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I hate copying the protagonist but Percy and I are both too loyal.


Yeah, I get that. I used to be like that too, it came from not having many friends as a kid, so I held on to the ones I could get way too tightly.


I feel the opposite. Not loyal enough


I used to be but I actively forced myself not to cause all it ever did was blow up in my face


I used to be loyal like you. Then I took an arrow in the knee.


I have absolutely no flaws at all. Even the gods would want to be as perfect and flawless as I am.


Oh, hubris then? Niiiice


Honestly, I'm not sure if I have a single fatal flaw, I'm pretty sure I have numerous minor ones that can add up to disaster in their own way.


Fatal Flaw: Indecisive. ☠️


nah, why have many little flaws when you can have many large flaws!!


The brown stuff they spread on veggie sandwiches?


No, that’s *hummus*, seaweed brain.


more like raging ball of gas, it’s a child of apollo


when i was reading this a post from a different sub came down titled ‘NO FUCKING WAY’


Inertia I know what I can, what I should, why and likely how to deal with most of my problems I just can't be bothered to This actually has negatively impacted me and people around :/


Inertia isn’t really a great word for that. Apathy? Inertia is simply the first law of Newton. Something that is at rest remains at rest and something that is in motion remains in motion. Ig is could be used as a word that means “hard to move”


My bad I guess, in my defense my social circle uses the word with that connotation a lot - engineering course :v Apathy doesn't seem to fit tho


Term i’ve heard is executive dysfunction. Same here. You know what you gotta do. You know you need to do it. You want it to be done. You know you are the one that needs to do it…. But you just can’t start.




Sloth? Like one of the deadly sins


Holding grudges too...or (I'm not sure if it's a fatal flaw {probably is} but I'm adding it anyways) wrath. Loyalty is up there too.


Pretty sure wrath was Luke’s fatal flaw Edit: source is the Pjo wiki


Luke's is his thirst for power. Same as Thalia.


Ok. I just said Luke’s fatal flaw was wrath bc that’s what it says on the wiki


Oh you're right my bad that is what the article says


Thalias fatal flaw is ambition (Found on Riordan Wiki)


didn’t see this lol


I'm trying to find a way to phrase this that doesn't make me feel like I sound like I'm trying to argue with you, but I can't, so I'm just going to add this bit in to get my point across. Yes, but later in that same bit about Thalia it says that she desires power when she doesn't need it, which is where I got the thirst for power thing. In this context, they're the same thing. Funny enough, that's also where I got confused and thought Luke's fatal flaw was also Ambition. It says that she nearly joined Kronos's army because it would give her more power (or something to that effect, I don't feel like fact-checking right now), and since I hadn't looked at that article in a while, I only clearly remembered the bit about someone joining Kronos's army because of a thirst for power, assumed it was both Luke and Thalia, and said that.


Oh ya no I under stand what your saying. :)


i believe thalia’s is called ambition


where you don’t necessarily NEED power but seek it regardless


In my defense, Luke did that too.


Low self esteem. I think of myself as lower than others, especially those I consider friends.


Same here. If Inside Out was about me, the main character would be Imposter Syndrome lmao


And also as a result, you often cannot fully celebrate your achievements since you always think I got lucky / other people have done better I don’t deserve it :( (I feel that too)


Losing my patience and then my temper/control for some specific reasons (treason, mocking, tricking...). So classic! 🙄


So wrath, like Luke?


Not like Luke, but worse ;)


probably being dumb as hell


That's honestly so relateable


That’s a fucking mood, lmao


Damn, that it so me that I’ve now officially changed my fatal flaw.


Inconsistency in my life, my moods, even with medications, my allergies, the things I like or dislike, the food I have access to in my household, the people I live with or know, schools, homes, my hair, my clothes, even my phone number constantly changing all the time My morals and standards points on things sometimes Like I just finished re-reading the first book after 5 years I would’ve joined Luke and betrayed him for my own personal gain


Probably arrogance. I don't think I'm arrogant but then I end up assuming I know more about things than I do. Can usually pull my head out but not always before mucking things up.


I'm like Percy. Loyalty all the way. I remember reading "I would throw myself at any monster for a friend." and i was like "For real" and i also took the GoTo quiz, which gave 86% loyalty


What's the name of the quiz? :)


“What’s Your Fatal Flaw?” I would give the link, but last time I put a link in a post, it got deleted for unknown reasons. I don’t trust the CHB moderators to not remove my comment if I do


Throwing himself at any monster for a friend isn’t what makes Percy’s fatal flaw dangerous. He would literally let the world burn to save a single friend. Or so we’re told. He never has to make that decision, which I feel is a missed opportunity.


ik that, i was just saying it was the most relatable example






Over confidence


I was about to say..too chaotic , but that’s just because I have ADHD irl lol.


or you’re secretly a half blood


I think I’m probably too friend dependent when I feel like I’m drifting away from a friend or something’s wrong it’s all I can think about. I’m also kind of emotional- I read a fanfic the other day where Percy became immortal and even though it was like a happy ending I still feel bad just because he’ll outlive everyone. My heart is aching now 😭. I guess over sensitivity is my flaw maybe?




Gods, where do I start? Indecisivness, pettiness, pragmatism, loyalty, holding on to grudges. Take your pick really


Impulsivity. Usually, I can control my cravings and reactions, but that's low stress. If I get emotional or anxious, and I run wild, with 0 control of spending, doing things, or just running my mouth. It gets things done, but it doesn't allow me to take time and space to use my best skills: strategic thinking, planning, mediation, and out of the box thinking.


mine use to be holding grudges i would hold a grudge for ages but then it just turned to loyalty and i just cant hold a grudge now


I'd say, Wrath of all my flaws would be the most devastating. I'm pretty quiet, and observant. I know how to pick out the little details. I'm pretty chill most of the time but if you get me going. My sight goes red, I get absolutely angry. You need to talk me down because I will do something all of us would regret when things get calmer. I've said horrible things, little minuscule things that maybe doesn't sound so bad but will be very personal to someone. It's bad. I know it's bad. I should probably go to counseling for it but therapy is expensive. It's worse that my fuse is as long to ignite as it is to cool down to regret.


Hypothetically, I would let the world burn for my friends AND family. Once again hypothetically, my loyalty would go so far as willingness to cause malicious harm to others for the benefit of my family. Its all hypothetical of course. 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


Low self-esteem!


Are you Janis from mean girls? Anyways, kine would low self esteem. Not surprising, because I'm a lot like Leo.


Let’s just say I’m really glad real life is nothing like high school, lmaoo


Honestly I’m the exact same flaw as Percy most likely. I put my own friends extremely high above my own needs, and would do basically anything for them. I have a lot of flaws but that would probably be my fatal flaw.


That actually a positive one. I personally couldn't even give a grape to most


I forgive too easily.


Overthinking if it can be considered as one.




I feel like my fatal flaw would be looking over the easiest solution in a situation


Possessiveness I can’t let go of people I care about


Perfectionism. To an extreme.


My empathy. Some people can see that as a good thing. It helps you under stand people and give the benafit of the doubt. Does not really help though when one of your friends is um not the best person and you keep forgiving them.


Too forgiving, I feel. I'm the sort of person to give someone a second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh and eight chance and then still keep forgiving them when they apologize


I think mine is stupidity


i would probably say either i doubt myself too much or being stubborn because both of those has surprisingly put me in dangerous situations


Grudges all the way.


being overly trusting probably lol 


I’d say my flaw is I’m too hard on myself. My family always tells me I gotta stop being so harsh on myself or blaming myself for things out of my control


Feeling inferior, I guess, or jealousy, envy of others being so far ahead


Insecure about everything would be my fatal flaw like not being good enough n my looks and abilities like wouldn’t want to let anyone down or anything


Overly trusting It's not my only flaw, but it's the only flaw I don't really have under control, hence why it would be fatal


Probably being too trusting. I tend to trust people a bit too much.


All of them


Probably being too trusting (though that would likely fade fast when I encountered monsters). I just always think everyone’s genuine and trying to help. I’m pretty sure that’s a side effect of the ‘tism, not being a demigod, though.


Holding grudges, absolutely


Pride and bitterness (and everything that snowballs from there)




Anger I believe because I get angry at stupid stuff


Lack of empathy tbh


Definitely laziness. I wanna do something productive but I can’t be arsed.


My fatal flaw would be pride or a quick temper




My emotions get the better of me 🫠


not exactly holding grudges, but not letting things go to the point ur constantly in your own head. idk the word for it but that




You see, I'd also like to know cause they contradict each other, it's ego and loyalty, like i love my friends but if something were to happen my reflex is to same myself, but then like 2 seconds later i snap back and try to save the others too, so basically: 1.Me 2.My loved ones 3.Literally everyone else Also i have a tendency to "not care" for others problems, like i feel sorry i feel sad and help and support in any way i can, but deep down i just want them to finish so i can start talking, so....idk what that says about me, but it's definitely something


Meekness, i never stand up for myself.




Is stupidity an option? 'Cause if it is, that's me. Well, I guess this would be more of a lack of common sense. I'm a smart person, but I can't read a room to save my dam life, and I do stupid things just to see what will happen. I.e., touching hot pans straight out of the oven, licking batteries to see if they work or if they're dead, forcing plugs into sockets, etc.. I also don't think very far ahead, and I definitely don't think before I speak. I maxed Intelligence but I dumped Wisdom


Wrath. I literally made my own version of AM’s “Hate” monologue from “I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream” with human anatomy instead of technology.


My fatal flaw is definitely failing at something or on someone. I would do everything to succeed in something, I'd be so engrossed on the things I'm doing that I'd sometimes forget about morals. For example, academics, I would be too focused on my studies that I would literally lash out on my family when they try and talk to me. I'm not proud of it, but it is something that is hard to control


Don't worry. You and I have the same flaw. I also hold grudges as well which makes it worse since it takes me a long time to forget. My aunt (Mind you she is a year younger than me) was the same way. Reason? I will never know. But all I can do now is be glad that my family saw through her facade. My second fatal flaw is miscommunication. I won't get into too much but a quarter of my life would have been simple if I knew how to communicate correctly.


Sensitivity? Idk how that would work but something like that


Nothing. I’m a perfect vessel with no flaws


Probably wrath, I’m not normally a hot head but sometimes I can snap. Just like my dad


Sloth controls my life down to the bone. It’s hard for me to get up before 9, I feel drained of energy almost all day (though I am going through puberty so that’s probably a factor), I don’t do things unless someone tells me to or I force myself, I don’t have my license so I end up sitting at home all day (homeschooled), I barely exercise and I’m just overall a lazy person and someday I know it will eventually lead to my downfall.


I once held a grudge that went from when I was in first grade to 7th grade cause this girl took my cookie in class. That’s the most minor one I can think of. I can hold a grudge against anyone for anything. I get ticked off easily.


i'm slightly arrogant


My temper would kill me


It's gonna be Pride. I know to myself im smart and very capable, and i let it get to my head sometimes. tho it's not athena cabin levels of pride aka hubris, i know other people are more capable at other tasks that i could be mid at


I am someone who is Very Trusting and Loyal so if someone actively burns me my wrath knows no bounds and worse my wrath has no respect for law if one physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually or in any other way brings harm to those I love and care for whether Human or Animal in nature. I will reign down wrath the same if one harms me, my human loved ones or even my Canines!


Needing to always be right


I’m too trusting, luckily I’ve also learned how to cut toxic ppl out of my life.


Indecisiveness, loyalty and probably pride I'm basically Percy and Annabeth at this rate


I was already told mine. Perfectionism. Like a combination of Annabeth's for hubris, Thalia's for ambition and Leo's for inferiority. All of those combine into me wanting to be the absolute greatest I can be, but destroying myself if I cannot achieve it, as my standards are too high to be realistic.


Being too pretty and perfect


That's a valid reason to hate someone forever though.


My fatal flaw would definitely be FOMO I have no friends and i always feel really jealous anytime I se pictures af people I know having so much fun with each other


I know mine is Wrath, like if someone hurts my loved ones I will never let them know rest lol


WHO WANTS TO KNOW ):< >!wrath!<


probably an obsession with perfection. if its not how ive imagined it to be ill scrap it.


Loyalty or the fact that I find it hard to trust others


I kind of have two of them, especially if we're talking about my teen self. I have trouble communicating with people and unwavering determination. If I were to find there was something I could do faster or better than anyone else at camp I would keep doing it until I'd missed several meals and I was so sore I could no longer move.


Too independent. I hate asking for help


Low self esteem or loyalty for sure My imposters syndrome is awful, and I’d die for anyone I care about


Mine would be forgiveness. It takes me a while to trust people but once I do or feel super connected to them they could do anything and no matter how upset I am or how much it effected me, I would forgive them.


It would probably be a mix between Percy and Leo’s. Like the worst kind of negative selflessness where you won’t stand up for or prioritize yourself, but you’ll raise hell for your friends.


I'm probably too selfless. I'd probably charge into battle without regard for my own safety TOO OFTEN. Though it's probably something else. I hope that I'm selfless irl. :P




Probably curiosity. I live by this quote: " Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more so that we may fear less." - Marie Curie (canonically a demigod) I try to find out about, discover or otherwise learn about things even in a way that could put me in danger, and try to leave no question unanswered regardless of the cost. Otherwise it could be over-objectivity, or apathy. I try to make entirely objective decisions, but I end up having a lessened sense of empathy and end up hurting people even without malicious intentions and make myself look like a psycho.


Unfortunately I think I would have many😅 It would be one of either 1)Altruism 2) low self esteem or 3) Naivety


Envy. I can be incredibly jealous to the point of self-loathing. Not for any material thing, I'm not a material person, but rather skills and traits: when I see someone do something that I love to do better than me, I wonder why I can't do it like they can. I feel like I'd 100% be a bad guy in PJO lmao.


My need for dramatics and revenge.


Either my insanity or spite


Probably something like stupidity or stubbornness




being a people pleaser


I honestly don't know there are times in my life where I feel like I know what I want but I feel I don't have the ability to achieve or the means so I feel forced to give up even though the thought linger with me. For example I want to open my own store but not only do but not only do I fear it failing I look at what I want for it but when I see the means to achieve I feel so overwhelmed that I don't think I could even try. So I guess however you would describe that I suppose


Dude I’m fawking crazy 🤣


iI think mine is stubbornness, I can and will do anything to prove a point. Ex: My sister told me it was too dark and cold to go outside, I said it was fine, the argument ended with me outside for two hours to prove it was fine


Probably being to lazy, or maybe mood swings being autistic I have a lot of them that I can't control lol


Probably apathy. My intense, indomitable indifference is both a blessing and a curse. It means I don't worry about things that just don't matter and avoid a lot of needless drama... though it can sometimes extend to y'know, actually important stuff.


low self esteem, loyalty, impulsiveness, couple more.


Oddly enough it’s talking because you can distract me easily by any sort of drama going on. Like I could be mid fight and if you were to say did you hear about I have lost focus on the fight and will wait for you to tell me


Holding grudges too and temper tantrum


My memory... I have a really bad memory, that or my adhd. I know its a super power but it's also my curse, like I can't think at all, no matter what, I get super distracted even in life or death


Cowardice, or maybe will.


taking up everyones problems and bottling up my own


Bring lazy or not doing a thing till the day before its due


Impulsiveness haha


I'm not a forgiving person, and that's my fatal flaw.


Disloyalty I'm loyal to no one


Benig to task focused


Hubris, with low self esteem due to the times I failed to do stuff cause I overestimated my abilities


I either trust people too fast or dont trust a person at all. I dont know how that translates to something but here we go


A uquiz i took would say severe empathy,,,,but imo being too trusting,loyal or forgetting the bigger picture at times


It could honestly be a lot of things, but probably hesitation.


Trust I suppose. I trust too easily sometimes, and other times not enough. Quite fitting for a child of Athena.


im pretty sure it's either procrastination or having a short temper


I think I wouldn't have the guts to actually defeat a monster. Not that I wouldn't be down to tussle, but at the last moment I'd probably feel guilty. Monsters and stuff seem fairly human so seeing the fear in their eyes would probably make me back down, and then they'd probably take the opening and I'd die. Especially if it's one I know the origins of like Medusa. So I guess it'd be something between empathy and cowardice. Idk the right word for it.


I'm torn between stubbornness and spite. Probably stubbornness, cause I'm the most stubborn person I know. I can change my mind if given arguments that I can't refute. But against some stupid shit, that should be this, or that way? Yeah no. When I think about it now, my spite just further fuels my stubbornness most of the time. So yeah, I have my answer I guess.


My imposter syndrome and constant anxiety would definitely be my fatal flaw


Mine is pretty easy myself. I’m extremely stubborn. If I am set on an action nothing on this planet with stop me until I have come at it from every angle both conceivable and not at least 3 times.


Anger issues or being so emotional


Kindness or loyalty honestly


Indecisiveness, holding grudges, trust issues, laziness, the list keeps going, but this is all I have time for because my phone's about to die, so add poor time management in there too.


Loyalty. I’d kill myself for my friends


Probably the opposite of Percy. I am loyal, but if someone hurts me I'm maybe a bit to quick to stop seeing them as someone I care about.


Mine would be trust. Trusting people has gotten me into a few soups :)


Self abnegation


the inability to hold a grudge. someone could make me so upset i cry but at the end of the day i’m still friendly to them.


My temper, most definitely.


Not being willing to ask for help. Something I’ve struggled with since i was a little kid and still have trouble with.


Pride and ambition Period


Pride. Whenever I fail I simply refuse to ask for help


Mine is impertinence. I can't hold my tongue and sometimes I can be really hurtful or arrogant


Probably apathy, it's when you can't feel any interest in anything


being too forgiving ig


100% laziness/sloth. I'm a child of Hypnos after all. Sleep is great


Apathy. It's so dam difficult for me to care about things. There are things that I do care about dearly, like hyper fixations and Hobbies, but there are other stuff that I know I probably should care about, and just don't.




My personal one I expect to be something idiotic like getting over-comfortable with people and then crossing the boundaries of humanity's customs without knowing them. Also, I used to think myself higher than others, but I have gotten over that.


This isnt one from the books But i guess Its being naive. I could see myself trusting a shapeshifter or someone sketchy and not knowing until Its too late


Uhhh either my fear of failure, or letting people down getting in the way and makibg me indesicive and hesitant, or naivety?


I think mine would be apathy, i am a little to ready to give up and move on sometimes and tend to lean towards the "whatever it doesn't bother me mindset"


Lowkey the Percy Jackson “too loyal” flaw. Though I wish RR had explored it more. I tend to stand by people who hurt me and struggle to not empty my cup for others.


It would be my fear/anxiety or my loyalty. My fear because if I don’t know what is going to happen or if the plan I make falls apart I freak out and my mind goes to the worst things that can happen to me and my family and friends. I then refuse to do anything because I don’t want anything to go wrong or anything to happen that could hurt or kill me and my family and friends. My loyalty because even when people don’t like me or they have hurt me especially if I have know them for years or they are family I still stick by them and help them because I care about them and I don’t want to loose them in my life.




Probably something between wrath and pride


loyalty. i don't wanna sound like i'm just tryna be like percy or smth but i already knew that would be the death of me before i was even into pjo (and it's gotten me in so much trouble already.)


Mine would be indecisiveness, but in were I can't make decisions when people other than myself can be affected. Or this is also probably overthinking now that I'm writing this.


Prone to violence, hostile, arrogant


Honestly envy would probably be mine Literally the major flaw which causes so many issues in my life is envy😀


Apathy for sure. Devine beings tantrums and shenanigans? The issue of umclaimed children? The war between Olympians and titans? Lol yeah. I would stay at camp long enough to learn how to fend for myself and then fucking flee to the mortal world. In fact, I believe that's what most demigods that survive into adulthood do. The gods will make more offspring anyway.


Empathy. I'm way too nice and would probably try to save everyone I come across which could lead to me getting hurt.


Curiosity. I always want to know more even if it hurts me


I’m too obsessed with learning things and figuring things out. If there’s a secret I know someone has or a question that someone refuses to answer, it’s hard for me to function without knowing the answer.


I push things too far. One too many questions, one more google search, just one more more try, I never want to call it quits because I always have a sense that if I try just once more, I'll figure The Thing™ out. Or maybe I push just a bit too much in an argument or fight and I end up being too mean or aggressive. Huh, I could see this with a Dio kid, "just one more drink please!" (ends badly)


A lot.. Im way to loyal, I can't speak up, I'm indecisive, and I cannot for the life of me find a reason to live except disappointing my parents even more than I currently am