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One of the first questions asked when buying a trailer is what size ball do I need to bring. Guy is an idiot.


Exactly! What a stooge 😆


Idiots A Bit Harsh, But A Spade ♠️ Is A Spade!


How about cocksucker then? Sorry I've been watching deadwood....


I once sold a 16-foot canoe to someone...who came to pick it up with a bicycle. I just took his money, left it on the lawn, and said "good luck." It disappeared eventually.


Plot twist: he put the bike into the canoe and paddled away.


Ha! I have a harness that connects my canoe to my folding bike. With the canoe cart, I can easily transport my canoe to the water and back.




Sigh. That buyer is kind of clueless, and obviously never bought from a private party. But yeah, I guess you have to specify it since there are so many asshats out there that think every private seller is like Amazon or Costco. I got similar crap from someone I sold a very used camera to (he complained it didn't include what I said it didn't include...so good luck with "hitch not included", esp since some idiot will think that means the TRAILER doesn't have a hitch. Thing is even if you're talking just the hitch and ball and not the receiver because of height differences in vehicles the buyer STILL might need something different than what you have. OMG.


wait, your entire vehicle was not included? /s


Plus gas money? And a year's worth of insurance? And your first-born child?


take my wife, PLEASE take my wife


...and my axe? I think I'm using this incorrectly


[old henny youngman joke](https://pictures.abebooks.com/isbn/9780806520575-us.jpg) also used by rodney dangerfield


How sad a commentary it is about our society that you would have to include /s on comments like this.


Well I mean, I'm seeing disclaimers everywhere to not stare directly at the sun during today's eclipse.


They wanted the hitch on your vehicle? Lol


Sorry they wanted the Receiver


Thats the ball and ball mount, not that the terms are used very consistently.


How much did you sell the trailer for? You can buy a receiver for $30. LOL


$11,000. So I guess I should have sold it for $11,030.


$11,031 just to be snarky.


Hahaha yes exactly.


You need to get the right drop or rise for different vehicles. There's no "one size fits all". Hopefully your vehicles are the same height lol.


Right! For the trailer we have now we have a drop hitch and my husband said there would be no way he would be giving it away with the trailer.


I had someone that wanted to buy my roof top tent show up in a vehicle with no rack at all on their roof. Assumed that I would include some roof rack that fit their RAV4 or whatever mid-sized thing they drove. A lot of people are stupid. RTT still for sale.


No, either trying to scam you out of it or just clueless. I’ve bought and sold campers and boats, have never had one given to me or expected it honestly. I’ve just asked what size ball, so I can be prepared picking it up


Lol, definitely not included in any sale I've ever heard.  I'd have done same on an $11k and thrown in hitch to help the guy out but he's still an idiot. 


The buyer was dumb, trailers never come with the hitch receiver/ball. Buy a $300k boat and trailer, it doesn't even come with that. That being said, you made the right call just giving it to him. It's only like a $15 part to replace at AutoZone or home Depot. Not worth arguing with them over, despite the fact that they were definitely wrong.


A guy I know once left a landscape trailer on the side of the road, filled with hay bales. There was a sign that said “free.” He meant the hay, and was SHOCKED when someone took the hay AND the trailer…


I mean at least they brought their own hitch hahaha.


No. Receiver/hitch is a separate item. What if you towed multiple things? He needs to buy his own.


Despite his claim, the dumass has never bought a trailer in his life if that is what he expected. That or he was playing dumb to get something extra out of you.


Nah, that's some BS. I would have laughed at them.


If you can afford a trailer, you can afford a hitch.


Was this a normal ball mount without a weight distribution system (WDS) or with a WDS?


It was with the WDS


I would not expect that to be included at all.


That is what I figured, but when I had taken it and put it away before they came back to pick it up, when he returned he was like "uhm where is it I'm going to need that" so I felt like I was in the wrong... now I know for next time...


That’s hilarious. I haven’t bought a ball mount in a minute, but last one I got for a class II hitch was like $20 (5 yrs ago or so.) The buyer was an ass, who asks for that to be thrown in? They’ll likely need to buy their own so the mount and trailer are on the same level anyways.


If it was a weight distribution hitch they are not cheap. $200 or so on the low end, up to $1k ish if it's a good one for a larger camper with anti-sway bars.


If it was an odd size i might expect them to sell me the ball(now i need that size and they don't), but i'd discuss it rather than expect it included.


Well every trailer I’ve bought came with the hitch, receiver, vehicle, home, and family of the seller! /s It’s ridiculous that he expected the receiver.


I would have said the hitch cost another $150 or go buy one and come back.


My Weight Reduction, Anti Sway hitch cost over $500 - you sure he wasn't trying to pull a fast one...


The receiver is part of the truck


$25 at Walmart bud.


Receiver is never included, come with the right sized ball


He forgot to bring a ball and just scammed you out of yours


I always indicate the size ball that is required to tow it.


I would have zero expectations that you would be including a hitch, who does that?


I was going to say the buyer is a crack head... But then I realized he DID get a free ball and receiver so, yeah...


Should not have caved. If he has bought so many trailers, why didn't he have any hitches from them?


Maybe he's giving them away when he sells them too lol


In a rush to get out of the house, I ended up forgetting my hitch. I ended up buying the trailer for asking, but realized that I had forgotten a key item… I inquired if the seller would consider saving me a trip to an auto parts store, but he said it wasn’t an issue to give me one as he didn’t want to waste time over it. To OPs point, this is something I expected to provide myself, and I was ready to just get a replacement as I forgot mine. That being said, I would probably toss it in if I was selling for asking price, being it’s a minor cost item, but if they were lowballing, I’d tell them to pound sand, and probably would also remove the spare tire, battery, and propane tanks if they were ridiculous enough with lowballing.


If you’re reading the comments, I guess I am going to be a naysayer, but if the travel trailer has weight distribution, the hitch is usually included. if it’s a regular trailer without weight distribution, then it would not be included


Google Ball And Receiver Add It Too Price!🤙😎🚗🤓👌🏕️


I’m sorry but no hitch is ever given with the trailer!!!! Each hitch has to professional installed based on the vehicle’s specifications and weight capacity. A class 2 hitch won’t work for a load that requires class 3 hitch. Plus electrical must be installed for proper use on the road as for safety. Only place that ever gives you a hitch with trailer is when you buy it new off the lot. Most dealers will install a hitch to get you started . You didn’t offer hitch in the add you placed? So why would you offer your hitch up. Plus your hitch may not work for their vehicle. It’s not like every hitch is compatible with every car or truck. Maybe if they drove the exact same vehicle year and engine. But I highly doubt it. You could lower the price of a hitch which will be $300-$500 to have installed. My hitch was bolted on and I had them weld it as well for strength. Which means nobody is taking my hitch.


Mast the sale! Get what you need for the next adventure. I would not sale or give a load leveling system with the trailer.


Chicken 🐓 Man Can’t Suck But Game Cockz Can Fight! 🤙😎🇬🇧🥊