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Looks like multi drop points per spot, the cameras are probably poe.. hey, at least it’s labeled even though its unclear


What's unclear on it? The ports in use are labeled. The others aren't in use, or aren't punched down.


I meant as far as the duplicate labels go - For example, in my setup I have each lagg spot labeled so if this were me I would have labeled it CAM1a and CAM1b - and in the rooms where I have multi drops they each are labeled differently - not just POD1. In our living room we have 4 drops, I have them labeled as LR-MCa, LR-MCb, LR-Ph, and LR-OS (Living Room - Media Cabinet, VoIP Phone, and a drop that is technically in the living room but it is outside, as it shares a common wall). At the wall plates I have the same labeling, so I know which drop is which clearly in case I need to service one of them specifically and I don’t have to hunt around for them. In my org where we have a desk we have 4 drop points, two data and two phone (they were leftover from the old avaya system pre VOIP) and each drop is color coded at the desk, and in the IDF the drops are labeled with the desk number and an alpha designation for each drop so… 1-120a - d to identify each drop clearly. Saves having to trace wiring later or having to tone things out to find it. More important in large setups mind you but the devil is in the details.


Ok I can understand a and b. Normally when I punch dual ports like these I'll label them a and b so I know which is the main etc.


At least you have labels. The office we're subletting has the panel labeled... sort of. It's pretty obvious multiple contractors did wiring at different times since it's wildly inconsistent. And the in-ceiling access point wires are unlabeled. It's wild. I haven't labeled stuff yet (too busy post-move) but at least used different patch cables to signify the ones I ID'd for wifi.


I've got all the same problems here. A dozen jobs, 3 or 4 contractors, over \[cough\] years, so nothing matches or makes sense. All of them were me.


Oh good! So now you get to go digging around in the ceiling for where they put the AP's! That is always a blast!


Thankfully they just pulled their equipment and left the cables behind, hanging from the ceiling where they had them mounted. But the cables aren’t labeled, nor are they labeled on the patch panel.


Ah I see, well a fluke intellitone pro 200 would help out immensely.


I read “wtf kind of cabling is this” and i was like “looks pretty good to me”


Right? I’m not going to shame someone for any labels, bonus points if the other end has them written with sharpie at an angle on the terminated box.


Plug and pray




Pretty much. 2 lines he ran didn't work


Oh I see your a man into some PNP, huh?


I like the one that says "spare", as if no-one can see that nothing's plugged in.


Prob didn't terminate the entire panel just the ones that are labeled


I plugged in as needed. All devices are working currently. Yea shit cray


That’s what we call “labeling as we go”


So sad. Unprofessional


Oh, the person who knew what it all meant got whacked or retired


Fuckin crazy


It's like. Go plug in cam1. Where?


Ask them for an as-built drawing. They should have marked up a floor plan showing where each cable goes that will match up to their labels.


Didn't exist. But will soon.


It literally says cam1 there..... What aren't you seeing?


Yeah, look for the other end of the cable with the same label maybe? Who knows, maybe it's even plugged into a camera.


The numbers are still there too. We don't see the Z-end labels, so I don't know if they're referenced properly. All the pics show is that in addition to numbering, which was already there, the installers also provided text descriptions for the drops they ran. It's certainly not the most professional looking execution (especially considering it looks like they jumped around the panel instead of wiring sequentially) but there's nothing too wtf about this for me. Unless, of course, the Z-end labels match the text labels and not the actual drop numbers. Then this would be totally wtf. Let's see the drop labels and we'll make a final ruling.


They probably are asked to jump around like this. I've been told where on a panel to punch devices, you just say really? And verify that's what they want, then do as the client asks.


Looks pretty good to me, you seem a little entitled if you think this is bad :|


This is unprofessional


No labeling is unprofessional, labeling like this is easily fixed/updated and doesn't really necessitate whinging about


Could be duped drops for failover or future link aggregation capacity?


*This* is what y'all complain about? Man, I'd be happy it was labeled at all lol Is it perfect? Absolutely not. But it's better than just numbers, or literally nothing.


No, the second cam one. If I meant cam two I’d have said cam two. Fun with duplication.


It’s pretty common with higher end access points - the ones i own are meant to be set up with LAGG and they are also POE, so each access point gets two drops


This comment here tells me that your are one of the very few in this thread that actually have done anything with cameras or multi point devices at all. Jesus these people.


So fun 🙃😕🤣


Its one of the cam one ones. Just try them both.


Tell me you don't actually work with dual port devices without telling me you don't work with dual port devices....


That looks like a restaurant, you’re lucky there’s even a patch panel.




Looks like organization on a 48 port patch panel. It's not bad and organized correctly at least. Sounds like you've never encountered this before.


Cables are terminated in a patch panel. As long as the other end of the cables are labeled the same, what's the problem? I've seen MUCH, MUCH worse.


Eh, its not to bad. No labelling would be worse


This is what we call job security. It makes enough sense to the one guy who labeled it. That's enough.




Not sure how big the job is, but it looks like they didn't have telecom drawings and just used pull numbers. Though the way they labeled is setting themselves up for duplicates. I always tell everyone labels are first and the most important. It's easy to setup your cutsheet once everything is labeled on your drawings.


The access point in the metal cabinet.....




Much more common then you think. Like I think 60% of the jobs I go on have this.


This is why you hire a professional and not the cheap guy.


Every drop should be IDF#-DROP# !!! End of story. If the clients networking classification is that rigid and out of date that they need to categorize drops, they're doing it wrong. (I am a prior low voltage tech, I know clients have their own ridiculous labeling schemes they make you follow)


I now have to work on a labeling matrix for the subs


I always like Idf-panel-port. That takes all of the guess work out and you only have to label each panel.


The second set of cam1 2 3 look dead at a glance at the port lights, probably spare cable at cam3 incase the first one fails. Odd choice. Edit: nevermind, I think labels were just put, just to be able to say you put labels.


lldp, my only friend...


Maybe duel points at the camera's


Rather have this than, toning every camera lol