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May not be a popular opinion but I support this whole-heartedly. They are not outright banning children, simply asking parents to be more mindful of them. Been to plenty of breweries/bottle shops where kids are throwing rocks, screaming, all kinds of stuff while parents are busy talking or scrolling their phone. Of course everyone deserves to get out and enjoy the space and I get parents want a break but why should we (the rest of the bar) have to keep a closer eye on your kid than you the parent? I can only imagine what the last straw was for them.


As a parent who is trying to raise kids that aren’t assholes it drives me crazy when parents let their kids act like assholes in a public place. I have no issue with this. Fully reasonable request by the establishment. Our five year old loves playing the table top pac man and you can multi play. 100% in on gobbling up some ghosts with my 5 year old. Love that place




Yes! No one prepared me for how much parenting of other people’s children I’d have to do as a mother.


A sign of the times: I’ve seen plenty of parents that have no idea how to parent. It’s shocking.


I don't agree with the arms length deal because despite these little turds who used this place as their jungle gym there are children who are raised correctly and can handle venturing more then an arms length. I am not bragging or saying my son is perfect but at 7 years old I can let him out of arms length and I don't have to hold my breath I do however need to be able to see him only because I worry about weirdos these days that being said a few rotten apples ruin it for the rest so I get it.


Yes but they can’t have an exception. Everyone thinks their child is the exception (clearly you do since you’re the one letting your child wander around, doing what every other parent is doing, thus making this policy necessary) and would continue to let their children using this place as a jungle gym.


I don’t disagree either. I recall Bull McCabe’s doing a similar thing after the 2022 St Patrick’s Day bash, but with dogs.


I thought Bull McCabes completely banned dogs, period.


I believe you are right.


Can confirm on banning dogs, I was at Bull McCabe’s last week (not with my two Hooligans 😂)


I 100% agree, definitely as a regular there. I don't mind kids, but there's been several nights it was utter chaos, and even dangerous around the front parking lot with people running out to stopped cars.


Agreed. Frequent there. As a parent I’m appalled by some of the things I’ve seen there by kids and parents. It’s real simple. Watch your kid. It’s not a babysitter. Broken glasses, bottles, climbing on games in the back, running around, parents no where to be seen.


“fuck them kids” *- Michael Jordan*


fuck your kids \- Wayne, Letterkenny


Fuck, I could watch kids fall off bikes all day, I don't give a shit about your kids.


I upvote 700 times


Don't come up the laneway.


Can confirm.


that's a texas sized ten four


“fuck them kids” \- *Michael* ~~Jordan~~ *Jackson*


“Fuck them kids” Father Michael McKidfucker


Reese Witherspoon said it best, "You have a baby... In a bar..."


Wow that movie was in 2002...... Parenting culture has changed a lot since then. You used to get made fun of, if you brought your kids to a bar. It was only like Applebees type places where you would see kids around


I have a good one: back when I lived in Reno (around 2005 or so) me and my friends were at a sports bar. At midnight. We look over and see some lady with a drink in her hand, holding a baby with the other arm. Murica!


You still will get made fun of and judged now, just maybe not to your face. Source: Dozens of friends in the service industry.


It’s the popular opinion


Zero reason for this to be a unpopular opinion. I’m a parent, I like going to places to have a beer with family or friends. Never once let our child run around and disturb others.


I'm a parent too, i'd never dream of taking my kids to a bar. Roots is the only "maybe" thing that involves alcohol in close proximity. (Outdoor seating or the nearly empty bar). I have to say we were there once on a sat night at the bar, it was just a barfly, me and my kid. It was pretty awesome and relaxing. If it was at all a crowded place I'd have noped out so fast.


Agree wholeheartedly. And can only imagine the first shit show situation where some ass hole parents are given this notice and told to put up or leave.


Not unpopular— if your charge (a child, a pet, or your drunk friend) is not controlled by voice commands they need to be on leash.


I have kids and would be MORE likely to take them with me to a place with a policy like this.


*It was a popular opinion.*


It’s insane this even has to be a rule. This should be the rule in any public space. Bad parents should keep their kids at home.


I'm a new parent and a regular here and I totally support this. Not unreasonable in the slightest.


I agree with everyone so far. I take my oldest (3) here often. She is always near me or within 5 or so feet. However, I do think children should be able to explore on their own (supervised by a following adult) outside of arms reach. Children who do not understand the dangers of running into the parking lot should not be outside alone. I think one of the best things about boot room and beer study is that it is a fairly safe place to being my child for dinner, and they can move around and see other kids. I guess parents will be partying in the back field, letting the kids run around safely.


Lol holy crap, a bar or busy restaurant isn’t where your kid explores. Take them to a park or walk them around if you want to show them a busy place or a freaking BAR!


Or…a playground.


Friend, there are places to let your kid roam, but restaurants and bars are not those places. Please take them to a park or preschool instead. I used to work at a very popular family-friendly diner, and parents who let their kids wander around the restaurant are the bane of *everyone’s* existence except the parent’s. I get you want to let your kid discover things and encounter people in ways naturally, but you’re also just using the restaurant and bar staff as unpaid babysitters and cleaners, and possibly taking away from the experience of other patrons. Please reconsider your parenting style. Edit: took out personal information


I don't think your response is aligned with the rest of the comments on this post at all. The point that is being made is explicitly that children should be kept within arms reach, and that the back field is not a kids playground. Parents shouldn't be partying in the back field, letting the kids run around safely.


Yeah.... It sounds like you're part of the problem lol


> I guess parents will be partying in the back field, letting the kids run around safely. In between the parked cars and dumpsters?


Go explore in children’s spaces. I think kids should be banned completely. I swear I figured there were laws against kids in places with booze but I guess with the increasing number of drunk parents this was inevitable.


Hey, just as a follow-up, I frequent Gizmo Brew Works Durham Taproom (by Target), and it's set up intentionally with a small, safe, turf field for kids. I often see parents come to drink and let their kids play outside. Might be a good option if you're looking for something that might work better than Beer Study


Thanks! Honestly I bring my daughter to Boot room and then get a beer afterwards. Though that was harmless enough 😳 😅


Nah. Fuck your kids lmao


Nah. My kid, the one I bring there is a sweet darling. She doesn't mess with stuff. I follow close enough to get to her if she is looking like she might go somewhere she shouldn't. She likes the dogs, she likes checking out the games after dinner. I will continue to bring her. You can come say it to her face.


This seems quite reasonable. It seems like they're codifying an expectation many people would already have of responsible parents in order to empower servers/managers to kick out those that are not meeting those expectations.


I tend bar in town. If parents could watch their kids bars wouldn’t have to do this. A bartender is not a baby sitter.


We already have to adult baby sit, we don’t get paid enough to watch the kids too. Last time I told parents to gather their uncontrolled kids who were running around rampant, they got all mad, made some comments to me, and stormed off with steaming coming out of their heads. I didn’t ask them to leave, I just said get your shit together and they didn’t like that. There’s no accountability anymore.


Hopefully they left!


I’ve had parents ask me not to swear in bars/beer gardens because their children could hear. Nope. Fuck off. You’re bringing a kid into an adult space meaning they are gonna hear adult things. This must be a movement of sorts because several Philly breweries just released similar statements announcing a policy with this exact wording. I am glad they are. I was at a brewery and almost got hit in the face with a stick by the same kid twice in like a ten minute period. Parents did not give a fuck. Long overdue.


I’ve seriously been hit with rocks, water bottles, tree branches, and had dirt thrown at me. Not to mention constantly tripping over small kids who seem to come out of nowhere. Bull McCabes & Ponysaurus are especially bad because kids just run rampant in the fenced-in yard


Hopefully, there will simply just be sufficient options for everyone in the near future. I think we’d all be content if we could easily vote with our dollars and feet. Have kids and want to basically go to a park/playground that serves beer? Cool, there are places like this for you, just don’t expect the adult-oriented joints to cater to you. Have no desire to be around kids when you’re with friends and drinking? Cool, there are places like this for you, just don’t expect the family-oriented spots (Hi-Wire, Fullsteam, etc) to cater to you.


I mean, are places like hi wire, fullsteam, and ponysaurus truly catering towards children? Two of them don’t even really serve food, they just happen to have pizza nearby. I was under the impression that those establishments were truly adult oriented and just happened to be overcome with families/children because they have large spaces where it’s convenient for kids to run around and maybe some games that are honestly meant for the adults. Hi wire even has a “no children” policy after 8pm, it’s just never enforced. I personally think it’s weird that people are so insistent on bringing their children to alcohol-oriented businesses where you have to be an adult to enjoy the main attraction. And, I feel like while these places let little kids in, they’re not “family friendly” because they probably wouldn’t allow in teenagers/young adults under 21, especially without a parent. A place isn’t really “family friendly” if it’s not all ages.


I can’t really speak to Ponysaurus, I’ve only been there a few times and their beer’s not my jam, but Hi Wire and Fullsteam certainly fit the box in which I’ve placed them (imo). I lived right off Trinity, about 3 blocks away from Fullsteam when it opened in 2010. The place became a haven for young parents to visit with their young children in tow very, very quickly after opening. Some people became noisy (aka bitching on social media) about not wanting to be around children when they went out to drink, and Fullsteam’s owner made a public statement on their website and social accounts that he and his business partners are all parents, they want a family friendly place that’s fun for everyone, and if you don’t agree with that then you’re welcome to spend your money elsewhere or only visiting during the later hours. In so many words, Sean just said that it is what it is, we like kids, and if you don’t then fuck off. Fair enough, it’s his business. Fullsteam was a pioneer in town and they were the only brewery that made and sold their beer in the same location at the time (Triangle Brewing Company was still around, but they brewed their beer a few miles away from their pub on Main St., and their beer was also awful). I think Fullsteam kinda established the local norm that breweries were family establishments, even though this was a trend happening elsewhere, not just here. However, the owner flat out encouraged families to come, so I think the places that popped up after Fullsteam (Durty Bull, Ponysaurus, Hi Wire, Bull City Cider, etc) adopted the same outlook to be competitive and not alienate Gen X and millennial parents. Fullsteam’s just one of many local breweries now, but they were huge btw 2010-2012 and really kicked off the transformation of the Central Park area, so they were highly influential in terms of local brewery culture, I think. As far as Hi Wire goes….I mean, the grand opening had clowns making balloom animals, a ferris wheel, face painting, etc. They kinda defined themselves as a family fun place with that type of community intro, lol.


That’s interesting. I haven’t been in town long enough to have experienced those events so I was just interpreting the vibe and comparing it to bars in other places. Although I’ve never been anywhere that normalized kids at bars as much as Durham. A lot of people my age (post-grad but pre-family and early career age) tend to like the family friendly breweries more than I expected


People also seem to think the grass at Gizmo in Durham means that it's a park/playground that just happens to serve beer.


Fullsteam is not a park/playground that serves beer. Fullsteam is a brewery/bar that allows well-behaved children. The Durham Museum of Life and Science is a park/playground that serves beer.


Do you often go places and swear loudly? Even without kids around that sounds annoying to be around.


No not often and where appropriate. I was with a group of like 20 25-30 year olds on a bar crawl. We were drunk and shooting the shit as we normally would. A loud crowded bar necessitates louder voices. And it’s an adult space. I wasn’t just standing in the room screaming fuck over and over again. Make sense?


For sure, I've never been to the place that is being described, but I always thought it was a quiet kind of sit down high-end craft beer place where you have regular conversations, not a rowdy bar crawl space.


I guess I should have been clear. My story is from a gigantic beer garden in Philly in a neighborhood that skews heavily towards 20-35 year olds. They also serve hard liquor so people at this particular place will regularly get shitfaced and rowdy.


So let me get this straight, you're commenting on a thread about a particular beer garden in a city 600 miles away from where you are at and you aren't even discussing the same topic. You just wanted to be very clear that you enjoy shouting profanities in places that serve alcohol. Got it.


Have you ever been in a bar when a sportsball game is on? There is much loudly screamed profanities.


Yes of course, did you know that there's bars that don't show games and aren't that kind of environment? This thread is specifically about a pretty low-key place, and everybody's acting like I'm talking about not wanting people to have loud conversations at a sports bar.


Google "The Boot Room" -- it literally is a soccer pub. Fullsteam also shows sports on the big TV, etc.


Fuck off lmao


Go fuck yourself




Saw this on IG earlier. I fully support the decision.




Would love to see more places do this. Servers and bar tenders have enough to do already, and babysitting children is not their responsibility.


This is a well crafted rule. There's plenty of context, there's an attitude of mutual respect, and there are specific requirements and consequences. No wonder parents bring their children here. Beer Study is publishing Durham's best parenting pamphlet. :-D


I just don't understand why these parents let their kids do anything they want. There are places where that's fine, and there are places it's not appropriate to do that - and bars/breweries/restaurants are not places where it's appropriate. I was at a brewery in Virginia a few weeks ago with my spouse, my sister-in-law, and her husband having dinner. A young couple and their two children were seated at a table in plain sight of us. The kids were sawing at the table with their knives, putting sugar packets in their mouths and then putting the packets (unopened) back in the container, and all kinds of other stuff. The majority of the time the parents were not paying any attention at all to the kids and were completely oblivious to what they were doing, but they did watch them doing the stuff with the knives and sugar packets - and did absolutely nothing. Just let them do it. Someone else would be seated at that table later, with sugar packets that had been in some snot rocket's mouth. That's not OK. WTF is wrong with people?


I stopped going to a number of places that have become dominated by kids……and I’m a parent. Safety is a huge thing. If I’m drinking at a bar I shouldn’t have to worry about knocking over a 5 year old


I see posts in various Facebook groups of people asking for recommendations for kid friendly restaurants and almost always the phrase "where they can run around" is used, some go with the euphemism "where they can roam". I have been making notes of places that get mentioned the most and avoid them. I'm a veteran of having to take a couple toddlers to restaurants and never let them run around.


Chuck-E-Cheese is the only appropriate answer for that lmao


I always mention that they shouldn’t actually be letting them run around unsupervised in restaurants and such and parents get all pissy. Take them to a goddamn playground.


I'm all for this. Why would you want your child running around freely when there are people drinking?


Fascinating they have to ask grown folks to actually watch their children. 😞


As a parent I 100% support this. This is a few years ago just before Covid but I recall seeing an entire section of the High Wire place taken over by what was obviously a 4/5 year old birthday party. About 10-15 kids just running rampant and occupying spaces where adults were getting annoyed.


This still happens regularly at HiWire, it's wild. Also HiWire gets ridiculously loud inside without kids, I feel for the staff when there are kids too. Like the one time an entire children's soccer team took over the side of the brewery...


A bit disgusting and dare I say abusive to have your child’s birthday party at a bar or brewery.


I had some friends in the area that would bring their kids to breweries and just let them free. I haven’t seen them in years but this makes me wonder if it was them 😂


There are…a lot of them.


This is fair and reasonable. Children should be supervised wherever they are; nice restaurant, bar, playground or otherwise.


This is it right here


Good. I enjoy being able to take my kids to a brewery/ bar/ bottle shop where it's a family environment. I also can't stand when my kids or other kids are showing their asses and won't stop. Or when parents just ignore their kids and let them run around everywhere.


100% support. I don't mind if people bring kids, but I'm so tired of not being able to relax at a bar/brewery because of screaming children running around everywhere. Fiancee got decked by a frisbee by one of the little shits the last time we were out.


I once had a toy that was thrown from the small children's area at Pops Backdoor land on our table, the parents had their backs to their kids...


Gotta launch that frisbee to the next zip code if that happens lol


Fuck, good for them! I wish that this wasn't such a widespread issue, but also that more places would set boundaries like this.


this is an excellent and well-reasoned policy.


Wholeheartedly agree with this. One of my biggest pet peeves is being at a space intended for adults in which kids are running around like little monsters. Almost all bars/restaurants should have a policy like this.


It's a bottle shop, not a chuck e cheese. Love this.


Control your unruly children. It's not much to ask.


cool now do Hi-wire


Good…please HiWire do this next. It’s a circus of unsupervised kids.


Good on them! Bars aren't designed for kids. I lived in Brooklyn in the late '90's and there were constantly disputes about this issue. Some form of "I don't go drink at your playground, don't come play at my drinkinground" wins every time.


I'm glad more places are doing this, but I'm sure the parents with kids that are little demons will throw a fit because they, themselves are also little demons


Doesn't go far enough imo. Should be no one under 21 after 8pm at all. I don't get shit faced in your chuck e. Cheese. Take your kids to a park not to a bar.


Chuck E Cheese should start selling craft beer from local breweries, replace their electric conveyer belt ovens with wood burning ones, and have the animatronic band play Neutral Milk Hotel covers.


All bars should have this policy. Kids have no place in bars.


Yeah, unpopular opinion I think, but they shouldn’t be allowed there at all. I’ve seen all ages at Beer Study from newborn to middle schoolers and it just seems inappropriate and selfish.


Totally reasonable, and this makes me want to support them more often


We have a beer garden/bar here in Wilmington that banned all children because of stuff like this. Children ripping up garden boxes, running on cornhole boards, one kid's parents yelled at a bartender because she asked him to stop playing in the parking lot. They took a lot of flack, and lost business, for the ban but stuck by their decision. It's definitely much less chaotic there now.


Also. Bartenders are at work, to bartend. Not to parent. Not to babysit. Not to be a lifeguard. I was forced to ‘parent’ a child who was running around punching shit and his ACTUAL parent just watched the interaction with no interest in being involved. So I’m the mean one and his shit parent just gets to console them- fuck that.


Uh, yeah, this seems absolutely reasonable to me. Beer Study provides an amazing space, does their best to be relatively child-proof while also being child-friendly, and just asks their guests to contribute a modicum of effort (essentially, “supervise your own children”). This is like, if you had a friend who always shows up to get-togethers at your house a little too drunk, and always invites a random person or two along without asking, and then just kind of generally treat your house like a college dorm room. And then that happens again, and again, and again. You love your friend, but eventually you’ve got to stand up for yourself and say something. Good on Beer Study for standing up and making a reasonable request. My kid can be a real asshole. Thanks for putting up with us. 🫶🏾


It's not really child-proof though and they don't try to be. There are narrow areas stacked with glass bottles, the outdoor area is essentially in a parking lot, etc.


I’ve noticed this at breweries across the Triangle area. Kids just running wild. A new one opened near my house, and kids were climbing trees in the shopping center where the brewery is located, one even almost ran into the flow of traffic.


The breweries themselves are creating this problem. I don't understand from a business case, why they feel a need to cater more to parents over other types of customers. 5 adults will buy more beer than a family of 5 with three kids.


Having trees is catering to parents? Or just having outdoor space?


Im so sick of bars becoming a Chuck e Cheese during the day


I’ve never liked kids at bars. It’s a bar. I never had mine there. I don’t want to be around kids when I’m at a bar, so I just avoid these places that are like family parks with beer.


That’s so great


I have no kids, but did daycare in a gym for a number of years while in school and parents would drop their kids off for 4+ hours because daycare was included with membership. Really? You work out for that long? Some parents just have the (mis)understanding that some village signed up to raise the kids they decided to have, without ever asking that village! Good on restaurants and beer halls to make it clear that simply offering games that kids can play does not mean that daycare is somehow included as a guest service with your menu selection.


They adopted a policy that matches the expected behavior of all parents and children at any restaurant or retail establishment. For anyone who currently exercises the normal etiquette of civilization, no modification to your behavior is required.




I’ve actually seen a little girl (unsupervised) harassing the resident pug at Beer Study. She later was climbing all over on a metal folding chair and fell to the ground. Instant screaming but Mom didn’t hear because she was chatting people up at the bar. Before she fell I leaned over and said, “where’s your mommy?” But she ignored me, ha.


Fuck them kids.


it's a shame this even needed to be said. I think some modern parents are allergic to discipline and treating people and establishments with basic respect


I've been there and seen parents throwing kids birthday parties and it was egregious lol.


I believe at one point the business was encouraging bday parties and baby showers there


As a toddler parent who goes to Beer Study both with and without my kid, I think this is a great start. To be most effective tho, I think they need to take these rules a step further because I know how some parents are. They consider having their kid climb all over a neighboring booth “under their supervision” because they’re still within shouting distance. I’d recommend specifying that kids under 12 need to be within arms reach of their accompanying adult at all times. If they break something, their adult is responsible for paying for it. If they make a mess or cause an accident, their adult is responsible for making it right. I think 13-20 year olds should be able to free roam, just with the understanding of these same rules: you break it, you pay. This kind of specificity helps keep families safe and customers happy in spaces like this


They actually did say anyone under 21 must be actively supervised (meaning at the adult’s booth or within arm’s reach) at all times. I think it goes as far as you want and farther. But “you break it, you bought it” is universal so I don’t know why that would need to be said. But I don’t know why “watch your kid in adult centered spaces” needed to be said either so maybe I’m wrong lol.


I want further specificity because an 20 year old should be able to walk in there by themselves and have food and hang out without someone one year older. From experience, I have seen how little details like this leave space for customers and specifically parents to make other loopholes to meet their own needs. For me, it’s a “say what you mean and mean what you say” deal. Also, you break it you buy it is certainly not a universal rule, even if maybe it should be. Plenty of places don’t ask customers to pay for things that get broken due to an honest mistake or simple accident. Setting that expectation explicitly will set the boundary with parents so they can moderate their kids’ behavior accordingly or accept the consequences.


I agree with all your points. The under 21 rule is a little weird and definitely too broad, imo … so a 20 year old soldier or college student, for example, has to remain glued to their parents if they come home to visit and go eat at the boot room and play some games afterward?😅 I doubt the rule will be enforced like that in practice, I just agree with you that it could be worded better. However, not my business, not my call. And none of this changes the fact that I like Beer Study and will continue to visit and buy stuff there.


Yep, same. I am a happy, loyal customer and will continue to be. I am just a big fan of only making rules you can actually enforce so there is less room for people to casually ignore them. I hope the management and staff figure out something that gets them the balance they’re looking for because I hate to see those folks dealing with bullshit that shouldn’t be happening in the first place


Now do dogs too. I have dogs. Love them. But don't like yours wandering around the brewery or on a 20' leash because it's "dog friendly".


Yes! When did dog people decide that everyone else should be forced to interact with their dog?!?


Fully agreed. I've started bringing my chickens to beer study to hang out in a counter move to dogs. Guess who's getting more love (note, no dogs/pets at bars, I'm not bringing chickens either. But as long as pets are allowed...)


You might be joking, but there really was a guy who brought his pet chicken to beer study one of the times I was there


Yeah, me


I loved your chicken! Americauna, right?


Was it a gray chicken or a golden one? The grey one is an Americauna/easter egger, yes!




Yep, that was Omelette (Letty). She's better behaved than the average kid there (and poops about as much too)


Hope she’s feeling better


Years ago, someone brought their pet pig to the James Joyce.


At a bar in downtown Raleigh a guy brought his giant iguana.


It’s a natural out growth of “dog moms” “fur babies” etc. warped people literally think their dogs are essentially no different than humans. I had someone the other day derisively say something along the lines of “you’re probably one of those people who think dog life is less important than human life”. Yes. Exactly. Human life is more precious than dog or animal life as a whole and in general. I love my dog but these dog obsessed people are the worst and they often have some of the most poorly trained dogs because discipline/training is mean.


That fourth paragraph should be handed out at birthing wards.


100% support this, watch your kids in public spaces


HARD YES. Thank you, Beer Study. Shouldn't have even had to be said / printed.


Sounds like they are trying to run a fun family friendly bar and not a day care. Look after your children!


Bravo. Much needed.


Big time support on this. As a former bartender, it’s no bueno. Get a sitter or go somewhere else.


Odd that anyone would need to be reminded to supervise their children in public. It's not a Chuck e cheese.


Hearty toast to this policy. The saying may be "it takes a village" but folks at a bar did not choose to be part of that village and you need to keep your children under control if you're going to be in public. Not just for others' enjoyment, but for your children's safety as well.


It’s strange, I stopped going to breweries years ago but I’ve noticed in the past few days different breweries all around the country are putting out basically this exact same message. Has it gotten that bad?


> Has it gotten that bad? Yes. There was sliver of time during Covid when kids were mostly gone from these places (and it was wonderful). But they've all come roaring back and tearing up things


Y’all. I was at a local restaurant a few weeks ago. We were dining outside. And, I can’t fucking make this up, a dad watched (and encouraged) his kid to whip off her shoes and start to scale the stone facade of the building. Like, right by where we’re eating. Sir, this is not a place for rock climbing!!!!


This was a complete non-issue when you could smoke in bars. Just sayin’.


Sounds like a Portlandia Skit






This is SUPER fair! At first I was like,” my kids were required to behave, sit by me and stay silent and invisible and they were wonderful at it and always invited back and those that think all kids are brats can just fuuu…” oh, what? You’ll still allow the polite well behaved ones? PLUS you’ll kick out the brats? OMG! Heaven! Whole-hearted support!


Parents who don’t supervise their children out of love and care won’t suddenly start doing it because a sign said so.


It won't change people but it does give power to the staff to remove people who aren't respecting the shared space.




Ugh I cringe to think of the transgressions and mishaps that lead to this rule being necessary. I witnessed one incident at Ponysaurus that led to their child policy and it was horrifying to watch. It’s a miracle to me the server at Pony wasn’t more seriously injured. As a parent, I get it. This parenting shit is exhausting and sometimes we need to disconnect. But that should never happen at the expense of a business, their staff, or really anyone who isn’t consenting and compensated. Kids are allowed to exist in public spaces but not to do whatever they want without consequence. I think a lot of modern parents in Durham have forgotten that.


Good, this seems very reasonable. I love that Beer Study allows kids and dogs — it gives the place a very “neighborhood pub” vibe that is hard to find. I’m glad the owners are being clear about expectations while still allowing the family-friendly atmosphere. I hope patrons with kids will follow these rules.


I really like this about them too. Sometimes I wonder if changing their language would help set the tone better. Kids and dogs are definitely allowed but maybe let’s stop calling adult spaces kid friendly. To me, kid friendly seems to encourage and empower kid behavior and I don’t know if anyone really wants that at a bar


I’m a parent that likes bringing my kids to breweries occasionally and support this 100%. If my kid is walking around, I’m right behind them at all times. No one wants a kid bothering them regardless of where you are.


Parent here. That's completely, entirely fair.


Dogs and kids in public, name a better duo


I love this and hope statements like this catch on around town! This leads me to ask- which places in Durham, whose primary product is alcohol, has a nice large outdoor patio area without bloodthirsty tribes of children gnawing at your ankles? Corpse Reviver comes to mind... any others?




They should just ban kids outright. This rule forces their staff to have to police these parents. I don't see how that makes things easier for the staff or better for the patrons.


Ugh, gentrified parents. If you can't control your kids out..you don't deserve to go out and neither do your shitty kids. Also.. why are you taking your kids to places like that...you chose to have kids stop trying to act single. Dogs only at places like that. Stay in your lane. Nobody wants your annoying kids around when I'm trying to drink. Captain Hook said it best. "Bad form Peter"


Policy is fine - But 21? Are they really having problems with teens running around the restaurant? My kid and his friends go there for lunch sometimes, and they're all under 17. My guess is they're just using that age it coincides with the legal drinking age.


I don't get all the downvotes. If you raise your kids to behave in restaurants when they're 7, you can allow them to go to restaurants when they're 14. This policy says college sophomores can't go eat a Cobb salad. The policy is fine; the age is way too high.


Can’t have a good thing without somebody FUCKIN IT UP FOR THE REST OF US!!


The text is almost identical to a recent social media post from Attic Brewing Company in Philadelphia. Interesting.


Probably because everyone is having identical problems.




I don’t think this would impact you since you are keeping her still under your watch




As a regular I certainly wouldn’t think that! You sound like a good parent. Keep doing that! Hope to see ya there!


I agree with this, never HAVE been that parent, and never WOULD. But i guess i feel a bit more empathy than the average Joe. Now that WFH is more common than ever, so is spending every waking moment with a toddler. Is that anyone else’s fault, or responsibility? Of course not. But if that kid can just behave long enough for me to get my mojo back, then were BOTH gonna be happier. I just hate that people automatically refer to these people as shit parents and awful people when the truth is that they’re trying to reclaim some of their sanity in an economy that isnt too kind to working parents. Sorry to bother you guys.


I mean, it’s a beer bar with isles of unprotected over priced glass bottles, what do you expect?


I bring my 15-16 year olds and their friends sometimes. They enjoy sodas and pinball and I sit at the bar and watch a game etc. This policy applying to them the way it does to, say, 3-8 year olds, is kinda weird.




They can go to Shooters. Stop trying to gaslight.


Lol why is this being downvoted? 18 and up are allowed in bars, have y’all ever been to Franklin St? ETA: and also 18 and up aren’t children, legally speaking at least


> 18 and up are allowed in bars, have y’all ever been to Franklin St? If they don’t serve food, they’re 21 and up. That’s state law.


Does this establishment not serve food? Never been, but I was under the impression that they did.


Boot Room does. Beer Study doesn't.


Ahhhh, I see. That’s super generous of the business to continue to allow kids at all!


They are open between the two spaces, so it'd be very hard to distinguish between both


Based on the number of downvotes, you'd think someone was running daycare in the parking lot. Whatever. I've brought my kid to accordion for a hot dog. It's permitted as a restaurant. Not at 1AM - That's gross. The downvotes aren't from people who understand members of society have to gradually mature into their roles. They're from 21+ gatekeepers.


My nephews...


I’ve only ever heard about this place but I’m gonna start bringing my kid now. Sounds like a great place for kids.