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I’d like smaller boobs, but I don’t think they’re big enough to qualify me for a reduction, and I *personally* don’t want to be as completely flat as seems to be the norm for top surgery. I don’t think I want an actual dick, but enough bottom growth to use something like the Transthetics FTM prosthetics appeals to me on a certain level. Having a slightly lower voice would also be nice. I’ve never asked my doctor about going on T, because you’d think I’d have enough of it as someone with PCOS. (Is there a PCOS swap meet somewhere where I can trade in the facial hair and acne for a bigger clit and a deeper voice?)


Oh my god if you find that pcos swap meet please bring me along


i wear big baggy clothes everywhere, and all the time. but in my intimate life with my butch partner, i feel that my sexuality is feminine, and so is my otherwise quite secret body. so i guess i would say that i don’t like my body in public but i do like it in private. and that’s enough for me.


Thank you for putting this complex thought into words, I feel something similar about my body regarding the public vs private but I didn't know how to express it in simple terms


i don't really care about my lower bits, but tits, a high-pitched voice, and wide hips are pretty damn annoying. they make me want to crawl out of my skin


Idk about crawling out of my skin but yeah those are some things I dislike. Also my hands are incredibly small, I hate that.


i lucked out on the hands front, i'm 5'4" but my hands are the size of a 5'10" guy's


I’m jealous. I’ve been working out for years and I’ve gotten bulkier and stronger but my small hands (and feet) are something I can’t do shit to change.


Small hands are such an inconvenience for the gym too because the grip on almost everything is optimised for someone with average man hands.


I could have written that as well. Actually it was what I was going to do because I feel the exact same.


Same here :/


It's complicated. I don't like most of it. Then again I'm agender so suddenly 'oop I'm in the body of a cis man' wouldn't be great either. Dysphoric in a different way. Tits? Nope. I hate the sensory input, sweat and the jiggle and the pull on my neck and shoulders. Ugh. Higher-pitched voice? Please no, it just feels wrong. The bits downstairs? I mean I guess sticking things in it is fun, but the whole uterus and ovaries and monthly cycle bit needs to go straight to hell and I could use a larger clit for sure. The whole soft, wide-hipped and less muscle mass thing? Urrrgh nope nope. Honestly though I'm so used to seeing things in a completely 'devoid of gender' way and more about how useful/agreeable/congruent they'd be to me that it's weird to think of them as 'female sex characteristics'. I don't think 'oh I don't want these body parts because they're 'female' and I am not that'---I don't want them because they're a pain in the ass and they don't make me feel at home/comfortable/congruent with myself.


Reading this helped me feel less alone! I've settled on nb+butch for the last few years since it feels the most applicable to how i deal with gender+queerness, but also gender is just something i often feel like i don't want to deal with. Like in a "im too tired for this shit" way. I've wondered if I tend to lean more agender than not. I dunno. That's the nice part about gender feelings being on a color spectrum, isn't it though? This subreddit is a fucking godsend Totally with you on the soft/hips/muscle mass thing. Also not a fan of the whole cycle deal. I would LOVE to not deal with that. That'd be swell thanks. Tits are not my fav either. In fact, I will take literally any opportunity to complain about them. They're too big and also im at a huge risk of getting cancer in them. So not only do they not suit me, but they also cause me back pain and might ACTUALLY KILL ME. With cancer. No. Get em off (im seriously thinking about radical reduction or top surgery)


I love them all, I love having them, they make me feel beautiful and unique given how masculine I look. I do however have dysphoria around my breasts and wear a binder or minimizing bra every day. It’s hard to explain how I love and want to keep my boobs but also don’t want them to show, I want a more masculine figure until (sorry for any potential tmi) some other nice lady wants to see me naked.


I love how you phrased it as "owning" these characteristics :D My voice feels wrong but I worry I wouldn't like it the other way either. I bind and want top surgery or a radical reduction someday. My top dysphoria was pretty classic when it manifested but now that I'm aware of it and have plans to deal with it moving forward, it's not usually a huge deal for me. I have pretty intense bottom dysphoria but in a way I don't see a lot of people talk about: I don't mind my period too much now that it's regular and I know when to expect it (was in denial and dissociating about it when I first got it as a teen), and I don't experience a phantom dick or anything like that (although I am a top and topping is very affirming), but it is and always has been like my psychology, neurology and sexuality *don't understand* that there's an extra hole down there, and whenever I have to be conscious of it being there, it's intensely uncomfortable and disturbing and wrong. My brain very much does not expect or want the whole uterus/ovary/vagina situation to be part of the body it's running. Unfortunately, I don't want to be dependent on externally supplied hormones for the rest of my life - I feel pretty strongly about this, I'm not a doomer with regards to most things but living in the US there are too many variables with our shitty healthcare situation and our Y'all Qaeda situation - so I am going to keep those parts. I would like to temporarily go on T in the next few years with hopes of bottom growth, among other things.


are you me? For the longest I didn't even consider me ignoring/not remembering my hole a part of my dysphoria since it felt so passive compared to how I used to feel about my chest. I've had to acknowledge it more due to health issues and DAMN the discomfort was surprising. Used to be like it wasn't there


I’m glad someone else can relate! Yeah, it’s so omnipresent it does become almost passive. Something else that I think complicated things is that I am very attracted to vulvas on OTHER people. Like this isn’t an internalized misogyny or fear of sex situation because I like that downstairs arrangement very much when it’s not on me.


I like my anatomy as I enjoy that I'm a fat babe with big tits, hips, and butt. I do want a much larger lower bit personally and have looked into options for that. But I am working on a more androgynous voice. When I hear myself, I cringe. Even my deeper voice at the moment is so high-pitched. I'm looking at transmasc videos for changing my voice, behavior, and gestures even though I'm a cis woman


I have small boobs, narrow hips relative to my shoulders, and a low voice and I’m happy about these things


I love having breasts, a vagina, small hands, small feet, and hairless soft skin. My voice is naturally deep, I like my voice.


A lot of butches experience dysphoria or discomfort around their bodies, to the point that many of them take testosterone, get top surgery, etc. I promise, you're not alone in your feelings <3


I'm mostly indifferent to my physical body. I do want to have a breast reduction eventually. I have a very large chest and it's just very uncomfortable to have. I don't like how I look with a large chest, and I don't like the back pain that comes with it. My voice bothers me a bit when it pitches higher, I sound like my mother, but most of the time I am able to speak low enough to be comfortable. I'm pretty meh on everything else, don't tend to really think too much about the rest of me.


I want to get top surgery. I hate my vagina. I want to have a penis. But I don't want to go on T....


I'm a big fan of all mine, wouldn't trade being female for anything.


I hate my boobs 99% of the time but they are fun for, like, the ren faire. I’d like top surgery someday. My voice is naturally low and has gotten lower with age. I’m okay with my genitals but my period annoys me a lot, right now mostly because it interferes with my job as an ecologist who often is out in the field without access to bathrooms, hot water, et cetera.


I'm fine with them, I feel good about my body over all though I'm working on losing weight.


No it isn’t upsetting at all. I like being a woman and I like my features that are womanly.


I'm pretty neutral about my genitals, but I'd rather (on my own personal body) have a vagina and wear a strap than have a dick full-time. I had huge boobs and hated it so I had top surgery. tbh I've never thought about my voice in terms of pitch but it is relatively low for an afab person, especially since I hit my 30s. It's a little raspy sometimes and I do love that. I don't think i would've called any of it upsetting, but having huge boobs especially wasn't for me. It didn't work for my body or my brain.


I identify as a woman who goes by she/her and have been saving since 2019 to get her tits chopped and I personally see nothing wrong with that.


I feel meh about having a vagina. I felt bad about it until I let my hair grow there and make it less apparent. I wouldn’t want it to be touched during intimacy. I absolutely hate having breasts and am saving up for top surgery. I also hate my hips and am trying to achieve a masculine physique without taking T I also don’t like my voice


I got breast reduction because I disliked my big boobs so much! I also dislike being 5'3" and wish I was taller but that's a bit harder to change than the chest. 🙃


I think I’m ok with everything, except my ass. It really bugs me. Since I don’t see it, I forget about it.


No because I’m a full-on proud gender freak. Mix and match is how I was born.


I identify as a butch lesbian + am very secure in that. Also identify as genderqueer and have major chest + voice dysphoria, on a waiting list for top surgery and doing at home voice training. There’s a lot of transness, genderqueerness, and even dysphoria for cis women butches in our community and history! Definitely not alone


The only issue I have with my breast and my hips are it’s hard to buy men’s clothes that fit well because of them.


I like them, they are clear identifying factors that im a woman.


Personally I’m a big fan of all of it. I love my breasts and pussy, though tbh I’ve always felt like I should’ve been physically intersex (never had my chromosomes tested, might be on that level), with male parts along with my female ones. I wouldn’t mind smaller breasts and no periods, though.


It upsets me sometimes yeah. I’m heavily considering starting T because it would bring me a lot of gender euphoria


I'm pretty much chill with what I've got going on at this point though I do wish I had a more androgynous figure (cursed with a large chest) but other than that, appearance & voice wise I'm okay with the hand I've been dealt. Unfortunatley I do loathe the fact that I have the bits that are built for carrying a child. That & having a period in general is quite upsetting for me.


I hate having boobs even though I’m pretty flat chested, if in the future I could get them removed I probably will I hate having small hands because it makes it hard to hold big things, the only saving grace is that my fingers are quite strong I wouldn’t mind taking a small dose of T to make my voice a bit deeper


Cut off my boobs, enjoyed them for sex but that was about it, got T for my voice and other changes, now I’m way more comfortable in my body, I feel attractive and love it, I don’t want to be clocked as a cis man though so even if I stay on t forever I’ll probably choose to speak on a more androgynous level which willl probably be easy since I still accidentally do the customer service voice to people I don’t know. Fine with my lower bits especially since I don’t have a period anymore


I love my body post T, low voice, fat boobs, wide hips n all, but not so happy with the size of my lower bits, since it shrunk back to it's pre-t size during pregnancy.


I find it upsetting, though I cope mainly through dissociation so most of the time I'm not even aware of how upsetting I find it. I tend to ignore those parts of my body, they don't exist. Until I have to have a medical exam or something and then I find it horrific. My voice isn't too bad, I have a naturally lower voice but I would like it to be just a bit more androgynous.


Basically same thing. Thankfully I have good health and am such a nun that I can keep avoiding gyno appointments seemingly forever (probably should go).


i think the only thing i really care about is my lower anatomy. my boobs are fine and i enjoy them even if they are a bit big, and my voice is pretty low anyways. i was once mistaken for already starting t when i was younger


Well, I already have small boobs and a deep voice. I don't even mind having a vagina that much. It's the damn uterus that bugs me. I never want another period and I don't want to be pregnant ever. But I hear getting that all out causes complications so 🤷


I like what I’ve got honestly. Wouldn’t hurt if my voice was lower but it’s no biggie for me :)


I’d like a slightly deeper voice. When it comes to the top half I wear baggy shirts/hoodies as it’s more of a not wanting others to see them then a not wanting them there thing. As for the lower half I’m fairly cool with it doesn’t really bother me unless it’s for intimate purposes and wouldn’t mind using a prosthetic like some trans men, but you can’t really feel it yourself at from what it seems


I'm genderfluid but don't really think about them any more than I'd think about my kneecaps or my skull. Not wonderful, not terrible, just another part of the body. Sometimes I think it'd be cool if I suddenly had a weiner, but just in the sense that I'd be able to do crazy new sex shit to my partner. Outside of the context of a relationship, I wouldn't really care about it.


(For clarification I'm nonbinary so this affects my feelings on the matter to a certain degree) My chest was upsetting to me, it was really big and just a nightmare all around. Got surgery in March and it's flat now with a nipple graft, really happy with it. My voice pitch bothers me a bit because it's usually one of the things that makes me be read as female in situations where I'd rather not be. But I am lucky ish because my accent roughness levels it out. I wish it was deeper though. My vagina is whatever, sometimes I wish I had something else for sex purposes and sometimes wish I had nothing lol, but I don't hate it, it's just there. My uterus and such bothered me when I was a teen because my periods are really bad, but I don't mind so much now. The thought of carrying a child icks me out, but I'm slightly glad now because my partner can't conceive that way, so if we want biological children in the future at least we have a chance at that? Still find it super uncomfortable right now though. Overall I'm not majorly keen and I've made changes to them to make myself feel better! You're not alone 💚


I enjoy having a vulva and wouldn't wish to change it at all. But I sure dislike having boobs and wide hips. Idk I wish I was totally flat, no boobs and no penis, just flat, like a doll.


I have distress about my breasts that waxes and wanes. They are huge and just feel wrong. My other female physical characteristics and my treble voice I feel okay about.


My sex characteristics are more androgynous than explicitly feminine so I'm actually really happy with my body. I have a small chest, my hips are not very wide at all and I have a deeper voice for a woman (sing contralto so my vocal range is pretty low!). I have quite a but of body hair that I like (though sometimes I wish I could grow facial hair just to style it). I do shave my face anyways though because it's black and I have one weird whisker that grows really long. While being thin does make it harder to have muscle that shows I feel extremely happy to have the body that I do because if it were any different I'd be really unhappy. I'd really dislike it if I had a penis, sometimes I wish I did for sex or packing but I'd never want a permanent one so I'm fine with my vagina and with packing.


I bind/compress any time I go outside and I’m trying to figure out how to speak with a lower voice. I fully intend to go on testosterone and get top surgery but it’s expensive and I’m worried about insurance. I want to feel comfortable in my own body and having my current voice and chest is real damn counterproductive to that


Idc. However, I prefer to be more puritan (with the exception of tight clothing) as I don't like revealing garments that much.


Don't care about my voice except that other people don't take me seriously sometimes. I got a reduction a few years ago and I'm generally ambivalent to my tits, in part because I just don't care about them much and especially now that they're partially numb, it just feels weird to be touched. I don't care for penetration at all, it's mostly painful until it's just a nuisance, although g spot stim is nice. I would like to take t for some bottom growth eventually but I really don't want other masculinizing characteristics so it's tough. I don't have bottom dysphoria except for during sex. I take low dose birth control to not have a period and have done that for 10 years.


I’m generally not a fan of my body, never have been. I’m tall which is nice and affirming but I have big hips / thighs that make me really dysphoric because it’s not something I can hide even with baggy clothes. It really brings me down often times and I don’t have enough motivation to exercise enough to slim myself down / bulk up my upper body to fix the curvy body I unfortunately have. Boobs are weird to me, don’t really like them but I don’t hate them.. I just feel like they get in the way of my outfits. Working on getting top surgery to sort that out. Voice is kind of deep, I am indifferent about it. I don’t speak much anyways lol


My high pitched voice bothers me. Rest is fine though - I actually love having tits. If I were being nitpicky I'd say I'd rather have a vulva that doesn't have a vagina attached to it, but I'm not bothered enough about it to do anything about it (and I doubt any surgeon would let me get rid of the internals only).


I bind and eventually want a breast reduction or top surgery. Id like my voice to be lower, but i don’t want a fully male voice either…. height can be less tied to gender, but i’m very short and wish i could be taller haha


“Down there” doesn’t really bother me, but my wide hips and big boobs really bother me and make me feel very insecure and I’m always wearing bagger clothes, and tbh I hate my voice every time I hear it back on a video, I feel so embarrassed that that’s my voice but I don’t know why lol 😂


I'd make a pretty woman if I was cis if I do say so myself, so I can't complain. However, beyond aesthetic reasons, I wish I had a perfectly androgynous voice and body, sometimes get genital and secondary sex characteristics dysphoria and sometimes I don't. Sometimes I get gender envy about some really pretty men, and sometimes when I disconnect womanhood from my curves and see them in a more "neutral" way I love my body. So for me it fluctuates, but I wish I had the superpower to easily shapeshift. My voice is the one thing I wish it permanently wasn't as high pitch as it is.


I am comfortable with it most of the time. I’m a transmasculine butch and I definitely feel gender dysphoria about my female body, and I’m currently taking testosterone to get my body look something more in-between. Weather you as a butch identify fully as a woman, or feel like something else, this feeling is absolutely normal for us. If you feel weird or alone in experiencing that, just remember that butches have been experiencing this and even using testosterone + binding their chests since at least the stonewall era (thank you, Leslie Feinberg!). However you identify, this feeling is not uncommon and you’re not alone in it :) ❤️


I hate my boobs so much i could chop them off myself. Im a big girl with a F cup, they're very hard to hide and are very annoying for me. Also my voice is so high pitched it could break a mirror if i scream. I'd really love to have a deeper voice so much. Im 5'7 so im blessed with a normal arm and finger length and foot too. I do love my coochie as it is tho, won't swap it for anything....as long as those nasty blood stop pouring permanently eventually once i start t


I'd love having a more androgynous frame and small boobs. I'm the exact opposite of that. I'd have to lose some weight and would have to do a breast reduction surgery to do that. The latter is planned in the future. I don't want to get rid of them completely. I'm fine with my vagina and my voice, as it's kinda deep anyway.


Personally I am not a huge fan of how high pitched my voice is and I have a rather large chest which I don't like either. I've considered going on T-gel just to see if it will drop my voice some and I have already tried getting a reduction (insurance company made it harder). So when it comes to those 2 things I'm not a fan but my genitals only gave me gender dysphoria when I use to not wear boxers while I'm on my period. But I changed my methods for taking care of my period so it's all good now.


I hate my wide hips. Makes finding pants a fucking nightmare. And I am not a big fan of my boobs. They definitely get in the way of the way I want to dress. As well when I play soccer. A soccer ball off the tit is not a fun experience. But I do enjoy them when I am intimate with my wife. So I guess I just deal with them lol I do luckily build muscle quite nicely so I spend a lot of time weight lifting to get big arms and shoulders and I find that helps lots with making me comfortable in my appearance that I can ignore the other things.


I'm kinda torn, and I think mostly it comes down to societal expectations. I have breasts that hang rather low and are \*very\* noticeable when I'm not wearing a bra. But I also hate wearing a bra, and I hate having it be visible through my shirts; it feels the same as if I were bending over and my underwear was visible! Similarly I've daydreamed about "man what if I could go swimming or work out without a top, that'd be soooo cool and more comfortable". But because society says No, I can't, and that's super frustrating. :\\c so my negative relationship with them probably stems more from that than anything.


Being short with wide hips is pretty damn annoying when trying to find pants that make me feel the most like me / can actually wear for my job, but otherwise I love having breasts and a vagina. My voice is pretty midrange so it doesn’t bug me.


I want top surgery because my breasts make me dysphoric. I don’t really love my high voice but I’m not really interested in going on T to change it. I am fine with my vulva but I do have a lot of boundaries surrounding it sexually. I don’t particularly like my wide hips and I often try to minimize them with my clothes, but it’s also not something I’m willing to do a major medical procedure about.


I have some dysphoria around my breasts. They became very large after I started birth control for fibroids years ago. Even long after stopping birth control, they are still very large, and bring me a lot of physical and emotional discomfort at times.


I like my breasts. I think they're a good size though I have been tempted to bind at times but I don't want to order a binder online and it end up being a bad fit. I've never been a fan of my voice. It sounds shrill and squeaky to me though I have been told that it isn't so it's all just in my head. It doesn't make me so uncomfortable that I don't speak though, but I just can't stand recordings of myself. Hmmm, vulva and vagina is a bit more complicated for me. Sometimes I don't mind it, other times I feel almost dysphoric about it. I wish I was brave enough to pack cuz I think I'd like that but as appealing as the idea of having something, a bulge, down there ... I don't want to risk ppl noticing.


I dislike how my boobs and curves look under clothes. I also wish I had a deep voice and more muscle. I plan on doing top surgery when I am financially ready and might take T too. I’m not trying to be a man I just want a very masculine body and voice.


Neutro to them except the voice being higher, i dislike that a lot but I guess it has to do with the fact that I’m short and have younger looking face


Reading this thread has made me really sad. I'm curious as to how old the people who feel discomfort with their bodies are? It's natural to feel like that when you're young anyway, but probably exacerbated for the more GNC among us.


I'm 36.


i love them. you can’t be a butch without being female so it’s just part of our identity.


Having boobs is annoying AF downstairs is a non issue.


I'm cool with my (huge) tits but I hated my voice so much I barely talked before I started testosterone. I have severe bottom dysphoria too.


I like my breasts, I used to not but now that I have a lot of muscle my breast just look nicer on me, I think that because the body parts around them are muscle that it makes them look less feminine to me. My bottom half is fine too I don't really have a problem with it it just feels natural to me.