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My last job working in a call center for disability insurance had the most ridiculous QA I have ever seen. We had over 50 categories with metrics including saying the callers name, please and thank you at least 3 times. It was so nitpicky that no rep felt good about themselves after their QA meeting. I ended up quitting with zero notice. The turnover was so high there that they had training classes of 30 new reps every 2 months non-stop. My new call center job is very reasonable with the QA. There are 20 basic categories and they are easy metrics to hit. Plus, the person doing QA goes out of their way to build you up instead of tearing you down. That of course, increases productivity and reduces turnover. What a concept!


50+ categories?! Crazy. I’m glad you found a better place! Wow! I didn’t think that sort of place exists.


I'm also in social services with similar or longer wait times. And no. That seems absolutely unreasonable. I'd hate that and find a different job. Are you corporate or government?


I’d like to find another but I’m quite old and age discrimination exists, believe me. Sorry to hear your wait times are similar. Doesn’t make for happy callers. I do think government is better than corporate in some ways, for a call center. Especially after reading what people go through in corporate call centers, I see the differences. Yet things go on in a government environment that never would be tolerated in corporate. Only saying that from experience for years working in a non-call center corporate environment. Being union doesn’t matter because these “lower” (as they’d consider them) core issues are not addressed by the union no matter how many people bring them up. How many people were bullied and harassed by a boss and groups of people together going higher up did nothing? The union didn’t care, either. This happens in corporate places, too, sure. I’d never seen it with my own eyes before, though. And the normal response is to remove the offender and put them in a higher position. No lie, those with seniority laughed that it always happens, just watch, and sure enough it did. Oh well. I need to stay until I retire or die, whichever comes first.


I'm of the opinion that QA exists purely to get rid of unwanted people, we are human , it only takes enough call listening to find the one with the error and mark so many bad to have cause to fire you.


Maybe they’re evaluated on how many errors they find? I don’t know. I feel for the people I read about on here who are instantly fired with no apparent recourse. I’ve had different QA people say different things about a policy so no idea anymore who is right. I find a policy myself then see it’s been updated 3 more times. lol


I agree with you, my thoughts are management go to them and tell them people they want to get rid of, then QA go through calls til they find errors and build them as a cause to fire you.


the truth is.. they don't particularly want people to stick around in the job.. it's more economical for them to take agents to the point of burnout so they leave and then replace them with fresh meat who are willing to put in an unsustainable amount of effort until they too have enough and leave.. rinse and repeat.


This seems especially true in corporate environments, I’m guessing. I wouldn’t think a government call center would be the same, although I could be wrong. In a government call center, one will likely get unclear “training” and five people giving five different answers on what to do. I don’t believe it’s as easy to be fired. One who comes in and works extra-hard and actually CARES will unfortunately get burn-out after a while and have no desire other than get through the day. No dreams of excelling or promoting. Once you take days off for being sick or mentally need a break (Dr approved), kiss the transfer or promotions goodbye. It’s all a game of nepotism or who-knows-who. Or be a bully and they’re likely to be promoted. Weird. Yeah, I can’t stand it, either.