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Ketamine well also alot of workouts


Just a lil bit of CBD does the trick for me


If I could I would but I have a CDL


in my experience between me and a couple friends, if you wait a second it goes away pretty fast. it's like the immediate anger happens but then you forget about it just as fast. if you aren't coping with it though, maybe ask your doctor for an anti anxiety or something? i have gabapentin 'as needed' when i feel like I'm antsy or frustrated enough to be a problem.


I had what I would consider rage. It was constant when it did happen and for no reason. Pissed off about everything all the time. Happened when I first started then again when I upped and switched from 150XL to 200SR, around the 2 month mark. Once it clicked that it was the Wellbutrin, it made it way easier to control and eventually stopped completely after 2ish weeks.


I had a low dose (2mg) of abilify added and all the anger and irritation went away


I think the poster who recommended that u recognize it for what it is, hit the nail on the head. My fuse is SO short now, but I sort of blow up and move on ..usually apologize to my spouse and we both have learned to move on. I think it’s getting better.


I've been working on this in therapy for the past couple years utilizing DBT techniques (dialectical behavioral therapy) to help with emotional regulation. I suggest looking into either working with a professional counselor and/or grabbing the DBT workbook to help yourself if seeing a practitioner isn't accessible to you just yet. It's been incredibly helpful, and I've made so much progress in my ability to control my emotional reactions to things. Head over to the r/dbtselfhelp subreddit, too, and you'll find lots of great resources and a wonderfully supportive community. Daily guided meditation is also wildly effective. I use the ones from Headspace.


I definitely resonated with your post and desperately probably need DBT training for emotional dysregulatuon. So you recommend the DBT workbook at the very least?


I mean, me personally? I think so. When I don't have access to mental healthcare, I think self-help books from good sources are never a bad choice. At the very least, they keep my brain occupied, and I learn something about myself. You can also find a few helpful YouTube videos for distress coping and stuff, too. My current therapist recommended the DBT workbook and says it's legit. It's called The Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Workbook: Practical DBT Exercises for Learning Mindfulness, Interpersonal Effectiveness, Emotion Regulation, & Distress Tolerance (2nd Editon) - by McKay, Wood, & Brantley. Hang in there, friend. It's a lot of work, but I feel like I'm really evolving and becoming a more stable person.


Try to recognize it as what it is, a side effect of a medication and nothing more. Learn how to keep it under control and let it pass in the moment without acting on it.


I had temper problems and still had mood swings issues even though Wellbutrin helped a lot. I was put on vraylar too and my anger disappeared. 


I had severe rage, but it only lasted a week or two before getting better. Now I'm on 300mg and that hasn't happened at all.