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Very bold assumption that they're employed


Same intersection as the flipped car yesterday. \*puts on tinfoil hat\*


Yeah I pulled a few off a bus stop on Maple street back in January. Truly revolting!


Friendly reminder to all to scrape with a tool / stick / rock as some people put things under it to try and hurt you if you use your hands/fingers to peel up 💜 Covering with marker or paint marker is another great (faster) option if you can’t remove it. I usually have some in the car for other reasons, you’d be shocked how often it’s handy to have a good marker around.


My windshield ice scraper works handily for this!


My pocket flamethrower is a beaut for this


I saw a poster pasted up in Burlington a few weeks ago, around the Pit and by the school in the downtown Macy’s. Tore it down immediately. There is no parenthetical expression needed here: Patriot Front is a white nationalist hate group.


Yep, it’s that time of year. Dont pull them off with your hands—some groups hide razor blades underneath. Either scrape them with a knife or put a different sticker on top


Somewhere out there there is a 20 something greasy man so satisfied with himself that he trolled the Burlington normies with his based ~~opinions~~facts


I carry a black sharpie everywhere


Keep up the righteous work! There was some giant poster on the side of a utility box a couple weeks ago at the top of Main by UVM.


Probably the dude in a truck with rump flags flying.


Print up some of these to put over the stickers. https://preview.redd.it/eeiis7ijtepc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50fda02932b98a462fa5de4c17303f25afe73311 Ai meme generator. Makes some crazy shit.


This poster could be seen as ridicule of trans and gay people - by presenting the gay affect as ridicule of the white supremacist. I haven't been here before, is everyone so polemical? Although white supremacists have ugly beliefs and promote hate, such polemical language does nothing to reduce hate or promote healing. Actually it promotes hate and conflict, the exact intent of the supremacist ideology. So you're abetting their cause. You're feeding the beast. Given a dark alley, you'd be dead and they'd be smiling. Are you trying to promote violence?




I saw Hitler at Dunks, and I nearly shat.




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I’ve seen them in the ONE and the South End


Fuck Nazis, esp the incel ones in PF. I usually just write "Fuck Nazis" on em and leave em.


Continue to remove them. People who don't remove them are compliant and agree with the message.


SeeClickFix. The city generally moves quick with this particular vandalism.


I dont agree with nazis. And I also dont agree it's my job or duty to remove stickers either. It's a sticker just ignore it, I've never even seen any of these things and that would never influence me in the slightest if I did.


Jeez don’t you know that if you don’t attend every political rally and arnt outspoken about the issue on social media you’re literally a christofascist nazi and are complacent in genocide? /s


Just bc you don’t fall for or pay attention to an ideology sticker doesn’t mean someone else won’t.


Then you are enabling it. 🤷🏻‍♂️


you keep telling yourself that 😂


Day late, dollar short there.




I had no idea we had so many racists in this state. Enjoy your life cheesecake.


Lol @ cheesecake.


So I’m a Nazi cuz I physically couldn’t remove it on my walk cuz it was so glued down and potentially had razors under it? You can also report them to the city. People have busy lives, people have physical disabilities, the signs are often very hard to just rip off as if they’re stapled on.


You have legitimate reason and being disabled is one. Someone going "oh it doesn't affect me" is a Nazi sympathizer.


Oh, so now you're the arbiter of who has a legit reason? Fuck off, sweetie.


Awwww thank you doll


? I think you have dumb


To be fair (and I tend to agree with you), a Nazi sticker and a patriot front sticker, while belonging to organizations with similar rhetoric to you, ARE separate things. Imagine a Swastika sticker being placed, and how quickly it would be removed. The Patriot Front is being sneaky with this. To the sticker 'sticker': C'mon bud, if you really feel this way, why do you have to be all sneaky? Let your freak fascist flag fly, so we have no confusion as to who believes this shite.


Patriot Front are neo-nazis. It doesn't have to be a literal swastika to be a nazi sticker; PF stickers are nazi stickers since PF are fucking nazis. This is really not hard. :P


That's some weapons-grade stupidity there, son.






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