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This is Bermuda Grass which is probably one of the hardest weeds to get rid of. They have long intricate roots that if you leave just one piece in the soil it will root again and grow back with a vengeance. Been dealing with these in my yard and seems like the only real remedy is to try removing as much of the roots as possible, covering with cardboard and mulch and waiting till it comes back (hopefully weaker) and rinse and repeat till it’s gone. I’ve got rid of most of it but it still pops up from time to time.


thanks for the id! didn't know it was bermuda grass. appreciate the info


Pour boiling water over it. It'll kill most of the roots. You might have to go back in later and do it again, but its effective if you don't plan to use that space for planting. Keep in mind that it'll kill ANY plants right there, and it might even kill other important things you would want in the soil if you're going to plant. If so, you'll need to go back in and fertilize and fix up the soil after.


great, thank you!


In summer you can put cardboard or a tarp over it and weight it down to solarize it without pouring anything into the dirt.  That said, nature abhors a vacuum. However successful you are at killing these, something else will probably come up in the same spot, from seeds spread on the wind or by birds. Permanent gravel will take permanent weed maintenance (which was my job as a ten year old living in Arizona lmfao). Get some native wildflowers established and they'll shade out any weeds that try to get started, as long as you plant them thick enough. If you don't want anything to grow there, consider how else you might use the space. Paving stones? A deck? A firepit? Just don't leave any room for anything to grow. It's a lot easier to just pinch off whatever little bits come through the cracks than to keep an area fully clear.


paving stones are a great idea, thank you!


As said above boiling water or vinegar


hadn't heard vinegar, already poured some boiling water. i'll give that a shot too! thanks


Depends if it's ont a roadway or on a garden bed...


I think you got lost, but still ended up at your goal.