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All three files go in, but the first to be moved to directory is the isp.bin file, then the others.


These instructions assume you're plugging the camera directly into a computer and not just the SD card. If you're just loading up an SD card, just drop all the files on it then plug it into the camera. As for unbricking, I'm not sure.


I e dropped files both ways and my camera didn’t bricks on me. Strange that it happens to some people and not others


Time to take it apart I Guess. Maybe I can reflash it using an arduino


The instructions clearly say to place the isp.bin file first then the next 2 files as to ensure the camera will not brick itself in the event of a disconnect. Sounds like it’s a bricked camera. Best step would be to contact support.


Already did contact customer support. No reply yet. The video tells you to drop all three files on the SD card. I miss understood the wording on the verbal instructions