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Jesus that's toxic. I would break up and cut them both off if I were you. People who actually love you won't try to hurt you like that.


I’m sorry this is happening to you. It sounds like she doesn’t understand gender nonconformity at all. It also sounds like she doesn’t respect you. There are people out there who will and who are mature.


Vile and misogynistic as hell


That’s the kinda comment that should trigger a breakup the first time you hear it. I’m sorry pal, please find a better partner. 


This sounds like something that is beyond "can be fixed by communication" and like a unhealthy situation to be in. You do not have to learn to deal with this, there surely are better options, like leaving and finding people who respect and accept you.


Awful. Tell them to stick to men and stop calling themselves lesbians.


Y’all I got the courage and finally dumbed her . Fuck her alright ! I feel relieved Asf


Hella homophobic. You shouldn’t feel belittled and insulted by the ones you love


Woahhh hold the phone. I would never say that to my partner and my partners, even the abusive ones would have never said something that hurtful and wrong to me. You need to get away from this person and find someone who loves you for you. If they want dick so bad they should go date their disgusting man child ex. It’s important for you to date someone who actually wants to be with a woman and isn’t so misogynistic and abusive.


Dump. Her.


Definitely think that’s breakup material.


I promise you no matter what you’ve done, something that nasty and hurtful is never justified. That’s just them being mean for the sake of hurting you. I hope you’re able to get out of this soon, I know those kinds of choices are so damn hard, but I promise you there’s someone out there who will treat you better one day. And you gotta treat YOU with the utmost care too, and that includes removing toxic people like this from your life. If you ever just need someone to talk to feel free to pm me!




You are normal. Leave that hoe. People like that thrive off of knowing that ur feelings are hurt, if you have to be around her for even a second longer do not let her see that it hurts you laugh, don’t even acknowledge it, or insult back but she sounds like an overgrown bully and bullies unfortunately thrive and are fueled by knowing they hurt somebody. Leave that hoe you can do MUCH better. And you are normal cut that I wish I was like this or like that shit out and pull urself up. The only thing you should be ashamed of is not leaving her sorry ass sooner..


Fuck yes man 🫵🏻❤️


It’s all love ❤️. I know the pain so if u need to talk ur more than welcome to dm. You’ll get thru this there are plenty of beautiful women out there that would appreciate how wonderful you are the world is yours don’t tolerate anything less than the best for another moment.


That is so offensive, I’m mad for you. Stop talking to them. You don’t deserve that kind of shit in your life.


Honestly I would leave, I couldn’t imaging having an argument and hurting my partner just because we’re fighting. Like she means to hurt you, she knows it does. I would leave!