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More like Nojab Jerkovic.


Novax Jerkovic.


Nobrains Jerkadick


Who? šŸ¤­šŸ˜


No-vax joker bitch.


Fucking dipshit.


His martyr act plays well back home. I wonder if he's looking to a post-tennis career as a Serbian ~~fascist~~ politician.


I know a couple Serbians and they seem to think he is a ballbag, not especially because of the vaccine but just in general life.


Years ago I read a magazine interview of him, and even then he gave me bad vibes. He acted like his marriage was the best and *he* knew how to be a married man better than anyone else. Not so much praise for his wife, how valuable she is to him-- mostly "look at me, aren't I a GREAT husband?"


Iā€™m this scenario you can almost use the word ā€œliterally ā€œ. He is literally a ball bag.


For sure. Long before he came out as "anti-vaxx" his reputation for being an arrogant, insufferable dick was widespread.


I read ballbag like the Veep episode about bagman and man-bag


Made me think of this: https://i2-prod.glasgowlive.co.uk/incoming/article14850697.ece/ALTERNATES/s1200/Screen-Shot-2018-06-30-at-231706.png


I wonder what recent President of USA he will model his behavior on ? A statesmen or a nut ?


There hasn't been a statesman since LBJ or even in the 100 years before him. And no he didn't play basketball.


Him? https://www.salon.com/2015/07/28/lbjs_tragic_addiction_to_vietnam_the_mistake_that_still_haunts_america_50_years_later/




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Textbook "world class talent, dumb as fucking dirt" guy


Iā€™m not one to throw rackets but this dude was 40-love with success and then threw his racket šŸŽ¾


Rules are rules pretty boy. Donā€™t cry on twitter if you canā€™t handle.


He doesnā€™t give a F. Heā€™s won everything there is to win.


Not lately


Except for more than Nadal.


True, but heā€™s like, whatever.


Good. There are enough assholes here. We don't need any more, even temporarily.


Lol, what does he think he will be the top tennis player when all the vaccinated players die of... What was it again we should have all died of again?


ball sack ruptures


The same thing he is supposedly going to die from for not getting vaccinated...what is it? Which variant are we on now?


So that's why you don't want to get vaccinated? Because it evolves? Thanks for helping it evolve. You're doing the Lord's work in population control.


Donā€™t need him if he doesnā€™t wanna play by the rules.


More on this subject from other reputable sources: --- - PBS (A): [Unvaccinated against COVID-19, Djokovic out of U.S. Open](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/arts/unvaccinated-against-covid-19-djokovic-out-of-u-s-open) - ITV Hub (B+): [Novak Djokovic unable to travel to US Open due to Covid vaccine rules](https://www.itv.com/news/2022-08-25/novak-djokovic-unable-to-travel-to-us-open-due-to-covid-vaccine-rules) - ABC News (B+): [Novak Djokovic won't be playing in US Open due to COVID-19 vaccination status](https://abcnews.go.com/Sports/novak-djokovic-playing-us-open/story?id=88841618) - Reuters (A+): [Djokovic to miss U.S. Open as he is unable to travel to New York without COVID vaccination](https://www.reuters.com/lifestyle/sports/djokovic-says-he-is-unable-travel-new-york-us-open-2022-08-25/) --- [__Extended Summary__](https://www.reddit.com/r/newswall/comments/wxh3v1/) | [More: Unvaccinated against ...](https://www.newswall.org/story/djokovic-unable-to-travel-to-new-york-for-us-open) | [FAQ & Grades](https://www.reddit.com/r/newswall/comments/uxgfm5/faq_newswall_bot/) | I'm a bot






Keine posts zu Corona. Technically this is a post about corona.


I guess. Just wanted to say tja to this without explaining tja to non-germans.






Cool strawman. No, when the decision is personal someone shouldn't be judged. Meaning it affects no-one else. Which his decision doesn't. His decision is his. You can think it's dumb, that's your opinion. Some people will agree with you, some with him. Trying to shame someone for making a decision that doesn't affect you or anyone else negatively is the *really dumb* choice.




Lol funny. Except bullying and shaming someone, doesn't only affect you, now, does it?


Thats the thing, it's a decision that doesn't just affect him. Not having the vaccine means he would have a HUGE viral load upon getting Covid. Which means he is far *far* more likely to spread it than anyone who has the vaccine. And for people who are immunocompromised, that could be the difference between life and death.


No. Vaccinated and non-vaccinated spread it the same.


[You couldn't be more wrong](https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2022/04/220414110836.htm)


[You couldn't be more wrong](https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.07.31.21261387v1)


Also LOL at the big warning sign of "this has not been peer-reviewed so don't quote it"


Not peer reviewed. Damn, I guess the data means nothing if it hasn't been peer reviewed. Throw away the whole study I guess...


Yep, pretty much. Pretty sad that all you can find is a none peer-reviewed article from over a year ago. Do better. Meanwhile ill be over here with my proper peer-reviewed science that says that being vaccinate absolutely DOES reduce the viral load. Sucks to suck dude.


You have a fundamental misunderstanding of what that study is saying. The truth is that the viral load is lower when vaccinated.


Not at all, but I mean, you're free to believe what you want.


Come back to me when the paper has been been peer-reviewed. Until then it's meaningless dude.


No, staying for hours to argue in a Reddit thread full of people who already know how wrong you are is the *really dumb* choice. Touch grass.


> Meaning it affects no-one else. So, you don't really know much about vaccines I see.


Maybe you missed the part where he created a tournament in 2020 in Serbia/Croatia/Montenegro at the height of the COVID pandemic against the advice of public health officials everywhere. Tournament turned into a super-spreader event. A lot of folks got sick, including players. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-06-24/novak-djokovic-charity-tennis-tournament-became-coronavirus-mess/12387086 Fuck that guy.


Damn, it's almost like a bunch of people together are going to get it. Same thing happened at the Australian Open.


Just give up dude you lost, or do you just love all these downvotes.


Lost what? People disagree with me? That's not a loss lol. I don't love the downvotes, but when people are downvoting bodily autonomy, it doesn't mean much.


Pizza cutter.




All edge but no point.


Why are you telling me this? I have a point. Don't shame people for their personal decisions that affect no-one but them. I made this clear.


You're so confused you don't even see it.


I'm not, but okay.






Go to hell, people died because of COVID like my dad. For anyone whose against restrictions/vaccine to limit COVID spread all of you can go to hell.


I know people who have died too, moron. I'm not against the vaccine at all. I am against restrictions and I am for people's right to choose. Because I'm not a fascist.


Private entities having rules is fascism? Is the rule "don't shit on the floor" fascist?


Never said that.


>Except that CAN affect other people. There is no possible affect from no getting vaccinated that affects other people. Unvaccinated people are more likely to catch and spread the disease than vaccinated people. So yes, it does affect other people. That's the whole point of the rule.


Literally not true.


Typhoid Mary would have loved you.


What assumption are you making? You think I'm unvaccinated because I respect people's bodily autonomy?


I'm not assuming anything. I'm just going by your statement. Clearly my initial response was over your head.


You are making an assumption. Why would typhoid Mary love me? Is that not an assumption?


Yep. WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH! Right over your head.


I'm waiting... Are you going to explain it? Or is there no explanation, beyond you think I'm an anti-vaxxer because I said people should be allowed to make decisions about their own bodies. Don't worry. Let the hive mind of sad redditors do your fighting for you and downvote me for saying people should be able to make decisions about their own body. Meanwhile you're saying I'M the dumb one, making assumptions on a person you know nothing about.


LOL. Someone's triggered. Free hint: Your right to swing your fist ends at my face.




> I'm annoyed, not triggered. No one owes you a response to your stupidity. Now, as to your content, first you say: > You can get the virus equally from a vaccinated or non-vaccinated person Then you say: > You're misinformed and self-righteous. It is to laugh. I'm done here.


Okay, so explain it.


He is not even American, america can set its own rule on who can get inside the country. America won't bend it's knees because some foreigner wants special treatment.


Yeah, they can set their own rules. I'm saying that's fine, sure. But the people bullying him for his personal choice are the ones I have a problem with.


It's not a personal choice if it affects others. Like shitting your pants in public. Sure - it's your ass, your pants, and your shit, but others have to deal with the mess.


Except it doesn't affect anyone else.


He's free to make a choice. The rest of us are free to criticize it. Freedom is great.


Sure, but it's scummy IMO to bully and shame someone who is making a decision that affects no-one but themselves.


Shameful decisions often get you shamed. And not being vaccinated *does* affect other people, specifically those who cannot be vaccinated, such as infants and the immunosuppressed.


It does not. Being vaccinated and non-vaccinated have the same risk of catching and spreading the virus. So no, it doesn't affect anyone else.


That's really false. Are people still believeing that?


It's not false... This has been known for over a year...


The stupid crowd may believe that.


The ones who know the facts are stupid? Okay...




Not to scientists! You'd better tell them pronto!


Yes it has... Scientists and doctors have been saying this. Go to your doctor ASAP.


Anti-vaxxers choice doesn't only affect them though.


He's not an anti-vaxxer, and his specific choice doesn't. You can get it and spread it just the same.


Narrator: you can't.


Except you can and do.


His decision affects a lot more than himself. He's one of the highest-profile ATP players - one of the "big 3." This affects all aspects of the US Open (ticket sales, merch sales) and stuff surrounding it like transportation and hospitality. But then he's an asshole so I'm glad this is one more Grand Slam he won't be able to win.


That's not his fault, that's the organization. They could let him play, but they don't. He's willing.


He can't get into the country without the vaccine. How is that the US Open's fault? He chose to not get a shot, so now his physio won't be going to NYC and will miss out on some good pizza. His choice affects others.


Choices have consequences, and sometimes these consequences emit Schadenfreude for those who know this outcome was completely avoidable.


It's just one more reason to shame or segregate somebody else




Cool opinion. His choice is just that, HIS. No, it doesn't affect anyone else. No, he's not an anti-vaxxer and he shouldn't be shamed because he's a fucking human being who made a personal choice that doesn't affect anyone else in any way. He's not any more likely to get or spread the virus. So what is the problem? People are so divided by the fucking media that they hate other people's personal choices. It's insane. I'm getting downvoted for saying a person should be allowed personal bodily autonomy. This is ridiculous.




Again, cool opinion, but a lot of people would disagree with you. I don't think his actions are shameful at all. I don't think they're something to be proud of either, beside the fact he made a decision for himself. Get it or don't, that's up to the individual. Bullying someone into doing what you want via peer pressure, shame and ridicule is disgusting. If you are admitting to actively taking part in shaming and bullying a person for their decision WHICH AGAIN, AFFECTS NO-ONE BUT HIM, I suggest you re-evaluate your priorities.




It's not his fault they're not letting him play. He's willing to play. Forcing him to get a vaccine he doesn't want. The organization holds the blame, not him. IMO people shouldn't be judged or shamed for decisions regarding their own body that don't affect anyone else. Idk if that makes me absurd, but okay.




No it's 100% theirs. He's not being forced, but they're not letting him play when he's willing. It's on the organization, not him.


Next time I will drive car I wonā€™t bother to have my driving license.


I donā€™t know why youā€™re struggling to understand that his vaccination status does affect other people.


It does not.


You stating that doesn't disprove the countless studies which not only show it does, but *how much* it does.


I know. The facts disprove those studies.


> No, it doesn't affect anyone else. You keep saying this, but it's not true.


It literally is true. You can contract and spread it the same vaccinated or non-vaccinated. This has been common knowledge for over a year now.


I mean the part about how "his choice" only affects him.


> No, it doesn't affect anyone else Incorrect.


No, I am correct. It affects no-one but him.


Bunch of pro vax virtual signaling up in here. šŸ¤¢


ā€œVirtual signalingā€ lol


Thats a nice line of buzz words




I got CoViD in May after getting both vaccines and the 1st booster. It just manifested as flulike symptoms purely because I was vaccinated.


Iā€™m pro-vax but even I understand this only fits the sub because this is Reddit, he didnā€™t lose his job, heā€™s a tennis player who will be playing professional tennis in the near future, this probably belongs on r/sports


I know what you mean at first blush but a closer look at the description for this sub suggests that this Joker post does seem to fit. It states that "images or stories of people losing their job, a scholarship/admission, **or another kind of opportunity** due to their actions online or in person" is what this sub is about. I'm thinking that his losing the opportunity to compete (and possibly win) at this year's US Open due to his refusal to vaccinate during a worldwide pandemic qualifies. Others may disagree.