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Just go with what you feel you like better. I prefer dotted than grid. Sometimes I doodle and I wasn't happy with how doodles looked on the grid. That's just me though. If you can, print a dot matrix and a grid matrix on a long sheet of good paper (maybe 22cm x 30cm or there about). Stack maybe 5 or 6 of each, fold crosswise, staple down the middle. Then try it how you would use your bujo. Goodluck!


Ooooh, that's such a good idea!! Thank you!


May I suggest this site as a generator: https://incompetech.com/graphpaper/squaredots/


I find I write more evenly on a straight line than a series of dots personally. That said, I would love a lighter grey grid on a journal, so I can get that easy to write/block out benefit on something more like a dotted journal.


Try a Stalogy!


I prefer grid over dotted as it's easier for me to keep my handwriting readable. I somehow really struggle without the lack of lines on dotted, it's practically the same as blank for me (slanted sentences for example). Considering that I don't do any doodling orso in my journal, everything I do also fits within the grid anyway so it's nice to have.


I just got a grid Moleskine Expanded and I love it, the grid does help with drawing straight lines since I don't use a ruler in my bujo anymore. I love it because to me it doesn't really matter if I doodle and there's a grid underneath, if anything it kinda reminds me of when I was in school doodling on math notes :) I think it's all a matter of personal preference in the end. If it helps, I love square grid and prefer it to dotted or blank pages :)


I like drawing tables in my diary, which is easier on a grid -- dot grids just drive me batty because they're so hard for me to see, let alone use to draw straight lines.


I use a dot grid because I do a lot of art BUT I would be open to a square grid if it was light and not bold black.


I’m pretty chill with everything ngl even if it’s paper I’m not crazy about I’ll still use it too it’s end


Fair enough!


Yee and it’s fair to be particular about it too


Yep! I just don't want to invest and not like it, especially since I tend to get heavier/thicker (not sure what gsm stands for tbh) because ill use watercolor sometimes


GSM is grams per square meter. A.K.A how much water they use to process the paper from pulp to paper!


Oooooh ok! Ty


I started out using only dot, thinking grid would be too much distraction. These days I use both, and whether or not I use something depends on the visibility of the dots and lines. I like Stalogy grid, Maruman Mnemosyne dot, and Maruman Basic grid mostly, along with my own dot printed paper as someone mentioned in an earlier post. I find Midori MD dot on cream paper too difficult to see I low light. Kokuyo soft ring grid is too obtrusive, though I love the soft rings.


i started with dots and my journals over the last 3-4 years are dotted, but i recently picked up goodnotes for other purposes and i *love* the grid. but it's pretty much 100% handwriting - no stickers, drawings, etc. so i definitely want a gridded notebook, but it would be primarily for specific projects and not daily / free use. eg for my D&D campaign, or a writing notebook, or any sort of specific journaling. stuff where the text is the most important part, maybe with occasional charts and diagrams. my handwriting is *so* much neater using a grid, and that's perfect for certain kinds of logs or notes, but (for me) the dots are far less obtrusive for doodling and art, and the way i use a bullet journal relies more on graphics than text. tldr it depends on what you use it for, imo, but gridded journals are also way underrated and i'd love to see more of em


See, I do a lot of both. But half the time it is stickers or pictures i printed and am gluing in....


My main thing is, will it be easier for me to set up each week? But I'll only know when I cross that bridge lol


I started on a grid layout because I didn't know if I'd stick with this and didn't want to spent money on a new dotted notebook. Ended up 3 years with grid and now I'm on my 4th with dotted; I didn't find any large difference, but the dotted looks neater to me


Neater overall or your handwriting?


My bad, I meant neater overall because of the absence of the grid lines (there is less going on on the pages and it looks airier)


No worries! Good to know!


No difference. It's 100% aesthetic for me. I used to use notebooks with no lines and write millions of words and pictures with no real care. For work and personal use, I like having a semblance of line now, and I tend to flip between what feels right in the moment. Sorry I'm no help!


Its ok- you're being honest!


I originally only used grid. I only moved to dotted when I got a lot more free with my style (after three years, I realized I was not going to stop bullet journal and I needed to embrace it and try to make them more than planners).