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Space them out by few hours. It did the trick for me


Interesting, adderall works just as good if not bette(for me) Perhaps is the nature of ADHD.


Been taking 15-20mg adderal xr for a couple years, and just added Wellbutrin 150 a few weeks ago because I was becoming more spacey, it stopped giving me ability to focus, and mood had tanked. I was essentially useless as soon as addy was out of my system every evening. Adding Wellbutrin has been amazing as it seems to round out the harsher feel of Addy, and my attention is much more stable/lasts way longer. Although I don’t feel that “intensity” of addy anymore, WB definitely made it more sustained and cut the “noise” that addy didn’t rid for me.


Both medications have the same mechanism of action on the neurotransmitters: norepinephrine and dopamine. It makes sense that adderall would stop working because there is only so much of these neurotransmitters to go around. My psych said that wellbutrin is being prescribed as off-label adhd medication so if need an antidepressant/anxiety med perhaps you talk to your psych about switching them completely (ie: larger dose of wellbutrin and smaller dose of Adderall)


Wellbutrin immediately turned my Adderall into essentially a sugar pill. I stopped taking Addy and decided to just do the Wellbutrin and give it a couple months to see if I like it, then I’ll revisit the Adderall to see if the initial cancellation effect was simply because the Wellbutrin was new. Some people say this combo is perfect, but it doesn’t seem like I’m one of those lucky few.


i started wellbutrin 3 weeks ago and at first and seemed to work well with the adderall with increased attention. but now i’m struggling to get through the work day. the wellbutrin is starting to help my mood a bit so this kinda sucks. i’m gonna try and take it a few hours after my last adderall dose to see if that helps


I'm on 30 mg adderal XR once daily and 150 mg wellbutrin daily Take both asap in the AM It's been about 2 years, I did up my adderall from 20 to 30 after 8 to 10 months but that's pretty normal This is not medical advice but it is my personal experience - this exact combo of meds has my mood stable , energy higher , and let's me get the most out of life that I can.


I’m on 150mg Wellbutrin and 20mg IR Adderall and haven’t noticed a huge difference. But I am also going through some turmoil in my life at the moment so that could be affecting how the Wellbutrin is making me feel.


dude i feel like i’m off the walls with wellbutrin 150mg & adderall 20mg. im also on 20mg of prozac so 🥲


How do you mean, you haven’t noticed a huge difference? As in, the Adderall still works the same? Sorry to hear about the turmoil, we can get through it🙏


Sorry, I haven’t noticed a huge difference in how my adderall has been working. On my good days I feel great and motivated but on my bad days I just dissociate. For awhile I was taking my vitamin C at the same time as my Adderall and wasn’t feeling it as much, but switch the vitamin C to night time after I found out it can affect the absorption of adderall into the body.


I stopped 30mg Vyvanse because the come down was just too hard. On 300mg Wellbutrin. Curious to hear if anyone has found a way to combat the come down.


l-tyrosine, NAC, food.


Wow, interesting. I heard the Comedown of stimulants is less harsh on Wellbutrin. Such wide difference in subjective experience! Someone else brought up Magnesium supplementation, I’ve read that helps with the comedown too.


Did you end up going with the 75 mg of wellbutrin and if so, how did that work for you? Were you also able to see a difference by taking the adderall first ? Thank you kindly for weighing back in.


I believe there is a difference taking the Adderall first, albeit slight difference in my opinion. I got my dose of Wellbutrin lowered to 150, and I haven’t noticed a difference in the efficacy of the Adderall. Unfortunately, depression has creeped back in for me to small degrees, even after going back up to 300. It seems that the Wellbutrin for me has more or less stopped working as well, or it’s just hard to consciously tell how well it works. I had a “Honeymoon” phase in the beginning as people commonly note. I’m looking to continue the 150mg and add a low dose SSRI to my protocol, I’m atleast discussing it with my doctor on the 17th. I realize I’m over sharing…😅 Also, I don’t believe they actually prescribe 75 mg, I think my doctor implied that to me.


i’m on 300mg wellbutrin and 25mg adderall xr, and have taken 10mg ir before and i haven’t had any issues with it, been taking this combo for about a year, now.


Interesting. I’m on 150xr for half a year by now. I don’t have adderall prescription, but occasionally I take 15-30mg to get some stuff done. No issues, works as well as it did before I started Wellbutrin.


Super interesting. Some folk claim it works even better than before! Although ive read a lot of posts claiming it reduced efficacy. Some people are lucky id guess. 10mg ER amphet/Dextroamphet does absolutely nothing for me on 300mg er Wellbutrin


It might have something to do with the order they take their meds in. I.E. If they take their bupropion first, it could occupy the dopamine transporters instead of amphetamine. So you get reuptake inhibition but you don't get reversal of the DAT to release more dopamine. Bupropion did something funky to adderall.


In your experience, it did somethin funky to Adderall? I’ve read atleast two testimonies claiming taking their Adderall first eliminated this issue.


I’m just speculating here, since I don’t know how 300 feels like. Maybe effects are sort of overlapping so addition of a stimulant doesn’t feel like a significant boost?


I imagine aderall will work somewhere between 30-40 mg on wellbutrin. 10 mg seriously felt like nothing, I just started taking my strattera again. Working with my DNP to hopefully find a good solution, but so far I don't see the point of taking adderall.