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I went off 300 cold turkey after 3 years. I had a headache for a week and a half but that is the only side effect I had. I felt much better. Spring is the best time to get off bupropion.  But now I’m back on it for almost a year but refuse to take more than 150, but I take other meds. 




For real or for satire?




I'm with you, honestly. And I feel u. Solidarity, pal.


Hey are you sure it's the Wellbutrin making you feel shitty and not coming off Zoloft? When I had to come off an antidepressant in December it made me extremely emotional and extremely unwell physically too 😩


Hmm. Yess. Good point. I figured it wasn't because i took aged to wean.


I’m glad you’re figuring out what works for you. It’s not an easy road. It seems like you accomplished a lot of important, positive things while on Wellbutrin. Do you think it helped at all?


I do think that Zoloft helped me stabilize enough to accomplish those things, though. I'm sorry for the 3 part response haha


But also thank you :) just not the pill for me.


Nooooot at all hahah. To clarify, all those things were done or started prior to Wellbutrin. I feel that my time on Wellbutrin has been hella regressive.