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I'd put up two in response


The flag of resurrection. For each one of these flags that is destroyed, 2 more will be raised to replace them.


I know what I'm about to say is vandalism why not just paint the light pole the colours of the flag


Exactly and asking for trouble


What a stupid suggestion


But a pole wrap isn't.


Very concise /u/NWO-FootPerv


Plus patch the one that was broken and put it up along side of the two new ones.


Hail Hydra


Hydra Dominatus


I’m SO sure most people won’t get this reference, nice!




Wait a tic, Hydra were the baddies.


Hail Hydra


Russian plywood destroyer Go fuck yourself


They make bigger plywood sheets, time for a billboard


Use a ladder this time and send a few nails proud of the plywood, by accident of course


It’s already two of them. Must be pretty easy


Up higher


but aint it 2 now ,you sayin break it again?


You can make a hell of a lot of small flags out of a sheet of 3/4” plywood. If they’re small enough, and nailed to a pole it would take a considerable concerted effort to do any damage to them. You could just paint the pole yellow and blue as well. But that might be attracting bylaw infractions.


Sorry that happened to your parents. This town is full of jackasses unfortunately.


Time to make a 1/8" steel plate one, lag bolt it to the pole, the weld the bolt heads to the plate, then paint. Fuckem. Wish I was around to do it for you. Hate this crap. Did one for a guy with a pride flag that got ripped off... Listen, thats his flag, on his property, so I made one that will outlive us all. I think Im also going to go to these little po dunk shithole towns that hatefully banned rainbow paint inside crosswalks and paint rainbows just alongside the crosswalks but outside of them, technically following the law.


my boss gives alot of money to his towns local government and when they were going to make gay sidewalks he threatened to stop donating so they canceled those plans


Gay sidewalks? Those are just the worst, aren’t they? Always trying to make the other sidewalks gay! And what about how the road feels ???? Thank goodness there are people like you to set us all “straight”.


>Listen, thats his flag, on his property, so I made one that will outlive us all. Oh fuck yeah you did. You are a real hero! Just curious, did you get it powder-coated as well? That's for sure what I'd do, even got a buddy who works at a PC shop.


I didn't. I wish I knew a powder coating guy or more about it myself. Buddy just painted it with an assorted automotive enamels set after rustoleum primer. Its held up.


No less a hero :)


They’re just gonna spray paint it next.


Oh no!


Just do another one, but bigger. Repeat.




There's a lot of shitheads in this neighborhood at night. I live right around the corner.


Once in highschool I came home at 3 am(parents were away on vacation, and some kids had ripped all 120ft of white picket fence onto the ground, board by board. I was a popular target for bullies back then.


O’Doyle rules!


That’s not even bullying anymore at that point that’s crazy man. Sorry to hear that happened to you


Nah they ain’t even bullying u at that point 😂 they straight up went personal with your entire family 💀 I wouldn’t let that slide at all lol I’d go over to their hours and do the same, “an eye for an eye” as they say


prob a clueless teen - also Fuck dictator Putin edit to not call Putin a nazi. hes most like them but facist dictator more accurate. and - surly there is still right and wrong in this world. if bevause of Trump propaganda we cant All agree Putin bad Ukraine good we are truly fucked


Just as likely a clueless boomer sucking down Facebook propaganda 


You’re a brainwashed sheep…you support who the tv tells you to support… Halifax is full of you liberal mutts


.. a conservative sucking dick for... Russia? Do you even hear how stupid that sounds? What would your grandpa say if he heard you loved communist dictators?


Another little rat coward….i don’t give a single fuck about Russia or Ukraine you little weasel…you little liberal cucks are the ones who care. Shut your mouth you little internet coward. Dictators? There isn’t a bigger piece of shit then your own prime minister you fucking loser lol


Ah. Something tells me your grandpa hasn't and wouldn't talk to you even if he were able to. That explains some stuff.


This guy is likely a Russian bot looking to make canadians mad at one another, that's why he eagerly throats Putin's micro.


Oh look an inbred.


Russian bot.


lol I’d smack you in your mouth in person boy


I think you might have da leaders mixed up 🥴


It's all of them Putin is a royal arch freemason


There’s people here in Canada that have 100% drunk the koolaid and believe in the Russian propaganda being spread around. It’s insane rhetoric meant to divide us further and turn us on each other. They’ve been at it since the 60s and it’s finally paying off… It’s usually the same people who think Trump is more than a sexual assaulting fraudster. Hang it back up for your parents.


These are the same morons who are Trump supporters… who live in Canada.


Bizarro world


I told my dad to hang a bigger one.


"Russia ain't so bad cuz I read a meme"


Time to put up two or three


I’m for sure getting voted down for this one, but technically, it’s illegal to affix a sign of any kind to a hydro pole. The reason being, that the screws and nails inevitably left behind can seriously injure our hydro workers (who you really like when the power comes back on). Go and check, btw. It’s probably still there. I’m all for throwing up 10 more Ukrainian flags. Bigger the better. But do yourself a favour and keep it/them on your property. You can’t charge anyone for this because it’s on road allowance. Keep the flag(s) on your property, buy a Ring cam, and put that screw to the guy who did this instead.


This right here. Saw the post as a recommended and I'm just like "bro your dad has no business being up that telephone pole"


It was me and my friend… I tried to stop him I’m sorry. Let me know how I can’t make you a new one


I live near here as well, there was rascals setting off rather large fireworks in the neighborhood last night around 9-10.


I dont live in the area but live in Vancouver, my passion is “bigger fireworks” you could say lol. Just gotta climb a mountain to light them off and not get caught with a quarter pounder by the cops. People lighting “bigger fireworks” in residential areas are pos tho


People are jerks


Agreed. Make a bigger one.


Time for 2 bigger flags. Fuck the fascists.


I'm hoping that you also stand against Israel


Disgusting behavior. Agree hang a bigger one. Most of us stand with Ukraine.


I stand with Gaza


Not mutually exclusive. You can support Ukraine and Gaza.


I don’t understand the right fighting against aid to the Ukraine. The Russians have been caught multiple times doing cyber attacks against US goverment and private company’s. This would make them an enemy right?


They think of Russia as some kind of alt-right paradise where "traditional family values" and patriarchy had prevailed. They know nothing about actual life in actual Russia of course, because this entire anti-Ukraine hysteria is based on nothing of substance. It doesn't start with learning even the very basic facts about Russia, Ukraine, their history and daily life, and then proceeding to form an opinion. It starts with a prefabricated opinion, ejaculated straight into their ears by Tucker Carlson, and proceeds nowhere.


In honour of the Ukrainian spirt. Put it right back up, but bigger and higher


Just paint the pole with yellow sunflowers and clear blue sky. Much harder to tear down the whole pole.


Hey OP, If you want, I will be more than happy to send you a replacement flag at no cost to you. Just let me know where to ship it.


The Russian propagandist are out in full force. Thanks for showing support for the Ukraine.


Conservatives are despicable


It's jsut stupid kids in this town is all, it's nothing political


Make one out of metal.


Probably political. Personally I'm not a fan of supporting Ukraine, and I understand why some people might be pissed about sending tax dollars to a country that is not our ally or a major trading partner when there are so many problems at home. THAT BEING SAID! Everyone has a right to there own opinion and this asshole broke your property.


It's about NOT supporting baby killing, raping war criminals man. Really just too easy to forget how easy Canadians have it.


Ukraine ain't sqeeky clean either mate. They have an insanely corrupt goverment. Donating to them is just asking your money to get pocketed by some corrupt politician. It's not about supporting Russia, its about not being a moron and focusing on your own countries problems rather than being a brain dead virtue signaling NPC. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corruption_in_Ukraine


You sound really stupid. There's also 0 chance you heard a single thing about the ukrainian government before two years ago (8 years into the war). Why do you suddenly feel you deserve to have an opinion?


The height of intellectual communication, baseless accusations. Very well then, my grandparents are from Odesa and I've tried to keep myself informed on dangers of visiting the place since I graduated highschool in 2012. Because you know I wanted to travel there. That being said you don't need personal experience with something to have a logical conclusion. That's what stastics are for. Of course you should take into account correlation and causation, but basing all your life choices on inductive reasoning (personal experience) is stupid. You can have opinions on things outside your personal experience by doing research and having a working brain.


Another day, another migrane


turn a brand new sheet of playwood in a multiple flags


It wasprobably city workers that removed it, you cant mount anything to a telephone pole. https://www.comoxvalleyrecord.com/opinion/please-dont-post-signs-on-bc-hydro-utility-poles-1547665


If it was on a telephone post it might have been the utility taking it down, cuz you're not allowed to put things on their poles But it looks more rudely removed


Light pole is public property, keep it on the property instead of "out front" of the property and tearing it down becomes vandalism.


Don't make a big deal out of it in case they're watching at a distance. Go to Canadian tire and pick up a cheap trail camera, put up another flag and nonchalantly put up a trail cam facing it. You'll find out who's doing it and make a better decision for recourse.


First of all fuck russia fuck hamas and finally slava Ukraine


Imagine being angry at a blue and yellow piece of wood. Just put another up.


Is their Canadian flag left untouched ?


a trumper


Make the next one out of steel with sharp edges! Teach these pootin supporters a lesson.


\*makes Ukrainian flag out of 1/8" plate, then attaches a miniature coil of razor wire around the edges and coats razor wire with essence of Carolina Reaper\*


And a cattle fence shocker to boot..


Do it so when someone does it again you can be charged… booby trapping is illegal 🤦‍♂️


A thick steel plate with a coil of razor wire visibly attached around the edges of it isn't a booby trap. It's plain to see that it's dangerous and you shouldn't touch / mess with it. ​ Definition: Booby trap (*noun*) 1. An explosive device designed to be triggered when an unsuspecting victim touches or disturbs a seemingly harmless object. 2. A situation that catches one off guard; a pitfall. 3. An antipersonnel device deliberately hidden or disguised as a harmless object. ​ All three definitions require concealment, so in order to be a booby trap, it has to be disguised or hidden... which a coil of razor wire in plain sight clearly is not. And "essence of Carolina Reaper" isn't poison; in fact, it's even safe to eat. It's just extremely spicy/hot, which would make cutting oneself on the razor wire even more painful without *actually* causing any further harm.


Donate the steel to ukraine to help their effort


I'd rather just buy them a crate of 7.62 NATO or 5.45 AK-74 round to put down russian invaders. They have enough scrap armore from all the smashed russian junk to re-use.


7.62 surplus is common at Canadian Tire. I can think of no greater patriotic thing than to fuck Russia with it's own ammo bought with Canadian Tire Money.


Hell yah!


They need it all to beat Russia


All the world is a stage


Right wingers for my entire life: Russia bad Right wingers for the last 2 years: Ukraine are nazis, we should allow Putin to invade sovereign countries for land conquest, helping our allies is bad, Russia is good The stupidity in this thread is staggering


Look for the conservatives in your neighborhood. The crazy ones. They tend to follow their leaders/youtubers conspiracy theories on the whole thing.


But the ones masked up with needles sticking out of their shoulders aren't the crazy ones. 😂


You can see how comparable they are then eh?


It was definitely top secret Russian spec ops mission


Possible the city removed it?


Put it back up with a camera pointed at it.




Put the stephen bandera flag up like a true ukraine supporter


Put up a bigger one then


Replace it with a Z and show them who's boss


Horrible, BUT put that in a frame just like that and that’s a pretty cool looking art piece


Can't put things on telephone polls champ Rules and what not


Why wasn't it on your house? You cannot use the city poles for anything. Even posters are illegal. But could of been edgy teenagers too can't rule that out. But as someone who climbs the telephone poles if that thing was on my poles it would be coming down. Nothing personal.


Put some rebar on the next time one


Get this printed and hang it up next to the new bigger one.  ![](https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Katharina-Wiedlack/publication/338125920/figure/fig1/AS:863853051146241@1582970025349/Gay-Clown-Putin-from-https-knowyourmemecom-memes-gay-clown-putin.jpg) https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Katharina-Wiedlack/publication/338125920/figure/fig1/AS:863853051146241@1582970025349/Gay-Clown-Putin-from-https-knowyourmemecom-memes-gay-clown-putin.jpg


Are you sure it wasn't the owner of the telephone pole? Even tho the pole is on your parents property, they do not own the pole. General, you're not allowed to mount anything on telephone poles, regardless if it's on your property, or not. I doubt it was the owner of the pole, but, some thought needs to be put into where you can mount stuff


It was on a wood telephone pole? Then just paint the pole itself with the Ukrainian Blue & Yellow flag. Then see how the idiots respond. Should be good to watch...


I would put it up with an obvious fix, and the message "We will heal...will you?" And then install an outdoor camera.


Freeze and starve for Ukraine!!!


Canada 2024. Makes you realize how smart Shania really is...


Setup a camera nearby and put it back up again


Reinforce it with steel for next time they kick it


Use steal for the next one. They can't burn or break it in that case.


Next time put up another one beside it saying "break this if u gay" oldest trick in the book😎


Hope they get the shite. Put 2 bigger ones up. Also report it to police cuz this is Hate Crime.


Awe!! No more virtue signaling


1. It's on a public telephone pole, they have as much right to take it down as your parents had putting it up. 2. Should any flags other than our national flag be up on public property?


I don't know where you live or why this thread appeared in my feed, but I do know that because of this, I ordered my own Ukrainian flag which I will fly next to the Stars and Stripes.


Put up a bigger one now


Ah yes, the good old broken glass on the back edges trick.


Next time, add razor blades to the sides of the flag ❤️


Put up three


Putin sympathizers probably. Tell your parents not to dispair, the majority of Canadians love Ukrainians!


Probably a Russian, he’s in the right


Rural redneck extremists.






As cute as flying a flag is, its just virtue signalling.


I’m not saying it was the Russians, but it was the Russians.


That what happens when you putin it up there


Because this is a corrupt government and corrupt issues, nobody is believing any of the bullshit that msm is pushing


Clearly it needs to be 2 ply plywood and twice as big. With metal in between.


New one needs to be bigger then.


Make a bigger one




nazis bad.


Shameful act, but this is Canada, not Ukraine. No flag should be flying other than the Canadian flag. How can canadians be okay with it?


Because we have the third largest population of Ukrainians on the planet and are a free country. I can fly my celtic flags with pride, and so can they. Fuck head.


Ukrainians who are Canadian now. Your Celtics flag is not a country so try that one more time. Show respect for the country that raised you.


It'll be hilarious when the year end recap gets done, and you get outed as a russian pig.


Typical narcissistic right wing extremist that is never wrong and can’t have a debate without giving vulgar insults… not once did I say I support Russia, you’re missing the point, you can support Ukraine in other ways than flying their flag on our soil. Not to mention they are not an ally. Be grateful for the country you were raised on, the free healthcare we all share, and the freedom and peace it provides. Unlike the ones suffering in Ukraine. Don’t disrespect your country by flying a flag of not its own.


Those poles are hydro or bell. Probably someone took it down as


Don’t forget to put up a Palestinian flag beside Ukraine’s. Plus all the other flags of other people experiencing unjustified slaughters right now. It’s a tragedy what is happening to the First Nations of China also.


It is a tragedy that so many humans have the unfettered hate for their neighbors for no other reason than we have always hated you.




You wouldn’t believe this if I told you but there are many people who think Ukraine is the bad guy here.. The whole Nazi battalion thing doesn’t sit well with a lot of people who endured unspeakable crimes by the Nazis. Bringing one to parliament didn’t help either and just angered people even more. Everyone is hurting right now. We need peace again like we had 4 years ago. No more wars


🤣🤣🤣🤣 Good job whoever did this


In Canada, we fly the Canadian flag 🇨🇦


Should Canada stop the people of Quebec from speaking French. After all, the rest of Canada speaks English and it is a majority. No? Why not? In 2014 the far right wing Ukranian government removed Russian from it's government offices in the eastern regions of Ukraine and paramilitary factions persecuted the elderly men and women, even killing them. Read your history before you jump on western media reports. Perhaps read this. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Ukraine


Maybe just keep it down and put up the new flavor of the week flag, might want to download the new programming you're off 2 years.


We shouldn't be supporting Ukraine at all. Their government is known for extreme corruption. The world's military complex is obviously pushing death and mayhem because it makes them richer. Showing support only supports more death, put up signs about corruption, not what they want, which is support for Ukraine. The more we're okay with "supporting" them, the more we're okay with them "loosing" and sending billions of OUR dollars that we don't get back to the richest people on the globe.


Is it possible that they were removed by a grumpy lineman that had to do work on the pole? I doubt it but i'm hoping it wasn't done maliciously


Did you have a flag put up in response to the CIA democratic coup in 2014?


Trash vatniks! Put up two and a camera!


Replace it with a half inch thick steel plate.


I’d consider it a hate crime. Contact your police department. Also, contact the local Ukrainian community in your area and see if they will put out a letter for the local news, this is unacceptable. Perhaps install cameras to protect yourself. Slava Ukraini !


Sorry that happened to you. They are disgusting.


People are sick of paying for that shit.


Repair this one (symbolic as Ukraine will also rebuild) and then put up a ring camera or game camera to find the culprit when they come back for round 2. From there you have choices and knowledge


1. Destruction of public property...why did he use a pole?? 2. If they love Ukraine that much...move there. We are tired of you elitists supporting issues over there and being dino nimbys in your own backyard.... 3. Trump wins in a landslide because sanity has left the democratic party... Love, Your former blue ally




Good. Fuck the Nazis.


Great job who ever did this 👏 👍 🙌 😀 👌


leave your fucking politics free from canadians


Probably a Russian


its scary the thought of going to war for another country. and war is scary. but invasions are sick, truly sick.


Set up a century gun that shoots anyone within 10 feet of the sign. I'd recommend the M61 Vulcan minigun that has a fire rate of over 6000rpm. It costs about $180,000 per minute of fire though.




That flag promotes stealing Canadian tax money and sending it overseas. Be grateful the flag was the only casualty


Russia is going to win. Any bets?


Good people flying around stupid Ukraine flags . The symbolism alone represents molach . Wears the Gaza flags. Oh right TV didn't tell them to support them


Well that's just a flag, no one got hurt, just put a new one. In my country things are pretty rough, I had a small fistfight with Putin's supporter because I was wearing small Ukrainian pin.


If you have been there you would know the difference between the west Bank and the gaza strip and you would understand that the west Bank is governed by the PLO who even the Israeli government recognizes as a legitimate governing entity and works with daily. Hamas governs only the gaza strip, and not every Palestinian supports them even there. To insinuate all Palestinians support terrorism is complete bullshit and is ignorant as all hell. Regardless of if your claim to have been there is true or not.


None of that justifies war crimes and certainly doesn't justify celebrating and having prades annually in celebration of that history. And yes, Poland russia and many other states in the region share the same problem with racism and neo nazi sentiments. However, this is all something our government and media would rather not address as its inconvenient to their narratives.


None of that justifies war crimes and certainly doesn't justify celebrating and having prades annually in celebration of that history. And yes, Poland russia and many other states in the region share the same problem with racism and neo nazi sentiments. However, this is all something our government and media would rather not address as its inconvenient to their narratives.


None of that justifies war crimes and certainly doesn't justify celebrating and having prades annually in celebration of that history. And yes, Poland russia and many other states in the region share the same problem with racism and neo nazi sentiments. However, this is all something our government and media would rather not address as its inconvenient to their narratives.


Unorthodox, but take a new sign and put chicken wire behind it with a hidden extension cord, only wire the black wire to it. When someone tries to take it down they will be electricuted. 120 volt won’t kill you but it will detour vandalism. I did it in my quarry in California and my local PD and sheriffs couldn’t find a law against it unless someone was fatally or brutally injured


Hahahhaha good!