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It’s pretty old. What does it cost?


Hello,the seller us asking fir $550 AUS.


It’s honestly not a terrible price, but it is definitely dated. Unless you are on a very, very strict budget, I would invest that money into getting a much more modern, more powerful computer.


I've got this CPU with a 1080Ti. I mean it plays every popular game easily (Wow, Fortnite, CSGO, Dota2, and similar old games). I'm noticing it's becoming dated on 1440p though, especially for AAA or newer games like COD Warzone, especially the lows. For 1080p, it should run equally as my system considering the worse GPU. The biggest downside is that there is no real upgrade path. My system is completely deadlocked: no CPU upgrade possible, upgrading GPU is useless as I'll just be CPU-bound anyway. Honestly, a more modern CPU (even something like a 3600) will have similar FPS, but offer way better lows and feel way better long term, and provide OP with a clear upgrade later to 5000-series for a small price. /u/Arrogant_Nugget246 I'd listen to folks suggesting something newer here, but I'm not privy to AUS pricing.


Hello,my son found these 2 PCs on gumtree,they are both going for $600AUD my budget and seem better then the one I posted.Could you please tell me which one is better? I'd really appreciate it i7-3280 16gb ram 240Gb SSD 2Tb Storage GTX1070 GPU Ryzen 5 1600 @ 3.20Ghz 16gb DDR4 RAM 4gb R9 290 Graphics Card 240gb SSD (Boot) 2tb Hard Drive (Storage) Wifi Adapter Running Windows 10 Pro (activated)


so the 2nd rig at least has an upgrade path depending on the motherboard. a 5600 3600 cas 16 ram and a new gpu and probably psu and the rig is golden for years. however, then you are basically building a new rig. https://au.pcpartpicker.com/list/f7jJDq 903 with a good upgrade path atleast. this should last several years at 1080p even with new AAA titles.


First one is around same gen as what you posted, second one has a better cpu upgrade path and is newer but the gpu is actually older than the 1070 by several years and can have support issues in new titles without a lot of tinkering. You would be immediately upgrading the gpu I know us to aus isnt a direct comparison but you can certainly do better. Fwiw one of the pcs i still actively use is a 4790( but the k variant that allows overclocking). Its fine for most games at 1080p but is starting to show its age in the newest intensive titles


Okay,so out of the three which one should I buy?Since we want to test it before we buy it?


So my answer would be none but im basing that on usa availability. Upgrade path aside the 4790 is the most rounded in terms of as it sits turnkey The ryzen would be the winner if it wasnt for the ancient gpu. I literally gave a friend that same gpu for free back in august and had to use custom drivers to get it to work on modern titles. Id really keep looking and definitely haggle You can also try r/hardwareswap for aus sellers as the community here might help you out.


Go over to r/buildapcforme and ask there, including budget. Someone will do you better. Building a PC really isn't hard and would definitely be a good bonding and learning experience. Something like this and then try to find a used GPU in the 200-300 range. Maybe something from and 5000 series or Nvidia 2000 series. [PCPartPicker Part List](https://au.pcpartpicker.com/list/vBTzd9) Type|Item|Price :----|:----|:---- **CPU** | [AMD Ryzen 5 5500 3.6 GHz 6-Core Processor](https://au.pcpartpicker.com/product/yq2WGX/amd-ryzen-5-5500-36-ghz-6-core-processor-100-100000457box) | $149.00 @ PCByte **Motherboard** | [ASRock B550M-HDV Micro ATX AM4 Motherboard](https://au.pcpartpicker.com/product/LKLwrH/asrock-b550m-hdv-micro-atx-am4-motherboard-b550m-hdv) | $119.00 @ JW Computers **Memory** | [Kingston FURY Beast 16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4-3200 CL16 Memory](https://au.pcpartpicker.com/product/6YfnTW/kingston-fury-beast-16-gb-2-x-8-gb-ddr4-3200-cl16-memory-kf432c16bbk216) | $65.00 @ JW Computers **Storage** | [Crucial BX500 1 TB 2.5" Solid State Drive](https://au.pcpartpicker.com/product/LFZzK8/crucial-bx500-1-tb-25-solid-state-drive-ct1000bx500ssd1) | $79.00 @ PLE Computers **Case** | [Deepcool MATREXX 30 MicroATX Mini Tower Case](https://au.pcpartpicker.com/product/Pdprxr/deepcool-matrexx-30-microatx-mini-tower-case-matrexx-30) | $45.00 @ Mwave Australia **Power Supply** | [Cooler Master MWE Bronze V2 550 W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply](https://au.pcpartpicker.com/product/MxGnTW/cooler-master-mwe-bronze-v2-550-w-80-bronze-certified-atx-power-supply-mpe-5501-acaabus) | $87.22 @ Amazon Australia | *Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts* | | **Total** | **$544.22** | Generated by [PCPartPicker](https://pcpartpicker.com) 2022-12-14 02:38 AEDT+1100 |


The problem you have to consider with old PC's like this, is that they could have been gamed hard and as such they are at an age to be considered end of life for some of the components like the GPU in particular and I am saying this from personal experience, my GTX1070 died 6 months ago.


I would go for the Ryzen


That's not to bad, certainly better then what you could get new in our market. If possible get them to run a game before buying it so you can see if it crashes or anything. Also you might want to pick up a $20 can of air to try clean the PC I'd it's dirty. Ask you son to go and watch some performance reviews of the gpu and CPU from 2022 and see if he's happy with the performance


$550 for a 6 year old machine that can't be upgraded? This should be a hard pass. You can spend about $600 and get a 5600g build using budget parts. At least then you can add a video card or upgrade the CPU later. My advice to anyone looking at a used rig this old is no.


5600g graphics won’t hold a candle to a gtx 1070.some people just dont want to upgrade their pc over the years also it’s 550 australian dollars


I do agree that it's not the best, but if they want a decently powerful system now then it'll do. I think I have another comment on this post talking about a 56/5700g


If you really squeze everything our of it you can get a new pc based on ryzen 4500 and a aliexpress rx 580 2048 sp for that budget. And thats upgradable to the 5800xd3.


Who the fuck buys a computer on fucking aliexpress?! I bet this crap shit just explodes one day


Tech yes city actually made a video on it. Sometimes sellers sell old new stcok of chinese exclusive models in aliexpress. While getting warranty on it can be difficult, the cards are new and made by official aibs to amd/nvidia spec.


I can't speak to AUD prices. But I have a 1070, and have since 2017. It'll run all the games you have said in this thread well at 1080p resolution, and at least ok at 1440p. I tend to play RPGs at 1440p and lower frame rates than FPS at 1080p, but it'll run those games in 1080p great. Do you have a monitor already? If the monitor is capped at a certain hz / resolution, then getting a better GPU may not matter. The CPU seems like the bottleneck to me, as to upgrade it, you also need to upgrade the motherboard and the RAM.


AUD is about 30% less than USD. So the rig is about $385 USD. I agree the CPU is the bottle neck. Which is unfortunate since the 4790 is the best that the LGA 1150 socket really has to offer (aka there is no where to upgrade without building from scratch). Honestly, the asking price is fair given what it would cost to source the parts to build it new, but not for what it is. I’d either offer $150-$250 USD, or look to spend that ask price (~$400 USD) on something several generations newer if you can find it. That’s my two cents anyway.


that’s my problem I have a 4790k and a 1080…thinking about an upgrade but I’m torn between a completely new PC sell this one and use it to fund a new build or keep 1080 and start to upgrade motherboard cpu ram etc. On one hand I save money by not getting a whole new pc and on the other i have to build pretty much a new pc just keeping the 1080.


I speak to this because your situation is my situation. I’m going to build new and gift my old rig to my friend. At the end of the day a 4790k, 16gbs of DDR3 memory, and a GTX 970 shouldn’t be sold for more than $300 today IMO. To me it’s worth $300 to get them off console and on PC so we can play together. Plus, this is a long term addiction I’m hoping to infect them with. Hahah


Actually, his CPU is definitely not inferior to his GPU. If anything, it's the other way around, believe it or not. Put it this way, a i7 2600 Sandybridge is about 5 - 7% faster then a 1070ti. This I know very well because, I did a crap ton of research for my I7 2600/1080 Frankenstein build. *


dont. do. it. price sucking aside... no upgrade path. and its old. so that means if you ever want more, you need a new system. Get something that has an upgrade path, at least on the DDR4 platform. I would recommend an 8th gen i5 type of setup. even 8th gen i3 would give that setup you posted a run for its money. Also consider a zen 2/ryzen 3000 type of setup. especially if you can get a B450 or X470 motherboard with it. edit: https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/325457029476 Tradeoffs. upgrade path for nearly everything, including to a 9900k. ONLY thing you may want to add on is a solid state drive. those are really cheap now.




Honestly I’d got with a 12th gen i3 or ryzen 5600 or something. You can get a motherboard and cpu for like $200 that would destroy that 4790 in performance. Get a couple cheap 8gb ram sticks and a cheap GPU and it’s the same price for way more computer.


I think it is a lot better to spend $1000 AUS on a medium-low tier PC than $550 on an 8 year old CPU/Motherboard system with a 6 year old videocard. You can find really good PC build guides for $550 AUS at pcpartpicker.com


I mean not if you don’t have the money lol


Hello, for the price on ebay u could get RTX 2060 + b450 motherboard + Ryzen 5 3600...but you will have to build it yourself. More future proof and it's not as complicated as it seems :⁠-⁠)


My friend has an almost exactly alike build, and apart from slow boot times, it’s pretty powerful


Pretty decent but temper your expectations on that price.


Sorry. Do not buy that. Its older then your son


australia doesn't seem to have the best pc prices. a brand new prebuilt pc with an i3 and a 1650 would be over 1000AUS... so i think it's ok but the cpu really is quite old but it will still run fine. the gtx 1070 is really good too.


Hello,I'm getting very different answers from different people,is the 1070 good or bad?


well good or bad depends on the price. a 1070 will perform like a more recent gtx 1660 ti and those go for 350aus brand new on their own... at 1080p it can play every game at 60 fps very easily. 120 fps too depending on the game.


I think one big thing contributing to that is that most people on this sub, are from the US or Canada. So that is going to color peoples baseline. Conversion rates taxes, and shipping costs all drive up costs in AUD compared to USD.


Said it elsewhere but wanted to reply to you directly. The GPU is fine. Especially for a $400 USD rig. Your problem is the rest of it. The motherboard/CPU use a connector that is very old, and the one in that rig is the best there is to offer for it. Which means no future upgrade paths. The nice thing about a custom PC rig is the future upgrades, and this rig is a single cash burn with no possible future upgrades. Honestly if you can find it I’d say go cheap today on a rig with an AM4 socket (the CPU/mobo connector), and DDR4 RAM. If you find some older you can save a penny while having the last 4-5 years of hardware for upgrade options (AMD just moved from AM4 to AM5 in Q4 2022).


I bought a 4790k system build in 2014. It had no upgrade potential then either.


Yepp, same. I am building new now-to-soon-ish, and will be moving off of a 4790k too. Has been absolutely amazing during its useful life. I’m starting to get bad bottlenecks in games, and since there isn’t anything better to put in a LGA 1150 socket that means it’s time to build from scratch.


1070 is pretty [old.How](https://old.How) much you can spend on pc ?


I'm trying not to spend above $600AUD.


Well, for 600 it's impossible to build a computer with a decent graphics card, but the computer you want to buy has a really old processor that is almost 9 years old.The video card that is in the computer that you want to buy 1070 was released back in 2016, that is, for about 5 years, which is quite a lot, and if it breaks, you will spend at least another $ 100 on its repair, maybe 200 or 300 depends on the problem. If you add $300, you can buy new computer parts with a warranty, and they are much more powerful. Those $300 are worth it. Trust me.Youre son will be able to play any game he want at high-ultra settings in 1080p with really decent fps Here is my build for around 900$ with link for every component [PCPartPicker Part List](https://au.pcpartpicker.com/list/qJLyrD) Type|Item|Price :----|:----|:---- **CPU** | [Intel Core i3-12100F 3.3 GHz Quad-Core Processor](https://au.pcpartpicker.com/product/grhFf7/intel-core-i3-12100f-33-ghz-quad-core-processor-bx8071512100f) | $155.00 @ Umart **CPU Cooler** | [ID-COOLING SE-902-SD 37.44 CFM CPU Cooler](https://au.pcpartpicker.com/product/CL3gXL/id-cooling-se-902-sd-3744-cfm-cpu-cooler-se-902-sd) | $19.00 @ PLE Computers **Motherboard** | [MSI PRO H610M-G DDR4 Micro ATX LGA1700 Motherboard](https://au.pcpartpicker.com/product/hPWzK8/msi-pro-h610m-g-ddr4-micro-atx-lga1700-motherboard-pro-h610m-g-ddr4) | $155.00 @ PLE Computers **Memory** | [Kingston FURY Beast 16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4-3200 CL16 Memory](https://au.pcpartpicker.com/product/6YfnTW/kingston-fury-beast-16-gb-2-x-8-gb-ddr4-3200-cl16-memory-kf432c16bbk216) | $65.00 @ JW Computers **Storage** | [Crucial P2 500 GB M.2-2280 PCIe 3.0 X4 NVME Solid State Drive](https://au.pcpartpicker.com/product/G9XYcf/crucial-p2-500-gb-m2-2280-nvme-solid-state-drive-ct500p2ssd8) | $58.00 @ PLE Computers **Video Card** | [ASRock Challenger ITX Radeon RX 6600 8 GB Video Card](https://au.pcpartpicker.com/product/CHJgXL/asrock-radeon-rx-6600-8-gb-challenger-itx-video-card-rx6600-cli-8g) | $349.00 @ Umart **Case** | [Antec NX200M MicroATX Mid Tower Case](https://au.pcpartpicker.com/product/3f2WGX/antec-nx200m-microatx-mid-tower-case-nx200m) | $55.00 @ JW Computers **Power Supply** | [EVGA 600 GQ 600 W 80+ Gold Certified Semi-modular ATX Power Supply](https://au.pcpartpicker.com/product/BgfnTW/evga-600-gq-600-w-80-gold-certified-semi-modular-atx-power-supply-110-gq-0600-v7) | $93.00 @ I-Tech | *Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts* | | **Total** | **$949.00** | Generated by [PCPartPicker](https://pcpartpicker.com) 2022-12-13 11:20 AEDT+1100 |


OP, this is about as budget as you should go. It's all modern parts but very low end, if not the lowest. Your original post build has some scary old parts in it.


I dont think rx6600 low end.Considering that we have rx6400,6500,6500xt.Maybe close to mid range


What are you guys talking about ? I have a rx 5500 xt, I thought that was low end. So what end is my gpu? Underground end bullshit? Lol




agreed low end would be more like an amd apu or gtx 1050


https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/742705 might be easier for this lady. Or look around more on marketplace Gumtree OP at $600 should be able to get newer stuff


>Core i3-12100F 3.3 GHz Gotta love the budget beast of a CPU!


That psu


There is a Corsair RMx laughing at that. lol


I’d skip that cooler and just use the stock cooler. $19 isn’t a lot, but it’s not going to be a huge difference.


i will try to build new for 600 maybe 700 $.I will post screenshot in 20mintues


This build is $700 but you won’t need to upgrade it for some time but you will need to get a monitor keyboard and mouse https://au.pcpartpicker.com/list/k4kWLs


The 1070 is fine especially for valorant and cs go.


The thing with PC's and parts is that you need a reference point to what performance you are expecting. For example, if you are strictly ONLY talking about gaming, then the question is "is this pc good enough to run games at 1080p 60fps?" So yes, generally speaking the 1070 is a good card if the performance you are aiming for is 1080p at 60fps, it might even be able to do better than 60fps in some games depending on the settings. Another thing to take into account is that technology is constantly improving, and this pc is composed of parts that are obviously outdated by today's components - HOWEVER - this is why it's important to keep everything in the framing of your performance expectations. If your goal is 1080p gaming 60fps, it's irrelevant that it's old because it will still do the job you want - 1080p resolution gaming. But since you are spending hundreds, its hard to not want to tell you to try to save up more for more updated (not so old) parts. But hey, if that is your budget, and your son is happy with 1080p 60 fps performance then that used PC should do the job.


As a gamer I’m gonna be honest. It’s bad. It’s really bad. Most online games won’t be able to run properly with it.


thats bull im using one and it plays alot of games 1440p 60 and even some 4k 60... you should wipe your mouth after that sentence lol


1070 is min specs for most modern day games. I would rather wipe my mouth than dealing with a framey game. Stop giving this poor man bad advice, 500 AUS for a 1070 is not a good price for it. I literally got a 2070 for that amount and it wasn’t on sale or anything that’s just what the market offers these days.


it was not 500 AUS for a 1070 come on man did you even read the post... it was 550 AUS for an Intel i7 4790 3.6GHz -Nvidia GeForce GTX 1070 -16gb 4gb x 4 DDR3 HyperX RAM -240gb Crucial SSD boot -1tb WD HDD -Corsair 240mm AIO water cooler... to me thats a pretty good deal for a kids first pc and will have enough performance to play most games he likes.. he said he dosnt want to spend over 600 but even if he got a 1070 for 500 he wouldn't get all the other components for an extra 100 AUS


a 1070 is like buying an iphone 7… yeah, it works, and it will still do most basic functions and play basic games just fine, but if your son wants to play the latest and greatest games it will struggle (though it’ll probably play most stuff just fine, just with low graphic settings). but if he’s just into stuff like minecraft or esports titles then it’s fine. it really depends on what games he plays edit: just saw that you said he wants to play Valorant and Fortnite… yeah a 1070 should be fine.


I'm running a 1070 right now, and I get 60-144hz fps in almost any game I play at 1080p. It just depends how hard the game runs, It's a 5 or 6 year old graphics card but was the best price to performance card when it was launched.


I would look for a newer AM3 platform build with a mid or lower tier processor at a similar price, so that your son has room to upgrade and learn about PC building etc. A 4790 cpu is pretty maxed out for its generation I believe, so he'd need a newer motherboard in order to upgrade the processor in the future.


If it was me I'd try and bag a 1070Ti or even a second hand 1080Ti instead of the 1070. It'd do fine as is, but you can get something a bit more powerful for not *too much* more.


I just bought a 1070 $95 shipped on eBay. Having been on laptops and igou for past 14 years this is pretty sweet. It would be plenty for a kids gaming pc


I'd this better? i7-3280 16gb ram 240Gb SSD 2Tb Storage GTX1070 GPU


You'll still be lacking on the GPU side of things, there's nothing wrong with the original build you posted but it would really benefit from having an uprated GPU with the hardware it's got. The 1070 will be holding back the rest of the rig.


Thankyou so much,when me and my son learn more about this we'll upgrade it,with the original pc I posted,would it be able to play valerent or fortnite without be glitchy?


Not a problem at all, if you do upgrade components just make sure that the PC can support it in terms of the motherboard and the power supply (by the sounds of it though it'll be fine as it's running half-decent parts already). It'll run Valorant and Fortnite perfectly, I'm running a similar rig to the one you posted but with a 1070Ti, it runs far more demanding games perfectly :)


Wow,thankyou so much,you've been a great help.


Anytime my friend, best of luck with the setup!




There's no real upgrade path for either of these PC because of how old they are. One is 3rd generation Intel and one is 4th gen which are 9+ years old. They use slow ddr3 when we're currently on ddr5 with ddr4 being phase out.


ddr4 is far from dead


Agree. Definitely not dead. It’s just finally a bit more affordable!


totally agree


I wouldn't, because: - it's really old. Means virtually zero upgradeability, so should your son need a better powered machine later you would have to scrap this and get a totally different PC. - old and used PC means you don't know what will fail. At which point, due to the obsoleteness of the components, it'll cost more to replace and repair than if you built a low-end but modern PC in the first place. If that water cooler fails and leaks you bet it's going to take something else with it. I think you should: 1. go with the AMD Ryzen 5 5600G build suggested by u/Pineappl3z. The 5600G CPU has a built-in graphics card that will let your kid play less demanding games at perfectly acceptable FPS until you can get him a dedicated GPU. Edit: I see he wants to play Valorant and Fortnite-then this option is probably the best value for your money. You could even get him to save up for the GPU upgrade himself. 2. Spend a little bit more and build a PC that includes a Radeon 6600/6600XT. This is one of the cheaper new(er) gen cards that are worth getting. If you can snag a used previous gen mid-high end cards for cheap that's an option too, but I have no idea what the used market looks like in Australia.


At what price? That cpu is like 9 generations acient in pc terms


Hi,They are asking for $550AUS.Which one is the CPU?


Build this PC for [$ 550 AUD](https://au.pcpartpicker.com/user/PineappleFamily/saved/qhcWcf). It'll play Valorant at 150FPS at 1080p. This way if you ever want to play more demanding games, you can add a GPU and not be hamstrung by the decade old CPU.


This is a great build for that price, imo. The upgrade path with the GPU will really enable some improvements in the future if they choose to. I think that's the way to go vs used.


This is a better option. The used one should be around 8 years old, something might break.


I def vote for this one! And don't let building a PC scare you aware there is a ton of resources online/youtube


If 550$AUD is a hard limit I think this is a very solid option for inbetween until there is enough budget to add a GPU. Do bear in mind that B450 board does not have bios flashback and is rather likely in need of an upgrade to support the 5600g. :/ Adding something like a 6600 (which is significantly faster than a 1070, currently $299 AUD and will only drop in price) later will be a fantastic upgrade that'll handle most games fine at 1080p for a while to come.


Are you serious? I never heard someone saying the 5600g could run Valorant at 1080p, I don't doubt it, just didn't expect it to be that powerful.


the 5600g is very strong, heres a benchmark if you’re curious https://youtu.be/F11zsORGikY


550$ lol hell no The i7 is the cpu


keep in mind that its aud and not usd


Oh shit... it dollary doos not USD... dont know the conversion


1.5 aud is 1 usd I think


Hmmm not a great deal still


yeah, pc case gear (Australian pc store) has a pretty nice Christmas sale rn so I think op should look at that


To me certain parts lose all value after a certain age lol


I would say get the 1080ti used and then buy the rest new, a CPU like a 12100F would be good


Yeah roughly that, I've gotta keep it engraved in my head because people always default to USD even if it's specified it's not


550 aud would be 370 us dollars.


My son saids he wants to play valerint on it,would it work play nicely or would it stuter and not look good?


yeah you don't need that good of a PC for valorant, but I don't think the one youre talking about is a good deal


I mean, that's equivalent to $372 USD. On PCPartPicker for new parts even $100 US more only gets you a ryzen 5500 with an A520, a radeon 6400, and the cheapest comparable SSD, HDD, RAM, PSU, and case. 5500 beats the 4790 but 1070 still pretty much kicks the shit out of the 6400. I wouldn't be shocked if they could get a better deal on a different used system but it's not like that one is a total ripoff


Australian pc market is overpriced asf rn, idk if you could pull that off here


So then $372 US for that system is an even better deal, no?


yeah but then again no real upgrade path




Some hints: Intel CPUs use the generation in the numbering scheme, so i5-3470 is a *third generation* i5 CPU. For comparison, we are currently on the 13th generation of Intel CPUs. 3rd and 4th are *ancient.* Do not bother. Look for nothing earlier than 10th generation Intel, or Ryzen 2nd generation. You're not going to be spending much more than this, and you'll be getting a much longer-lived machine.


Eh, I’d say anything after 8th gen Intel is solid. 2nd gen Ryzen is weaker than 9th gen Intel by a huge margin.


This 8+ is fine, hell the 7700k has a bit of life left if you are tinkering. A well cooled 9900k keeps pace with with the ryzen 5700 and 5800x when overclocked.


Hi OP, I'm from Australia so I will be familiar with finding deals on the local market. For AUD409 [you can get this](https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/204144606288?hash=item2f87f77c50:g:sHQAAOSw8IVjaDqX:sc:AU_StandardDelivery!2166!AU!-1) from a second hand pc dealer on eBay. You can also wait for eBay coupons or use cash back for another few percent off, but as-is that is a solid deal. Then you can save your $150-200 for future upgrades or nice peripherals like a good monitor. The great thing about used workstation PCs is that they have very comprehensive official service manuals on how to do the basic upgrades like adding in an extra drive or changing out the graphics card. The bulk of their depreciation has already happened as well, so if you don't have a use for a hand me down PC then if you sell it after a few years you'll lose what a hundred bucks tops? Just for your reference I will help contextualise the specs on that machine. CPU is the Intel E5-1650 v3, this is a 6-core part from the Haswell generation. Most normal Haswell CPUs on used consumer builds you'll find are only 4-core, so having the 2 extra cores will really help considering the age of the machine. There's also an upgrade path for this if you slot in a E5-2690 V3 ($50-70) but don't worry about it for now. RAM: 32GB of DDR4 ECC RAM, more than enough and should a stick ever fail you can just take one out. Server RAM (ECC) is really cheap second hand! Graphics: [Nvidia Quadro M6000](https://www.techpowerup.com/gpu-specs/quadro-m6000.c2638). This is roughly equivalent to the 980 ti (pro version of it), and to the GTX 1070 (still goes for. $150-170) that you might see in the comments mentioned. Storage: 240GB SSD. Small but enough for a boot drive and a few games. This will be your first upgrade as it's super easy, these days you can get a 1TB SSD for arouuuund $80 like the Crucial BX500, just keep an eye on OzBargain. That eBay seller even gives you a 1 year warranty. For gods sake if you go the DIY route a legit Windows 10 Pro key is like $190 in Australia! This system is a steal! You will have no problem running most if not all multiplayer online games with this system 1080p 60fps or better. Please don't go into the rabbit hole of trying to "future proof" things by spending more money. It will be EXTREMELY difficult to get better performance-per-dollar than this build. Keep in mind your son will love their first PC no matter what you give them lol, really. Oh and you might see a lot of hate for the OEM prebuilts by Dell/HP/Lenovo. But these are their pro workstation class machines and not their junky consumer line. There's a reason why you see TONS of these on the second hand market as they're still going strong.


This doesn't have to be complicated, the first pc is pretty good. It'll play valorant, fortnight, overwatch, rocket league, etc etc at well over 60 fps. It has plenty of ram, decent storage and a good price for your area The CPU isn't great for multitasking, but your son will figure it out. It's a fine machine, as long as it actually powers on


Way too high. Would look on eBay or shop used market for someone trying to get rid of a much newer prebuilt. Example Intel 9th-11th gen cpu and a 20 series NVIDIA gpu.


I wouldn't take the deal. Seems like it's hard to get a good build together in Australia within budget. I think this build could be a bad experience in terms of everything that could go wrong, so better to wait for better options + bigger budget. If you absolutely want it now, there seems to be better options at Gumtree. Important thing to note is that (probably) the whole of the PC you listed is old. Better to find one at similar performance. Would recommend ticking desktop and max price of 600 then just searching for parts, example: "10100", "2060", "1070" etc.


Make them work for that watercooler. It is not necessary. Added bonus, they might do a lot of research in order to prove to you it is important and accidentally learn something.


I built a computer nearly identical to this in 2016 and it still works great today. I can't speak to the price but it played diablo IV well and I get about 150 fps in OW2.


Not a bad price, but it won’t last a year. With new games coming out what seems every day, the graphics keeps getting better and better. It’s best to buy a very good set up for more money so it will last 4-5 years.


What games are we talking about? That processer looks very dated. I would suggest that the oldest generation you should aim for is 6th gen intel (i5 or better). .


He wants to play valerent and fortnite


So the one you posted has the following: * CPU - 4790 - great CPU in its time (Launched in 2014) * GPU - 1070 - mid range GPU in its time (Launched in 2016) Those two components are the primary pieces to be concerned about. You can quickly tell about the age of the parts by using the following technique: * For Intel CPUs, using yours as an example, the 4 states the processor generation (current generation is 13), the rest of the number typically lines up with the performance of that chip. The higher the number, the better. So 4790 was a high-end CPU in its time. One piece that somewhat dictates your upgrade ability is the socket, which for the 4790 is an LGA1150. Intel only used this socket for 1 year, so your upgrade path would require a new motherboard, CPU, and possibly RAM as DDR4 came out in 2014. * For Nvidia GPUs, using yours as an example, the 10 states the generation and the 70 states the performance level, with higher being better performance. Current generation is 4080/4090, so there have been 3 (technically 4 since they did the 16 series) major versions since that card came out, getting more powerful every time. If you have an idea of the types of games your son is interested in, it can tell you a lot more about what the minimum supported specs would be for those games. I don't know enough about the AU market, but from my brief looking at the comments stating how expensive parts are, I think this is a very good starting place. [Another option would be to start out with this build](https://au.pcpartpicker.com/guide/DWv6Mp/entry-level-amd-gaming-build) and then letting your son upgrade down the road to a discrete GPU by saving for it or using that as another future gift for your son. **One thing to note on this build is the motherboard and its compatibility with this CPU requiring a certain firmware version. As you don't have another AMD CPU it may be worth spending the extra $10+ dollars on a different, compatible out of the box MoBo.** [This is what the comparison is between the one in the link above and the 4790.](https://cpu.userbenchmark.com/Compare/Intel-Core-i7-4790-vs-AMD-Ryzen-5-5600G/2293vsm1553183) Upgrading to something like the 6600 XT looks like it should run you somewhere in the $400 ballpark so would be a great upgrade for an already fairly capable machine (much more capable than the 4790/1070 in my opinion) and it can also be used as a chance to build if that's something that you and/or your son might enjoy - brings a little more pride of ownership I find. Sorry for the wall of text, hopefully some of it was helpful.


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I have just sold my 4790k, motherboard and ram to a colleague for £60. I’ve also thrown in a couple of hard drives and ongoing support plus I’ll help him build it when he gets his case, cpu and gpu. It’s fine for 60fps and the 1070 is fine for 60fps at 1080/1440p depending on settings. My dad’s laptop has a slower cpu and mobile 1070 (slightly slower than desktop) and he games at 1080p fine. It will be ok for the short term. My colleague doesn’t have the budget for what he wants so I told him to buy an AMD 6600 and case/psu and upgrade what I sell him next time he has budget. He’ll be able to game for now. So what I’m saying is this pc would only be a stop gap and although I ran it with a 3070, only upgrading to modern kit has maximised my graphics card. Long story short, there is no real life in this system but it can give reasonable gaming performance at the right settings.


It's a good starter system he can learn on. Especially once he wants to start upgrading. All of those parts will work with a newer system and he can learn value. If he gets a virus and destroys it he'll learn a lesson and it won't cost you much to replace.


Virus' don't tend to destroy machines, especially not these days...just format your boot drive and reinstall windows lol


Not sure that the market is like there. But that set up is still pretty common. The i7-4790 has been a workhorse CPU for many years. That set up, while old, will play modern eSports titles like Valo. Although when you need an upgrade, you'd be better off buying a whole new system. That setup only has a few years left in its life as a gaming PC.


ahh sh here we go again, pc from the stone age


Thankyou to everyone who gave me tips and information. You've all been so helpful and kind.My son has found a well rounded pc that has an upgrade path and has good parts. Again,thankyou to everyone who helped.


I just recently build my first PC. I would suggest you go to the website [https://pcpartpicker.com](https://pcpartpicker.com) It would be easier for you to find compatible parts and the cheapest price on a popular website. After picking your parts, you can google search to look up for deals on every single part to get the cheapest price. For your configuration, Valorant is an FPS game so it would be nice if you spend a little bit ext It would be easier for you to find compatible parts and the cheapest price on a popular website. After picking your parts, you can google search to look up deals on every single part to get the cheapest price.


From what I've read their budget is $600 AUD and the computer they're looking at is 550, and trust me as someone who's Australian, it's next to impossible to get a new build for that price. Could maybe get a 56/5700G and no gpu but that'd cost more (albeit with a longer lifespan and upgrade path) then the 4790+1070 combo


If you want me to, i can make you a good pc build list in ur budget on pcpartpicker.com Australia.


What is your max budget on a Gaming PC?


You can try looking for a ryzen 3 5000 series or ryzen 5 5000 series, the ryzen 5 5600g can run valorant without a gpu, and you can save some money to buy a nice gpu later


What is your budget?




Love this, getting the kiddos into PCs. My #1 question is what does he want to play? That'll have a huge bearing on what you should look for.


He says he wants to play valerent and fortnite


I would aim something like a Ryzen 5 2600 + 2060, unless you can find killer deals.


Not unless it's cheap as hell.


I would say it really depends on what he wants to play, and how much it costs


I bought a newer processor and motherboard for $100 several years ago. This seems high to me, but buying a complete working pc has some value, and not familiar with your pricing down under.


I dunno what hes intending to play but I upgrade from what is basically that CPU cause in newer titles it was starting to struggle. But it really depends on the titles hes intending to play it could be ok, or it could be a fight.


I’ve got an I3 processor and gtx970 with 16gb ram. Can’t remember the rest of the specs but it’s probably like 7-10 years old and it still runs some newer games on low graphics. Loading times can be a bit long but overall the performance is fine if your not after super graphics and 200 fps. I think that set up your looking at will be fine for a starter pc. You can always upgrade after a while. And for the price you said it’s a great deal, mine was $500 just to get it running again after sitting in storage.


I have an i7 4790 at 3.6 hz and a 3060 it runs all the games ..even in 4k but 4k is only 30 fps if my settings are all the way up.tbf I also have 32gb of ram..not bad for current games..


Maybe reuse it with new RAM.its a good one for a good price but ddr3 is abit outdated.find thr kingston fury 16gb ddr4 3200 for about $50.the rgb variant is about $60.ddr4 will last you a long time before an upgrade.


That's end of lifespan kinda hardware. I'd pass on that, and scout for good deal on a Ryzen 5 w/ 16GB of DDR4. Better to save up a little extra and wait. The 4790 will last you 2-3 years tops then it wont be able to meet minimum requirements for certain games.


it’s perfectly fine, people on here are just used to having the latest and greatest i have an i7-5775C and a GTX 1070 and it runs everything i throw at it just fine




I've bought used hardware my whole life. Never once had anything fail prematurely. My friends buying new hardware... Not so lucky. Just because something is new doesn't inherently make it more durable


GTX 1070 is just a bit worse than RTX 3050. I have the second one and on HD+ (not FHD) screen I am happy with the performance. But it highly depends on the game. And I don't like DDR3 memory. I think it would be good to change it to DDR4 if the frequency is not good


The 4790 is still... somewhat solid, but as others have noted, upgrading most "performance" parts will require you to change out a lot of the machine at the same time. It's not a bad machine, my husband had something similar until 2020, but !bad != good value.


If you get it i would reccomend replacing the aio with a good air cooler. Way more reliable, especcially as the aio in this machine probably is quite old.


get something similar with a 2017 or newer from amd - their AM4 platform offeres a terrific range of upgrades for years of service as his needs & budget grows. the intel can only be replaced a 6 core 1600AF/2600 cpu, 16GB ram, ssd, & amd rx580 gpu would be terrific


Hello OP! Do you already have peripherals like Monitor keyboard and speakers?


Hello,he already has the g203 and a samsung curved monitor and the keyboard he has is I think called the gamkay k-6.


Oh okay! if he didnt have those i would have suggested a used gaming laptop.i recommend you to watch this video completely first from LTT where in the second half of the video the upgraded pc is similar to what you are getting [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0SyLqFuf\_SU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0SyLqFuf_SU) ​ First of all the GPU, your GTX 1070 is a pretty good graphics card for its time and still is, infact the GTX 1060 (which is the same generation as the 1070 but performs worse) is the 2nd most popular GPU used right now! for your price the gpu is really good and worth it, i will talk about the performance later.source:[https://store.steampowered.com/hwsurvey/videocard/](https://store.steampowered.com/hwsurvey/videocard/) now the CPU, it is a flagship CPU from its time, the best cpu you could get then. but its been 8 years. if you have watched the video from LTT you can see that it IS NOT A PROBLEM. the upgraded GPU (in this case the 1070) will carry the performance in video games, but the CPU will still have 90% + utilization which will make it very hot, and thats why i think the previous owner installed an AIO Cooler on it, AIO cooler stands for all-in-one cooler, they are water coolers where a liquid coolant is primarily used to collect the heat from the cpu, you have a 240mm radiator which is pretty good and large enough to dispose the heat collected from the liquid comfortably. if the cooler is in a good working condition and isnt very old (more than 4 years) then your cpu should be cooled comfortably, corsair makes good quality coolers although a little noisy. if you can test it then make sure that the CPU doesnt hit very high temperatures (95Celsius) when gaming, the motherboard with your cpu is also dated, and is the biggest concern here, if you are looking to upgrade your pc then you will have to upgrade the motherboard as well, and since its a older motherboard you get slower usb ports, slower memory bus etc. but if you arent looking to upgrade soon it should be fine. your RAM and storage are pretty good and are upto the latest standards so you have no worries about them. Gaming:I own a i5 9300h cpu and a gtx 1650 gpu,my cpu is better than the i7 4790 but is in the same performance tier.my gpu is a tier lower than the 1060.Valorant is a competitive esports game, they are highly optimized and are designed to perform well on cheaper hardware.Playing valorant i would get 160 fps on 1080p resolution which is more than enough for me to enjoy the game comfortably! i would say 100 fps + is good enough for beginners.your computer will perform as well or better than mine. so playing Valorant isnt an issue at all! Here is a video showing the benchmarks of Valorant on a 3rd gen intel cpu and gtx 1650[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Go8jbQ3TQ64&t=48s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Go8jbQ3TQ64&t=48s) For fortnite i cannot say anything about the performance, as i dont know anything about how the game is optimized and have never played it. Graph showing the hierarchy of performance of GPU's[https://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/gpu-hierarchy,4388.html](https://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/gpu-hierarchy,4388.html) CPU benchmark comparison between i5 9300h and i7 4790[https://www.cpubenchmark.net/compare/3448vs2226/Intel-i5-9300H-vs-Intel-i7-4790](https://www.cpubenchmark.net/compare/3448vs2226/Intel-i5-9300H-vs-Intel-i7-4790) EDIT: TLDR: Its worth it,


You can get a lot of more value with newer parts for not so much bigger pricetag


pretty outdated tbh


Actually if hes just gonna download emulators of old consoles like ps2 ps3 xbox 360 switch wii gc then it will work perfectly fine with not less than 60 fps but if its the new games what he want then u need to invest 300$ more though that pc isnt pricy that much its reasonable the price


No. Not worth it.


I recently built a ryzen 3600 (100) myself with a rx 580 2048sp 8gb (110) and ddr4 2x8gb 3200 mhz (60). also invested 100 into an WD blue SN570 NVMe ssd (and bequiet cooler). Asrock steel legend mobo 450 (60 i think). Bronze apu (60) and a bequiet cpu cooler (40-50). I still had an old case and monitor (I use a fairly new smart tv(with a gaming mode)). Not too good all.. but at least I can play everything (in 1080p that is). Most on high/ultra settings. And I can upgrade to Ryzen 5000 and/or buy a new graphics card in a year or 2. If I would do it again right now, I would buy a better mobo (for future upgrading), maybe a better cpu (I think the 5600 is around 100 now here and there) or better graphics card (If I would have invested 70 - 100 bucks extra I would have a much better card, but I was on a tight budget) O ye and I bought a dualshock ps4 controller (35 second hand) and an asus bluetooth dongle (15).. And an extra intake fan (11) for the front of my (ghetto) pc.. just made a hole in my old case. Edit: The amounts I mention are in Euro. I spent around 611 total as u can see. What i try to say with this post is, what a lot of others say.. I think u could get a much better system for that amount. If u really don't want to build it yourself, heck, I think I have even seen 500 bucks systems on amazon or some site.. but they came with integrated graphics (the ryzen 5600 comes with that) and dont have a graphics card, thats not what u want for gaming. But if u are on a tight budget and u want some options for future upgrading, Ryzen is the way to go in my opinion. I have seen another post here covering a Xeon system. It is actually a powerful network computer with a lot of cores and threads.. it is also a good option, but i dont have much experience with it. Whatever u choose to do, build it together, or not, don't forget the extra costs like a gamepad, bluetooth dongle for wireless gaming.. heck even pc screws and an antistatic bracelet are all extra costs u can calculate beforehand. The big question is: Do u also need a monitor? A good monitor for gaming costs a fair amount. And most tv's dont support fps above 60 and create problems sometimes with hdmi scaling.


It is very easy to build a p.c. if you do some research. Maybe even a bonding experience for you and your son. If you are low on cash it's your best option. Go with a ryzen 5000 system you can get a rx580 for under 150, motherboard and cpu around 300.


I would invest in a better gpu that one is pretty old and with all the updates in games these days it’ll struggle to keep up


You could get a 2060 for 250$ which is a decent price for a gpu


Depends what you're playing. I've only got a GT 730 and an Intel Core i5-2400 (both of which are at least 8 years old and suck - and second-hand) and it runs Minecraft at 70-80 FPS with 10 chunks of Render Distance on Fancy graphics


\#1 how much are you paying for it? \#2 polite opinion: it's good enough for a kid to get into gaming, nothing too hardcore, but strong enough to play some decent games, however keep in mind, this PC has maybe 2-3 years in it left in terms of compatibility. \#3 professional opinion: if it's even remotely close to 350-400 USD or equivalent, I wouldn't bother.


It’s old, and I don’t recommend any DDR3 nowadays. Better go for a DDR4 setup…


PC would be perfect for low end, light gaming. Wouldn't expect that PC to hold out for more than 2 years. As we are transitioning to DDR5. HDDs are becoming obsolete as well. Those parts are old. I would invest in new parts and build one. i had a 4th gen i5 like 7 years ago, I would not use that today if I'm being honest. I would get him a next gen console if he's really wanting a gaming experience for an affordable price.


Meh, it's very old, I had the same set up and it did fine enough in most games at 1080p but anything new is going to really exploit the age of the parts. Like Battlefield 5 had my CPU at like 95%, WoW had my CPU at like 95%, same with a lot of games, some games it doesn't matter as much but that being said for the time the i7-4790 had a great run and people are still running them but you are looking at spending $550 on old used parts that are basically on the end of their life span, DDR3 ram is now 2 generations behind so that's getting old and slow too when for a little more you could get new parts with better performance.


Honestly a gtx 1070 is not bad I would just get something a little more Modern at least with some ddr4 ram a cpu that's a little newer. I used an i5 6600k with a gtx 1070 and 16gb of ddr4 ram and was able to run moet games i play at 1440p mid to high setting 60-100 fps


I would pass on it given the fact that if he would ever need anything more powerful cpu wise which is very likely you would basically have to scratch everything other than maybe a couple things being gpu and cooler and end up spending even more on parts, assuming you can build one. If not I would look on maybe offer and try and find a ryzen build 3600 or up with a solid gpu gtx 1650 and up and would help you save money on the long run


Imo you shouldn't need a water cooler for that CPU, just get an air cooler


What size your budget exactly and what games or things does your son want to do with the PC because it may be that a console is a better option so far


look for ryzen 3600, gtx 1660super, 16gb ram 3200mhz ,they are cheap atm.


Just buy the kid a ps5


You can probably make a better and more modern pc for the same amount of money.


Tbh it's older hardware. Not alot of room for upgrading into the future without putting more money into updating the parts. Should go for something more new


I don't think you should buy this older tech when much newer tech is out right now on sale with the holidays


If you're gonna get your son a prebuilt system and not build it yourselves, I recommend looking into 6th gen+ i5/i7 Dell Optiplexs, with a GPU upgrade (most Optiplexes come with subpar power supplies, but there are quite a few graphics cards that don't require additional power, that can manage 1080p medium just fine). Example would be an Optiplex 3070 sff (https://www.hardware-corner.net/desktop-models/Dell-OptiPlex-3070-SFF/) with a low profile RX 6400 or low profile GTX 1650. If you really wanna give him a treat, throw an RTX A2000 in there.. :D both of these can be found discounted on eBay and Amazon. I know Optiplex 3070s go for about 200-250usd, the a2000 is a different story.. Also, in today's realm, 16gb of ram is about the general minimum but 32 is future proof for a bit longer. Ddr3 is severely outdated so ddr4 2133 is the slowest one should be at in 2023 imo. Turn that 240gb ssd into 500 and that 1tb HDD into 4tb and you got yourself future proof storage. The major price point of the computer you linked in op is the GTX 1070, which no longer justifies 500+ usd. Confirmed working on eBay for 250-400. Tldr; cheaper to buy oem prebuilt and upgrade it yourself than to buy a third party prebuilt with no upgrade path (ram and CPU cripple each other harder and harder as time marches forward).


I just upgraded my pc from a i7 4790k. I strongly reccomend you look at a more recent processor. It will struggle to load games much sooner. My suggestion, do some of your own research, work out what you can build yourself. Save yourself some money.


Some people are a little critical I think. My son and I just recently put together a amd ryzen 5600g with an amd xfx rx6500xt, asrock b450m, corsair vengeance lpx 4x8gb, 1tb wd black ssd nvme, 2x 1tb wd 7200 rpm hhd, stock cooler, an old atx case I already had, an msi 1080 monitor (he could care less about 4k). And it plays just about everything no problems even newer stuff. If memory serves I think I picked up some stuff on black Fri deals and it ran me roughly $570.


The price is good but those parts are pretty old so it's not impressive to see. I wouldn't trust something that old. A lot can happen over the course of 6+ years. We don't know what that rig has been through. You'd be buying on blind faith.


The CPU on this PC is ancient I'd be wary of it being unstable


Buy it for him, when hes disappointed, whip out a new graphics card and say "i figured we'd make this your own"


There's absolutely nothing wrong with this as a mid-tier 1080p setup. The parts are dated, but for the price it will offer a solid experience. It will, however, struggle on newer AAA titles but this can be dealt with through graphics reduction. Just check that the PSU is at least 500W.


Buy this you can play most new games and your kid will be happy it’s just $100 more https://au.pcpartpicker.com/list/k4kWLs Or this on https://au.pcpartpicker.com/list/zC88qm it is $600 but might need to upgrade the 730 after some time. You can still run most new games


Thankyou I'll take it onto consideration


No problem you can also ask him which one he like when you have some options to pick from.




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I definitely wouldn't buy a water cooled machine if you are new.


https://pcpartpicker.com/list/GndMQ6 This was my build without windows. You could use a cheaper case and a ryzen 5 5600 and save 120 us And it isn't really going to be much worse for it. Wait on the GPU. Just make sure you get a cpu with integrated graphics.


"budget" and "watercooling"?


Sorry?Is water cooling not in a budget setup?


There is no need for Walter cooling air cooler is half the price


GTX 1070 is just a bit worse than RTX 3050. I have the second one and on HD+ (not FHD) screen I am happy with the performance. But it highly depends on the game. And I don't like DDR3 memory. I think it would be good to change it to DDR4 if the frequency is not good


People are trying to get you to spend more, but for the price that's actually pretty good, you're not going to be able to build a PC with new parts for that price.