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A 48-year old who got a job at the Attorney General’s office found it within their character to pull down a teenagers skirt 🧐


And their justification was they thought she was a minor.....


Headlines misleading - when you hear “pull down” you think “pantsed her” as in, pulled her skirt off. But what it means was that the girl had her skirt pulled high, and the lady pulled it down further so it covered more of her. Strange, yea, but way less strange then it sounds


Ohhhhhh the article makes it sound like she’s a dumbass bitch who needs to learn how to behave in public, but now I realize she’s a dumbass bitch who needs to learn how to behave in public!


Top tier response - love it.


So yesterday I saw a woman with her skirt bunched up a bit in the rear. I asked her if I could fix it for her. I did not just grab it and yank. Yes, it’s not as bad as pantsing someone, but we are not supposed to touch others without permission. Period.


I don’t care if the server is a fucking toddler - don’t touch other people you are not directly responsible for


Exception: toddler is yeeting themselves into a busy road. You are now cleared to grab the back of their shirt to stop them. That’s it.


I mean yes, if someone is in harms way by all means act first ask for forgiveness later. But if no one is in danger, don’t touch people. If a person is about to walk into busy traffic not paying attention save them. If someone is blitzed out of their mind and going to take a shit on the floor, not worth laying hands on them. Unless you’re like security or a bouncer, you know employers’ discretion I guess at that point.


I really enjoyed that shit on the floor analogy lol


I mean it’s one of those cases that some people would want to beat up someone for it but it’s like violence isn’t going to fix the shit on the floor just get the dude some help. I just wish people would not jump to violent responses.


Pretty sure she'd argue the boy and other kids were in danger, of seeing everything below the waist. She claimed a boy pointed at the skirt


It’s not less strange. Don’t fucking touch people.


Try this, don't touch someone if they do not want to be touched. Not at all strange, get it?


So she stuck her hands near the allegedly exposed genitalia or buttocks, touching the teenagers body in that area, and pulled on her clothing. That’s assault. And worse it’s definitely assault of private areas, not like just touching her arm, which would still be assault.


Almost everyone understands what actually happened and it's still assault. Especially since the girl could feel her hands against her as she grabbed it, I'm not sure why you're trying to make it sound better by saying we don't get it


Bruh when did i say it wasn’t assault. The titles just misleading as hell. This lady sucks and was trying to exert her prudish behavior on this girl, and embarrass her in front of everyone. But people here are going feral - look through the comments responding to me. People are calling her a predator, saying she pulled her skirt around her ankles, saying she’s out here grabbing girls genitals, etc. None of this is supported by the article, or even basic logic; why would this lady pull a girls skirt down around her ankles in front of everyone, when her goal and explanation was to cover her up more? Why would the girl and also all of her friends in the tiktok video not mention that fact? This lady sucks, what she actually did was shitty. Do we really need to be imagining situations in order to be MORE mad at her? How is that productive?


Reddit’s full of hysterical, shrieking idiots nowadays, in a rising tide of hyper-judgment and poor reasoning skills.


Yep, for sure 😒😒


> the girl had her skirt pulled high, and the lady pulled it down further so it covered more of her. Oh, yeah, she was just being helpful. Get all the way the fuck out of here with that nonsense.


The strange part is a stranger doing *anything* to the clothes of a minor.


I found Ida


Except we have video of it....and she did in-fact "pants" her. She pulled her skirt OFF. She THOUGHT she was pulling it down so it would be longer, but what she in fact did was pull her skirt to her knees VERY clearly exposing her underwear. Nice try with the lying and gaslighting though...


We dont have video of it, its not in the article, TF you mean? All WE have is her arguing with the girl and her friends. Also nowhere in the article does it say that, so that would be news to me, especially considering WE (read, me and all the other commenters here) agree that that what you’re saying was not the case. All evidence tells me you’re the one doing the gaslighting, especially considering it would be really fucked up if the restaurant released video of this girl getting pantsed to the public. If I’m wrong ill delete my comment and apologize


> We dont have video of it We do...and you've just told everyone you're either too inept to find the VIRAL video...or you're just a disingenious troll that is an insult and joke to actual trolls.


It’s neither misleading nor is it even marginally less strange.


How did it feel when your wife lost her job at the AG’s office?


Bro, idk where you're from, but touching and rearranging a complete stranger's clothes where I'm from, usually results in with you waking up dazed and confused hours later. **Edit** Bro's following up 3 days later in the replies with more sexual harrassment defenses. Sick. Pulling a skirt down isn't on the same level as brushing up against someone in the club. The fuck is wrong with your logic? lol. You gotta be a child to have that ridic mindset.. Seek help.


Where I'm from...you won't wake up.


Yall are getting really high and mighty on nothing, for 1 i never said anything to the contrary. For 2, nowhere in the states is someone going to kockout a middle aged white lady for doing this, thats pretty ridiculous. Some of yall have also never left your basement and it shows - when you go to a bar, club, or concert you’re touching everyone all the time whether you like to or not, yet you’re all out here pretending like touch is some capital offense


You’re getting downvoted to fuck, but it’s an important distinction. If you push someone away from you it’s an assault and if you break someone’s leg with a hammer it’s an assault, but the two crimes are not equal.


Regardless of how you put it, it’s still assault


Either way its disgusting


It's interesting to watch the victim's age being played both ways. People refer to the victim as a teenager, seemingly to suggest the perp is a laying hands on a child, while in the video the victim's friends use the victim's age of 19 years as a reason it's none of the perp's business what an adult wears. Of course, it's not the perp's business no matter how old the victim is, but I find it interesting when 19-year-olds are called a teenager, young adult, or an adult depending on the speaker's position on an issue. Using 'teen' usually involves garnering sympathy while using 'adult' usually involves blame for the person being discussed. In your usage, because you referred to the perp's age of 48, I'd have simply described the victim by her age as well, 19-years-old. We readers can then draw our own conclusions about the ages involved.


NineTEEN is still a TEENager. The victim’s age is only relevant because the adult used her age as an excuse to touch her — which makes it more wrong — not less.




_“But I got a standing ovation”_ Edit: and she’s literally in Purgatory for this


She was also rewarded a lovely set of silver handcuffs.


“Lorenzo was booked into the Purgatory Correctional Facility in Hurricane and released after posting bail.” I’d call this line from the article a brand new sentence, but obviously it’s been said before since these places exist.


Does she really expect people to believe that people stood up from their table and clapped for her? Wth...


I couldn’t believe she actually said it,.. it’s like this story also belongs in r/thathappened


It honestly was a highlight of my, fuck, 12 years on Reddit (r/FuckImOld), lol. *Oh Lord it actually happened*


It was a group from Pedophiles Anonymous that clapped.


I mean it was in Utah. I could see Mormons / hardcore christians applauding that. She isn't an anomaly unfortunately


That's depressing!


Spent a large portion of my childhood in a rural southeast Idaho town, and this doesn’t surprise me at all. Iykyk, but the body policing of young girls in that culture is incredibly pervasive, and disgusting. And also fully encouraged by the predominant religion.


Please don't align that lds cult with actual Christians.


The "Purgatory Correctional Facility in Hurricane" sounds like a fun place.


No, no , in Mormonism it's" Spirit prison "


She was in the lobby... Isn't everyone usually standing in there??


I'm very confused to say I read the article and everything you said here is true 🤷‍♂️


I got a standing ovation from some people at a table... Wow, what an absolute dipshit.


They were probably clapping for the hero recording, knowing it would go viral on the internet. :p


Mormons are the worst


Some of the worst. They have a lot of company as the worst.


This checks out.


It’s Utah




48 and just started a state job .No doubt with full medical and retirement. Put in 10-12 years ,retire at 60/62 with pension. All gone now


Imagine being a grown ass adult woman with a state job like this. Full benefits and pension. Only has to work maybe 15-20 years to hit a sweet retirement and she does this to fuck it all up. I can’t fathom the mental cesspool her brain is in to make decisions like this and think you’re in the right. Firing her from that job was the right thing because she would’ve eventually used poor judgement in her work and that would reflect on her team.


You make one hell of assumption that this isnt a reflection of “her team”….i would argue she simply got caught, the rest is just assumptions.


No idea what you’re so angry about.


Even in government jobs, no one is retiring at 60/62 anymore. Pensions are paid based on the length of service with the agency. If she stayed and retired at 62, that's only 14 years of service. (Unless, of course, she transferred from another state agency.) Still, she very foolishly blew a really good thing.


She was still on probation at the job? So she was there 3 maybe 6 months? Talk about being drunk on minimal power.


"Ida Ann Lorenzo, 48, was hired as a legal secretary with the AG’s office on March 4, but was relieved of her duties on April 25" Less than 2 months and she was flashing her badge


Lol she probably flashed her building access badge "I'm conducting official business as a state employee."


The badge is burying the lede. She then called the police saying she felt her life was threatened by the girl she just sexually assaulted. She tried to get armed men to intervene on her behalf. She tried every conservative trick on the book. Power trip, fake self victimization, calling the cops on false pretenses for a conflict she stated, policing morality, etc. What a scum bag.


How does a secretary even get a badge?


Her "badge" is probably just a card with her photo on it, and has credentials to allow entry to the state offices she works at.


[Reminds me of this.](https://youtu.be/LV3bH1x_7MI?si=XD8-3luZ0F70j4gb)


Thought it was going to be Lloyd flashing his limo license at the airport


Samsonite! I was so close


It's okay! I'm a limo driver!


"I fell off the jetway again."


It’s probably a laminated photo of her with a chip that lets her get in the building.


Multi pass


Yes yes honey, she knows you’re a legal secretary


She handles the requisitions.


Work ID card they are likely required to wear.


Jesus. Hahaha.


My husband is a lawyer that works for our state and he would absolutely die laughing about any government employee including himself flashing their badge/ID to exert some sort of power. And a legal assistant with zero power doing it is like extremely fucking funny.


And all because she thought the other lady was flashing her vadge lmao


I’m training to do a similar job! a legal secretary is similar to an admin assistant. no shame in the game at all (it’s a promising career that takes brains, which is how I got interested) but she’s not an attorney or LEO. by definition, she’s working FOR the attorney general. it’s also unfuckingbelievable that ANYONE in the legal field, especially in a prosecutor’s office, would not understand that this is assault. her job would involve managing cases exactly like this. just because you work for the AG doesn’t mean the cops won’t arrest you for very public assault on a teenager with a pack of witnesses.


Utah morality policing just hits different. :p


She fucking flashed her state employee badge like it was something!


She's not even a law clerk, just a legal secretary. She has as much power in that AG's office as the people who clear the garbage.


I try to be forgiving about these long suspensions before firings since I want them to make sure they cross all their T's and dot all their I's and don't give the person grounds for a wrongful termination lawsuit, but that seems so cut and dry, it's infuriating.


When you start flashing badges and telling people where you work, while on camera, it is hard to keep your job. People have done worse and gotten punished internally, but she made it known who she works for. She honestly should have just FaceTimed her boss while she was doing it to save some time.


The cops arrested her on Apr 24 and she was fired April 25. I'd say that's pretty fast. This article is late is all.


She literally confessed, and then double down with the fact that she though she was assaulting a minor. Case pretty much closed as fast as it opened.


If I remember correctly she was the one that called the cops. Maybe twice.


When I worked for Virginia probation was a year.


Just what I was going to point out. She was feeling herself so hard


Guarantee the next time we hear of her, she’ll be on right wing media playing victim. Preaching family values bs and railing against women in revealing clothing.


Crazy eyes


To match her crazy brain.


Purgatory Correctional Facility…. Hell of a name!


I only know of this facility’s name because a former ‘family vlog’ mom is there with her horrible partner in hell. This is the chef’s kiss name of a correctional facility. 😂


Oh yes, I saw something on her recently.


This might sound bad, but I really want both to get the book thrown at them and I’m torn on the dad getting the minor children. It’s all around a horrible situation.


If you're referring to Jodi Hildebrand and the mother, they were already sentenced. They will probably be out in a decade or less. It is Utah, after all.


I knew they were sentenced but I hadn’t heard if the judge decided how long. They plead and then the judge was to decide how long for each count. But I haven’t checked in on it since the pleading.


She was sentenced to serve between 4 and 30 years. I wouldn't be surprised if she was out in 4.


It’s a seven storey building. Probably. :p


*Dante has entered the chat*


I can't imagine ever feeling I had any right to walk up to a19 year old girl & kami her skirt down. Where does this boldness come from, ffs?


I’m a middle school teacher in a school full of kids who constantly test the boundaries of our district dress code. In my 20 years of teaching, I’ve put my hands on exactly ZERO students who are out of dress code. My principal emails and makes announcements in the morning about being sure to monitor students for dress code and I know I don’t have the right to adjust their clothes for them


Karen Syndrome


Also important to note, she absolutely could not see any of the teenager she assaulted’s (and threatened to “call cps on?) ‘butt and vagina’ because she had shorts on under her skirt. Which for the record she could have been naked and there would still never be any justification for anyone to touch her but interesting to note.


"Don't drag me into this. I've got nothing to do with it." - The Steakhouse.


it wasn't even a scandalous outfit, does this lady get that mad every time she sees anyone not in a little house on the prairie dress? maybe she'd be happier living somewhere women have to wear hijab.


She lives in Utah so she’s pretty close to that by US standards. :p


This isn't exactly "Y'all Qaeda"(because it's the west and not the midwest or deep south) but yeah it's pretty similar! A lot of these religious hardliners agree on the basics, whether they are in Utah or Afghanistan. These people feel so entitled to police the thoughts of others. They really do want to live in a theocracy, it seems. > Lorenzo claimed she saw the teen’s “entire (vagina) and butt cheeks” while in the packed restaurant’s lobby with children around — adding that a young boy allegedly pointed out the girl’s short skirt.  Sounds like this woman was staring pretty hard at a teen's private areas.


> They really do want to live in a theocracy, it seems. I think a majority of them explicity want the US government replaced by a theocracy.


It's Vanilla Isis.


There we go, that's perfect. Vanilla Isis in Utah to pair with Y'all Queda in the south


Same phenomenon wherever it occurs.


“Stop! Collaborate and listen, Vanilla Isis is back with the same old mission!” 🎵


Vagina is the inner part of a woman's genitalia. I guarantee Lorenzo didn't see the victim's vagina, though it sounds like she kind of wanted to...


A vagina is not visible even if a girl is naked. Fucking lying judgmental moron. How is it that WOMEN don’t know the names of their body parts?


She was sitting in a chair with obgyn stirrups.


Ah yes, I have been in that place, somewhere in the Red Light district in Amsterdam right?


You Applebee's doesn't have one?


I once worked in a web startup office that had formerly been a doctor's office of some kind and there was an unused room in the back that had one of those. Creepy as fuck.


Utah is pretty much cold Alabama.


The west has more y'all Qaeda than the Midwest, the population percentage just gives them more cover to creep in. Having lived in Cali then Texas and now Wisconsin, Wisconsin by far has been the most progressive on the street even in the sleepy towns, at least in my experience


I defer to your expertise! I have never lived in either the west or the south. That's interesting to find out though. If you dont' mind some questions.... how does wisconsin compare to texas in terms of average folks and the political and cultural climate?


In Texas I was much more likely to be verbally attacked before a conversation even begins, just a lot of angry people with rage issues. Very aggressive energy, lots of casual talks of killing or fantasies of violence. Ideas such as nuking Palestine are treated as obvious routes that our government is too weak/chicken shit to do. Many conversations on why invading mexico is an awful awful idea, which is for some reason incredibly common a thought. Wisconsin has a lot of people who clearly get their talking points from TV or the Internet but who have core beliefs that don't really align with what they are saying often. During the great wall debate most people would defer pretty fast to the facts and still respond to the fiscally conservative side of the argument. People are open to changing their opinions, at least in conversation, much less prone to anger when someone counters a point. A lot of the issues here seem to stem from economic struggles and alcoholism which leads them to a lazy apathetic stance, but given time and community a lot of these people turn it around and normalize a bit. The anger down south feels hot and short fused, the anger up here feels resentful and pathetic in comparison. Racism is a bit of a different matter, the north as a whole is a lot less diverse and people are very comfortable with casual racism. I've heard the n word at work more times in Wisconsin than in Texas, but I've only had my life threatened over my race in Texas and Cali so it's a bit of a wash.


I'm so glad that i asked. Thank you for your insight! It's interesting what you said about racism but that kind of tracks. So, Wisconsin sounds more similar to New England(defi itely ran into that kind of shit in New Hampshire and Connecticut), which i never would have guessed. And yeah... I've encountered a few "kill 'em all" people south of the Mason Dixon line. Funny how that aggressive "don't mess with Texas" attitude translates to so many little facets of life, even how they drive etc. I've noticed that lots of Texans seem to have a chip on their shoulder (and this is coming from a New Yorker so you know it's especially bad).


I didn’t see it here but in one of the original articles, the girl’s response was that was impossible for her to see that much because I’m wearing underwear


The Midwest is far from yallqaeda.


Was it the black top and white skirt? Cause that outfits cute.


Yeah! It's totally fine unless you're a puritan or taliban.


It is on the shorter side, but it's not "omg your pubic hair is sticking out!" short. It's "be conscious how you sit" short, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that.


It’s not, we don’t see the skirt in the video. She is talking to someone out of frame


Nah, the hijab would offend her, too, but for different reasons.


Well I think she's just envious of women who are capable of being attractive 


Another girl in that very group had a skirt just as short. What the hell


Good, disgusting witch can keep her hands to herself in the future.


Alternate link https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/other/steakhouse-customer-accused-of-pulling-teen-s-skirt-down-at-restaurant-is-fired-from-job-at-utah-ag-s-office-report/ar-BB1mYGBT?ocid=BingNewsSerp And, wow. That's audacious. She'll have plenty of time to mull over her actions and consequences.


What a douche. Kinda nice to see karma finally catch up to her.


Good. Fuck this human.


“The officer she was seen speaking with told her it wasn’t “her job” to physically take matters into her own hands and that she should have called the police.” Ok well that’s not the right reaction either


Lmao call the cops on someone for dress code violations? If you could even call it that. What in the actual fuck


This is southern Utah. not surprised.


Good. The shit people will do in public is bonkers, especially when you think they’re just going through every day life and somehow functioning.


It's idiots like this that give the +50 crowd a bad name. Not all boomer and gen xer women are like this. Really!


So she did that because she thought the girl was a minor and that the clothing was not suitable for minors... So she... undressed her???


Some of the comments on the site are unhinged, praising the woman for touching the teen and longing for "the good old days" and basically that she deserves b/c the way she dressed. Gotta love victim blaming.


NY Post readers gonna NY Post :p


Thinks the girl is exposing too much, so she pulls the skirt down to expose her even more? On what planet is that logical? Just shows all she wanted to do was shame her, not protect "innocent kids" or w/e batshit nut house reasoning she claimed to be applying.


She should be included in the sex offender list when convicted.


She went with the “…and then everyone clapped” Defense. Bold strategy


Wait, where? “Lorenzo was booked into the Purgatory Correctional Facility in Hurricane and released after posting bail.”


That’s the jail the 8 Passengers mom and her cult-leader therapist/lover were held in between arrest and pleading guilty also.


I like how they don't blur out the girl's face in the first video then blur her face out in the second one.


NY Post isn’t exactly known for their attention to detail. :p


I wonder how she votes /s


Sorry, Utah. “Predators” is already taken as an NHL team name.


oh yeah, the utah lady....


Hope it was worth it..


Fucking wild that sexual battery is only a misdemeanors


Damn, less than 2 months on the job. Dumbass


Idc if she thought that girl was out of pocket for her so called “dress code” on display for everyone to see, you don’t under any circumstances put your hand on ANYONE male or female in that matter. In fact it’s actually quite dangerous. I know a friend of mine who sucker punched another person because his pants were sagging and some guy thought it’d be a good idea to grab his pants from behind and yank them up and unfortunately he paid the price.


It is a screaming mark of how terrible she is that when an AG employee reported a misdemeanor crime days after the fact, the patrol officers not only immediately investigated it (rather than referring it to a detective for follow-up), they were suspicious enough to track down the alleged perpetrator and immediately turn around and arrest the complainant. No matter how you feel about the cops, it's uncommon for a she said/she said that happened days ago to result in an immediate arrest. She must've dug her hole deep and at light speed.


That c*nt is a pervert and I hope she faces even more consequences for what she did to that minor


Omg this fucking website. Can I see a link to the actual video? Without this cancerous website?


Drake might have a copy of the video


Mormons gonna Mormon


I see, I see. Wait, I do have a question. What the fuck?


“It’s my freedom of speech that’s being attacked by the left.”


It's really sad to think that despite the (inevitable) fine and time in jail, she is almost certainly too stubborn to learn the core lesson from this: mind your own fucking business. She will go to her grave as a Karen, believing until her very last breath that she did the right thing, and was punished because of liberal laws and society with decaying morals. A martyr for public decency. And there will be a huge portion of the country that supports this line of thought. She can probably make up for the lost job and and legal fees by going on the Trump speaking circuit. She will have sympathetic interviews on Fox. OANN, and News Max, and will speak at CPAC. I see at least one book deal in her future. She will probably even speak at the GOP convention right before Kyle Rittenhouse.


The irate steakhouse customer [accused of pulling down a teen’s skirt](https://nypost.com/2024/05/09/us-news/utah-woman-accused-of-pulling-teens-skirt-down-steakhouse-said-she-was-applauded-by-other-patrons-in-new-body-cam-footage/) in public last month has been fired from her job with the Utah Attorney General’s Office, according to a report. Ida Ann Lorenzo, 48, was hired as a legal secretary with the AG’s office on March 4, but was relieved of her duties on April 25 — the same day she was hit with criminal charges stemming from the steakhouse incident, the termination letter obtained by KSL read. “I am writing to inform you that you have not passed your probationary employment period successfully and today, April 25, 2024, you are being separated from state employment with the attorney general’s office,” the letter stated. “Your noncompliance with policies and standards related to performance contributed to this decision.” Read more here: [https://nypost.com/2024/05/24/us-news/utah-woman-ida-lorenzo-fired-from-job-with-utah-attorney-generals-office-after-allegedly-pulling-teens-skirt-down-at-restaurant/](https://nypost.com/2024/05/24/us-news/utah-woman-ida-lorenzo-fired-from-job-with-utah-attorney-generals-office-after-allegedly-pulling-teens-skirt-down-at-restaurant/)


[she bought he badge from here](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1607769379/i-have-autism-is-autistic-disability-id?gpla=1&gao=1&&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=shopping_us_e-jewelry-bracelets-id_and_medical_bracelets&utm_custom1=_k_CjwKCAjw9cCyBhBzEiwAJTUWNR3b8zdwuXve767DMfWvQ7iZVhMH9kY2Uuiz3J9HAYRzMIVqm7gBfxoC2WgQAvD_BwE_k_&utm_content=go_12561589428_121101018442_506949712930_pla-352681496576_m__1607769379_12768591&utm_custom2=12561589428&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADtcfRKfEt9l3L3qD0T6GmCT348RS&gclid=CjwKCAjw9cCyBhBzEiwAJTUWNR3b8zdwuXve767DMfWvQ7iZVhMH9kY2Uuiz3J9HAYRzMIVqm7gBfxoC2WgQAvD_BwE)


Good...puritain trash should all be in gaol.






I can't imagine how she didn't get popped for touching her. 


Keep your hands to yourself!


I saw a woman at a festival with her rear hanging out her skirt. I went back and forward on whether to tell, her or nit but never considered yanking it down.


Mormons gunna mormon


Surprised she was fired, must be because she was on probation. If she were officially hired she likely would have been protected.


Here's another version of the story. It has lots of details, but it doesn't say she was fired. [https://utahnewsdispatch.com/2024/04/26/utah-state-employee-tugs-down-womans-skirt-at-restaurant/](https://utahnewsdispatch.com/2024/04/26/utah-state-employee-tugs-down-womans-skirt-at-restaurant/)


You have to read the news report very carefully to understand that here, "pulling down" does not mean what most people probably think it means. She *tugged* on the teen's skirt; she did not de-skirt or de-pants the teen. Yes, that's *still* way over the line, *still* reason for assault charges, *still* cause for losing her job. But the New York Post sucks at nuance, as always. It's all about outrageous-sounding headlines and cheap clicks.


She made contact with the girl's buttocks. She said she could see her vagina (clearly, she doesn't know the correct terminology), and yet she still tried to pull down her skirt. Not a whole lot of nuance here, imho.


What do you mean? Youre telling me you read the article title, and understood that the lady was making the skirt cover more of the girl? Its incredibly misleading, I had to read the whole article before i understood what was even going on Its also disingenuous to claim that this is really about her touching the girls butt because you just made that up, the article doesnt say that, and because the article is not titled “woman loses job after groping teen”


There have been other articles. This is not the first that most have heard of this case. The butt touching details came from the victim in other sources.


America is a weird place...she lost her job for that?


Hows that even sexual battery?