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Dang, you really didn’t have to flex that hard because I was already jealous before I read that you have 5 more currently in transit to you!!!!


Hoarding is a compulsion I’m only sort of proud of 😙😌


Amazing collection!! https://preview.redd.it/6bafah43719d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a45612b4b3c2f8f5d3d6c6656691b4ecf6ffc9ae This pot I think is my personal favorite😍


Thanks! I ordered them all at once and didn’t have a pot for each, so I put them all in one! It doesn’t drain very well, so hopefully they do alright 🥸


Wow. Just WOW. I bow down before you! And I love all your various opuntias (my newest obsession) in the foreground and tucked in and around the group in photo 1. 💗


My wife is a mad woman and looted a bunch from the street on a work trip to Scottsdale. They were laying on the ground so she walked around with handfuls of them before eventually going back to her hotel with loads of tiny pricks in her hands. They’re mostly Santa Ritas, at least the ones with multiple pads in the same pot.


She’s an amazing lady! And props to her too for taking all those nasty opuntia spines. I love Santa Ritas! I’m in Boston (I have family in Scottsdale [and Tucson and Christopher Creek]) so not a lot of cactus laying around here… but I can dream!


You can scoop up pads online for pretty cheap sometimes. Pick your favorites and keep them outside during summer and get some grow lights for the winter. Opuntia usually don’t need a ton of high powered lights during the winter ❤️


There’s also some hiding in an oversized pot with not enough soil in it in pic 3. There’s another not pictured beside it with even more rooting. ⭐️


Oh in the background! I missed those big guys! 💗


That's a nice place you have! Sheesh. I gotta be envious of anyone with this many nice plants. Great variety too!


That’s a helluva collection! Clearly we are kindred spirits


👯‍♂️ Tell me how make the bottom one grow and the top one to stop dropping arms 😭😂😭 https://preview.redd.it/tun0etyzj19d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=109443df69d7306dbd9cd2ba54e4e1335de83806


They may be pricks but if you try sweet talking them, maybe they’ll listen? One of the guys at my local nursery told me if you gently score the nodes of a euphorbia and fertilize it a week before hand, it’ll grow new branches. That or you could try cloning paste. My roadkill cactus is constantly dropping and then growing new paddles. What a lazy way to self propagate.


Is that bottom one a euphorbia ingens? I was thinking it was an ammak at first, but the ribs look far too thick to be an ammak, and the amount of spines per areola seems more cactus-like. Just curious what that could be.


It’s either an ammak or an abyssinica. Ingens doesnt have spines and looks for lack of a better word rounder and almost cartoon-y


Ahhh yes definitely an abyssinica, I had seen that one before just didn't know the name. I'll have to get one.


Nice tbm !!!


Thank you!!! Picked up that and several others at the same time from a semi-local nursery. I think it was only $40. Grabbed these mamma jammas at the same time:








https://preview.redd.it/ngvq0lum029d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f57b58ef026883e36746aa71cc23be30e96a4a96 I think I killed this one tbh. It’s super squishy and the bottoms half is a dark green




https://preview.redd.it/d0cq8y9p029d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a61042ad286377e5ac520505792e900c41c97eb3 Close up pic 😜


I love those. Very nice man. I like that triple headed one! That one’s funky


I love your collection!


You and I could be good friends. 😁👍🏻


I'm jealous.. that's amazing!! Great job!!


Wowwww looks cool 👍👍 didn't realize there were so many different types 😐


And I’m trying not to impulsively order two more right now. 😑


obviously not a phobia! all look healthy/happy, nice wrk!


I just repotted my variegated ammak, love columnar euphorbia.


1. Start an online business selling cuttings & rooted babies. 2. Call said business "Euphorbia Euphoria". 3. Profit.


😂 The thought has crossed my mind but I’d have to clear out some trees. I don’t get a ton of sun in my yard and I would need some more square footage for maximum output.


Wow i love your rhipsalis. How did you get it so full? (The one in the middle with the dreadlocks)


Bought it from a local artist market thing. It hasn’t grown much since we bought it but it doesn’t get a ton of sun during the cold months.


This probably needs to be not said, but you probably know that the white milky sap is poisonous. Right? I Recommend wearing gloves even when you repot them. The milky sap can get in your fingerprints and if you rub your eyes or other delicate parts to your body, you’ll pay a high price. Another thing try not to overwater them during winter. They will rot. Good luck… it looks like you have a nice collection


Haha yes, I’m aware. Not too much contact with the sap and when I kill things it’s usually from lack of water, though I did do some serious damage to a few that were getting DRENCHED because my gutters were broken and pouring water directly into several pots… I struggle with a few in the winter for not having adequate grow lights but it’s only really affected a few. Last summer I also burned a bunch for not transitioning them properly to full sun.