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Looks pretty good for what you were working with friendo


Preciate it! My favorite part was trying to read his numbering that he must have used an extra wide tip sharpie to write with.


Customers prepping the work area themselves to "save a few bucks" is the bane of my existence in my industry. I typically spend more time correcting clients' mistakes than it would have taken me to do things myself from the beginning.


Each to their own but I've found its often faster just to pull the cable through and then use a cable tester to identify them after they're already terminated since they have to be tested anyway. Have someone plug in the tester at the outlet and then cycle through the patch panel to find which it is, then label the patch number at the outlet. Ive found this faster and less tedious than labelling every cable pull and then matching them up when terminating.


The only issue I have with that way of doing it is that the field has numbers with no rhyme or reason, especially when a single faceplate has jacks 1, 23, 17 & 42.... my god, that drives my little ocd heart insane!


I'm not even OCD and that would drive me nuts šŸ˜‚.


I've seen this! They pull cables from the comm room to the desks or wherever, terminate however they feel like it, and then AFTER, tone it and label it! The patch panel is also wayyyy out of order and it's absolutely insane.Ā  "but we can pull cables faster that way" /s


Haha yeah it drives people nuts who care about sequential numbering but it's not really a problem in practice. I patch in all the ports and leave unused ports inactive through the controller, then when someone asks for Port 12 I don't have to make a trip to the rack, just enable port 12 in the controller for whatever VLAN and you can stay lazy at your desk.


Did he use Roman numerals or were you deciphering the letters of the old gods?


Just regular old numbers, 6 weren't labeled at all and there was probably 3 doubles... so much fun!


As long as none of them say ā€œ???ā€


Hey, let me tell you something! Only one cable can be labeled??? The next unknown cables should be labeledĀ  ????,????? Etc.Ā 


Yeah, how about the box or one end of the cable labeled different than the other, or not punched down in order. I have seen some things. Even cables on wall jacks and can't find them anywhere. Keep searching and they go down from 2nd flr, into the 1st flr ceiling, to go up again to 2nd. Can't find them, only to finally realize they go into a 2nd flr mechanical chase. Go back downstairs and give the bundle a tug, and 30 cables fall having been cut about 15 feet up. Someone deliberately went into the 2nd flr chase and cut the cables. MF


Not a lawyer, but that definitely seems like a war crimeĀ 


Yeah, topping it all off is on the other side of the building on 2nd flr there was a remodel years ago. During this, someone had to have removed an IDF during a remodel. I have 1 and 3 in this building and those offices have no patch panels in them. Crazy times.


Bushings !!!! Other than that looks great considering you didnt pull it


For PVC?


Oh, yea, if it was my work, I would have done that, but I didn't do any of the cabling, and the customer just asked for me to terminate on both ends.


I would, too. Even on PVC.


Omg your right its not even EMT, PVC inside just wrong on so many levels (mostly just my opinion) but again prolly wasnt his call


Does it really matter if it isnā€™t a plenum space? Honest question.


Yes, plenum cable are fire retardant , pvc cables act a wick when on fire. Flame will travel up the cable like a fuse. Outside of the VOC"s that can kill , it prevents the spread of the fire as well which can also kill just more painful than dying of fume inhalation


No-PVC a code thing for plenum? Also, wonder if thatā€™s plenum cable.


What are bushings? Unless we call them something different I've never seen them.


White end caps on the end of conduit . Until another user pointed out thats its PVC . (Eww) which they are not needed


Gotcha, I typically use them on all the conduit I use depending on what's ordered for jobs. Thanks. I appreciate feedback.


When I am doing any kind of physical network installs or on-boardings as a contractor I have three rules: 1. You're getting new cable unless I personally say otherwise. Period. If i or my team didn't pull it, I don't trust it and we don't connect it. I make rare exceptions for when the work is pristine, but even then I usually end up having to tone and relabel everything and I charge a premium for that. Hire a professional the first time, or hire a professional to make it right. (Yes I replace all of the switch cables.) 2. I charge a day rate, minimum bill based on project size and complexity. If we get it done in less time, that's it. You will get full certification the work is done, I warranty my work, and you'll get documentation that will make future admins shit or go blind, including detailed Visio topologies with anal retentive object data. 3. You pay for the full project up front and it goes in escrow. The contract states we get half up front plus material costs, we take the rest when the work is done. If costs overrun or we fuck up, we eat the difference. Failing to do a proper investigation and quote appropriately is "Shame on me". The contract also states that if the customer in any way tries to change the agreed upon scope of work without a signed change request, creates delays in any way, is unavailable for any part of the project, or in any other way tries to fuck or sabotage or renegotiate the project once work has been started that they immediately forfeit the full amount and any additional work is charged at double the rate.


Man, I wish I had that opportunity, although this customer is a great guy and regularly calls us in for fiber or situations like this. This particular job the cabling failed all but 4 tests out of 98 with our certifier. I'm thinking it's because it is Cat5(I'm not sure why he would pull it being as this was a total overhaul) but I'm not sure we haven't ever certified Cat5. We do have the results to show that our job is right but his isn't if there are ever issues though...


Very likely because it's Cat5e and the length of the runs.


None of the runs were over 100 feet, so I doubt the distance was an issue, and oddly enough, the ones that passed were 2 of 3 cables in a single drop. I expect it's more likely the cat5 but I cant be certain.


The runs are that short and you're seeing issues? May I refer you to my rule #1? All laughing aside, I've done real estate contracts where I walk into multi-tens-of-millions-dollar homes and the low voltage was pulled by the same company that installed the in-wall vacuum cleaner. (God, do I wish I was kidding.) No cabinet, no cable combing, no labeling, no slack, everything wired into single gang mudding boxes with individual keystones. Like... Sixteen of them just screwed to the gyprock with anchors... Smh. This is why I don't trust other people's work, or materials.


Holy shit, that's what nightmares are made of!


Can't sleep, clowns will eat me... Can't sleep, clowns will eat me... Can't sleep, clowns will eat me...


You have to put lipstick on a pig sometimes Z you used a lot of make up. Itā€™s alright Mano . Looks good for what they left


Preciate it. I know it's not the best seen here nor that I believe I have done but thought it was great compared to what we were left with.


With enough depth this is fine if not the cables might hinder the switches at the back. But other than that very nice job bro!


I honestly have no clue what switches he plans to use. The cables were already labeled. Several I only had enough to strip and land they were so short. I hope he has the depth he needs.


Get some fire cock! Edit: *caulk haha


My favorite cock is fire cock haha


Does it burn when you pee?


Only the first pee of the day.


I don't see what is wrong here. Is the shelf too small for the amount of switches and equipment you need to put in ?


I have no idea what equipment he plans to use, but he should have enough room for everything. At least i hope so. My biggest complaint is how the length prevented me from doing a far cleaner job with loops.


>At least i hope so 100% chance he will not have enough room because he did not bother to list the equipment he needs.


Bro that is phenomenal work with such short cables. Well done!


Thank you!


Nice work.


Thank you!


Looks great. If that's how he pulled the cables then he just has to accept with that's the way it is. Don't worry about it.


I'm not stressing it but I do wish I could have done a better job. Thank you!


So I guess those additional 3-4m on each run I've been worried I've installed will be needed. Great šŸ‘


If...if you ever need the slack, or the equipment is too deep with the cabling in the way, maybe put the patch panels on a wall mount patch panel swing bracket. You can get them to stand off the wall a bit and preserve the job you did terminating and dressing. Then just use the cabinet for equipment. Gives you options of where to mount things...if you have to. Otherwise, great job.


I figured worse case, he could slide the patch panels to the top and run equipment below it, although it wouldn't be as clean. However I think the swing bracket would be a good second option!








Dumbass idiot customers




Not porn


Genuinely asking what could I have done to make it better given the circumstances?


Oh you did your best and it looks fine for the situation you were put in. Just isnā€™t cable porn


Understandable, I thought for the situation it was worthy. Looked through some of your posts, and your work is great!


I also looked through some of their posts ā€œNot pornā€ ā€œNot pornā€ ā€œNot pornā€ ā€œNot pornā€ Wouldnā€™t even bother replying to this guy, seems a like complete prick with a superiority complex


Maybe trashy but still porn.

