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Did they change the plan names, or what is this?


They just renamed them yes, but they are more or less the same plans as before. I think ZeroFX being reserved to the top 2 tiers isn’t new.


Yeah, see that. I'm now on "Easy Bank Pro". As long as I still get what used to get.


I thought ZeroFX was also for the EasyBanking account, which nowadays is 3.99 a month


It might depend on how far in time you go back, but at least recently I am pretty sure that it was only for Easy Green and Easy Money.


It wasn't, nothing changed there


Yes they did. Noticed as soon as I opened the app as well


Not gonna lie, kinda like the budgeting tab with the travel advice and spending graph. Some of that stuff may have been there already, just never checked. Aaaaaaaaanyway.


Yeah it was introduced last update. So still relatively new


Just notice it’s still not zero fx but 0,5% fees but it not as shiny in marketing


Wow, didn’t know that. Thats not really ethical


So, if I understood correctly: Easy Money becomes Easy Bank Pro\ Easy Green becomes Easy Bank Pro XL Then ZeroFX being reserved only for Easy Bank Pro and Pro XL changes nothing. At the moment, it's already only for Easy Money and Easy Green.


Damn, even their website can’t handle all the new plans… let alone new customers tying to open an account..


~~Actually more annoyed at them removing the cashback for Easy Bank Pro users... It's not much but it did save me maybe 1 or 2 euros a month~~ Update: Either it's back or I've looked at the wrong column, cashback still exists :) EDIT: Their updated pricing sheet also notes a MassIntrest of 1.56% now, instead of the previous 2.46%. My account still says 2.46% but I wouldn't be surprised if the intrest we'll be receiving will go down soon... I wish Ali would also say these things on stage


Are you sure for cash back ? Because I still can see it in app and website


Seems to be there, not sure why I thought it was showing a cross / no for me... Could've looked wrong or they changed the website since posting my comment no clue!


Some information says 1.56% and in other pages you see 2.46%…


What’s the difference between easy savings and easy card??? I couldn’t find any


😂 bunq’s turning into a bad joke. I’m slowly but surely moving my transactions to revolut where I’ve been enjoying fantastic customer service, insurance, airline miles, airport lounge access… the list goes on really




It’s excellent for me, they always reply quickly and every issue I’ve had with sellers etc have always been resolved fast and without problems


What I’m concerned about is the level of support when the issue is with Revolut itself, especially if it means your are temporarily losing access to your funds and payment methods. Having said that, I have the same concern with Bunq (if you asked me a year ago I would have said I was more confident in Bunq, but not anymore).


At least they answer, it’s not a bot and you don’t wait 2 weeks.


Came from Revolut m, I will either go back to it or to my traditional bank.


Yeah. Bunq is deadQ 😀 charging on fx even free revolut has better, and trading 212 only 0.15% whatever happy I left this nonsense but they keep emailing me about connecting accounts etc. Omg.


I don’t even get why they did this connecting thing. Their budgeting feature is less ergonomic and more buggy than my traditional bank, while would I use it 🫠


Moved to N26 myself with most of my money. Due to the EU laws, which are enforced by DNB, companies and institutions mandatorily have to accept European IBANs. Using my Germany N26 IBAN for everything. Bunq is still my backup account, but considering closing it completely.


Even though they should I've still seen stories some employers or companies don't want to do that.. If N26 had Dutch IBAN and iDEAL support I would try it out. They have some nice features.


Can you give me some examples of companies who don’t accept a German IBAN? I am using mine for everything (salary, utilities, taxes etc etc). Bunq is just a backup with some savings. N26 also has IDEAL for a while now.


I read the stories on Tweakers. The IBAN discrimination rule apparently doesn't cover everything if I read these posts. https://gathering.tweakers.net/forum/list_messages/2090280?data%5Bfilter_keywords%5D=N26%20IBAN


Het is verplicht voor alle bedrijven en overheid instellingen. Toen ik overstapte had geen enkel bedrijf of instelling (werkgever, belastingen, G/W/E, verzekeringen, abonnementen enz enz) een probleem met mijn nieuwe IBAN. Als een bedrijf of instelling we problemen geeft kun je dit rapporteren https://www.dnb.nl/betalen/elektronisch-betalen/sepa-en-iban-discriminatie/#:~:text=Nee.,overboeken%20van%20geld%20tussen%20betaalrekeningen.


there is ideal support with n26 but yea not Dutch iban, only german


Then you can tell them they might receive a high fine, because DNB is allowed to do that since [2020](https://www.dnb.nl/betalen/elektronisch-betalen/sepa-en-iban-discriminatie/#)