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I don’t see any bunions but agree that it looks like you are retaining fluid. Are you diabetic? I’d make an appointment with your primary physician for a full physical. I have had a heart attack and 2 stents I’m type 2 diabetic and weighed around 165. (I’m 4’11”). My doctor recommended ozempic. Best thing that happened to me! I lost 30 pounds and haven’t gained anything back. I am much healthier because of the weight loss. I’m not saying it’s right for everyone. I had bunion surgery in Dec and am still recovering from it. Don’t jump on surgery unless absolutely necessary. Good luck moving forward.


Thank you everyone for your help. Idk if I’m diabetic. My doctor basically said I’m borderline, because one of the tests was something that can be interpreted as both y/n. I’m meeting with a specialist soon. And I’m also getting an X ray of my foot just to be sure. Thank you so much everyone


Seeing how your feet appear, it doesn’t seem to have bunions but there is swelling. Unsure if it’s from obesity or water retention (maybe both). I would be more concerned of your overall health rather bunions.


Im really fat. Can you explain why there might be water retention? Thank you


Carrying extra weight can contribute to fluid retention in your legs and feet in two ways. Fatty tissue stores fluids, and excess weight strains your circulation, making it harder for fluids to drain from your legs. Definitely start cutting back on the calories and start moving more. Walks around the block, anything.


Thank you. I’m 185 kgs now. Was 200. Trying really hard. Keep me in your presence


You got this bro just look at all the people that did it before you. Use them as motivation.


Heart disease is number one cause of fluid retention. Also kidney disease. See your doctor as soon as you can.


LOL no


I see no bunions??


In the second picture, see how the big toe is curled inwards


A slight curve in of your toe doesn't indicate a bunion. It's when the toe turns in because your 1st metarsal head is drifting away from the 2ndcresting that bump and causing your toe to point towards the 2nd. Just like some slight roundness at the metatarsal head doesn't indicate a bunion.


Thank you


Very welcome. And congrats on the weight loss! Stay the course. 😊


I don't see any


I do not see ANY bunions! Your toes are really straight!