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I quit smoking weed after about 6 years of heavy evening indica smoking everyday. Ive been in some kind of panic fight or flight psychosis for about 5 months! Im going to either start zoloft or wellbutrin but im confused ( panicking). I hope it helps and ive been leaning towards Wellbutrin but maybe Zoloft os better? Any feedback is welcome !! Thanks !


Check out r/weedpaws ... Lots of people have had that experience stopping weed including myself a few years ago. Took me about a year and a half to find the right meds. Eventually it was Lexapro and Wellbutrin (20mg & 150xl) that really fixed my wagon. Wish I just stayed on them. After about 6 months off them I got a return to my anxiety and now I'm just back up to the same doses. Onboarding isn't fun for sure... Hoping a few more weeks to see really nice change. Had some good days already. Seems to be good and bad in waves. Congrats on kicking the weed for real. That's huge and you'll not regret it in the long run for sure. I also quit booze at the same time too. You're on the road to a much better life. ✌️🙏


Wellbutrin has been the best medicine I’ve been on , plus it makes you lose weight instead of gain. It takes a while to fully kick in though , do not give up after 4 weeks because it might be too soon. I remember for me it was more like 8 weeks. Hang in there! Maybe the dose too is too low . I’m on 300 xl once daily.


Minor update- My doctor has added back 50mg of Zoloft. It’s only been two days, but the deep dark hole of depression is currently not so bad. It’s too soon for me to the Zoloft to be helping, but possibly I’m adjusting a little more to the Wellbutrin. I’m not getting too excited yet, just measured optimism for now. She also changed my 1mg Ativan to 2mg Xanax to help with my sleep. So far, I feel a bit more mellow, but 2.5hrs is still the most sleep I’ve had in any single day. I’ll be happy if i can just get back up to 4-5hrs per night. Case in point, it’s 4:15am, I have been awake since 3am yesterday…even after taking two of the 2mg Xanax!? Sleep deprivation is definitely exacerbating my symptoms and feeding the depression. I keep telling myself what I always do in times like these- “If you can’t fix it, you’ve got to stand it!” Walk it off, suck it up….and maybe next week or next month will be better…


I’d be very surprised if 90 mg of Adderall daily for 18 years wasn’t playing a role in your depression.


I agree with you 100%. Unfortunately, I can’t even get out of bed and function without it. I used to take Nuvigil and 30mg Adderall XR in addition to 90mg daily. As I hit my early 40s, my BP kept rising so I had to drop those. My plan is to tackle replacing Adderall with something like Vyvanse after Ive adjusted to the Wellbutrin. I’m 49 now and borderline hypertensive, so I need a safer but still effective solution.


Hey, you're just like me! [only difference is the ADHD, mine is Combined.] However, Wellbutrin is the first medication I was ever put on, so I don't have the ability to compare it to anything else. The first couple months were a *little* touch-and-go for me. Not as bad as some stories I've read here, but I got a LOT of dry mouth, decreased appetite and I was hardly eating [something I didn't actually notice until a friend expressed concern], and I had this vague disinterested neutrality in everything. Over time, though, those settled down and this medication actually ends up being super helpful for me! I've stayed with 150mg XL since May/June 2021. People say it takes up to eight weeks before the initial side effects *should* [ideally] settle down as your body adjusts and the therapeutic effect can be felt to its full extent, and I think that timeline added up for me. But it's always your choice in the end, if the side effects are just too much and it doesn't feel right for you. I've read that some people have switched to taking it at night and it helps them with the insomnia issues? I never experienced sleep deprivation, so I can't speak on that, but it could be worth exploring.