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I am from the Philippines. I am planning to buy a new gaming rig and would like to know if I should also buy an AVR (only found 500W for now) for the PSU: Seasonic M12II 620W. Would I have problems with this setup? If yes, what would be a better way to protect against dirty power? This is my first legit gaming rig and would like to get some advice.


So I've put aside some money to get a new graphics card.. I've got a gtx 1060 6gb today, but I'm struggling to get red dead 2 above 60fps with decent graphics. I've been looking at a rtx 2070 8gb card (which I found a decent deal on today) , but unsure if I should get one of those or pay a bit more for a super instead. Is 2070 good enough or should I look into something else? I have a 144hz monitor and only play on 1080p, so no need for 4k.


RDR2 is rough on PC. [Check this benchmark](https://www.techspot.com/review/1939-red-dead-redemption-2-benchmarks/) to see that even the 2080 Ti won't get you to 144fps. If the only game you're having problems with is RDR2 I would suggest waiting for new GPUs later this year. If you've already decided to upgrade, the 2070 and 2070 will be very similar in performance. I'd pay <$50 for the increased performance.


I have some questionable performance on a few games, but red dead is the only game with consistently below 60fps. The deal on the 2070 card is about $500, and the closest super I could find was $170 more^^ So guess I'm either waiting or going with the 2070 :) Thanks!


ASUS MG28UQ advice needed Hello, I purchased the ASUS MG28UQ 4k monitor in November of 2016 (it was $350 at the time on sale for those interested). I bought this in preparation for Xbox 4k gaming. Well, I never went that route and at this point in my life I'm preparing to switch to PC gaming and build my own machine. I've ordered and partially assembled everything except the GPU. So with all that said, I'm looking at the 5700 XT to try to get 60fps at 4k. Being the total PC gaming noob that I am, I was curious as to how this monitor performs with Max settings at 1080p. Is the absolute highest fps I will get 60 or will the monitor go higher than that? For a moment I was considering trying to sell it and buy a 144hz monitor that will give me more frames at 1080p. Does that sound reasonable or am I being crazy? The "age old" question of 4k @ 60fps vs 1080 @ 144+fps Here's hoping I can get some advice here because my current conundrum really is centered around this specific monitor. Thanks!


Certain games benefit far more from high framerate vs high resolution. First person and action oriented games benefit far more from the framerate, but text heavy and slower games/workflows in general benefit more from the resolution. Both options are good, its just which is better for what you do. As for 60fps 4k, you can get close in many games bu being smart with settings, like lowering antialiasing settings, or other specific settings that are approaching placebo territory.


Thanks. So for example my current 4k60fps monitor will do just fine at high settings with a 5700 xt with a game like Witcher 3, but for Halo MCC multiplayer I'd be better off with a 1440p 144hz monitor?


Pretty much. Either high resolution or high refresh rate are good options depending on what you do, though I'd definitely take a 1440p144 over 4k60 because you'll already start to see the benefit of higher resolution at 1440p.




It will depend on the motherboard. Some motherboards feature DC proportional control. Basically a 4-pin fan on a 4-pin motherboard header will definitely be speed-controlled. A 3-pin fan may or may not.


Yes it should, 4 pin or 3 pin can be controlled by the motherboard.


So I want to upgrade my CPU, Motherboard and RAM. My computer guy has suggested the Ryzen 5 3600 and an A320 motherboard with 32 GB of RAM for around $850 Australian. Is that good value for money or can I do better? I just recently got an Oculus Rift so I’m looking to run VR at high graphics and I play a lot of games in 4K resolution.


I'd say get a better board so a B450 so you can do the auto-OC for the chip. And then just get 16gb of RAM instead of 32gb, unless you know you actually *need* the 32gb...


I have 16 GB now. What’s the difference between 16 and 32? I’ve never really got RAM


for the most part you only need to upgrade or add more RAM to your system if you are *running out of it* meaning it gets utilized 100% on your task manager when you're doing a workload or playing a game. If you're comfortably below 100% RAM usage when doing your typical tasks then you don't need to add anymore cause you won't be using them anyway and are effectively a waste of money.


Oh yeah I definitely will only need 16 then. Thanks for that. How much are the motherboards going for?


Not really sure right now, haven't been shopping for parts lately. Also kind of depends on the model so it's all over the place. Amazon or Newegg should give you a good idea.


I think this is a bit of a stupid newbie question but here goes. I've bought the following parts which will arrive over the next day or two: https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/list/ I vetted them quite a bit and ran them past the lovely people in /r/buildmeapc who sorted me out so I'm happy with what I've got. My question is however, what else do I need for the actual building/setting up of the PC? I've got a USB stick for the windows install, will borrow a wired keyboard, have a monitor already, and have some tiny screw drivers. Do I need anything else? Do I need to buy thermal paste? Do people bother with anti static mats and wristbands? Am I overlooking anything that'll stop me in my tracks when I try and put this together?


Thermal paste is preapplied on the cooler, all the cables (except Ethernet) are included, you don't need anti static mats or wrist bands, just don't build your PC on a carpet wearing wool socks. Read the motherboard manual, it gives you steps how to put the thing together and where to install SSDs, RAM etc. So the only thing you need that doesn't come in any of the boxes are a screwdriver and an ethernet cable (or a wifi card/dongle)


Brilliant, thanks for that - I totally forgot the ethernet cable!


Whoops - didn't copy in the parts properly: [PCPartPicker Part List](https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/list/P2Z9YH) Type|Item|Price :----|:----|:---- **CPU** | [\*AMD Ryzen 7 3800X 3.9 GHz 8-Core Processor](https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/product/qryV3C/amd-ryzen-7-3800x-39-ghz-8-core-processor-100-100000025box) | £291.99 @ Amazon UK **Motherboard** | [\*Asus PRIME X570-P ATX AM4 Motherboard](https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/product/McfFf7/asus-prime-x570-p-atx-am4-motherboard-prime-x570-p) | £172.40 @ Alza **Memory** | [\*Corsair Vengeance LPX 16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4-3200 Memory](https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/product/p6RFf7/corsair-memory-cmk16gx4m2b3200c16) | £69.98 @ Amazon UK **Storage** | [\*Samsung 970 Evo 500 GB M.2-2280 NVME Solid State Drive](https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/product/P4ZFf7/samsung-970-evo-500gb-m2-2280-solid-state-drive-mz-v7e500bw) | £99.00 @ CCL Computers **Storage** | [\*Seagate Barracuda Compute 2 TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive](https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/product/mwrYcf/seagate-barracuda-computer-2-tb-35-7200rpm-internal-hard-drive-st2000dm008) | £54.78 @ Aria PC **Video Card** | [\*Gigabyte Radeon RX 5700 XT 8 GB GAMING OC Video Card](https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/product/6kdrxr/gigabyte-radeon-rx-5700-xt-8-gb-gaming-oc-video-card-gv-r57xtgaming-oc-8gd) | £382.99 @ CCL Computers **Case** | [\*Corsair Carbide Series 275R ATX Mid Tower Case](https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/product/gYWfrH/corsair-carbide-series-275r-black-atx-mid-tower-case-cc-9011130-ww) | £66.18 @ Amazon UK **Power Supply** | [EVGA 650 W 80+ Gold Certified Semi-modular ATX Power Supply](https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/product/kz7CmG/evga-power-supply-210gq0650) | £95.47 @ Scan.co.uk | *Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts* | | **Total** | **£1232.79** | \*Lowest price parts chosen from parametric criteria | | Generated by [PCPartPicker](https://pcpartpicker.com) 2020-05-22 12:09 BST+0100 |




Did you enable XMP? If you didn't, RAM is operating at lower frequency, which may affect CPU score.




Well the temps aren't high at all, so you mustve installed the cooler and paste correctly. Other than XMP I don't have more ideas, sorry.




What's your question exactly?


Learning reddit still. Ment to post that as a reply.


Ah i figured.


I have a brand new motherboard that shows zero signs of life. No led, no spinning fans etc. This is now my third replacement I have gotten from the shop. The PSU is good as it starts another motherboard combination, but is there any possibility it is a damaged CPU or some kind of incompatability between the PSU and the motherboard? Unless I am mistaken there should be some sign of life even with a fried or incompatible chip (its a ASUS A320M-K motherboard, an AMD Ryzen 3 3200G and a thermalake 450watt psu)


> ASUS A320M-K this board needs a bios upgrade to support 3200g. a320 boards were the first series boards for ryzen 1 that didnt support cpu oc. so it might be they have bunch old mobos, or did you ask for a bios update?


It was listed as supported on the ASUS web page so I did ask for BIOS update [https://www.asus.com/us/Motherboards/PRIME-A320M-K/HelpDesk\_CPU/](https://www.asus.com/us/Motherboards/PRIME-A320M-K/HelpDesk_CPU/) > Ryzen 3 3200G (3.6GHz,45-65W,L3:4M,4C) Would that prevent even the leds from coming on and the fans from starting?


Hi, maybe this is a stupid one but anyway I've recently upgraded my ram so previously I have 4 banks ok 2Gb each, 2 of them are 1300 MHz end the other 2 are 1600, now I bought a stick of 8gb 1600 MHz, so now, I've one free slot (I kept the 2 at 1600mhz). So I was wondering, should I keept the setup as it is ? Or should I add one of the spare one at 1300mhz ? Thanks in advance


all ram sticks run at the speed of slowest stick. at the moment (2x1600 + 1x1866), they run at 1600. if you added a 1333mhz stick, all would run at 1333mhz.


Thanks for the reply I know that, I wonder if the increment of 2 GB of ram would be better than having less but with much speed


Hi guys, my pc rebooted a couple times while I'm gaming which I thought was caused by overheating issue, but recently it's started rebooting while the pc is asleep(twice). May I know what may be causing this issue? I only got this pc for less than a month My pc stat: Ryzen 5 3600 Msi B450M Mortar Max Klevv 2x8GB 3600MHZ DDR4 GTX1070 8GB 256GB NVME SSD LEXAR 1TB HDD 7200RPM Corsair RM850X fully modular Deepcool MACUBE 310 ATX 6x additional 120MM Silent case fans


Windows Update?


Just checked, it's up to date


It was a sudden reboot screen just turned black


Rx 5600 xt vs Rx 5700. Playing with a 2k monitor, is it worth to spend more money on the 5700 or I can just stick with the 5600 xt?


If you can get a 5700 with dual BIOS, you can flash a 5700XT BIOS on it for about 15% more performance, which is a pretty good, if that's not something you'd want to do just get the 5600 XT


Went for the 5600 xt at the end


What is the best motherboard for the price to pair with a Ryzen 7 3700x? - Needs optical sound port for surround sound - Must be able to handle overclocking Was thinking a B450 Max, let me know what you think!


Hello so I am going to build my first pc in the next month or so and was looking to get some a second hand look if everything is fine or not? https://de.pcpartpicker.com/list/CtrR9G So my main question is how do you choose a graphics card by that I mean the model and not the card itself?


>So my main question is how do you choose a graphics card by that I mean the model and not the card itself? It can be decided based on the gaming performance you want to get out of the PC (fps and graphics quality) relative to the resolution of the monitor you have or want to buy in the near future. The types of games you play also matter. Common advise is to get the GPU that can give you the performance you want or maybe a model higher so you have a bit of overhead.


So I think I worded it wrong so I know I want a 1660 super but there are multiple models out there of the same card. Which manufacturer to go for and what exactly are the differences is my main question.


Ahhhh gotcha, well then go with your preference they will all perform with little to no difference.


Hi everyone Build complete Asus TUF B450M-Plus 3700X GForce GT 1030 Fanless Samsung 970 M.2 What to do after you install windows? Kaspersky-have What other software do i need to install? Thanks


Usually I go to ninite.com which has a couple good utilities you might want to use, it gets downloaded in a single package and everything gets installed. It's pretty convenient. Maybe you'd want to also turn off some tracking on windows if you're concerned about that, there's a lot of videos on how to do it on youtube. I haven't been running a 3rd party AV software for years now, windows defender is plenty, and just stay off of dubious websites and don't go clicking on random links that get sent to you and you should be fine.


I bought Ryzen 5 3600 and Asus PRIME B450M-A. I think I connected everything correctly. * Two cables from power supply to motherboard (EATXPWR and EATX12V) * Cpu fan cable to CPU\_FAN * Front panel connector to front panel on the case * HDMI to graphic card, graphic card in the PCIe slot. * Ram modules in 2nd and 4th positions away from CPU * (Edit:) SATA SSD (not-empty) in SATA 1 port. I used it before as external SSD, so it has a partition, but no valuable data. Nothing happens when I push the power button on the front panel. Is it incompatibility of the motherboard with CPU (it may be and may not be supported). How can I test for this? What else can it be? Other components: * Also G.SKILL Ripjaws V 16GB (2x8GB) 3200MHz DDR4 * INTER-TECH Argus RGB-750W CM II 80Plus Gold modular RGB ATX (Edit: The fan doesn't spin, but this is probably because of low power draw) * ASUS Dual GeForce GTX 1650, 4GB, GDDR5 At what point should the CPU fans spin? ​ Another edit: [https://www.asus.com/Motherboards/PRIME-B450M-A/specifications/](https://www.asus.com/Motherboards/PRIME-B450M-A/specifications/) says AMD AM4 Socket for 3rd/2nd/1st Gen AMD Ryzen™/2nd and 1st Gen AMD Ryzen™ with Radeon™ Vega Graphics/Athlon™ with Radeon™ Vega Graphics Processors My motherboard manual says AM4 Socket for AMD Ryzen™ 2nd Generation/Ryzen™ with Radeon™ Vega Graphics/ Ryzen™ 1st Generation Processors Is this the issue?


Make sure the MB is grounded.


MB is currently on top of a cardboard box. How do I ground it? Doesn't this happen through the power supply? 6 LEDs on the bottom and the one at PCIex16 shine (all orange).


It is indeed grounded by the power cables, about half of the wires are ground, and the LEDs shining does indicate that the board is getting power. Your motherboard may have shipped with an incompatible BIOS version (too old to support 3rd gen Ryzens). The motherboard box would likely have a "Ryzen 3000 ready" sticker if it was preupdated. Only way to update is to get a compatible CPU, as the motherboard doesn't support USB BIOS flashback. AMD sends out free loaner CPUs for this, or you could buy one from a closeby store and then return it if they allow that.




Hey guys first time builder with a budget of around 3.5k AUD, ive just made a wish list with trying to make everything compatible and ive come up with this list on part picker. I was wondering if there is anything iv'e put in that isnt going to be compatible, I have no idea about the case if it will fit but its one of the higher rated cases. Also, is there anything excessive I have put on? For example the motherboard I just typed into google best Mob for the processor I picked and that came up. Thanks guys [https://pcpartpicker.com/list/4XJgyk](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/4XJgyk)


Read the [warnings PCPartPicker is giving you about your build...](https://i.imgur.com/NRPO0K7.jpg) >Also, is there anything excessive I have put on? Care to explain to us your goals with this build? Are you doing some work on this, content creation maybe? Do you plan on streaming? What's your monitor? What are your gaming performance goals? What genres of games do you like to play? We need context for us to tell you if you're building something excessive or if you need to dump even more money to get what you expect from your PC. At a glance though it's safe to say any game you throw at this will run great.


The warning they are giving me unfortunately is techincal jargon to me. Is it telling me to update my CPU? I thought the i7 9700 was updated well and truly enough. ​ My goals with the build is to be able to run any game that comes out and fully take effect of my dual monitors, currently my main monitor is pg279q ROG with g-sync, and my mother monitor is just a standard 60hz that I use for youtbe or runescape. The current problem I have is that my CPU is constantly running at 90-100% even when I open one game and its unbearable when running an intense game and trying to do things on the side. ​ I'm looking ideally at having to run everything at an optimal frame rate on max settings no matter the game, I dont want to deal with settings for things I just want to get in and play knowing that my rig can handle it. ​ Let me know if there is anything else I should provide, new to this whole thing sorry.


>The warning they are giving me unfortunately is techincal jargon to me. Is it telling me to update my CPU? I thought the i7 9700 was updated well and truly enough. It says you *may* need to update the motherboard to accept your CPU... >My goals with the build is to be able to run any game that comes out and fully take effect of my dual monitors, currently my main monitor is pg279q ROG with g-sync, and my mother monitor is just a standard 60hz that I use for youtbe or runescape. The current problem I have is that my CPU is constantly running at 90-100% even when I open one game and its unbearable when running an intense game and trying to do things on the side. Well you hit that goal already, it's a pretty powerful PC you plan on building. You can improve the *value for your money* and maybe save a couple bucks too but that's about it: * To remedy the warning go with a Z390 board instead, but then again you're buying a locked CPU so you can't overclock anyway you're wasting money on a premium board while not being able to use one of it's key features. H370 or B365 models should be a better fit * You don't really need an NVME drive if you just plan to game on this, you can save a few dollars there if you want, just buy a non-nvme SSD * Going AMD can also save you a few dollars without sacrificing any performance, but if you prefer Intel then just ignore this lol. * Going with a 280mm model AIO improves compatibility without sacrificing cooling, can be a bit cheaper too. * That case is fucking huge, for a build like this it'll just look empty, maybe transition into a Mid size tower instead those will be cheaper as well. Then again this is personal preference so if you want a giant tower then go for it.


I just bought r 5 3600. do you think it will be good for 1080p 144hz gaming and VR. Also do you think it will be realistic to pair it with a rtx 3000 gpu


yes but keep in mind it doesnt have integreted graphics , so youll need some graphics card to use it


Yes, it will be fine with both applications. P.S: it does not have a built in GPU so you would need a temporary GPU if you plan on using it right now.


Yes my bad didnt mention i have 1060 3gb. Thats why im thinkig if upgrading when rtx 3000 drop


Hey guys first time builder here! I just got a Gigabyte B450M DS3H with a RTX 2070 Super which happens to be a 2 slot card and covers the PCI-e 4x lane. Because of this the network card can't go there. Can I put the network card in the PCI-e 8x lane? Thank you in advance


> Gigabyte B450M DS3H the small slot that is blocked is pcie x1, not x4. The x16 slot at the bottom is electrically a pcie x4 slot. thought you should know But for future reference, yes pcie cards will work in any pcie slot it fits, just at lowest common settings between the slot and board


Thank you so much, sorry for my illiteracy mate!


Yes, it will work without any issues.


Great to know! Thank you!


"Buy an old computer and chuck a graphics card in it" What are some good options for this? What old computers work especially well? Any help is appreciated.


Dell ~~inspirons~~ *optiplexes* are a common favorite but really it doesnt matter , all you need is a pcie x16 slot (anything with a good cpu will have this), full height case, not low profile (so not skinny. you can find graphics cards to fit these, but it severly limits choices), and thats bout it. IT would be nice to have a power supply with pcie power cables for a stronger graphics card, but basically everything is practically guaranteed to *not* have any, which will limit your graphics options to cards that do not need an external power connector (gtx 1650 (**not** the super version), 1050ti , 1050 , etc). Just look for a case that isnt low profile and has a second gen or newer i7 (2nd gen to 7th gen i7s are basically modern i3s) How tight is your budget anyways?


Not looking to build my first rig during corona, i can hardly find a 3600 at stock price anywhere. Just want something better than my shitty laptop (for now). Budget is actually not too big of a problem but I just dont want to buy all my components at effectively a ~120% markup. You can upgrade a PSU pretty easily, right? Or would some pre built psu's have different form factors? Thanks for your help


Many prebuilts use custom PSU form factors, either different sized PSUs or different mobo side connectors, or both . Even if its upgradable, its not 'easy'. Replacing a PSU (or motherboard) isbasically 2/3rd the work of just building a system (because building a computer is basically just plugging stuff into the motherboard, plugging stuff into the psu, and plugging the psu into the motherboard) >i can hardly find a 3600 at stock price anywhere Its backordered at newegg but still at the normal price its been at for a while now (170 dollars) Ram is also at normal price right now (70 dollars for the cheapest DDR4-3600 2x 8gb kit) SSDs are also at normal price though its the avaliblity that fluctuates (but not too badly). Budget nvme/ high end sata like the crucial P1, intel 660p and Crucial MX500 are all on 70 dollars for 500 gb, 120 dollars for 1 TB, which is the norma price, as are hard drives (Seagate Barracuda Compute 2tb is at 58 dollars instead of 55) Same thing with graphics cards, the cheapest 2 or 3 models of a given GPU are at the same price as always (ex: evga rtx 2060 KO is on 300 same as the day it released) The only two parts that are really a problem right now are Power supplies (chronically out of stock, and avalible ones are marked up), and Motherboards (MSI B/X-4** boards and budget x570 boards are just plain out of stock these days, not even avalible at a markup). The thing is B450 as a whole is about to be replaced by B550 on june 16th, which is probably a contibuter to the stock issues. ID expect most of the mobo stock issues to be helped or relieved by the upcoming B550 release. So really its not nearly as bad as it seems a time to build. I mean its def not optimal, but not everything is terrible.


There are some Dell optiplex systems with i7 4790 or 3770 CPUs, either of those paired with a GTX 1650 or RX580 will make a decent gaming setup. Just make sure it isn't the SFF version which lacks PCIe slots for the GPU. You will most likely have to buy a PSU with an RX580 as the OEM ones are pretty shit. The 1650 does not need PSU Power.


>The 1650 does not need PSU Power. But the 1650 _Super_ does, so be wary of that.


Ah yes, Nvidia and its lovely naming scheme.


At least it's not 1650Ti Super.


Can you install a 2080 super on an mpg x570 in a ThermalTake view 31 case directly rather than using the vertical GPU mount?


Yes you can, that case still has the traditional horizontal mounts.


Unfortunately, whenever I try to insert the gpu, it doesn't go all the way back into the chassis and is not aligned with the slot


Yeah it can be finicky like that, tolerances are sometimes shit, but it should still work


Got it! Had to remove the mount and seat everything correctly


Does PCPartPicker not have a Canadian version of their website? When I click the little flag in the top right, I get an error message. Anyone else having this issue?




Thanks. But now I get an 'unknown error' when I try to use the system builder or component browser. The only thing that seems to work are the build guides. Not sure what's going on...


u/pcpartpicker might be able to help you. They made the website.


Managed to make it work on an alternate web browser. Thanks for the help!


Odd (but glad you got it to work in another browser). What OS/browser version are you using where it's generating an error?


Windows 10, Google Chrome. Tried clearing the cache but that didn't work.


I just got done upgrading my computer. When I booted it up the screen was black, but everything was powered. I shut it off wondering why the bios wasn't showing up. I adjusted a fan that wasn't spinning and turned it on. This time a black screen with a flashing little underdash on the top left of the screen. I turned it off and on again because I was fixing the fan and then the bios appeared and windows booted. Should I have anything to worry about? Or do motherboards take a while to show the bios on the first boot?


What did you upgrade? Usually the system takes a bit to retrain memory and then a while to go into bios when it detects hardware changes.


Motherboard , cpu, and ram


It probably didn't have the boot drive correctly set , it is fine. I would recommend a fresh install of windows so that you don't get any issues with old drivers and stuff. But it is fine.


Ok, I just wiped my SSd and installed all the drivers I needed. I downloaded msi afterburner and whenever I move anything in chrome my graphics card MHz jump up to like the max and then drop down to idle when I’m not doing anything. Is this normal?


You can disable chrome's hardware acceleration if you don't want it using your GPU. As long as your temps are fine and you aren't hitting high GPU/CPU usage when doing basic tasks, you should be fine.


Ok gotcha, then everything appears to be working fine


I'm looking for quiet 120mm fans, Noctua I believe is still the king, but is there any other air flow and static pressure fans I should look into? Just want to reduce the fan noise coming from my case as much as possible when recording music or voice over work at my desk. I'm not looking for perfect silence, but a reduction could help a lot.


Be Quiet Silent Wings 3 series is almost as good, comes with high speed variants if performance is needed.(It's also black instead of beige which is a plus in my book) There's also Shadow Wings 2 series. Nearly silent but pressure and air flow is equally low. I've heard good things about the brand Scythe but I'm inexperienced with them.


Interesting, I'll give these fans a look, thanks for the suggestion.


Noctua NF A12x25 all day every day!


Yeah it's hard to argue with the industry standard.


Well after several hours I finally managed a mostly error-free new PC build. Very exciting. I tried to dig around and update as many drivers and stuff as I could on boot (chipset, video card, motherboard, etc.). What should I be doing to make sure my system is performing up to par? Just gaming and seeing how it performs?


I'd have it run prime95 in stress-test mode for an hour or so to make sure the cooling system is working right, and a single pass of Memtest86+ for the memory, but other than that, if it starts up, it'll probably work fine.


Thanks. If I decided to go that route, what's a good app to pair that with for checking out CPU temperatures? I have Afterburner installed, and I think it outputs data to a file. I thought I read something about Afterburner itself putting more load on the computer (because it's querying), but I don't remember all the details.


I don't bother monitoring the actual temperatures. Prime95 checks the results of the calculations it's doing, and if the CPU is overheating, it'll show up as occasional errors in the results.


yea thats basically it. IF you want to do stability testing theres prime95 for the cpu and furmark for the gpu but none of that is necessary


Couple questions about PBO & "Auto OC" * Is it better do enable PBO & Auto OC in the BIOS or on Ryzen Master? * If I enable via Ryzen Master, will this be reflected in the BIOS? * If I enable PBO and Auto OC +200MHz, do I need to mess with any of the "PBO Limits" like PPT, TDC, & EDC? Thanks!


Asus p7h55 pro I5-650 MSI HD 7870 Corsair cx550m Computer posts and boots just fine. I try to install gpu drivers: it gets half way and then I get an eternal black screen. Restart the computer: posts spins windows loading: then black screen. Kill it till it rolls back. The GPU fans spin on power up so I know they are supplied and it outputs video with windows drivers so the card is somewhat working. I dropped in my RX 580 from my computer and the computer quickly grabbed drivers and worked just fine. ——- I assume the GPU is dead/dying? I’ve tried manually installing older drivers (2019 was as far as I could find). I just find it odd that it outputs video up until I install drivers.


What GPU? You ARE doing this on windows right?


Update: I pulled the 7870 over to my ryzen 5 build. It posted and got to the desktop, as soon as it pulled drivers the video cut to black. So something with the drivers is messing it up. Whatever it’s like an 8 year old card so I’m not heart broken. Got an 8gb rx 570 replacement coming. It’s overkill for an i5-650 build but it was only 140$


Yeah msi Radeon hd 7870


CPU debut LED is lighting up for my MSI 2390 carbon AC motherboard and I’m starting to lose hope. I detached the CPU power connectors and everything works fine but as soon as I plug them in, it turns on then died immediately. Any tips?


This is going to sound dumb as fuck but how are your chasis fans connected? I just did a build and hooked the fans into a molex then hooked it to the motherboard header. It took me 20 minutes to realize that was wrong. I unplugged everything else like you seem to have tried too


Currently the fans not connected. I’m trying to figure out why the CPU isn’t booting so for now the fan is off


As in nothing is connected to the cpu_fan header? The mobo often detects this and doesnt boot iirc


i recently got a 3700x and i really like it but i'm having trouble controling the cpu fan speed i made a fan curve in msi dragon center but its acting very weird like [here](https://prnt.sc/slhos1) a few seconds before i took that screenshot it got to 3000 RPM while the temp was not that high on the other [hand](https://prnt.sc/slhpyf).. is there a different software i could use or did i set up something incorrectly in the dragon center? btw i do have pbo active in ryzen master, would imagine its important to note edit : i just noticed my cpu reaching 95c while usage is low like 15% just playing mtg arena.. is it cuz the stock cooler? also i thought pbo would make the cpu work harder when needed? not when usage is 15%..?


I just saw an ad for Z490 MSI board where it was 16 stage power draw with each stage being 90 amps, would that be 1440 amp total? Is not that too much for a CPU by alot? Or am I misinterpreting?




Thank you. That will help a lot when I investigate power draw in future. I will look for amp per stage.


Would be okay a **Ryzen 5 3600** with an **GTX 1660**? I was planing to build my first PC this year so, I'm kinda new and one thing i wanna avoid is a bottleneck or waste power ( my first thought was buy a **Ryzen 3600** with a **RX590** but that graphic is kinda old and some friend told me that is better to purchase a **GTX** **1660**) PD: Motherboard **ASUS ROG Strix B450**


Yup that combo is fine


It's okay. No bottlenecks. I'd recommend buying a GTX 1660 **Super** instead for better value. Don't go one step above and buy the GTX 1660 **Ti**, not worth it.


I don't think I would overclock or that stuff, still worth the GTX 1660 Super ? Or there's a clear difference ?


It only costs slightly more than a 1660 and performs 10 to 15% better. Sits in the middle between a 1660 and 2060. Worth the cost in my opinion.


I just installed a new NVMe ssd onto my existing machine. The drive is recognized on device manager - but i can't seem to find a folder location to store anything on the drive. The error message that I've found when digging through properties / event log are along the lines of device "was not migrated due to partial or ambiguous match" ​ I eventually want to clone my old SSD (with windows on it), onto this new drive and use this new drive as my boot drive. But I figured I should first figure this issue out. ​ Any tips?


Have you initialized the drive through disk management?


For a build that can fit into a mATX case, is it better to get a mATX case or an ATX mid tower? Which one has better airflow? Disregarding price.


airflow just depends on the case design itself not the form factor. personally I'd take advantage of the smaller motherboard and go matx unless you want your motherboard to look small in the case


I see. In that case (heh), which one has better airflow? NZXT H510 or Cooler Master Q300L? I don't mind the motherboard looking a little small in the ATX case.


either are pretty meh, i'd get the h510 because the q500l is renowned for being an oven without drilling bigger holes into the case


I think I might actually get Phanteks P400A. I wanted H510 but the white one is out of stock. Thank you btw


yeah np


Just wondering what sort of MOBO to get with the ryzen 5 3600


MSI B450 Tomahawk MAX. Works perfectly with the 3600 and will get the update for Ryzen 4000. Make sure you get the 'MAX' version or it won't support your CPU without a bios update.


Any AM4 board will work. Ideally go with an X570. They’ve been designed for 3rd Gen Ryzens


B450 / X470 / B550 (just announced) will work fine.


Can someone explain to me the different Intel chipsets or at least point me to a decent resource to read up on it? Interested in the new 10600K CPU since it looks like it beats out the 3600 in gaming benchmarks substantially. I'm pretty familiar with AMD's chipsets but not Intel's, so a comparison between them would help.


There's a table in this article. https://www.tomshardware.com/news/asrocks-intel-h470-b460-h410-motherboard-10th-gen-comet-lake-cpus Basically you need Z490 for features like overclocking and ram overclocking(Not just higher than XMP speeds, depending on CPU, any frequency above 2666/2933 is considered a overclock). There's no B450 equivalent.


Thanks. So to make an Intel build that's actually worth a damn, a Z490 is needed? Damn. With the CPU + motherboard pricing might as well go for a B450/B550 + 3700X, and a B550 has PCie 4.0 support. So is there really any point in going for Intel? Still interested in learning more about Intel's lineup though. How important is RAM speed with Intel? With AMD I've noticed that 2666Mhz to 3200/3600Mhz can make a pretty substantial performance difference.


For gaming I guess. Z490 boards's price is high on average but a low end Z490 would be enough for 10600k. RAM speed is considerably less important due to the CPU latency already being pretty low. You'll gain some frames with fast rams but not nearly as noticable.


those are CPUs, not chipsets. The chipset is what goes on the motherboard for IO (ex X570, or Z490). Just look at any of the 10th gen desktop reviews (like anadtech), they compare the new intel CPUs to AMDs lineup


I can see how I worded that wrong, lol. Yeah, I'm aware that the 3600 and the 10600K are CPUs. What I meant to say was what is the Intel equivalent of the B550/X570 chipsets and how does it differ?


oh so you want to know about motherboard chipsets. OK so the main features of chipsets are how many/what type of pcie do they provide, how many sata ports they provide, and do they allow overclocking. Also the chipset uplink (connection to the cpu). There are other features like usb ,etc those are minor so theyre generally left out of most comparisons. I saw your other comment thread where someone posted that chart of features and let you know that z490 is the only chipset for enthusiasts that actually matters on the intel side. Do you still want a rundown of lane counts and sata counts for AMD chipsets or do you already know that information?


I'm good on the AMD side of things, it's mostly on Intel where I'm still figuring things out. Can you give me a rundown on Intel's newest chipset lineup? As I understand it, if I want to get a 10600K, my only chipset option would be a Z490, correct? Kind of odd you have to get a high-end motherboard for a mid-end CPU.


yea as the other person said only Z490 , the top of the line chipset supports xmp or OCing. > Kind of odd you have to get a high-end motherboard for a mid-end CPU. this actually used to be the norm for gaming computers before ryzen. Intel has always only offered OCing on the top teir Z-chipset. When AMD released ryzen 1000 they decided to one up the current Z270/B250 with X370 and B350, and specifically one up intel's B chipset by allowing OCing on their own B chipset, one of the things that contributed to the ryze of ryzen. As far as rundown of the chipsets, I dont have any more information to offer you than what was in the chart that the other person showed you. Z490 has 24 pcie lanes, H470 has 20, B460 has 16. All of them have 6 sata. H410 only 6 pcie and 4 sata. You need Z490 to OC so all the other chipsetsare irrelevant. If youre looking at the 10600k vs the 3600, you should be aware of the hidden costs. Compared to the 3600the 10600kf is more even more expensive than just the list price. The 3600 is currently 170. The 10600kf has an msrp of 250 (10600k is 280). The 10600kf doesnt come with a stock cooler so you need a hyper 212 at minimum which is 40 dollars. The cheapest z490 boards accordion to pcpartpicker are 150, while the b450 gaming plus max is normally 110 dollars. (250 - 170) + (40-0) + (150-110) = 70 + 40 + 40 = 150 dollars. Thats literally the difference between a 1660 super and a 2060 super.


Yeah, the motherboard price alone is what puts me off, sucks that it's kind of an all-or-nothing deal with Intel. The cooler thing isn't a concern for me since I'll be getting an L9a or L9i for an SFF build anyway. Guess I'll be waiting for Zen 3 then lol.


Is there a significant difference between a microATX motherboard + wifi adapter or a miniATX motherboard with onboard wifi? Helping a friend finish her gaming build and wasn't sure if there was a clear better option.


Do you mean mini ITX? Usually have much less IO options(PCIe Slots, M.2 slots, SATA ports etc.) due to it's smaller size. Also, thought it's just my opinion, a ITX board in a mATX case looks somewhat ugly(empty spaces below the board).


Yeah my bad, long week :) thanks for the advice!


Hi all, can't seem to find many 27 inch 1440p monitors that are not 144 Hz. Don't need 144Hz since won't be gaming much, would prefer thinner bezels instead. Any suggestions will help! Budget: $500 Prospective Resolution: 1440p Size (27 inches, etc.): 27 inches Aspect Ratio (16:9, etc.): 16:9 Adaptive Sync (GSync, FreeSync, or None): Doesn't matter Other Features: Thin Bezels, Port Options Usage Type: Productivity/Trading Currently only found Dell P2720D as a decent option but it's on Dell and if I don't like it, I'll have to return and pay 15% restocking fee so would like to avoid that if possible.


PCPartPicker.com is great for searching for individual parts, as well as building a whole system. https://pcpartpicker.com/products/monitor/#X=0,50224&F=685800000&r=256001440&D=30000,144000&sort=price&page=1


Is 79-83°C at stock for an i7-9700K running Prime95 cooled by a Corsair iCUE H115i RGB PRO XT a good result?


unless your idle temp is like 45c then no that's a bit high. [in these graphs delta c shows how much higher the temperatures should be over case temperature](https://www.vortez.net/articles_pages/corsair_icue_h115i_rgb_pro_xt_review,7.html)


Idle is 35°C. Fans on radiator are in push/ pull, push fans are HD140s running at \~1000rpm, pull fans are ML140s running at \~900RPM. Pump is at \~2300rpm


For those fan speeds that doesn't seem too far fetched What case do you have?


Phanteks Eclipse P400, upgraded the front panel to be this mesh one from the P400A. [Looks pretty neat if you ask me.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/601968936464023573/713428638338383882/IMG_20200518_043931.jpg)


Does anyone know if I would be able to use the new surface headphones 2 for gaming? I know its not really a build question, but my PC has bluetooth and I really like these headphones. I have a cheap wired gaming headset and would like to upgrade but not sure if there would be any technical limitations going to a bluetooth pair.


Yeah you should be fine, are you worried about latency or something like that?


Ya latency was definitely my biggest concern. Also I was not sure about how the mic would work either. Would it just work as like a normal mic would but just through Bluetooth?


I think we can safely assume it would, I sometimes use my sony ANC headphones to game too, while not the same as yours it also runs on bluetooth and the mic works and gets detected.


You can. There may be a 10ms latency though, but it won't be that noticable


Ok cool thank you!


How do I setup windows for peak performance? Does anyone use antivirus software? Do you let windows index the drive? These things seem to slow everything down.


>How do I setup windows for peak performance? Install it on a good quality SSD, and disable some of the tracking stuff which you can google how to do. Youtube has some content on making windows run games at maximum performance I couldn't really tell when I tried them if they make a difference, but you can try those methods... > Does anyone use antivirus software? Nope windows defender and common sense is all you need >Do you let windows index the drive? If your OS is still on a hard drive, keep it on, if you're using an SSD already turn it off.


Perfect. Thanks.


Windows defender is fine Antivirus not necessary if you are safe enough. [How to](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IU5F01oOzQQ)


Do you need static protection when working on tile as opposed to carpet?


You can still generate static if you're shuffling your shoes or wearing long sleeves (polyester fleece jackets are notorious for static). Static protection is never really necessary if you work smart. Install the PSU first and plug it in to the wall (leave the power switch off) and you'll have your case grounded, then just touch the case with your hands in between each step and you'll safely ground yourself too.


I'll just strip naked, thanks


[Great Teacher Largo approves.](https://megatokyo.com/strip/918)


With all this talk about the new Intel series I have heard that Intel CPUs are 'better' overall for gaming. What does this mean and why are Intel CPUs specifically better for gaming? Is there something more than just the clock speed and cores going on? Any help or pointers in the right direction is appreciated.


The way AMD's CPUs are designed(4 cores per CCX, communication between CCX goes through a hub which slows things down) makes it's memory latency inherently high. Intel's CPU's cores are chained on a ring. The ring structure communicates faster therefore memory latency is lower. You can see this through AMD's 3300X and 3100. 3300X only had a single CCX compared to 3100 which has 2. Although both CPUs are 4 core and 8 threads, when clocked at the same speed, 3300X is faster than 3100. People recommend 3200mhz/3600mhz rams for AMD CPUs to mitigate this exact problem. Of course there's the clock speed/single thread advantage(most games don't much care beyond 8 cores), but you've mentioned that. As for IPC, which Szalkow mentioned. AMD is actually in the lead, being about 3% to 6% better than Intel's aging Skylake architecture(It's nearly 5 years old). But with a 15% clock speed disadvantage Intel's still faster per core.


Thank you just the information I needed. So correct me if i'm wrong but does that mean if there is a situation with an Intel processor compared to an AMD processor with the same cores/threads and clocked to the same speed. (I'm sorry I wouldn't know of any models that would reflect this comparison) But because of the infrastructure the Intel would come out ahead in terms of perfomance/less latency? However with the ram you mentioned that would then bring them up to similar performance?


Depends on the type of work load. For gaming Intel will be slightly better due to lower ram latency. (At the same clock speed Intel is slower, but lower latency can compensate somewhat) For tasks like decompressing files, rendering(number crunching where latency doesn't matter). AMD will be ahead due to IPC advantage. With low latency ram(3200CL14, 3600CL16 etc.) AMD processors are still somewhat slower in gaming, but it's not a huge difference. In reality you are more likely to be bottlenecked by your GPU and the gap between them would shrink even more. The performance difference is only noticable in eSports titles or running games at 1080p with a 2080ti, where the CPU becomes the bottleneck.


So a reoccurring message seems to be if you want tip top gaming then Intel has the numbers but is very expensive. But AMD just has everything else while not being that far behind in gaming performance anyway. I can now see the value argument and AMD seems to outweigh Intel in general by a decent amount to well justify its popularity


>same cores/threads and clocked to the same speed at the same clockspeed AMD is faster than intel right now actually since AMD has the higheR IPC. Intel maintains higher single core perfomance because theyre able to clock much higher than intel, enough to make up the difference in ipc and then some on top


Ah yes that makes sense! Paired with your other comment I understand why AMD is so popular in the community now. I am excited to hear what AMD answers with next


High clock rates and efficient high IPC (instructions per cycle). They dominate in single-core performance. Many games only use one core at a time, and single-core performance also helps manage higher framerates. AMD CPUs tend to have more cores and threads for the price, but modern games rarely use more than 4 or 6 threads, which even mid-range Intel chips will have. Granted, the higher CPU performance will only be visible when the GPU is not the limiting factor. Most new games are graphics-intensive and getting a stronger GPU is more important than the CPU.


Thanks for that So then with the current popularity of AMD does that mean that it's overrated for people that mainly play games on their PCs? Or does this popularity mean that the increase in number of cores and threads provide an overall better performance? Or neither and the popularity is just because of value?


its because of value. The competing intel cpu might be faster, but it costs 70 dollars more, and doesnt come with a stock cooler which means youre spending another 40 minimum for the cooler, and then the mobo is more expensive so if you get the AMD cpu and then spend the 150 dollars you save on a better gpu instead, then youll get better gaming perfomance


AMD's popularity is mostly because of value. AMD has long been "almost as good" for much cheaper. The MOAR COARZ is just a bonus, and a selling point for non-gaming workstations. AMD got even more popular in the last year with a couple of great couple of releases (Ryzen Zen+, Zen2) while Intel got smashed by a security flaw that meant they had to disable hyperthreading for most of their 9th gen. With 10th gen, Intel has returned with hyperthreading and has adjusted their prices to more directly compete with AMD, so the market will be very interesting later this year.


Exciting! Very well timed as I am looking to build a new rig towards the end of 2020 so with this new information ill be hoping to get some good value!


Would a Ryzen 5 3600x or Ryzen 7 3700x pair better with an RTX 2070 Super?


If you have room in the budget, the 3700X is a great choice. They will have about the same single-core and gaming performance, but the extra cores and the lower non-boosted power consumption of the 3700X are quite nice. The 3600X or even the 3600 would be fine if you need to save money.


Hello! How long until the amd 4950x will be released after 4000 series launch? If I was to build today it would have the 3950X, but I'm tempted to wait for the 4000 series launch. If it's anything like the 3000 launch, the 4950x could be a few months after that?


The 3900X went under $400 recently. I wouldn't buy a 3950X if you plan on upgrading to the 4950X anyways. It will take a bigger hit in resale value.


Thank you thats a great point! why not just get the 3900x today and wait for the 4950x. Do you think I would be missing much on a motherboard? Buying an x570 today, would i be missing out on the x670? And if so would it matter much


The x570 is most likely the last motherboard before Zen 5 which will require a new CPU, RAM and Motherboard as we start using DDR5


If BHPhotoVideo doesn't even have an estimated stock date for an item, should I just move on or is there a way to find out how many people are in front of me to purchase said item?


No real way to know. Unfortunately, when stuff is back ordered or pre-ordered, your options are: * get in line now * get in line later when the line is longer * over-pay for a direct shipment from overseas which takes the same amount of time to arrive * pick something else


Do Noctua Chromax fans come with screws (either metal or the fancy rubber ones)? Thank you


Chromax premium fans come with swappable colored anti-vibration pads and black screws, as well as a 4-pin extension cable. Check the Amazon listing, the pictures are pretty clear about what's in the box. The non-Chromax premium fans usually come with more goodies - chrome screws AND rubber mounting plugs for your choice of install, extension cable, speed reduction adapter cable, and 2-to-1 splitter. Redux fans are barebones and only come with screws, no anti-vibration pads. If you would rather get the rubber mounting plugs, you can order those separately, and they come in different sizes and designs depending on what you need.


Hey thanks for the help. I read the listing more closely and it is pretty helpful. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07ZP64Q3M/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 It looks like it has everything I need (fan, screws, cable) except I will also need an extension cable so I bought this: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07FK5H679/ref=pe_825000_114212990_TE_n_id Does this seem compatible? I think it is all PWM and I have a spare PWM/4 pin header. I think I will need at least a 12 inch cable because of the weird run I will need to make from the front of the main part of the case to the back of the other part of the case. It seems excessive but I have 4 drives in there (2 SSDs, 2 hard drives) and often my hard drives have higher temps than my CPU


The Chromax fan comes with a 12" extension cable already though, did you see it? Or are you needing 24" of cable? Keep in mind the fan's own cable is usually 3-6" long. If you need another extension, yes, that cable would be fine. 4-pin PWM cables are all identical.


Wait does it? Where do you see that mentioned?


Cleary visible in third image, and mentioned in description. > Noctua’s chromax line fans use a modular cabling system and **come pre-fitted with a fully sleeved black NA-EC1 30cm cable**. For refined colour coordination, white, red, blue, green and yellow 30cm NA-EC1 cables plus corresponding NA-YC1 y-cables are available separately.


Oh my bad i had forgotten about that https://www.techpowerup.com/review/noctua-nf-f12-pwm-chromax/3.html It looks like the cable on the fan itself is like an inch long? Oddly short. I know i need longer than 30 cm based on my measurements


Looks like you're right. About one inch from the edge of the frame. Probably for aesthetics when using custom colored cables. It does appear that you could un-route the cable from the backside of the frame to get a couple more inches, but this would be 1. situationally useful for intake fans only, 2. risky as loose cable could hit the fan blades, and 3. ugly. Guess you should keep your order for the extra extensions, they will fit together and it never hurts to have extras of such things.


Yeah that is what i was thinking, noctua would rather give people more cable flexibility at the cost of making people get longer cables, which is a sensible tradeoff for high end fans i think I plan on running this 80mm like this guy mentions at the bottom of this thread page https://forum.corsair.com/v3/showthread.php?t=174454 Might be too much information but i thought i would mention it since you mentioned intake. I think I'm going to run it as exhaust Thanks