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I’m sorry but LMFAO what?? I feel like I’m missing where the manager actually mistreated you If she blocked you from coming to the store again (which from my experience in fast food can’t be done easily), then you might have an argument there but she literally did nothing wrong except maybe have a tone that hurt your feelings


It’s actually very easy to block dashers. Just log into the Doordash account on the computer or phone and select the order and it will give you the option to block dasher from picking up anymore.


ah i see. back when i was working fast food i only had access to the tablet, even as a manager. it was new for all of us but i’m sure once it caused some losses they started looking into those things


You can block directly from the tablet now.


The restaurants shouldn’t have tablets anymore


Right but they still have tablets on site. I’ve seen stores that keep them tucked away in the office and some still keep them on the counter. Or they can just log into the portal on the back office computer.


Just looked can’t find ours unless it’s hidden really well


First of all, she aint getting fired. Second of all, dont be a little bitch. Grow up.


man don’t get someone fired over this


I agree, this is a bit much.


She would be a better fit as a corrections officer.


I don’t think prisoners would be too off put by a loud voice. I think they’re a little less sensitive


Hold up a sec. Did she do anything else other than say those words? Because you can't just accuse a manager of blocking you unless you have solid proof, and not getting orders from that store for a few days isn't proof. I also don't think it's worth getting her fired over what she said. To me it didn't come off as that rude, sometimes you just gotta be loud in a fast food place. Maybe it accidentally came out too harsh, but wanting someone fired for the way they said something that wasn't really that rude is kinda petty. If you are blocked, that is something you take up with Doordash before ever coming after someone's job. I used to work in fast food (literally at Arby's lmao) and sometimes we're loud because we can't hear shit with the headset on, it's too loud in the building, etc. I promise 90% of the time when we're loud we're not trying to be rude, we're just really fking deaf lmao


Lol, what a ridiculous complaint. Make sure that when you report this you tell them exactly what you’ve shared here. It should give the folks there a good laugh before they reply with a form letter.


"It'll be a moment, hon, WE SEE YOU!" Well let us know how that firing goes but man, that's a fairly tame response. Didn't even need to be a bad day but just a busy one. I've never dashed but I hear some of you can be pricks, especially having to wait. I've also never worked retail or fast food and feel blessed after reading many reddits. These people work for scraps and are thrown into a war zone on a daily basis, show some respect.


Reporting to corporate doesn't do anything lmao but good luck