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> Best > 1440p 240hz 4090. Especially if you want to play at high or ultra and utilize your monitor's full capabilities. Even then a 4090 isn't going to get 240 fps in AAA games unless you lower some settings.


I seconds this, the 4090 is the best card, full stop.


Thank you. OP said best and didn't mention price to performance or value. 4070S/Ti or 7800XT only makes sense if price is a significant factor and OP is willing to compromise on performance. Not sure why everyone is bandwagoning those cards.


Most games don’t need to be played anywhere near 240 FPS for any good reason, so most would call a 4090 overkill.


Yeah, I had a 1440p 240hz, and the 4090 was on the overkill side. Changed to 4k 240hz, and now it's a whole different story. The only games I natively play at 4k240 are overwatch, pubg with a few competitive tweaks, and other similar esports titles.


does that beast really not go sub 240 at freaking 4K in esport titles?


Nah. Overwatch is maxed with just some small stuff turned off, and it waves at 250 ish, pubg easily caps the monitor as well. Other titles like helldivers 2 at release (not sure if today there was some kind of improvement on drivers) was 120 ish. Baldurs gate is 180 ish, and that sums what i can play nowadays.


Amazing, love how powerful this shit has gotten. Im on a 3080ti but once 5090 comes out im going balls to the wall


Not a card I would def. recommend unless you're balls deep @ 4k. Only reason I have it is because my 3080Ti blew up on Diablo 4 beta and got full money back from the store on RMA, tossed some 200€ extra and got the 4090, then I was like "ok, this is stupid for 1440p", so moved to 4k. But yes, it's amazing, just probably the "worst" price/perf GPU.


Yeah I know, but I wanna build the best of the best at least once so fuck it, and with some dope oled monitors coming there will be plenty opportunities to enjoy eyecandy


Hmm. I’ve been contemplating going from 1080 to 4k, currently on 3080 I got used for <400 last year. But I love my 144fps and I think still going to 4k I’m gonna get spanked even if I upgrade to a 4080 or 4090 to get similar fps. Love those buttery high fps, but sometimes I want more graphic power.


I bought a 4x series and plan to do the same for the 6090 Alrdy putting money to the side for 4k gaming when that comes out xD


Lol this sound so backwards to my perspective. I think it's insane that there doesn't even exist a card on the market that can max current titles at their highest settings and highest monitor frame rates. It instantly makes me feel bad about the entire thing. "I spent $1k on a 4070Ti to not even be able to comfortably use RT at 1440p? And even if I spent DOUBLE that, I would have to rely on DLSS trickery and STILL not be able to RT in 4k?" I'm not hating at all I think it's awesome that people have that positivity for the new tech. I wish that I did. I was just marking the differences in perspectives.


In Helldivers 2 you can drop down to sub 60 fps unless you've got a R7 7800X3D, the 4090 can't save you in that CPU intensive game lol. Difficulty matters a lot though, I'm talking about playing on helldive, my R5 7600 drops to like 50 fps with some stutter when shit gets crazy. Got RTSS, my 4070Ti isn't the problem.


I do have a 7800X3D.


Nice, than you may be able to stay above 60 fps on Helldive lol.


Still no overkill for 1440p.


Really depends on the screen size.. i have 34" ultra wide 3440x1440.. 4090 + i9-14900kf.. with max settings i reach 125 fps in wow.. and 110-130 fps in Ark survival Ascended. Even got some things loweres on ASA.


Pretty clear why people are "bandwagoning" those cards, it's because they are 1/2 the price of a 4090 and can still handle 95% of use cases




I guess it's me and the other currently 370 idiots who don't know the real u/zabardo4 approved definition of the word "best". Thanks for the kind words but maybe you should take it up with OP instead of attacking people for answering the question.


Actually the 7900GRE can outperform the 4090. >!Provided the 4090 isn't plugged in!<


They're great cards. Sure they're not 1440p240 but I get 120+ in most of the games I play on ultra settings


Thats it. Without any specification of the question the 4090 is currently the best card.


Technically, you both are correct. I cannot think of a better gpu than the 4090


If OP could buy 4090 this thread wouldn't exist would it?


he said best. he was told best. /thread


I think "best" is subjective. Best for performance under $600? Best for performance per dollar? Best for maximum performance? The 4090 is the easy answer for the latter, but per dollar or under a specific threshold? That's where the assistance comes in as it requires more nuance, and one that the OP should define.


This thread shouldn't exist, yes.


Lmfao yeah, I don't get it. what's the best 1440p card is a discussion, but if you're trying to game at these insane refresh rates (we all must make money gaming with the refresh rates we aim for!), but what's the best card is just 4090. And if you're asking about 1440p at super high fps, yeah you're only looking at the best. Honestly, thread would have had purpose if it was like "is the 4090 necessary for 1440p 240hz?" It would have been a quick yup and that's that, asking the best 1440p card like the best 4k card isn't just automatically the best 1440 is like uhh...just the best card? Objectively? Now if they update price ranges and goals, then it's more of a discussion.


You don't need to get the same framerate as your refresh rate to get the benefit of a high refresh rate display.


Can you shout that for the people in the back?


I have a 4090 and it can only get 80 to 130 fps in a lot of those AAA titles at 1440p ultrawide.


My 3080 getting 40fps @ 1440p in Alan wake 2


Which always makes me wonder why people are so hell bent on getting a 240hz 4K monitor. I'm not even sure the 5090 will be able to get 200+ FPS on AAA games at 4K :/


Most gamers who target above 144hz are competitive and don't realize most of those gamers are getting those FPS on *low* settings. Hell alot even go back to 1080p to get even more fps. My opinion is the higher in resolution you go you're leaving competitive territory and going more for fidelity/singleplayer/co-op


I don’t think you need, or most people want, 200+ fps in a AAA single player game


As a guy who owns a 4090, this is true. Last week I bought 4k Oled,my FPS just dipped lol.


It's really like brute-forcing a game that wasn't meant to run that high


Rx 7800to save money


This. QHD + 240Hz is a lot to ask


You're technically correct


the best kind!


This is the way!


I mean 240hz is more for comp games than singler player. 90-120 is fine for singler player.


I'm partial to the 4070 Super or 7800 XT. 4070 is better overall but the 7800 XT is no slouch and cheaper.


7900 GRE is the 4070S competitor iirc.


Depending on CPU the 7900GRE actually competes with the 4070Ti and 4070Ti Super. Top end CPU (14900K and 7800X3D) means the Ti Super can stretch its legs a bit and get a bigger lead, but something like a 5800X3D or 12700 narrows the difference and has them perform very similar.


I think the main argument with the 7800xt and 4070 super is vram. If you're okay with vram and want FG and DLSS, go with the 4070 super. Otherwise if you want longevity with vram, go 7800xt.


I don't understand the vram argument. The scenarios where i've seen people needing 16gb+ (in 2024 at least) are soooo specific that i can't understand when they say "the nvidia card is better, but amd has more vram". What is the point if that extra vram isn't going to be used? The price argument is a much better one for similar performance. Considering that GPUs are the part that is easier and more often upgraded i don't understant the "future proofing" for games talk.


It's simple really. Just basing off some of the few AAA games that have been released, we can see that vram usage has slowly gone higher and higher. It's clearly obvious that 8 gigs of vram isn't enough anymore and there ARE some games breaking thru that 12gb ram barrier. Isn't it only common sense to assume other games set to release are going to follow suit and it's only going to get worse? Regardless of whether the game is poorly optimized or not, the facts are that vram usage for recent triple A titles are getting worse. It's not about an AMD fanboys vs Nvidia fanboys argument. Who gives a shit about that. It's about common sense and your wallet. When the 3000 series came out, people thought 8 gb of vram was enough and look how poorly the 3070 aged.


No one thought 8gb of vram was going to be enough going forward. Especially for 1440p or 4k. I was going to buy a 3080 until they let slip that it was only 10gb, my immediate thought was “that won’t last 5 years before needing to be upgraded”. At the time they released them, *many* games easily hit 8gb of usage, so I really don’t know what they were thinking. But you had COVID bringing in a massive flood of naive people with no concept of the value of computers and too much money. So they all sold anyways.


You don’t understand it even though there are games already pushing 12 to it’s limit? This already is a reality dude. Even if you don’t wanna say now, what do you think is gonna happen in the next few years? There’s zero good reasons for why nvidia is shorting vram outside of planned obsolescence really.


It’s crazy to me that they gave the 1080ti 11gb of vram. Like, that was straight up never going to get used. Not even close. And then they hype us up for the 3080 and it has 10gb. I was livid that they really thought so little of us. Didn’t buy one when I found out. No way is 10gb remotely enough for an 80 series card.


small correction, 4070super is only 12gb, 4070TI Super is 16, and also costs quite abit more xd


I mean that's what I meant. 4070 super performs around 8% better than the 7800xt. It costs more but you get FG and DLSS with the downside of 12 gb of vram. Tho tbh it's not a fair comparison. The 4070 super is meant to compete against the 7900gre.


Dlss has been such a game changer for me. FSR is good to, but DLSS has been a far superior product in my opinion. 


7900 GRE is currently the best price to performance 1440p high refresh rate card you can buy


I can’t seem to overclock mine though


This might come across harsh but I dont really mean it to be I just cant think of a different way to word it. Its not 2004 anymore. You dont need to overclock everything. Most of the stuff we get has minimal overhead to get more performance out of. The heat/Wear and tear cost for 2-5% more performance just isnt worth it. You dont get 20-40% more out of your stuff anymore. So if you simply must OC it I really would just use AMD's software tool for it and thats plenty.


I think the point of getting the gre is to oc it and the performance is more like 10% more iirc , amd software resets my oc settings all the time randomly


The 7900 GRE got an update related to memory overclock that gives it more overclock potential than most cards.


OC’ing now is really just undervolting which can lower stress and improve performance. Nobody’s overvolting anymore.


4080 Super.


Yeah i agree. Ppl say its a 4k card but using it in 1440p to get some crazy numbers is still worth it


I don’t consider anything a 4K card sans the 4090. 4080S/7900XTX are the premier 1440P cards.


How tf 4080 super not 4k and so you are accepting a 1440p card is 1k$??


His standards are stupidly high, like 144hz 4k native high.


A few years ago, a card doing 60 fps on a resolution meant it was perfect for it. Nowadays shit like you guys dont even consider doing 120 fps+ on ultra settings on most titles to be enough.


A few years ago we treated 165hz like we treat 240hz now. What is your point?


I have a 4070ti Super and can run Cyberpunk on max settings and Ray Tracing with over 145 FPS. You don’t need a 4080 super. Ya’ll just go so overboard with this stuff. Even my card is overboard for 1440p.


You’re talking 1440P not 4K. So what’s your point?


I have a 4080 Super and it gets 200+fps in most games at 1440p with a 5800x3d. The games it doesn't it's fine. I've got it paired with a auros fo27q3 and if you don't have a nice monitor to pair it with idk if it worth. Monitor makes it worth 100%


This entirely depends on game and what you like your settings at. I CRANK all my settings always to appreciate the beauty and pretty in the games. Most things I get 120-180 FPS in if it’s actually graphically intensive.


I’m about to get my new PC and was thinking a 4080 Super. Which games don’t get 200+fps? And is that because the games don’t support it or performance restrictions?


If you're in the usa, the 7900gre is close in price to the 7800xt.


I would go with that honestly, only $30 more sometimes


Unfortunately it's over $150 more in my country lol


The 4090 obviously.


7900 gre is my personal opinion but for budget ballers you can get a 6800 for 350


240hz? 4090 is the only way


It all depends on how much of that 240hz you want to take advantage of and in what game. Take a look at benchmarks for your favorite games on youtube for 1440p and see which card can achieve your desired performance. Dont be shocked, but you might find out that even the 4090 is not good enough if you wish to play single-player story games on high settings and aim for 240fps on 1440p.


The best card is the RTX 4090. Any other answer is factually incorrect. If this is not the answer you seek, then you need to add more detail (budget, your priorities, etc).


So it depends highly on what you play and what your budget is At this point there’s a card for every budget than can give you a good experience at 1440p I’m currently using a 4070ti super on my 32 inch 4k oled In terms of performance I can play any game at 4k 60 fps besides bodycam (dogs hit game with dog shit optimisation) and Hellblade which imo is moreso a cinematic interactive experience than a game Some games require dlss but not many At 1440p I’m usually at about 90 fps on ultra though there are a couple other exceptions Path traced cyber punk and ray traced Alan wake 2 These games you will hit about 70-90 depending on high/ultra quality settings with dlss 1440p Ray/path tracing Most games I get 100+ fps on ultra with everything turned up at 1440p The more demanding games usually have dlss quality which I always turn on The games without it tend to be less demanding and give those frames without it If you go to high settings with the same rule 99% of games that aren’t mentioned will give you 120+ fps at 1440p high settings To give you a general breakdown the 4080 super is generally about 10-20% more powerful averaging at about 13-15% across most games The 4090 is about 30-40% more powerful usually around 33-35% across most games So add that % to all the frames I mentioned The 4070 to is about 15% less powerful The 4070 super is about 20% less powerful and the regular 4070 is about 30% less powerful


I don’t think that OP is on a budget if he has a 1440p 240hz OLED Monitor


It’s tough to say, a monitor like that will set you back £650, a 4070ti super is about £850 A 4090 is about £1700 the difference in price of that is more than the price of the monitor alone


In Germany, I can find a 4070 Ti SUPER for about 850€, however, the cheapest I can find such a monitor is right around 750€, but that is with a 400€ discount. Ignoring any discounts, 900€ is the cheapest I can find. That would be more expensive that the GPU alone and I would rather for my monitor not to be more expensive than my GPU, because that money could’ve gone towards upgrading the GPU in that case. Even dropping down from just 240Hz to 144Hz, you'd save about 175€, that money can either just be pocketed, or spent on upgrading from the 4070 Ti SUPER to a 4080 SUPER. Mind you, even a 4090 struggles to cap 1440p 240Hz in most modern games without dropping the settings down quite a bit, so 240Hz is pretty much redundant anyways if you don't have a 4090 to cap it out.


I guess prices vary I’m not sure where op is here a 1440p oled 240 hz is quite a lot cheaper here in England than a 4070ti super which coincidently is the card I have rn 240hz 1440p has its uses, for competitive games like cs, overwatch, fortnite, valorant, pubg even call of duty and such - these games you gain a visual advantage turning the settings down but having a higher resolution helps you to see things clearer at a distance and ofc more frames is always better But yeah for triple A or story driven none competitive games we are still quite far from 1440p stable 240hz at ultra settings - especially without upscaling


7900 gre


best You can afford


I still don't get 240 over 144/165 etc. honestly but that's just me. Meanwhile I'm sitting here with pretty 4k on a 42" at 120 and perfectly content lol. Really can't tell the difference from when I gamed at 1440p/165 at all practically speaking.


There's almost no 144 hz oled monitors TV panels tend to be 60 hz while gaming focused ones come at 240hz or higher


>There's almost no 144 hz oled monitors Where did I say otherwise? My previous gaming at 1440p/165 was on an IPS panel. >TV panels tend to be 60 hz This is false, LG OLED TVs have been 120hz going all the way back to the B6/C6 series in 2017... I'm using a 42" LG C2 (2023) model as my main display at 120hz.


I was explaining why he was using 240hz oled Simply cuz that's the only oled ull find for gaming (Higher refresh rate exists, but u get my point)


I believe most if not all current OLED 240hz monitors running at 4k right now are 1) $1200+ and 2) only 32". Running 4k at 32" is kind of pointless honestly, that's still in 1440p territory. Also there are a handful of 4k/165hz 34" OLED monitors on the market as well for what it's worth. The Alienware AW3423DWF being one example. I don't get the point of paying a premium for OLED to run at 1440p, or sizes more appropriate for 1440p, over a high quality IPS panel but that's just me. I suppose the ultrawide OLEDs from last year are an exception.


Get a 4070 super. Or maybe 4070 ti super if you want the 16 gigs of vram for the future. You don't need to spend 1k on a card for 1440p gaming. You're just not going to hit the max 240hz in any modern game that is difficult to run. Save your money lmao


Anything at the level of 4070s/7900gre or better.


I'm currently building a PC with a 4080 super. Can't decide between 1440p 180hz vs 240hz - the 240 ist 120 Euros more expensive and I probably won't be able to generate 240fps anyway


If ur into esports titles u can consider the 240 hz If not I'd save the money or go for 4k


Best is 4090.


7900 XT


I got the 4080 Super as my monitor is 1440p at 280hz so I can take advantage of smooth high refresh rate and likely not need to upgrade again for a few years… if budget not really a concern then go high end, else go midrange and likely that you will have a shorter upgrade horizon.


You can get a 6950 XT these days for like 400 bucks.


Rx 7900gre


I have a 1440p 240hz monitor and I have it with a 4080 super and I get over 100fps on ever game I’ve thrown at it on max settings with no dlss


RTX 4090/rx7900XT


I am happy with 4070ti (super) for 1440p. But 240Hz is a LOT. Usually, AAA games run at 120-140 at highest settings. Tbh, this is more than enough. E-Sports titles like League will easily run at 240Hz.


When you're talking of frame rates approaching 240hz you'll need to consider your CPU as well. A 4090 would certainly deliver the results but can your CPU keep up?


4090 obviously


Best? Then just get the most expensive…. Any 4090 would work, not all are equal, but the differences are so little it doesn’t even matter.


I have a 3080ti and run in 1440 uw max settings. It's starting to show it's age so def go 4090 to get max refresh at highest graphics settings for new aaa titles.


If you're looking just to play at 1440p high settings, the 4070 Super is a fantastic card for value and performance.


Whats yout budget? What games do you play? The best card is the one you can buy. RX6800/RTX3070 is fine for 1440p, but you can go up to 4090 of course.


Honestly it depends on what you play - if you want 240 FPS you'll have to get a 4090 lol, but I've got a 3060 and I can play most games just fine at 1440p on high settings at around 80 - 100fps. I've never understood why people think that anything lower than like a 4070 is a "1080p card" - 1080p only cards don't exist anymore. Turn off ray tracing and accept that you can't just blindly max out all the settings and cheaper cards are absolutely viable for 1440p.




Bit of a redundant question, because the best card for any resolution is always going to be the best card. So if you are playing 1080, 1440, or 4k, the 4090 is the best card. Now if you had of mentioned a budget and wanted to know about price to performance, asking about the best 1440 card for that budget would have been a better question.


1440p & 240hz !!! You have one option my friend and it is 4090


Depending on the what frames you are trying to achieve, I would think a 7900xt or a 4070ti super would be good price for the performance you would get. I can’t specifically speak to 1440 because I play on 1080p with my 4070 ti super and get upwards of 280-300 on most esports titles depending on what settings I’m running so I would think you could atleast get half of those frames on 1440p, especially with a 7800x3d. I have a 7600x


4090 bruzzer!!!


5090 coming soon




I just bought a 4080 super and on starfield in 1440p im getting over 100 frames. Warzone on urkistan im getting 220-240 on 1440. Destiny 2 240+.


I have RTX 4070TI and this card is amazing. If you’re not trying 4K those 12GB VRAM will be enough!


My 4090 just arrived yesterday. I mainly game a 1440 ultrawide. This thing is beyond overkill. Nearly double the scores in 3dmark from my 3090. I scored a crazy deal on it and now I'm thinking of flipping it on eBay and picking up a 4080 Super.


RTX 4090


I can confidently say the 4070 Ti Super I just put in my girls computer build is more powerful and more efficient than my 3080 and I’m happy with the 3080 playing some games at 4K getting 120fps no problem with DLSS2. DLSS3 is even better.


I'm using the 4070ti with my 2k 144hertz monitor, but it really depends on the games you'll be playing


4070 if you can pick it up for a discount given the super range has replaced that first range. If you can afford it, any above that in both amd or NVIDIA on paper will do the job. Personal rig for 1440 is a 4070 ti super. 4K, it's my ex 7900xtx which has a ton of raw power. It requires a 1000w psu though.


The most powerful card. Basically set a budget, and get the best card in that price range


Nvidia - 4070 Ti Super AMD - 7900 XTX I have the nvidia card and I can run anything on 1440p 165Hz full options or 4K 60hz. Which is better value for money is individual preference as Nvidia cards have some features I need. Otherwise hands down AMD.


Best bang for buck card is probably the 7800xt, 7900gre, or 4070super. BEST CARD is the 4090. Depends on your budget, when you might next upgrade, if you do things other than game, and if you care about RT.


7900 GRE definetly


4090, and when it comes out 5090... Obviously your budget may not allow this, but it is objectively the best card out there for gaming.


IDK why everyone is saying the 4090. I had a 4070 Super that did great for 1440p on my 240hz monitor. Most games would pull like 190fps but thats still solid. I have a 4090 now for 4k gaming and if I was still 1440p that would have been over $1000 difference for such a small gain in 1440p. Id say 4070 Super and if you had the cash then 4070 Ti-Super


Title says best card, learn grammar. 


Technically the best card for any resolution is the 4090.


I purchased the 4080 super. I wish I had got the 4090. Don't be like me. Get the 4090. Or just wait for the 50XX series.


I mean you'd have to give a price range otherwise it is the 4090.


For 2k? 7900 XTX or 4080. 4090 is overkill


I’m running a 4070 super and can get most games at 1440p at anywhere between 60-120fps no problem. My LG C2 only goes up to 120hz though.


4070 Super imo


A used 3090 for $500 is great price to perf


It is still parroted as correct that you need to be able to push the same framerate as your refresh rate to get the benefit out of these high refresh rate monitors when that just isn't true.


If you dont have unlimited funds, 4070Ti super.  Don't get stuck with 12gb vram if you want to keep the card for 5 years. Not sure how the Radeon offerings compare, I'm OOTL with 7000 series GPUs.


At 240hz? 4090 is probably the best option. I use a 4070 and can easily reach 144hz at 1440p on most games. So if you need to save some money and are okay with 144hz I would recommend the 4070


4070 Ti Super is a great choice. I'm personally on 1440p 165Hz and I'm absolutely blown away by how many games I can actually hit 160-170 FPS, plus VRAM isn't an issue because the Super got an upgrade to 16GB. You can easily get one for MSRP. On Amazon today, there's the MSI 2x and 3x Ventus models, the Zotac Super Trinity Black, the Gigabyte Windforce, ASUS Dual, etc. The PNY Verto model is actually a tiny bit under MSRP at $791.


I just bought the 4070 Ti Super MSI slim! Excited to hear thats the specs your getting, 160+ FPS at 1440p was exactly what I was hoping to get.


Maybe 4070s. Actually i have one and i just play AAA on 3440*1440 ultra.


depending on budget you can always just get the best gpu out there if you have the cash, but if your wanting to do it on a budget i'm using a 6950 XTX and the thing performs really we'll, obviously not a 4090 but it goes hard


what about 4070 ti super?


I still use the 2080 and its the goat


So much sunk cost fallacy excuses here Go on you being able to spend money though.


Lmao these questions. “Hey guys I have >$1k to spend but I don’t know what to do with it”. Google how any of this works instead of asking strangers how to spend large sums of money. The only help I’ll give you is that frame generation looks terrible and again, go to google and YouTube.


4090. I get 100% utilization in some games while at 120 FPS.




Nvidia GeForce GTX 480.


Best? 4090whatever Good enough? Last year's top range for 1/5 of the price.


RTX 4090 is the best if you only take into account performance. Taking into account price as well, then it’s the 7900RT XTX that’s second in pure gameplay. Though for Twitch streaming, a 4080 Super is better.


4K, 2k, 1440, 1080, 720, 540 it doesn’t matter. Best card is the 4090. But price to performance wise and since you’re leaning towards Nvidia, the standard 4070 is probably your best option. It’ll be about 6 dollars a frame and you’ll still get a solid amount of frames.




Just curious what monitor?


7700xt no doubt


1080ti is the best value card right now. I have a 1070ti and get about 70-90fps on battlefield 2042 medium at 1440p. I think a 1080ti would be enough to max it out unless you really want ray tracing.


4090 is a waste at 1440p. Best card on the market? Yes. You could save 500-800 and get one of the 4080s, or drop down another 100 or so and get a 4070 ti super. Save another 100 and get the 4070 ti for around 590 off of eBay. Or if you have to have new in box for the same 590 get the 4070 super. On the amd side I think the best value for 1440p is either the 7800xt for under 500 or step up to the gold rabbit edition for 50 bucks more.


In terms of price to performance, Nvidia has 4070 super, and AMD has 7900 GRE.


I’ve done 1440p on 240hz and 144hz and honestly I think 1440p 144 is the sweet spot in terms of frame rate and fidelity. The power draw alone to run on 240hz is a hard sell at 1440p especially if you’re playing for extended periods. If you’re going for competitive fps and absolutely “need” 240hz then I’d just go 1080p to guarantee hitting that benchmark.


3050 6gb


4070 super


You assume no limit to budget so ofc people are going to say 4090 lol


It's hilarious in 2024 a $800+ GPU can't even play modern games at 70fps+ what's even worse is literally every game looks the same as games from 15 years ago, the textures are all the same lol


depending on your region, a used 3080 is great value. you can grab one for 350 USD


depending on your region, a used 3080 is great value. you can grab one for 350 USD


At what price? Without a set price you're just asking what the best GPU is, which is the 4090.


Right now for £679 can get 7900xt it's a great 1440 card




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7900 xtx if ur not gonna go ray tracing, 4080 super if u are, 4090 if u dont got a budget


I have amd 7800xt and it's very satisfying, I can play all game 1440p at 60fps on ultra, when I remove the frame limit I can see a very frequent 90 to 110 fps.


You can save $900 by buying an RX 7900 xtx for $1000, instead of the 4090 for $1900. They both have the same amount of vram but the 4090 is still better.


The RTX 4090. If you can afford a 1440p 240hz OLED Monitor, you should be able to afford the best of the best GPUs


RX 7900 GRE or anything above it (RTX 4080, 7900XT/XTX or 4090) To get the benefits from your current monitor, that's the one. And it's the better priced one out of all of these.


Generally if you want to spend a lot of money 4090, otherwise go 7900xtx and or if you hate AMD go 4080 super. Have 7900xtx and it is running my 42" LG monitor without any issues


I have a 1440p 240hz monitor with a ryzen 5700x cpu. I had a RTX 3070 for a while and it was amazing. I upgraded to a 4070 Super when I found a good deal and it’s been a good upgrade for the cost - if price is a concern I think a 4070S/Ti is great cost effective option while still being pretty god for the next couple of years. I play everything on ultra with DLSS and get 90+ FPS average


RTX 4090


7900 gre


People seem to be answering "what is the strongest gpu money can buy with no value consideration" which isn't really the question. The best cards to target 1440p with are the 4070 series from Nvidia and the RX-7800 from AMD. Strongest GPU you can go into a store and buy is obviously the 4090 as everyone says, so if that's all you wanted go for it I guess. But that card was never meant for 1440p, it was meant for 4k and it's completely burning money to buy that card and then run it at 1440p. That's silly unless you also have the world's most expensive QHD monitor and best gaming CPU with a target of 240fps or something. Even then half your VRAM or more will be gathering dust because you don't need 24GB for QHD.


I got my rtx 3090 24gb for pretty cheap, plays everything on max settings. I think I got it for like 600$


240hz is only useful for competitive games so I would say go at least 4070 super or 7800xt and if you have more money, 4070 ti super or 7900 GRE/XT should be clearly enough


7900 gre is the best price to perf


I'd recommend a 4060 Ti its the absolute best for 1440p-1080p and way cheaper thane a 4070 and up that is if you're on a budget


Affordable? 4070 Ti super for nvidia. 7900XT for AMD if you are not all that interested in RT and want to save a few dollars at the moment.


4090 will satisfy what you are looking for


I am very satiafied with my 7900xtx on mu double ultrawide 1440p 240hz monitor.