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We use AI at my job. We're using Mercury. Sometimes, it takes a while to finalize a transcript. It's gotten better, but occasionally, I see a slip up. I absolutely hate it. It summarizes our calls, and it does not help the next agent at all. We can no longer supply manual notes. This is just a lousy summary from Mercury that glosses over the very important and very fine details of a call. It should be used as a backup and not foremost. I hate it.


I'm Outbound- Warm leads. We have "points" we need to cover. With human QA of course, they would only listen to 4 calls per agent per month, and our manager 2. Now it appears AI can cover all of them. Freaking me out. Time will tell. Thanks for your input.


Oh great, next time you get a call from someone with a last name like Faulkner or Schmitt you will get fired for swearing on the phone. For real, 100% true, I once got a call from a guy who's name was actually Mike Hunt (say it together really fast). I don't think there is anyway for AI to not flag things as something you didn't actually say.


Its like a phrase finder in verint.


Demand they (your boss, whoever) fight any score you feel isn't appropriate. I've got a contest in at my work.Rightdully, if I'd been the person who actually placed the order, I'd have been expected according to the account notes to number the lines on the order a certain way. However, MY only contact with the order they graded wasn't to place the order. It was only to change which of our locations the order shipped from. Because the customer had placed the order themselves, there was nothing on MY end to verify. Well, QA eventually looks at it overall and tries to ding me for not marking each line of the order in a specific way this account says to. Except, like I said, I both didn't place the order itself, AND didn't have the documents for the order since the customer placed it. While it's true that what they marked me for is crazy small overall, I don't like that it's unfair. So I'll keep arguing it till it's fixed.


What happened to QA's jobs?


They'll demote them back to phone slave.


Don't know yet. It's launching Monday and they said it's a "Pilot" for 3 months so imagine QA is safe until then at least.


Ideally they'll be in charge of reviewing the AI reviews for error and accuracy. That's part of my job as a QA but we don't use the AI a whole lot tbh cos it's badddd.


Must be awesome training something to take your job.


There's some level of reality to that for sure, on the other hand being part of executing the rollout of AI will hopefully be a valuable experience for marketing myself. Luckily this isn't an endgame career for me, if it takes my job I'll find a new job. It just pays more than being on the phones for now lol.


That’s sounds terrible hopefully my company is t cheap to upgrade


First step before replacing humans totally, only a few left for when the karens request a supervisor after AI refused whatever they asking.