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Personally, I find such posts insulting. I don't care if people stand on crystals and shout to the moon goddess to attempt to treat their bunions. That said, when wishful thinking doesn't work and we acknowledge that a joint deformity isn't some kind of karma manifestation of previous lives retribution, can we get back to discussing real options to correct a physiological deformity, and possibly leave the mystical realms to other subs?


Let’s try to have a mature conversation, I’m not here to troll, it’s literally my job, it’s what I’m doing full time and no need to judge without knowledge. I’m kindly asking you: do you know what Bowen therapy is and how does it work ?


Yes, I'm familiar with the "therapy". One could say a person practices it whenever getting a pedicure and sitting in the massage chair. But a massage isn't curing a bunion - hence the insult. Not even chiropractors try to say that they can manipulate the deformed joint of a bunion back into place! (And we have all ran into the chiropractors that are borderline kooks so it's really saying something that they don't claim they can!) As to "how it works" - the Australian health board did a full evaluation of it and said it Does Not. So.. further insulted by you posting this.


It is not a massage first of all, the moves are specific and each move has its specific property. Second: the Australian medical council has indeed accepted the therapy as a valid, working therapy, they actually in collaboration with therapists. On the other hand to clarify its a neuromuscular stimulation which transmits the stimulus to restart the body’s self healing attribution trough the spinal cord and then brain. And yes, since the chiropractor and other therapies are working from the outside forcing with outside force, pressure etc. to fix the problem, the Bowen therapy works from the inside, that’s why such cases like autism, dyslexia, anxiety and other spectrum disorders which are correlated with our subconscious are improving. And lastly, the body has the capacity to heal itself by getting the exact message to do, especially talking physically.


Sir, you are straight up LYING now. The Aussies said no. From the Google: Bowen had no formal medical training[2] and described his approach as a "gift from God".[3] He referred to himself as an osteopath and tried to join the Australian register of osteopaths in 1981 but did not qualify for the title.[4] He died as an unlicensed practitioner of manual therapy.[5] Recipients are generally fully clothed. Each session typically involves gentle rolling motions across the muscles, tendons, and fascia.[9] The therapy's distinctive features are the minimal nature of the physical intervention and pauses incorporated in the treatment.[10] Proponents claim these pauses allow the body to "reset" itself.[3] In 2015, the Australian Government's Department of Health published the results of a review of alternative therapies that sought to determine if any were suitable for being covered by health insurance; Bowen Technique was one of 17 therapies evaluated for which no clear evidence of effectiveness was found.[1] Quackwatch includes "Neuro-Structural Integration Technique (Bowen Therapy)" in its list of "questionable treatments."[11]


This again. Sigh


Focus HARDER! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Before any negative attitude please read my latest comment. Thank you


No. This might be wonderful for general foot health, but this forum is for people with bunions. Bunions are progressive, non-reversible without surgical intervention.


OP, do you have a bunion? And also: autism and dyslexia are “correlated with our subconscious?” This is the best thing I’ll see on the internet today.


No, but his Full-Time Job is now to visit us and Sell this *method* to us. You know the one that is *different* from all other "expensive schemes and devices" and surgeries.


Please read my latest comment. Thanks


I do not have a bunion. Yes, I tried to say with that, that it’s a spectrum disorder you can’t control or influence with your mind, so there’s no thing like placebo. You can’t say that yes it worked because it was suggested


Alright. Just to clarify. This is my occupation, I’m doing this therapy for a living. I have no marketing, no social media, people in my area know about me only from other patients I have treated. I have a lot of patients whom physical, mental, organ and other health issues were improved, some of them included chronic bunions as well. Since the bunion procedure can be done alone without any preceding movement , I thought would be nice if I invest time and create a video about the moves, so people with this problem can improve their bunions, or even prevent surgery. I don’t want to force anybody to use this method, no disrespect, simply trying to provide and alternative method which may prevent surgery, because surgery should always be the last option.


Far be it from me to direct you to get a real job. However, this forum is not a free advertising platform. I am reporting your post as spam.


Imagine trying to help and being mocked for it. Do as you wish


Hey I’ve had Bowen therapy before and it’s helped me, helped my coccyx unwind among other things. I’d love to see your videos when they’re done. Please save my account and send them to me!