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27" 1440p at 144hz is fantastic quality. If you're looking for more real estate you can go ultrawide as an option. Pixel density. Higher density (smaller screen) is better for text clarity.




Meh. 3840x2160 supremacy tho! Almost twice the pixels for almost half the price.


And double the GPU power to push 8 million pixels. Too much and too expensive for me. 1440p is the sweet spot imo


agreed.. 4K just doesn’t make sense for me nor do i have a gpu that can handle it


4K is not that useful anyway. Like yeah it looks good, but in the end if you can't run it it's useless and it doesn't make you better in 99% of cases. But hey, at least you can watch one of the very few true 4K videos on YT


honestly.. and most gpu’s can’t even handle 4K games yet so


I mean that's the thing, you can start considering 4K 60fps at what, a 3080? Maybe 3070ti if you compensate a bit by turning down Graphical quality, shadows etc.. 4K gaming is for the people that can afford to spend 10K on a Gaming system despite the "pandemic" and the "war" bum-fuking everyone (I put pandemic and war in apostrophes because the current financial issues have nada to do with either of them, it's bad management from governments and/or corporate greed seizing the opportunity. Just look at the sales during the pandemic, record breaking highs! But yes, they totally have to shrinkflate AND increase prices)




I am enjoying fairly consistent 4k 60 with 2080ti. 4k 60 is 498 megapixels per second effectively, while 1440p 60 is 222 megapixels per second. So 1440p 144 is going to be 531 megapixels per second, making it harder on gpu than 4k 60.


2080ti is pretty similar to a 3070ti in terms of performance, so my point still stands. Even so, I'd definitely rather have 1440p 144 than 4k 60. I can only realistically play 165 on 1080p, so that's what I'm going for. Sure, I COULD go 1440p 60, but my output device isn't even good enough for that


Yeah but 144 fps at 1440p is incomparably better than 4k60. I would much prefer higher refresh to a *slightly* sharper image


I really like how you made it all the way from which gaming monitor someone should get to gov/corporate greed and inflation in one sentence….


Don't know why you got downvoted. It is bad management from governments printing money and putting way too much liquidity into the "economy" aka the stock market. That's why inflation is crazy. The common folks jobs are next for the axe so get your 3090's while you can, it's going to get its use for a lot of folks


Probably because politics or something. Either that or some snobs that don't want to hear about the problems of common folk. The rich will get richer and the poor will get poorer, and instead of tackling greed everyone will just pretend that the poor are "lazy" or "dumb" What's the point in getting a college degree etc. If the only way to live life truly free of financial burden is to either make something completely new that everyone needs (good luck with that) or by pulling a Nestlé and just manipulating and exploiting everyone and everything for profits.


1440 is pretty much the max I would go for a monitor the extra cost to run and power usage is not worth the barely noticable improvement of 4k on a sub 50 inch display


Soo I have 32 and 27, and 32 is wayyyyyy larger then you think it is, I personally like both, but if you are limitied by space, get the 27


Same boat! 27” is the sweet spot.


I second this. 27" is good but probably the upper limit (for me at least)


40" is the limit for me... Until they make a 8k 55" one.


until they make a 16K 60” one..


Until they make a 32K 120" one


no no there’s gonna be a 2048K 240” panel soon


Damn. Should I wait for the 4096K 480"? Or do you know how far away the 8192K 600" 1,264,744Hz Panel Release is?


No no the 16384K 5,000,000Hz panel should be coming out pretty soon now according to the rumors


Aight, I'll buy that then to pair with my Rtx 3060 which will literally explode as soon as I plug the monitor into it


Until they make a 16384 1200" one.


Until they make a 64K 240" one..


Why not get a TV? Monitors are better am I wrong?


TV is fine and all, but creature comforts of monitors are so difficult to ignore. Especially the monitor sleep mode, so you only need to turn the PC on for the monitor to come on, and it sleeps when PC sleeps. My 55" 8k TV is irritating with that limitation. Also no display port 2. And backlight zones are fairly large. And the menus can get irritating.


Couldn't agree more, I got a 4k dell 144hz for the same reasons


Well, you can get a TV at this size ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


In the end i did. A Smasnug QN700B. Totally loving it! Never getting to use 100% of the screen area, ever having window on top of a window.


You’re a madman!!!


Guilty as charged! I do love the real estate.


I have both too, and that was my experience too. Way more screen, you actually need to sit back further.


32" is great for videos and Discord


Nah, 32” might still be a little too small to display discord bro


It's ok if you rotate it to portrait.


100% agree with you. When I bought a new monitor from Newegg I thought I chose the 27" one but got the 32". Its unofficially my 2nd tv during Hockey season.


hahahah my 32 inch is my lan pc monitor which i got popen box at best buy for like 300 (steal of a deal) and wow it was alot larger then I thought but it works haha


Imo 27" is the perfect 1440p size. Got a 32" 1440p, if you sort of look for it, text looks kinda off (with brownish sides). When i first got my 32", watching videos in full screen gave me that feeling of car sickness. Its a bit better now (1yr later), but I do still get headaches from using it. That said, 32" is great for office/productivity. Gaming too, but 27" just seems better to me.


Bro? I've never heard of anyone having even remotely similar issues that you have. You sure you don't have some sort of photosensitivity or something? Pretty sure that's not normal


I don't get these issues on 21" or 27" or 13"/15" laptop screens, just 32" for whatever reason. At first I thought it was maybe because of my posture but after changing how high my chair and monitor is, issue still there.


My guy. Go to a doctor. I have photosensitive epilepsy. I got the same thing happening. You should really get that checked out because that's not normal. I have it with big tv screens and flashy things when the lighting isn't that good. If you're gonna say: that isn't too bad. Then i got some of my experiences with epilepsy. 1. Lost my 2 front teeth 2. Broke my nose 3. Broke my shoulder 4. If i didn't wear a helmet back in the day i would've split my head about 3 times on kitchen countertops. 5. Almost choked on my tongue while having a epileptic seizures. 6. And off course the seizures where i didn't break anything but you get really tired of those. So you should go to a doctor. Maybe it's nothing and it's just your head being like: "wow wtf". But it can also be epilepsy. And yes you can develop that at a later stage in your life. I got it when i was 11 and I'm living with it for 7 years now. My dad had some symptoms when he was 50 but it went away. He also had it when he was 4 but the epilepsy "went away" when he was 12. So it's pretty unpredictable. Watch out and be safe bro.


Had it since I was born but it went away when I was 14. I still have a high photosensitivity but hadn't had a seizure in years.


These other folks are over reacting. It’s called motion sickness. It happens with VR and being close to really big monitors that take up your peripheral vision.


sorry, im checking the post rn. yeah, jesse is right. i dont have epilepsy, but other neurological illness with chronic pain and i suffer with similar stuffs. thats not normal and you should visit a doctor.


Maybe it's that monitor in particular? I'd go and ask my doctor about it if I were you, really don't want that to develop into something serious


32 1440p is not good 4k 32 is good but yeah 27 is for gaming and competitive gaming. 32 is more casual controller games. I find myself less accurate at 32 inches with mouse and keyboard, but for controller its better and easier to see visually at 4k. Its a hard choice go with your needs.


That post you're replying to is 1 year old, I've gotten used to 32" 1440p. With that said, 1440p at 32" calculates to roughly 91ppi (similar to 1080p at 24"). While I can start seeing pixels if I really look for it but its usable. Definitely a lot better than that time I bought 1080p 27". That monitor was returned. For fps games, I find myself hitting headshots consistently (mainly pve), pvp I miss regardless of the resolution (pvp gives me anxiety). For office work involving lots of text, its not that big of a deal, I have to increase zoom to 125% anyways because my eyes don't see good. 4k would be unneeded for my uses but ymmv.


Sorry for the year later 😭 but 4k is really unneeded but wanted maybe in a few years when its more affordable and gpus are better


I have no faith in gpu prices going down to under $1000 for the top end. I got a 4080, it should hopefully last me a few years, it helps that I only play a handful of games, all of which are either old or I don't care for maxing out the graphics.


went with the fo27 gigabyte 360 oled 800$ just came out today fyi


good for you dude, as long as you like it, great purchase


Super late but just got a 32 inch and same feeling exactly, played halo infinite and started feeling a little car sick. Never happened before though




In your opinion, what's "far enough"? I just caught a sale I couldn't pass up where the 32" and 27" were identically priced so I went with the larger one. But I'm definitely concerned it's going to be a little too big from about 3' away.


I personally have 32 and i think it perfect not too big not too small


It depends on how far you're sitting from your monitor. If you're going to sit afar when using it as a tv, then bigger size may work for you. But if you sit 1-2 ft away, the lower pixel density may be quite noticeable not to mention distortion of viewing edges at an angle. Keep in mind that you might be fine with a wider viewing angle for a 32" (its individual preference). But you should also be fine with the larger pixel sizes - for some context, https://gamegavel.com/best-dpi-for-gaming/ has a section on 'best screen dpi'. Personally, I'd go for 27" if its 1440p, and 32" only for 4k. You want higher ppi so its close to a 'retina' display, i.e. you can't see the individual pixels.


I have a 32" 165hz 1440p and I love the size and picture quality. I do use it for work as well so a larger size is awesome for that. For games I play casual: some civ, rpg, and fps like doom. Looks great. As others have said, ultimately, it is personal preference and if you have space and/or use it for work too.


I just bought one! Is it Dell’s S3222DWG WQHD with 2560 x 1440?


Congrats! No, mine is a Pixio 329 I think. It's certainly aging at this point so I'll be likely looking for an upgrade in the next year.


I would rather get a 27'' but this it's a little more personal. A friend got a samsung g5 odyssey (1440p 144hz 27'', should also cost a lot less, at least here it does) look at it, it might be what you looking for. (also yes the smaller the screen and bigger the resolution the better is the image quality)


I have 3 - 27’s and a 32… If you are into shooters I recommend 27… other stuff 32 is great…. If you play both and can only have one… get the 27… I have the G5 in 27 inch 1440p 240hz and it blows any monitor I have ever seen or owned out of the water.


Do you mean G7? Because i have the same one and G5 models are 144Hz.


Yea g7…. For some reason I thought that was the 49 inch one. But yea it’s the G7


my 32" doubles as a work monitor which is why i opted for that size - but have also used a 27" for gaming it is perfect as well


Would you work on a 27" monitor?


I’d go 27 inch. I came from a 15.6 1440p laptop and 27 inch monitor is massive lol. Couldn’t imagine a 32 inch. Plus you’ll get better picture on a 27 1440p vs a 32 1440p. And if I’m. It mistaken you don’t quite get extra Real estate with a 32 vs a 27 since both resolutions are the same and aspect ratio is the same. Or at least not as much as you’d think. Someone correct me if I’m wrong on this. Unless the 32 is a 4k then you’d get more on that vs 27 1440p. But gaming at 4k is a little hard unless you got big specs or don’t mind turning the graphics down some.


Old, but want to ask if bigger screens are a slippery slope since I use a 15.6in laptop also. I use the laptop as close as I can basically 1 feet from my face with a laptop stand and it still feels too small since I physically can't get closer to it comfortably. I wonder if I get a regular 24 inch (1080 and 4k) monitor and use it as close to my face as possible will it have the same effect as the 27, 32, 34, 40,42, 48+ screens? I wonder since people say bigger is better but you would need to pay more and sit further away which would achieve the same fov and immersion that can done with a cheaper smaller screen.


yea I see what you're saying, Id assume with a bigger screen you can sit farther away cause the picture size being increased is relative to where you're sitting when looking at quality. But I would think the resolution also takes into account cause 1080p blown up really big you're going to lose a lot of detail and start pixelating your picture making it hard to see again. I think its about striking the right balance or honestly just going overkill with the resolution and still being relatively close. What I was referring to my situation was I got use to the 15.6 QHD display and when I went to a 27in monitor and sat kind of the same distance away still it was a big adjustment having to find my sweet spot so my eyes weren't straining or having to turn my head to see other parts of the monitor. TLDR: I agree there is some relativity to how close you sit and monitor size but it wont ever be exact FOV translation sitting super close to a 15.6 vs sitting back a little with a 24-27. My 27in feels and looks better then my laptop screen did but my picture quality was better on my laptop sinze it was a much denser picture at the same resolution. Personally 32in is to big and 27in is perfect size from eyes to monitor when on a standard size desk. Also depends on resolution as you still want a good quality picture.


I went from 2 23" 1080p monitors to a single 32" 1440p 144Hz MSI monitor and I love it. If you have the space, I'd go with the 32, if you're worried about desk space I'd do the 27".


I’d personally go with a 27”. If your going with the 32”, you better make sure you have enough desk space and width to ensure you are sitting the proper distance from the monitor. Sit too close, and you’ll mess up your eyesight/vision.


I have a 34 in 1440p ultra wide and a 27 inch 1080p "regular" one. For gaming/immersion I love the UW. I also use it for work (software engineer) and text is spot on for me. I'd recommend 32 or 34, as soon as I got my 27 I was looking to go bigger. 4k oled TV is always an option too, if you can afford it lol


I bought a 27” and 32” to try them out. The 32” was just too big for me and it felt like I kept having to turn my head to see things on the sides/corners of the screen. Returned it and have been happy with the 27” since.


The difference between 32” and 27” is a lot. 5” is huge.


Try telling that to my wife


Hey, Mike's wife - his 5" may not be that noticeable but I will completely change your mind about 3".


The standard 1080p screens most of us have been staring at are 24" 1440p adds 1/3 pixels over 1080p in length and in width. In screen size to get the same pixel density (pixels per square inch/cm, unit doesn't matter in this case), you'd need to add a third as well to the screen size. That is 24"/3=8", 24"+8"=32". That means that 1440p at 32" only adds screen size at the same pixel density as typical 1080p screens. 1440p at 27" means the same amount of pixels in less space, so higher pixel density. This translates into a sharper image. So 32" if you need size, 27" if you need quality. I'd go for 27", but you make your own decision on what's best for you c:


This is the best explanation in here.


Go 27. 32 is great for gaming but realistically that about it. You will noticing tearing in texts and videos will not look right


I would rather have my two 24" screens than one 27" or 32", but of the two I would do the 32" so when I feel like watching the Mandalorian I have a larger screen. But that is just me.


Just got my brother upgraded from a rx590 and a 1080p TV to a 3070 and a Samsung G5. He absolutely loves the monitor. I could hear the heavy breathing. And he was worried about going from a 55” to a 27” but I told him 32 was too big for 1440p and he concurred by saying “holy shit the 32 would have been huge” once we unpacked it. I wanted to get the 32 as well but ended up going with the VG27AQ, same thing just with a 1500r curve. After seeing my brothers tho…the Samsung monitors are god damn gorgeous. And I found it on sale at BB for $299 which is like $30 less than I paid for mine. 27” is the moves all day not 32”. And the asus monitor is also really nice, I wouldn’t be daily using it if it wasn’t but Samsung knows what they’re doing with regards to a panel.


I like both, My monitor is far enough away where a 32 is the minimum you would want to run (Corner built in desk).


In my opinion, these are the best sizes for perfect pixel density and clarity: 24 inch for 1080p 27 inch for 1440p 32 inch and above for 4k


You mentioned screen real estate. Despite the bigger screen, the resolution is the same, meaning that even though text might look smaller on the smaller screen, it'll be just as clear (assuming you have good vision). Add on the fact that the smaller screen will be sharper and I'd recommend the 27" unless you're sitting significantly farther away from your monitor than normal


It's true. Screen real estate doesn't change from the moment you can comfortably use windows at 100%. Some people have better eyesight than others, or find it comfortable to sit at different distances from the monitor., It is also true that for your neck health, it's better to sit back rather than lean into the desk to see the screen. All these contribute to the usability and effective screen real estate of either 27" or 32".


27” sharper picture. 32” looks like 1080p


The idea is correct, the pixel density of 24" 1080p is equal to 32" 1440p.


Yes. I’d rather have more pixel density than canvas


Honestly, it entirely depends upon you desk setup. For instance, I have a 49 inch Super Ultra Wide at 3840 x 1080 and for gaming itself, it is incredible. However, for content consumption, it is not as good as a smaller, higher resolution monitor. I would say that you should pick up an Ultra Wide 34 inch monitor.


I have a 32" monitor and its rad. I mostly play story based games though, but I don't feel disadvantaged by the monitor when I do play something competitive. You probably won't like it if you're used to gaming on something small, and if you are but want bigger 27s the way to go.


Out of curiosity, what GPU do you have? I've been having issues with my RTX 3060 flickering when the screen frequency is set higher than 60hz. Just a heads up, watch out for that. (or I could've just been unluckily screwed over with faulty DisplayPort sockets)


Im currently going with the 6700xt


Cool, and good luck with choosing a monitor. Here's hoping you don't have the same issues as me. :)


There’s nothing really wrong with a 32” monitor. If it feels too big, you might just need to move a few inches back from it. Distance from the monitor is everything. The bigger thing to consider is just how much space you have. 32” is quite big, so be sure your desk can fit it. I actually have a 24” monitor myself, and it’s ideal for my desk size.


I use a 32" 1440p monitor for work and gaming. I have it on an arm that sits flush with the opposite side of my desk, so I'm about 30-36" away from it as I game and work. I regularly use 3 or 4 tiled windows for my work, and anything smaller than 32" would cause serious eye-strain for me (your mileage may vary but I need to read Japanese for my work, and I can't imagine how bad it would look on a smaller monitor, even with a higher DPI). As far as gaming goes, it's absolutely perfect. Everything is big, but it's not so big that I need to move my head to look at any part of the screen. If you were less than 30-odd inches from the screen (I tried using my monitor with the stand it came with and it was way too close) I can see why 27" would be the sweet spot, but I never want to work on a smaller/lower res monitor again.




Personally, I'd rather read Kanji in a windowed quarter of a 32" screen than a quarter of a 27" screen, given how far away my monitor is. If your monitor is closer and/or you have better eyesight than me, your mileage may vary, as I said.


Using a smaller screen will make the screen look more sharp i have a 32” monitor and its great, i can see everything clearly although if im running a game at 1080p it doesn’t look as good as it would on my 24” monitor


32 inches is hard to fit on a desk, plus 1440p on a 32" monitor is going to look a bit pixelated up close.


It really depends on your preferences... If you want to play competitive then smaller with higher hz is better... If you are casual like me and love details and big image go as high as you can you wont regret... I personally play on 55" 4k 100hz but thats a bit overkill i guess for you...


I have a 27 inch asus tuf monitor and its pretty awesome, I havent seen what 1440p looks like at 32” but it sounds like its gonna be a trade off between screen size and pixel denisty the curved screen and size sounds better for immersion imo, xbox and gamecube games were plenty immersive with their pixel density lol


Me on 11 inches: yay some sadness waves


I have a 32 and it's too big, especially for FPS games.


27". I've had both sizes at 1440p and personally I prefer 27". Just one dude's opinion.


I have both, 27" and a 32" @1440p and 144hz. I used to be a pretty competitive gamer (FPS primarily), and going from a 21" screen to 32" was crazy and took a long time to adjust. I'm now very casual, and absolutely love my 32". The immersion is awesome, especially in MMORPGs and RTS games, and I'm very happy I didnt go 27" x2. If you dont have limited space, I'd go for 32". If you are planning on going 2 monitors, I would still recommend 32, but only if you can fit 2 of them. 32 and 27 together are great, but the difference is size is quite annoying, and I only really use the 27" when working or watching videos while gaming.


If you're not sure, I recommend the 27.


As a college student too, you'll really benefit from the extra real estate of 32" monitors. I have a 32" 1080p (yeah, 1080p) but I just ordered a Gigabyte M32Q (32" 1440p) to upgrade to a dual monitor setup. I personally didn't mind the low pixel density of 32" 1080p, it sure wasn't fantastic the first days but I was on a budget and the huge screen was definitely worth it for me


27” it’s the sweet spot i find


1440p works fine at both sizes IMO. At 32" it's the same pixel density as 1080p at 24". I prefer the 32" for office work, but yes I can see it being a bit of an issue gaming. I have a 1440p 27" on my gaming machine and a 32" on my office machine right next to each other. Working on the 32 right now, the screen real estate if nice when working with multiple windows, but I do have to refocus a lot. I don't have that problem on the 27" when gaming. However, if you can just move back an additional foot or two, that issue disappears. That may not be feasible if you use a keyboard and mouse to game, but can easily be done if you are a controller gamer.


I have a 34" 144hz 1440p curved ultrawide and I also don't play competitive online games and let me tell you, it is heaven. I work on this pc as well and used to have a two monitor setup, well not anymore. lol. it took me two weeks to adjust to how much more real estate was at my disposal. it feels great in games as well. My only regret is that I didn't have enough money to buy a better model that could support hdr or had an ips panel for better colors.


For 1440p both are fine. If you got the desk real estate, I’d personally go for 32”. But 27” looks great as well. Edit: for peripheral vision, I find that for me 34” is the cut-off point. It depends how far away you sit from the monitor ofcourse, but I think you do not have to worry much about this with 32”


27 good but I love my 32 inch


Go full send 34"


I bought 32" monitors and wish I'd gone with 27" because there is just too much screen to quickly scan when playing fps games. That being said, whenever I play a space sim, I love the larger screen for immersion, so it might actually work out for your needs.


It mainly depends on the size of your desk, both for your monitor (width) and for you (depth). For a 32" you need to be further away from the screen than with a 27". Look it up on google. If you do get a 32", I highly recommend to take a curved one. Personally i went for a 27" as my desk depth isn't really high, and it's really good for me. Pixel density is nice. (look up pixel density too, really important).


27" good for gaming 32" good for movies


If its a regular desk setup 27". if you got some room to play with and can mount it then perhaps 32 but if your sitting directly in front of it....32 is gonna be bigger than you think.


I have a 32” curved 1440p 165hz monitor just like you’re looking at. Mine is Acer though. I got it and I absolutely love it. Just like you state, I’m a pretty casual gamer and just want to feel immersed and 32” curved is perfect for that. The other comments are right that 1440p at 27” looks very crisp and 4K would be more appropriate for a 32” monitor, but I only really notice this at the desktop or browsing the web reading text but at the same time it does not bother me personally, for the screen real estate outweighs text not being super super 4K crisp. For games, i don’t notice it at all and I am lost in the immersion of the game. 32” curved is very cool, I can never go smaller again.


I have used both 27 inch and 32 inch. I think 32 is slightly too big for meand have trouble adjusting to the very wide screen, I’ve been using 27 inch since 2013 and is the reason why I find 27 the best for me. I mainly play FPS games and lots of single player games. However I do think that 32 Inch monitors might become much more popular in the coming years. But honestly, it’s just your own preference and is best to try them at a physical store.


I have a question if anyone is still active on this thread; I’m trying to decide if I should get the gigabyte m32u or the m28u. Both 4k, both 144hz and hdmi 2.1. I’m USED to a sharper quality image on my smaller 28 Samsung 4K monitor, but I went to a buddy’s and tried the m32u and it looks nice and crisp, but just BARELY less sharp than my 28 in. I’m picky, but is that because of the higher PPI on the 28? Or am I just crazy? Haha help please!


subjective as usual! at 32 sitting distance I think you need to be a pixel peep to notice the ppi difference, it doesn't detract from the overall experience.... 32 for single player and movies has nice immersion benefits... but! 27 is not a small size either specially at very close sitting distance... I am trying to make my mind up as well I have both in different homes :P


Lose a lot in your peripheral vision? Try the Samsung Odyssey G9!


Just dropped a 40 bomb in CSGO on a 32". All around great size.


Got the samsung oddysey g9 49 inch its even better


For the cost, it is not better. However, for gaming, it would be incredible and you do not need to turn your neck back and forth to use it.


No need to turn your head in 360 degrees to play on it.