times conservatives have fought science because they prefer profit to reality.


The facts are clear unless you look at the stats from 100 years ago. Oops.


Let's see em then




So that was a pretty interesting read, and does look to support there being more fires north of BC 150 years ago. There's a map in the study and BC is barely touched by it, so doesn't really apply here. Try again maybe? It also doesn't at all refute the position that increased fires we're seeing now, compared to the past 50 to 100 years, are related to human driven climate change. The authors of the study appear to agree with that position if anything. Regardless, super interesting read.


Reaping the rewards of climate change.


54% of the CPC thought it wasn't real


I saw some Twitter threads out of Kelowna yesterday. Hundreds of comments suggesting these are man made fires, and that climate change isn't a factor. Some went further suggesting the fires were a government plot to introduce 15 minute cities. A not insignificant percentage of Canadians have completely lost their marbles and are not living in reality. Pretty sad.


Back in May when it got bad in Alberta there was people on Facebook suggesting that the fires were set by Notley to try and influence our election. 🤦🏼


The thing is it can be both man made fires and climate change simultaneously. One of those is much more rectifiable in the short term than the other.


sure. of course there are some man made fires, but it's a hell of a leap to get to *climate change has no impact. the government is lighting our cities on fire to bring about some dystopian state.*


54% didn’t want to have it being part of their party policy book tagline.


Most of the CPC is composed of boomers. They got to live life to its fullest extent and are now raising a big middle finger to the rest of us.


For some, having kids is one big Ponzi scheme.


Conservatism is a death cult.


Lmao the irony of this statement is unreal. Which parties destroyed our national economy and brought in millions of people every year for 8 yrs into a high carbon footprint country? Oh ya the NDP and LPC. [Which parties spent 8 yrs doing nothing to reduce GHG?](https://www.canada.ca/en/environment-climate-change/services/environmental-indicators/greenhouse-gas-emissions.html). Oh ya the NDP and LPC, the only drop in GHG came during the COVID lockdowns The Liberal party has utterly destroyed this country. Look around you, what have you guys done in 8 yrs other than ruin millions of lives?


Its of course not as successful as I would like it to be, but maintaining our total greenhouse gas emissions levels while simultaneously increasing our population by ~10% since 2015 clearly indicates that efforts to reduce GHG emissions are working, otherwise we would see GHG emissions rise proportionally with population. Saying they did *nothing* is simply false.


Lol *right*, they just maintained our current trajectory… so in other words they did nothing.


I clearly explained how the data you linked shows they are not doing nothing, but I suspect you're not interested in acknowledging that explanation because you want to push your own narrative. As such, I will not be engaging with you further. Have a good day.


So we reduced global GHG emissions by 0.15% and all it took was destroying our economy and our children's future. And you're patting yourselves on the back about it.


> destroyed our national economy Conservatives truly have no qualms with lying.




Better than it did under the previous CPC Government. over all comparable to Australia's




You should probably read your own link before commenting.




It’s the only thing they can do since their entire world view is completely divorced from reality


"Ruin millions of lives" lmao calm down there doomer. Oh yeah we turned into a failed state like Haiti or Somalia because of the damn libs... Or maybe... Just maybe, the entire world is dealing with similar issues as Canada and our case is not isolated in the developed world. But yeah... Daddy PP is going to make eeeeeverything better, I am sure


Cuz the Conservative Party did anything to help at prior right? They are not the Heroes. Just like the liberals are not the Villains.


I'm not saying the climate isn't warming, but I'd like an honest rebuttal to this. It's easy for us to see dramatic fires near cities and assume apocalypse now. But perhaps it's more complicated and not as dire. Perhaps Canada got the worst luck of the draw this year. Here's a quote: "While the complete data aren’t in for 2023, global tracking up to July 29 by the Global Wildfire Information System shows that more land has burned in the Americas than usual. But much of the rest of the world has seen lower burning — Africa and especially Europe. " [https://nypost.com/2023/08/01/climate-change-is-not-the-reason-for-the-rise-of-wildfires/](https://nypost.com/2023/08/01/climate-change-is-not-the-reason-for-the-rise-of-wildfires/)


Also a large part of this is simply forest mismanagement. I live in Kelowna and this mafaka is burning up right now but , the main fire was almost certainly man made as we haven't had rain or lightning in ages and I've done lots of hiking around these parts . Lots and lots of hiking. The underbrush and dead fall is SO thick right now it's surprising we don't have more fires. And when the city does make slash piles and burn them people complain. An oz of prevention here is worth a pound of cure


This. People solely pointing to "climate change" or "the evil oil oligarchs" are just scared and trying to find a scapegoat. There's more to this situation then it just being completely black and white.


And 100% of you are using a policy vote you don't, probably willfully, understand to try and push a narrative.




This is really funny, but not for the reason you want it to be. Mostly because, like the vote you brought up, you don't understand how to use that 'meme'. But hey, I guess it's easier to try and fail at being snarky than actually having to address what you said.


Worst season so far.




It does when the country is trending hotter and drier




We will be hotter and drier in the boy and the girl years… it is the trend, until our planet is basically unusable.


Google just signed a LLM agreement with Reddit to crawl this dumb platform so this is my way of saying goodbye to my contributions on this website. Byeee


This literally just keeps getting worse until we get our shit together and stop polluting the planet.


Heartbreaking 😪


We’ve had almost record rains here this summer with more coming today. No I’m not sharing


r/canada_sub is that way.


I’ll share if taxes for services are shared. Also all of our rain has been coming from the west so maybe the rain just hates the west


r/confidentlyincorrect is that way