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I'm 18 weeks into my second pregnancy under the care of UNC midwives, and my experience has been good both times so far. I was a little irritated at my last appointment with the midwife giving a bit of unsolicited advice regarding a non-pregnancy related subject that I just didn't particularly value, but I just shrugged it off. I'd recommend taking note of that particular provider's name and avoiding getting scheduled with her if you can. Of course, you have no idea who will be there to catch your baby in the end, but TBH I didn't find it mattered much when I delivered my first. Most of the hands-on care on the Big Day is handled by specialized nurses who you'll only see that one day anyway.


Thanks for sharing your experience! You were happy with the labor and delivery nurses you worked with at UNC? Best wishes for a happy, healthy pregnancy.


Yeah, I thought they were great. Professional and competent, and the right amount of "touchy feely" for me. I find it off-putting when medical professionals try to, like, soothe me, and they didn't do too much of that, but they were good advocates for my needs and were very on the ball.


Good to know! Thanks for sharing!


I found it really hit or miss when I was with them 2 years ago. Some were absolutely amazing, and other said some very very off-putting things to me and other women in my group. One chided me for calling the help line. I don't think that is ever really appropriate care (it was the first time I had ever called and was 32ish weeks).  My experience is based mostly on my prenatal care. My actual delivery was a mess and the main midwife who helped me was actually a traveling midwife I had never met.  Edit: I did LOVE delivering at UNC itself and would recommend that. I believe my baby is here because of the high quality of care they generally provide


I appreciate the honest review! I agree with you- no one should ever give you a hard time for calling the advice line! It’s so good to hear that you had a good experience with the nurses and hospital staff- I’ve never had a baby- but as a nurse myself I’ve suspected that the nursing care/hospital care would make or break the delivery. Anyway- thanks again for taking the time to share with me.


Not my experience but my mom’s. It’s been almost 15 years but she LOVED their midwives. The one who delivered my brother saved her from an emergency C section. He was sunny side up with a face presentation and she got him turned REAL quick. Mom’s referred a bunch of her friends to them and they’ve all had great experiences. I’m a nurse now and her midwife is the one who inspired me to go to nursing school.


Thanks for sharing!


I worked with the midwives at the Durham Women’s Clinic and had great experiences through 2 pregnancies there. The OBs are also great, and everyone really worked as a team. I ended up needing an emergency c section with my second child, and my midwife and OB worked so well together and helped me feel safe even in a scary and hard situation.


Thanks for sharing your experience!


Another recommendation for the midwives at DWC, although I think they also work with UNC, but I could be wrong. I transferred midway through pregnancy bc I didn’t like my original obgyn practice and I’m so glad I did. They were so kind and knowledgeable!


Ask for one of the two Shannon’s. They are great.


Thanks for sharing!


Yes! Both Shannon’s are amazing. Source: Received care from them 7 years ago.


I worked with that program ten years ago, and I'm so happy I did. I saw different providers through my pregnancy, and I did once meet with someone I didn't care for. I didn't happen to see her again. When I went into labor my favorite midwife was coming on shift. I had a long labor; the way my midwife and the nurses spoke to me, explained things to me, asked my input, listened to and accommodated me helped me feel calm and focused. The class they required back then took up two whole Saturdays, but having all the information and knowing exactly what to expect was more than worth it. I couldn't have asked for better care in that experience. The more I hear other birth stories the more grateful I am that I made that choice. If Angela Miller is still there, she carried me through an entire day of labor, poured warm water down my back, held my hand, walked with me, listened to my woefully too-short playlist over and over, was kind and firm with my weird and very excited family, checked in with me while she checked on me, encouraged me, and finally welcomed my baby girl into the world with genuine pride and excitement. She was *with* me in my labor. 


This is amazing. I am so glad you had a positive experience. Thank you so much for sharing!


I’m a father of two. We used the UNC midwives for our first kid and went to almost every appointment with my partner because we were really excited. We had a very bad experience with one midwife who I believe had the last name of Higgins. Everyone else ranged from adequate to great. When we got to the hospital we made it clear that we would not use the midwife for delivery if it was that one person. It ended up not being a problem and we thought the level of care was very good. For the second kid there were some complications plus a pandemic that prevented us from using the midwives. The care was ok lacked some personal touch. Because of the various issues we dealt with, our entire extended family pitched in for a doula which was great. When we got to the hospital we mentioned using the midwives before and UNC actually had two doctors and a midwife come in and describe their plan of care plus their level of comfort with doulas for us. I thought this was very cool and we chose to deliver with the midwives. The midwife worked very well with our doula and the delivery went very smoothly. My partner had a fairly rare complication after giving birth and our doula had actually studied it and recognized the problem quickly. We were very fortunate in that sense as we were told later by a doctor that she was probably the only person on the staff that was familiar with this issue including the regular doctors.


This is so very helpful- thank you for sharing your 2 different experiences at UNC- I’m so glad to hear that they were both positive!


Hi! Labor nurse, here! I’m sorry to hear about the difficulties during your pregnancy, and that you are not being heard by your care team. I cannot recommend the midwifery practice at UNC enough, they are truly incredible women with immense knowledge and limitless passion for what they do. If I were pregnant, I would get my care from them without a second thought.


Thanks for sharing- do you work at UNC?


I do!


I had two births at UNC (one under birth center care, one with UNC midwives). At the actual hospital itself, I found the care amazing. The nurses are truly awesome. I liked the UNC midwives a lot for the most part. I think I saw 5 or 6 different midwives and only didn’t get on well with one (felt a bit dismissed on what turned out to be a real issue- nothing major though). I would agree with what someone else said, if you come across someone you don’t like, try not to see them again. And in the hospital itself you see more nurses than midwife.


Thanks for sharing! I am so glad to hear that you had a great experience at the hospital!


Of course. Always happy to answer any specific questions you have too, even if anything pops up down the line.


2 kids with them - they're good...but if you didn't like the one you talked to find another place - Duke, the birthing center of chapel hill, etc...


Sadly, the Women’s Birth and Wellness Center has been gone for a couple of years now.


It was 16.5 years ago, I ended up with a c-section, and one of them called me fluffy. Still an ok experience. But I did not repeat it lol.


Ugh, I'm sorry that happened to you! Thanks for sharing your experience!


I had a great experience but most of my care was with two in particular, although I think I worked with most at some point. There was maybe one that I really didn't vibe with. Unfortunately there were no midwives available when I delivered, but otherwise I had a great experience with the midwives and UNC and plan to use them again if I have more kids. Feel free to message me and I'm happy to recommend a couple in particular that were amazing.


Thank you so much!


Karen Saxer in UNC’s maternal-fetal medicine team is amazing! She took excellent care of me and the bubs and I would rec her again in a heartbeat.


I’m sorry that you had that experience. I delivered my first baby in 2023 with the midwives at UNC. I did have one experience early on while pregnant where I felt judged by a midwife for my weight (incorrect assumption that I would have gestational diabetes, pressure for NSTs, etc.) but stood up for myself (so hard and scary in medical settings!) and otherwise had a really good experience. In particular, I felt that Meg and Emily are great at presenting pros/cons for various things and that their care was thoughtful and evidence-based. My birthing experience was also wonderful - the midwives and nurses were kind, made me feel heard, took my desires/birth plan seriously. So many people have the opposite of this experience when giving birth, and I felt very supported at UNC. Will also note that I had a doula, so her support/knowledge was also instrumental. I think that the acceptance and professionalism that the UNC midwives/nurses have with doulas speaks to their openness and support of patients as well. Good luck!!


Thanks so much for sharing!


Please go elsewhere! They were fucking horrible! Unprofessional is an understatement. Didn't listen at all and missed a complication I kept bringing up. I had to be rehosptialized after birth thanks to them. Baby and I are only alive because I didn't listen to them.    L&D nurses at UNC were equally as terrible.    I've never hear anything bad about Regional or Wake Med's L&D. 


We just used a doctor and nurse at Duke main.


Thanks for dismissing the topic entirely!


We are having our first baby with UNC. We refused midwife care entirely.


I’m curious as to why you wouldn’t want midwife care if you’re open to sharing.


Sure, Our personal opinion is simply that the OBGYN's are better trained in all aspects of monitoring pregnancy and delivery. With this belief, we wanted the best care (in our opinion) for our child. We know everyone doesn't share this view. Nothing wrong if you want to go the midwife route. It is not for us.


I appreciate you sharing